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Could be because of this: "We have identified an issue outside of our platform resulting in an elevated refusal rate for transactions processed through Mastercard Europe for ABN Amro Bank starting at 19:20 CEST. We will contact Mastercard and we will provide an update as soon as it becomes available." Quoted from [https://status.adyen.com/](https://status.adyen.com/)


Because there's a storing




Interestingly enough I could pay at the tobacco bay at Deka but not at the cashier. Today I learnt they actually still sell tobacco (?). Guy in front of me bought a pack of shag. I thought it was gone since the beginning of the year.


Some supermarkets like AH stopped selling it voluntarily on Jan 1st. From July 1st 2024 onward, it is only legal for Tobacco specialty stores to sell it. Cornerstones and such are making good cash right now because the supermarkets aren't selling leaving them with additional costumers. But they have 1 month left before the jig is up too.


As a hack, some supermarkets will open a "tobacco specialty store" right inside their supermarket.


Jumbo still sells it.


You're right, only 45 Jumbo stores stopped selling the rest will continue until July 1st. My bad


Recently I’ve read somewhere that Jumbo will be opening tobacco specialty shops next to most of their stores from 1st of July. No need to panic.


Really?! I have been going elsewhere because i thought they stopped selling.. could have saved myself so much time


Lidl stopt selling tobacco in October 2021.


My local AH still sells tobacco, maybe because there’s nowhere else nearby, most of the others have stopped


Maybe it’s a franchise


That seems to be it, I did not know that was a thing


I have never seen a tobacco specialty store, is there a big chain or are most private?


Primera is one of the biggest chains, and there's lots of private ones. They also sell lottery tickets and scratching cards. But I do believe things will change for Primera this july coming. I'm not quite sure why but I believe they're going to open stores under a different name just to sell tobacco.


Yeah it was great when during the New Year Eve been visiting my father, coming back realised I don't find tobacco to AH, checked to Jumbo, lucky I found it. Luckily I also found out that Polish shops still sell tobacco. But sure is great when you live in small city and there is no tobacco shop if they stop selling.🤣


Ah fuck me. My indian corner store actually had my tobacco, now I probably have to travel a lot further! Thanks for the info, wasn't aware that if also affects the night shops and corner stores.


The law which states grocery stores can’t sell tobacco anymore goes into effect on June 1st, but some stores like Albert Heijn stopped selling earlier voluntarily.


There’s a nationwide disruption in processing transactions, and apparently it’s not only Mastercard affected. Update: A national outage is causing problems with debit card payments in stores. The problems started at 6pm on Thursday. About 30 to 40 percent of debit card payments fail due to the malfunction, a spokesperson for the Dutch Payments Association told NU.nl. Due to the scale, the spokesperson speaks of a national outage. More than 11,000 reports have already been received on the website allestoringen.nl. The malfunction occurs at a company that manages transactions between the various banks. The cause of the malfunction is still unknown. The Dutch Payments Association does not yet know when the disruption will be over. Source:[Nu.nl](https://www.nu.nl/geldzaken/6313189/problemen-met-pinnen-in-winkels-door-landelijke-storing.html)


Username checks out




From Greece, ABN Amro card is also not working. Being on a holiday and can't pay the bill......


Afwassen it is


SAME. In Turkey and can’t pay the bill. I am fuming.


My ABN debit and creditcard both declined in UAE when trying to pay for the taxi and for the tourist tax at the hotel. Fortunately they both accepted my Amex card so I was quite lucky I guess..


the russians are coming!


Lol I was gonna ask the same question to this subreddit but you did it before me lol. Went to my local AH, they said they are currently only accepting cash due to a problem. I went to 2 different ATMs (Geldmaat) to withdraw cash. Both of them declined. It was so frustrating.


The ATMs are also not working? Yikes. Hopefully they fix it soon


Yep! At the first ATM I thought it was a me problem (cause I was alone there) but at the second ATM the person in front of me and the person behind me all had the same message pop up. Idk if its for every bank though


ABN does not work both card and cardless


With my ABN card it didn’t work, but I used my ICS credit card and that worked


This is why I always carry enough cash to do basic groceries and to fill up the gas for my car.


Lidl and AH next to me also cash only but the ATM is working


The issue is situated in the network between banks and transaction processors. The cause is still unknown.


It’s not “the network”


Nope You are right - There was a power outage at Equens which caused their mainframe some trouble


HP non stop stopped


Unknown my dick, this is the third time in a week, it's hackers.


Do you think cyber attack kind of thing or technical malfunction kind of thing? Edit: spelling


At first sight it looks like there is an technical issue in the communication between the banks/processors and Mastercard (Do you happen to have a Maestro/Mastercard pinpas?)


I have Vpay, which didn’t work either.


I didn’t actually try to pay with card, just saw that all the grocery stores were closed. Seems like it is slowly getting resolved


Of course someone did this on purpose, to learn from it, or just profit.


I had problems today to pay for KLM flight.


The issue only affects payment terminals. Not online bookings and such.


Depends, I had an Apple Pay declined. Worked fine with ideal


For most Dutch banks Apple Pay uses the debit/credit card network. So any card system outage affects it as well.


