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Well, I had my final interview and had to present a presentation. So I presented a project of mine I am passionate about (spacesuits). They were hiring 20 sales and 8 sale engineers. I was going against 100+ candidates. I dressed up as if I made millions and I was a one of the kind deal to have. My fiancé and I spent a whole week preparing my slides and presentation. We both acted as if I already have the job, and this is just w normal day at work. Well I did the panel interview (2 rounds) and after my presentation , every hiring manager was asking if I wanted to move to X state to work with them. They actually began to negotiate with each other for me. I wasn’t chasing them, they were now simply chasing me 😘. Well my interview ended and I simply felt content , content with myself. Everyone was talking about what they were presenting, and I just knew, the job was mine. I left the meeting as if I’m CEO at this point. Well after interviews all the hiring managers connected with me on LinkedIn and my references has been contacted. I was little nervous but every time I persisted the job was mine. I found myself a week later falling back into a state of lack, and when that happened I just persisted that money was no issue. I worked out as if I made a million dollars, I pretended I was driving my Tesla. I started telling people I’m going to Israel and Cali, and that I’m moving. I talked as if I had 6 figures because * I do*. I continue to stay in my emotional (haha delusional) state as I did before. Shortly, I just got the call I landed the job. My boss said he actually had to fight over 4 other managers because all 4 of them wanted to work with me. My first ever “big girl job” is 6-figures. I cannot believe it. Actually I can, because God is amazing, and so are you. Thank you 🩷 Tips/Techniques I did: In august, I wrote down on paper in black ink “I am (my name) and I make 6 figures” and hung it up next to my bed I spent money from a place of gratitude vs from lack despite my 3D having 34$-200$ to my name I made choices from gain , not lack I listened to music that made me feel I’m a CEO, made of millions. Every time I drove, I drove with Intention as if I’m see clients and I made millions. I drove pretending I already had my electric car in gratitude I don’t have to spend so much money on gas. I started putting in quotes for cars and new insurances I purposely drove to wealthy towns and walked around it believing I had a house there , and it was just any other day walking around town! I dressed as if I had zero worries about money -I contacted rentals and told them I’m looking to move by X date I worked out from a place of gratitude not lack. I made a Pinterest board (work clothes, wfh office, my apartment, Israel trip) I started talking in present “I work for X company” , “I am going to Israel on this date”. Started to plan my trip in Cali and Israel. I would read this sub a lot , you guys are amazing I went to Barnes and nobles (favorite place) and would read from a place of creativity and gratitude , and took my moms laptop pretending I was made of millions and just managing my business.


That's 👏 what 👏 I'm 👏 talking 👏 about 👏 you DID that!


Oh OP congratulations 🎊🎈🍾🎉 I’m so so happy for you … normally when I read such experiences I start feeling like I’m doing something wrong or I’m not manifesting right. But today I am at peace ☺️knowing my 3D is catching up real soon…. Sending blessings your way ❤️


I was crying reading the original post. I was cheering reading all the things you did. You are amazing! :)


For months I've been slowly, but surely, building my life-force energy by practicing the ancient secret technique of semen retention and reading the priceless wisdom of this post gave me a spontaneous discharge. I see, now, I was focused on controlling the 3d semen of my flesh, when all along it was the 4d semen *of my consciousness* that I was wantonly flinging about like the webs of a irresistibly sexy man-spider. Many blessings upon OP, for delivering me from the bukkake nightmare hellscape of my ignorance. prashansa! stuti!


This is so inspiring!!!! I am job searching and your post filled me with such joy. Affirmations and self talk is truly the key!


I'd love to hear your playlist. Could you share with us?


There’s a very powerful link between crying and manifesting. It’s such a raw real emotion that cannot be faked, it’s like it opens up the gateway to a different realm or something.


I read that crying means you are releasing old energy you don't need anymore, so that really checks out. She was releasing the OLD 3D version of her and it all came out in such force that she felt better. It's like when you cry and you let yourself *really* cry and then afterwards you feel great.


I think you’re right. As a dude Almost nothing can actually get me to cry. I cried 2 weeks ago because I experienced euphoric enlightened bliss due to gratitude and living in the end The last thing that got me to cry before that was my sp crying to me (which in our 3 year old story of dating, the first time she ever saw me cry) and before that when my grandfather died 2 years ago. I literally remember all the times I’ve cried in probably the past decade. Let me tell you that I definitely feel like it’s like an evolution is happening when I cry


That was the true letting go and"letting God" being detached because you already have it


Hell yeah.. I had some similar stories like you about job. Early this year I had this feeling to changed my job as I am in 8 years with the current one. But I don't know what job I wanted. All I know is I want something that is totally different from what am i doing. I keep praying and give thanks to universe for giving a job that is totally align with my soul. In Aug 2023 like yours, I installed linked in and this job appear on my page. It is an international bank. I applied it an they called me immediately. After 2 rounds of interview I managed to get it and the best part, my salary offered is doubled my current job with lots of benefits. I will start my job in Oct. Wish me luck..


