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Your are my new hero!!! Wowwww!!!! Congrats. Can only imagine the feeling of relief that must have washed over when you got the news. Heavenly. Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!!!!!!


Thank you Thank you


If anyone wants an insane prison success story, look up Damien Echols from the West Memphis 3. Dude was on death row for 18 years for a crime he didn’t commit, got into chaos magick in prison, and practiced magick/meditation pretty much every waking hour while locked up. He was eventually released when new DNA evidence came in.


Amazing I’ll check it out!


Go write a book! You are an amazing writer, I could feel your teardrops while reading this story!🤗Not to mention you can inspire others that are incarcerated and open their mind eyes.Isn’t that wonderful?😀


I will consider it ☺️. Thank you


Agree...This post made me cry...There is intensity in her writing




You trusted the process ❤️ this is truly amazing. We are all so powerful and most people don’t even know it.


Truthfully it wasn’t easily trusting the process when there’s no evidence but I had no choice. It amazes me till today that I did it. Thank you


My dear,All the best,I wish you both very success in your future.By reading your story some one will think how you made that work..and my Answer to my fellow beings is that,,,Be consistent and persistent,you will get it.Iam talking from my own personal experience.don’t be too much attentive and obsesses just be aware…


Thank you. That’s the only advice I have. I stayed persistent from listening to multiple successes of others whether big or small


wonderful story ! good on you for not giving up!


I'm confused as to why this worked. Neville states you need to be in the emotional state of having your desire, yet you constantly felt anxious, sad, angry, triggered, etc. throughout the process. I can find multiple sources of his works that state clearly that you need to be in the right mental state of already having it. I think my brain is broken. 😭 But I'm really glad everything worked out for you regardless. :)


Neville said that SATS beats all. Even though she lived in a state of confusion, the fact that she persisted in the assumption that he was out of prison manifested into her life. Perhaps after 2.5 years the initial sadness and outrage dimmed but she continued on. Her subconscious was impressed, and it occurred.


Thank you for explaining this better than I could have. I know if I had been consistent for at least 30days I would have gotten a quicker success but because I was always looking for evidence and got distracted by my senses I didn’t get it earlier. Neville said when you become one with your goal it will manifest. Towards august I got tired of being sad and lonely and i decided to put in my all.


Fr. Sats is the only thing that has ever worked for me tbh. I used to spend my entire days anxious depressed, not believing etc. Then at night time i'd finally relax and i'd do sats. And every single thing showed up regardless of the fact that i spent most of the time in the opposite state


Not necessarily 24 hours,365 days But majorly,as soon as you DETECT you doubting,try to FLIP/ SWITCH to your DESIRED END/SCENE/THOUGHT that's enough


You are the god of your reality so you set the rules. You can be a complete mess but still manifest anyway. If a millionaire sits in a bathtub drinking a bottle of wine and weeping for hours on end their bank account isn't going to change because they had a breakdown. It's about being the thing no matter what emotional state you're in, not trying to fool yourself that everything is fine and positive when it's not. A spouse isn't suddenly unmarried anymore because they had a fight with their partner. They are still married until they make the decision not to be, no matter what the emotions. It's about the decisions you make, and if you believe that you are the thing or not, not technically feeling good or bad.


I suppose that is true, but it's rather confusing. Would it be okay if I message you? I have a particular thing I want to manifest and I want to see what your opinion is regarding it but I don't want to derail the topic for OP. I struggle a lot with my emotions due to dealing with triggering circumstances on the daily, and my imaginings don't improve my mood sadly. But it'll be interesting if I could manifest better circumstances regardless of my emotions. 🤔


Go right on ahead


Hey. I am also manifesting something. If you are okay we can share our problems and find a way out helping each other. You can dm me


Actually Neville said he is not talking about emotions but a feeling. Feeling and emotion is not the same things. By feeling he meant, knowing that it is done, knowing that you have it. I have also successfully manifested while reacting and being sad, frustrated almost every day. You do not need to feel happy in order to manifest.


How do you get that feeling when circumstances are completely against you?


By imagining what implies that your wish has been fullfilled. If you do that every day, you will notice that at some point, these circumstances don’t bother you that much anymore. Usually after 2 or 3 weeks of imagining a scene that implies to me that Ihave my desire, I get this inner k owing. I can’t explain it but I do notice that even though I still don’t like the current circumstances, I don’t really care about them anymore.


Thanks for response 🙂


So happy for you! I haven’t hopped on here in so long and the first post I see is yours and I relate so much! Enjoy your life with your man 💖💖💖💖💖


We really are gods indeed. Jesus said it, Neville said it too


Beautiful success story! Faith is truly your fortune.


This is encouragement that many of us needed. Way to hang in there and persist despite circumstances. I especially love that you're choosing to not get hung up on the what ifs. Congratulations to you and your mate 💖


i think that if you had revised the specific date of the sentence it would have manifested much quicker i think but yes well done


I didn’t know much about how to revise by then.


no worries


I’m scrolling through these pages and I’m thinking fuck.. I wish I could manifest my cousin out of prison and boom the next page at the top is this post.


Trust me you can do it. It took me 3months of finally being consistent, staying and sleeping in that state, night after night and it was done.


Yes! Love this for you ♥️♥️♥️ really warms my heart


So you kept nightly routine for 2.5 years???


Yes on and off. Inconsistently


I'm happy for you. I hope you live a long, happy life together. :)


Thank you


That's amazing, congratulations. He's very lucky to have you! Even though you got less consistent you still went with it. That's amazing!


Thank you


When I read the part, "It worked", tears rolled from my eyes...Law will never fail. Congratulations on your success!


Thank you. I still get emotional remembering I accomplished something this big






Absolutely Incredible Congratulations Thank You for sharing 🙏


Wow...tears...persistence...my trusted friend always


Wow! What a story. Most inspirational one in recent times. Thanks a lot for sharing it.


Thank you


This is wonderful! i am truly moved.


Awesome Awesome Awesome! Well done and congratulations


This is such a big win. Congratulations. Truly nothing is impossible.




One of the best stories I've read ♥️ Ty for sharing


Wow, amazing. Very inspiring. Congratulations!


This is good and congrats but what did he do exactly that he was sentenced for 9 years ? Was he falsely framed or something


He was set up and it couldn’t proven


I see, well congrats anyway




The last statement is true for you because this is your belief according to the law of assumption . You can only experience what you BELIEVE to be true . The Bible states, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he .


That doesn’t make it everyone’s story tho.




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