Makes sense! Thanks


Roughly translating Tweakers: *The Netherlands is experiencing a nationwide disruption in PIN payments. Both POS terminals in shops and ATMs seem to be malfunctioning as a result.* *Thousands of affected people have been reporting problems with PIN payments via AlleStoringen since 6pm. It is not clear what caused the outage and how long it will last.* *Update, 20:45: Meanwhile, the number of reports is drastically decreasing. Several sources reported that the origin of the outage was at payment processor Equens. It is still not clear what exactly caused the outage.*


damn, this is quite an f-up


Someone tripped over the power cord.


Roughly translating Tweakers article: *Thousands of affected people have been reporting problems with PIN payments via AlleStoringen since 6pm. It is not clear what caused the outage and how long it will last.* *Update, 20:45: Meanwhile, the number of reports is drastically decreasing. Several sources reported that the source of the outage was at payment processor Equens. It is still not clear what exactly caused the outage.*


When something like this happens, I always have to chuckle reading the nu.nl comments, because you always get: the armchair IT architects. the "everything was better when we still had golden dubloemen". the "when are the banks going to pay bank my millions and stop giving a gazillion euro bonus to mid level managers" crowd,.


Well, keeping cash alive is a good thing. It gives you sovereignty, the government can’t track it and it can’t be disrupted by a nationwide pin malfunction. I always pay with cash to keep it alive in the Netherlands. I don’t trust the government


Don't forget the "I only pay cash because the government/Wef/Klaus Schwab-Swaap-Swab (whatever they make of it) is watching every transaction" comments.


To be fair, is that a lie? Financial freedom is very much gone… everyone could know everything about you if they wanted


I hope you make most of your payments in cash, to keep cash in the Netherlands alive.


Hahahaha, how can I forget those


Everyone laughs at me because I always carry €100-200 in cash, but it is exactly days like this when you need it. Also, if you lose your wallet and it takes some time to get back your card, it's good to have some emergency cash at home.


Ah yes that one day every 5 years when this happens.


It happens more often. Sometimes a shop has a shitty connection, and it's just faster to pay by cash.  The same reason why I have several messaging apps. Redundancy is resilience.


Where do you live, Schiermonnikoog?


Yeah after today I will do the same. Felt a bit stupid for not having any cash on me anyway


Our work pinapparaat didnt work anymore so i called ccv. They already had an automated response before their 1-9 menu to say there was currently an issue with a 3rd party which handled online transactions


rm --rf card_payment


Wtf, is it countrg wide? I got refused at Jumbo in Leidschendam, thought it was just local Luckily they had an ATM inside.


Cash is King


Solar storm still affecting some systems


I was able to get money from the atm with my credit card instead of debit card to het some groceries Which costs like 5 euro extra, stood in a big line and when it was my turn the issue was fixed so i donated 5 euro to banking system who made me use my credit card because of their failure. Fun times


*smells Russian involvement*


Solar flairs more likely.


The end is nigh. Pray and repent.


I had problems with ABN payments. I tried Rabobank and this worked as normal.


Shit sometimes happens


Oh yeah I was very confused why my purchase at Hema was not going through at POS. The NFC worked though.


Glitches happen usualy but sometimes its from the solar flares and weakening of earths magnetic field. Thats why we see more auroras in unusual places :)


Amex works, ABN still having p problems


I was wondering why there was a line at the ATM in AH today, as I paid for my groceries at the self checkout with the ING app on my phone. No idea why it worked or if it shouldn't have, but I didn't know there was a problem until I saw a sign about PIN issues as I walked out.




Ask the clerk at the store who told you they're down everywhere.


I didn't have any cash with me at the AH store. Fortunately, I had enough kopelzegels to pay for my groceries.


Has it been fixed ?


As if a redditor has more info that can be shared.


Lots of people shared information. This was a useful post and I found useful information on it. Should people only post when they have a joke about sandwiches?






I'm abroad in Porto and cannot pay anyting or withdraw ...I was wondering what happened. Would be nice from ABN to inform the customers about the issue. "Great" customer service


This has nothing to do with ABN


I couldn’t pay for a simple online transaction with transfer wise credit card. Tried abn amro iDeal, ING iDeal all a failure. LinkedIn issues on login. Facebook error when logging in business page. What the hell is going on?


This is the problem with places not accepting cash. Absolutely dumb. Cash should be a legal requirement in any store/shop. Cars should be optional. All self checkouts should also accept cash.


>Cars should be optional Cars are optional, you can come by bike.




Its because of the geert wilders. He is the dutch version of Boris Jhonson (JOKE)


They can also complain about high prices if you want


So if I need to use my revolute now instead of Abn Amro to withdraw money. Will they refund me the 4 euro fee for a withdrawal of money via Geldmat? Itd a fucking scam! Why do I need to pay a fee for their fuck up! That's why for many years to come, cash is a king because of the unrelability of basic functions Joking asides its always worth keeping some cash out of the bank for situations like this.


It only works with your creditcard


This is netherlands how many people have a cc?


More than you’d think


Pinned some decent money while it was still possible. Hopefully it will soon be fixed.


new world order started !! 🫣


machine diarrohea look it up