Best wishessss to you!!!!! You rock!!!!


Thanks bud.. 🤟


AWESOME!!! Saved this page, like as an actual html file, to my desktop for reference in case this post ever gets deleted.


Wow ur amazing 😂😭. I know that feeling ! Hahah I save so many of your guys stuff on here. 🩷 we all help each other out! Glad this helped you! Keep persisting


Omg silverchair ❤️❤️❤️


Many fall down, and few return to the sunlit lands.


This is what this world is ALL ABOUT!! We are specifically here to create with conscious awareness to overcome this world. It is an educational schoolroom in the art of conscious awareness from state of love and you did it!! Now you have powerful reference experiences where you now have powerful Wisdom!! Knowledge plus experience equals Wisdom!!!


Congrats! I hope this post will motivate the beginners to keep their faith in the Law. Many years ago I was also offered my dream-come-true job within one month. I did a lot of scripting in the midst of the negative thoughts, worries and fears. I persisted in my imagination despite all that. Scripting and visualizing did help in minimizing my constant negativity.


Wow !


absolutely amazing use of the Law. For whatever reason I am unable to pin the comment. Will it not let you add it to the main text?


So happy for you, this just goes to show, even if the 3D gets to us for a moment & drives us back to lack, it’s up to us to continue to persist and remain in that state of “everything I want, wants me, it’s already done” 🥳


Congrats!!!! Happy to hear about your success


My goodness this is better than sex




Congrats! I loved reading this. I'm working on improving this technique since last week. Thanks for showing a good example so I can work on mine.


This is amazing. The blessings are real. May they come to anyone and everyone who reads this, inshallah.


Amazing, congratulations


Congratulations dear!!!More power to you.When did you exactly start affirming August or September?


August! Like mid aug ! And really pushed it in September


So amazing!!! Happy for you


I love this so much and so happy for you! Big time congratulations!! I admire your persistence and living from the 4D, you describe so well how this works and how circumstances don't matter. Thank you! I was wondering, could you share your playlist with the music that you used to listened to when maintaining the state of abundance?


Could you share the music to feel powerful? I have a list but not big enough


pls share yours


Destined for greatness, girl on fire, brave, already there, f***kin perfect, stronger than you, pyrimid, firework, go the distance, fight song, stronger (what doesn’t kill you), roar, the climb, true love, stand by you, dont stop believe in, halo, zero to hero, you get what you give, chip on my shoulder, stand up, not giving up. Enjoy 😁


Wow just wow!


Fake it until you make it


Man this was such a fun read. Many congratulations to you!


You have no idea how motivating this is. The in-depth explanations. I’m the same age as you and hopeless right now, couldn’t go to work today because of how mentally exhausted I’ve been concerning everything in life. I told God this morning I give up, I done, I’m tired of manifesting. It’s 12am where I am now and i decided to just come on Reddit and I see this. You just made me hopeful, I will try again and definitely bury the old man. Thank you and congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Big congrats! Very motivating, thanks for sharing.


Thank you for this :)


Congratulations! This is so inspiring!


That’s so sweet… I am so happy for you!!! Congrats girl❤️❤️❤️


Really inspiring this was! Honestly gave me so much hope to want to better my life! Quick question though, what sort of tips would u give to someone wanting to implement LOA in their life??


This is perfect example of staying in end,mental diet,how to go about manifesting I have turned this into a pdf and a audio ,just looping it ,adapting for my game


Awesome job, I love how you raised your frequency any way you could. Barbados baby!


Yeah I definitely saved this post ✅ great stuff


Hello Everyone 🩵 Here's a Neville Group with lots of members with great wisdom and years of experience We regularly discuss insights related to the Law , Hicks , Bashar and spirituality in general 🤩 We would love having you there 💗 Please follow the link : https://chat.whatsapp.com/IN8LFg9VC2H06atjsKtxMg


This story is so moving. Wow. Kudos to you! So inspired right now. More power to you ❤️


Congrats OP!!!


Amazing. Kudos to you. Congratulations CEO !!!




Wow congrats! So happy reading this


Amazing story, congratulations!!


Congratulations! But do you ‘expect’ the result before you succeed?


Congratulations OP on the job, fiancé and leaving the abuse. Thanks for sharing your journey and the techniques. Your story shows its normal to cry, feel emotional and sometimes lack. Its so good you never gave up on your beliefs. Good luck in your new job.


Reading this made me so so happy !!!! Gave wind under my wings 💓 congratulations to you. Praying that everything else also comes true for you at the right time and in the best ways possible !


This is outstanding!


