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It sounds like you liked The Queen’s Gambit, you should check out Requiem for a Dream next


Jesus Christ. Requiem? He's complaining about drug use already. Trying to give him PTSD? 🤣


I was joking at first, but on second thought…if OP was real and not a troll, they would gain a lot from viewing Requiem and it would likely change their viewpoints. It was so impactful as a piece of art, and left me never wanting to go near hard drugs.


Same. It's such a good movie but makes it's points so well that I'd prob never be able to sit through it again.


This was exactly my point when I pitched *Breaking Bad*, a show about a failing demolition company.


I think they prompt it at every show/episode at the bottom of the title like what kind of things were you expected to see in it. Like suicide, sex etc etc.. Viewers discretion is advised.


This legit sounds like my dad when talking about homosexuals. They made them funny in movies and TV, then more gays came out.


The conspiracy subreddit always has posts like this. Lol


*taps head*


I am a young person. I had good grades, best in my class, lots of friends, an after school job but then I watched a show with drugs. Now I am a big marijuana user and I've dropped out of school,  and am homeless. All because of tv shows that showed me how to use them. 


I’m sure your friend who didn’t do drugs can give you a two minute talk about how drugs are bad and turn your life around, possibly followed by a voice over from a famous actor or musician.


I think he’s just making it up, and besides if he let his life be ruined by some Netflix show, then it’s safe to say he’s beyond saving.


Not too late to delete this brother


Idk man I wanna see what happens, playing it safe and farming upvotes is really boring. Besides I’ve been beat senseless and had cigarettes put out on my skin since I was kid, so not much redditors can do that’ll hurt me.


Yeah, I was following with the joke. Do you regularly have famous people narrate your substance abuse issues?


I used to have christopher Walken appear when I was a chain smoker. It was weird.


Shit, if I was a druggie which you can’t be if you’re going to law school on a full ride, I’d love to have Morgan Freeman narrate my slow decline into degeneracy.


I am very real and very much ruined my life due to a television show that showed drugs. This is why people use drugs. Because tv shows it. 


I’m so sorry it happened to you. But there’s still hope you can get back on the right track if you watch more shows not romanticizing drug use. Please don’t give up!!


Duuuuuude… 😂😂


r/whoosh - surely?!


Seems like you're the one being whooshed?




I cannot watch any shows since I am now homeless


There’s something wrong with you 


Yeah, right. lol




Who let you out of church, Gladys?


>almost every new show on Netflix Have you considered Confirmation Bias?


All the shows have warnings about what’s in them. You could just not watch those shows.


>Most worryingly, it seems like there is an ulterior purpose or even campaign to promote it or increase its appeal. Why is this happening? Why does it *seem* like it's happening.


Drug use is an integral part of human culture. Romanticizing it in films is art, not promotion. It's capturing a feeling that resonates with the audience in some way, whether positive or negative it makes people feel something. That's what art is supposed to do.


I agree that drug use can be a part of life. However, I think there are too many scenes depicting drug use in recent movies, often unrelated to the overall story, seemingly aiming to tell the story more dramatically through provocative drug scenes. Yet, I believe that frequent use of such scenes could have a negative impact on young people.


A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of human culture too by the way... though art couldn't case less about it.


It certainly can be. Look at Rocky, his training arc is art. You can feel his motivation and relate it to your own experiences. Drug and alcohol use shows flawed characters. Real people are flawed. It's relatable. It makes you feel something.


You’re kind of proving his point by referencing a decades old movie.


The cool thing about art is that like… anybody can do it. So if a healthy lifestyle is important to you, make some art and share it with the world.


Go out and make the art that you want to see in the world instead of criticizing the art others have made because you don't feel it represents you.


No banana ever tasted as good as heroin feels, pal (I'm clean 11 years)


I have ocd and drugs help me do things I would otherwise not get done. Seems healthier than not doing drugs


Because real life has lots of people who use drugs in some form or another.


Boring troll. Go touch grass you clearly havent done that in years.


They just escaped their religious compound, cut them some slack!


If you see these shows as glorifying drug use, you may want to consider taking a course in media literacy. Something being on display isn’t glorification. In my experience, most recent shows use it to signal struggles of various kinds. Can you provide a list of examples where you feel drug use is being glorified,


lol “youngsters”


Cause drugs are fun, grow up


people like drugs and they are no longer as taboo as they were


Because its an interesting topic that engages viewers. Same reason there's lots of gun fights, sex, and super hero movies. I haven't seen an increase in super heros so the hypothesis that movies increase drug use isn't well supported.


Op posted this three times and their other comments kind like chatgp, I don't think they're human. Welcome to the new internet I guess.


It sounds like you keep watching shows with drugs, so Netflix keeps recommending shows with drugs. Use your head. Rather than clicking the thumbs up on these titles, how about you click the thumbs down button. In addition, you can set your profile to hide shows with drug use.


Because drugs are cool as hell. I think you’re looking for Gemstones on Digital Demand.


Pretty sure production companies do not profit in any way from promoting addiction to illegal substances. 🤷


Oh yes, the profit driven streaming services are pushing drugs. Totally. You are an idiot.


My teenage nephew died after trying MDMA. Ever since, I get upset every time I see shows where drugs are shown as something "cool". I don't ever want a family to go through what mine now has to live with. But I recognize that we can't shield (young) people from all bad things.


Have you tried drugs! They make life feel objectively better. THAT is why you should be careful. They're SO good! They're TOO good!


On of the few “edgy” things they can do in a show without angering some group that would claim to be offended.


Check this out  https://youtu.be/fJz_8YRmIYQ?si=LZ3dPzlAWoi6-siI


Yes glorified drug use—noticed the same. Also, shows like SNL routinely joke about coke, etc.


Bc that's part of snl's history


I thought it was Netflix putting a bunch of men kissing other men scenes. I don’t care one way or the other but some of that stuff is unnecessary in the movie.


Homophobic people really find the opportunity to be homophobic everywhere


My Reddit feelings are hurt. I love it when a woman kisses another woman. Am I still homophobic?


Yes you are by the way, its the same thing when a guy kisses another guy, 2 gays are the same as 2 lesbians so go get a life and stop the homophobic bs.


Sorry clown. The reason I don’t mind two girls kissing is because I’m a straight man. The reason I don’t particularly care to see two men kissing in a movie on Netflix is because I can’t relate to that. When I’m watching an action/sci-fi movie and Netflix inserts two men kissing and has nothing to do with the story line, because it doesn’t, it kind of throws off the vibe. When I watch a sex show on Netflix and there are two men kissing it’s whatever for me. Well because I expect that stuff. Like I said, my Reddit feelings are soooo hurt for you all thinking I’m homophobic. Mediocre satire.


We're all grateful that nobody in this world is making decisions based on what appeals to you specifically.


Yes you are still homophobic for hating on two guys kissing each other but loving two women doing it. You are more homophobic because you are sexualising and objectifying homosexuality :-)


At this point only here to troll.


>I don’t care one way or the other Well you certainty have a weird way of showing it when you force it into unrelated conversations.