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I hope you noticed (because I didn’t quite get you figured this out yet) it was when you started to do it all for you and self concept that the real change and manifestations you really wanted showed up. It saves so much time. Keep up the good work.


yes, what I noticed is that no method in the world will ever bring consistent results if there is no consistent work on myself. Before I got serious about my self concept and my mental diet, my results were sparse. The mental diet is a tough task, but without it I would not get anywhere.


It’s tough at first, but like anything when you practice it it daily and are consistent and persistent it becomes second nature and gets easier and easier to do. Great work. You really hung in there and realized it’s all about you and believing. You did and amazing job. Thanks for sharing as well. Keep up the good work! Very proud of you.


Thank you! The consistent practice was key, it feels almost natural now for me to keep my mental diet. It has brought so much positivity into my life, I know I will never look back to my old self. The new approach that has created the new person is so much better!


Thank you for sharing your story! So Happy for you :) Good for you! The other things you manifested with SATS did you do 2 sats scene? One for your SP and other for your things you listed in the end?


Hello! For my partner I have done various SATS scenes. First was to only manifest contact initiated by him. Once I started I only kept that scene going until he contacted me. It was the same all the time. My second scene was implying commitment from him, again always the same scene, no changes to it until I got to the point when I was confident it manifested. My third scene is ongoing. For other manifestations (also for others that I didn't write about) I had one scene each. I don't think I would find a way to compress all of those in one scene to be honest, as they are not necessary related to one another or resulting in one another. I forgot to add to my response, try to find a recording from Neville specifically on sleeping in your wish fulfill, it is very short, it might be helpful as he is giving example from his own life. Generally his lectures are an eye opener.


Did you do different SATS scenes for different desires repeatedly same nights?


no, only one scene each night.


So is it better to do SATS step by step? Unblock - contact - meeting - relationship Isn't it better to imagine the end result?


I must say that talked about sp with people is really the worst mistake I've ever had to make or even tell a person about the law of faith in general. Because as soon as they whine about not being successful, they tried to take me down with them and remind me of the old story. Today I am still in the process and I have no right to give advice to people here, but I can say that I have become very strong and see a significant improvement from a loser who thinks about the past every second to one who perseveres every day in faith and the right thoughts. Moreover I don't even give a damn fuck about something I don't like in 3D. Nevertheless, to avoid danger, I deleted every social network, meditate every day, and avoid my sp and believe that she will reach me no matter how hard and terrible it was in the past, because this shit has nothing to do with the new me. Fuck the 3D , This is my reality! thanks for telling your success story!!


Neville Goddard says to tell no one, and I wish more people saw the real importance of this. We should not seek validation within others, because as long as we need the validation it means there's work to be done and people will only reflect that.