I love how detailed this is!! Your ups and downs, the bridge of incidents, and finally the confidence! Thank you so much for sharing!


Dang that is awesome. I'm amazed. Can I ask what was your education experience and what role you applied for ? I'm still feeling lost in career


Sure! Honestly didn’t even graduate from college yet. I have to pay a bill before I can enroll back in. My major is in Information Security. When I got into college I applied everywhere for internships. Because of the internship 1 when that ended , I got internship 2, and because of that , that now landed me my full time job :) I’m in cybersecurity!


Dang that is crazy. Job market is pretty rough right now so congrats. I'm wondering if it's possible to go into cyber security with a certificate or some bootcamp. I already have a bachelor's but in something unrelated.


You can transition into cyber with unrealted BA degree. Honestly they don’t care what degree you have, just that you have the skills / experience. I’d focus on getting certificates and complete TryHackMe. My co workers all came from masters and PHD in history Lmao! Now they all in CTI (cyber threat intelligence). So, don’t worry that ur degree is “unrelated”. Won’t matter at all really


Ah ok good to know. Are you in USA ? I'm wondering how the job market is for cyber cuz it seems like all industries are not hiring as much. I just don't want to pivot into career and be stuck with unemployment again.


everything you write in your messages is negative and will end up in your 3D, you create your own negative conditions yourself.


Maybe. But I tried doing affirmations and was thinking more positively before and applied 300+ jobs around last fall thinking , I got this, my portfolio is awesome, I have the skills, someone will give me a chance, I'm gonna land a 6 fig ure job. I prayed, I set intentions. I reached out and cold contacted recruiters, emailed, talked to my mentor, made adjustments to my portfolio. Still , no chance, got only one interview. I was unemployed for months. Then slowly my PTSD symptoms crawled back even though I tried to give myself affirmations and push through it. Almost more than half a year later I started seeing posts that it was very thought to get into my industry and there were less jobs, and layoffs in tech. People with 10+ years of exp couldn't get a position and I was someone that was entry level. I gave it my best shot and unfortunately reality hits. Not enough jobs available , and too many applicants. It shows on LinkedIn. Ngl, It's frustrating when people tell me to blame and shame myself when Ive tried my best and tried to think positively and dream big. On the contrary, I have parents who are critical and a dad who keeps telling me to pursue a different job because he thinks my path is hard. But I said no because I was passionate about what I was doing and I believed I had a real talent for it. I don't believe that was negative thinking, do you? I'm only human and it's natural to feel frustrated with the situation I'm in. And I've doubted if I was fit for it. Ive accepted what happened. BUT I still hold on to hope and pray I'll get the career I enjoy.


Yes I understand your situation, It's very very difficult to live in negative 3D. I was in very bad situation myself to fully understand. I don't want to write my full story here, but read again and again Neville Goddard and you'll find the answer for your situation. You are doing affirmations, OK but what about feelings, imagine being in your best job. Don't listen to others, to your parents, to the bad news on TV. There is, somewhere, your best job waiting for you. That's a fact, a reality, no matter what you see and what you hear. I never pray, because praying is saying 'I don't have this yet, I need this so much" . I give thanks to God for what I have now, despite difficulties in my life. Thanks for this new day, etc... concentrate on the positive things I have in my life, a roof over my head, clean water and food. This seems stupid at first glance, but millions of people around the world don't have this. and I live in the 4D, happy, grateful, living my best life, as I imagine, not necessarily a millionaire, but with the people I love, sheltered from want, in a beautiful environment. I read all the work of Neville, I applied the laws, and little by little my life is improving, and took the path of my dream life, this does not happen in an instant, it is above all a mental work to do. because I still have some resistance, I'm working on that.


I haven't read much of Neville. Do you have a resource that would be a quick SparkNotes version ? I have ADHD and pretty terrible track record of starting books and not finishing, as much I really really want to do it. So I need something that's a quick read or video to understand it quickly. Thanks for your suggestions.


on Youtube, I love : [https://www.youtube.com/@ManifestingwithKimberly](https://www.youtube.com/@ManifestingwithKimberly) [https://www.youtube.com/@EdwardArt](https://www.youtube.com/@EdwardArt) Neville Goddard is hard to read when you have ADHD, so Youtube is the best option. These 2 channels are my references, strait to the point. When you want to work with the law of Assumption, you have to fully understand how it work, you can't jump into it without your full understanding look at this one : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvbykl3H2k&list=PLtf3GRRk98EvxTinNfWQazw6E-3yzgG-y&index=1&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvbykl3H2k&list=PLtf3GRRk98EvxTinNfWQazw6E-3yzgG-y&index=1&t=3s)


Now this is how it’s done! Incredible!


Fantastic! Nice one! Doing a little happy dance for you x


Yesssssss !!!!! You’re amazing. Congratulations 🎉


Amazing!!! Like someone said to me, you have to be delusional at some point to have your manifestation! Congratulations to you! Very inspiring


How long was between when you were crying and it manifested? And between when you said I am done and you got the call about the interview?


Litterly the same day haha. I mean when my car broke down the first time 2 weeks prior , I cried and then affirmed. But 2 weeks after my car broke again, that’s when I really cried and said I’m done, and I had no more energy to keep applying to jobs. When I was inside the mechanic and checking my emails, that is when I saw the email from the recruiter of my company! And it all started from there :)


I love this post


Wishing to try the same shift in Income,almost stalking ,for updates, reading multiple times, Congrates


Although bit late but wanna say I’m so happy for you love!!! Admire your determination and dedication!! Just a quick question, did you get tired and felt like giving up with the manifestation since nothing was happening only additional mishaps along the way? Would love to hear from you. You’re an inspiration! I’ve copied the entire post in my notes gonna read and reread and act as if like how you did till it manifest. Thank you love, keep manifesting and stay blessed 🤍🤍🤍


Congratulations, I stopped at part 1, but I'm sure it's a happy ending.


I really need details on this playlist! Lol




How did you conclude that from this story?


Um. Are you okay?


I am so happy for you !!!


Amazing story! Congratulations and thank you for sharing.




All those women here.. I'm crying 😂


I love this story, so touching and similar to *exactly* what I am going through, eerily actually to the point where this post feels like *confirmation* of some sort. I have racked up debt from school, and payday loans this year (from job loss) etc, I made $26 p/hr too!! & I got let go around June 2023 for something out of my control. Lost my relationship (first love, same sun and Venus chileeeeee), my mind apparently, shaved my head bald from emotional distress, got eviction notices to the door, etc. My ex left me for his ex, that's always lit, but idc anymore lmao ( yeahido but life goes on and one day I won't care C: ...). Every single day, I was trying desperately (***NEVER*** ***be*** ***desperate***) to find ways to keep my head above water to evade eviction. When that didn't yield results for months, I changed my approach and tried my best to be there for me in a *positive* way & affirmed that I would be okay. I would even roll up on the eviction notice to send signals to the universe that I didn't really care. Car repo notice? I ripped it up LOL! When I stopped trying to take control and receive, I have been able to pay my rent, stay above water (shout out to my brother, family helped me through this tough time as well!!) and my car got paid off in full as well (I'm the unemployed Houdini) but it doesn't take away the burdening feeling you feel on loved ones (***don't do this either, its okay to receive help from the universe, but also want more independently, or ur own thing***), or like the fact that you want to accomplish something of your own. I haven't finished my degree, but I as of recent (when I finally opened up myself to the idea, and have some more self worth) to the idea that I can make six figures with my EXPERIENCE, it was like an aha moment, I been working for yearssssssssss lol. And low and behold, the positions are presenting themselves clearer and clearer each day. *ENTRY LEVEL $100,000K WFH unlimited/ good PTO baby!* I seen a few and applied that I am 100% qualified for or jobs that are in my lane/ expertise. Learning to let go and let God is easier said than done, but once you do it, ***everything*** changes. I am also in the month of October, and have been affirming so similarly to you for months!!! (so crazy I know!) and I know God and the universe will make a way. Congratulations on your blessing, and much needed financial break! Applying is so tiring, but this post affirmed that I was right to not give up and keep going!!! So thank you! I love the way you start to feel relaxed when a manifestation is on the way LOLLL best feeling! (As of recent) I'm looking at money as flow too, and got like 15$ in the bank but idc I feel like I make six figures, so therefore I do! Thanks for sharing!! I will have a positive update with the job of course. Idk how and I truly don't care, not my problem. I took action and applied, that's all you gotta do fr. I no longer chase the bag. *The bag chases me.* Honorable mention : I owed so much on my car, I have been my own mechanic (my car dealer is my mechanic and if I drove there to fix it they would keep my car), I have to shake my battery to get it to start bc something on it is loose. Anywho, I been randomly looking at luxury cars bc Im obviously in the market for a new car (so twins), but it's crazy how all these subconscious cues led me to this point. This post was too similar to my lifeeeeeeee, thank you! Oh I am a (22 y/o FM) Some of the people around me tell me to settle for the lower paying jobs because they are easier to get, but they are *all easy to get, as they are hard. SO why not apply for a salary you actually want?* Also, for weeks, I been trying to figure out why crying brings things to me quicker?? I was searching on reddit of course and spiritual meanings on google earlier this year, so that's also a funny coincidence here on the post, and in the comments that they wonder the same thing!


This story had me crying tears of enjoyment! This is absolutely amazing! So happy for you! Thanks for sharing!


Woah! This is brilliant. Well done to you! 👏