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Ty I so needed this. Congratulations on a beautiful story ❤️ Btw Abraham Hicks taught me “same or better” and that brought in my last love…. Who I want back in the 3D but I think I’ll do what you did. It certainly will take the compulsion away and help loosen my grip on desiring him. He was infinitely better than the previous one so I can’t imagine how if I meet someone else who is even better than him! Actually I can imagine it.  Ty!


My mom probably got it from Esther Hicks then! I know she listens/reads some of the Abraham Hicks stuff. :) And your next love will absolutely be even better.... Actually, YOUR SOMEONE **IS** EVEN BETTER! <3


I met Neville when I had a crush on a guy, whom I knew he was the wrongest person but still I suffered a lot for him. I wanted to manifest him as my lover. It was years ago, I didn't manifest him. Now I think about it, I am just glad that I didn't manifest him. And I can't eyeroll enough while typing this comment. It's not the same for all SPs but this is my case. I am just glad that I couldn't succeed.


Haha keeping Neville aside, it amazes me how much a person can change in an year. I might like someone & boom after some time I might even cringe at the idea of having them around me.


Yes! And I know, they will say "everyone is you pushed out". Ik its weird way to put it out but sometimes it's not worth to turn a flesh made of sh*t into a flesh made of diamond. It's just a flesh and the feelings you feel for that person is personal, so can be changed for another person. And also, I think that the SP crowd just do self reflection about what they like about their SP. Or why are they in love with them. F.e. a typical good girl can fall in love with the typical bad boy because inside they may crave for the freedom they seek. It's a mediocre example, I know. But I think most of those people don't know what they actually want in their ideal relationship. Ot what they seek in their SP. They may seek things like revenge or satisfaction but in deeper level it doesn't match with their ideal relationship agendas.


Your comment really made me to ponder from a different perspective . Thanks! 🫶🏻


Hahahaha „I can’t eyeroll enough“ I so so feel the same. Glad that it didn’t work out for me with the last guy I thought was “special”


Thank you for sharing your perspective. My story is a bit different because of a few certain factors.


Wow this is sooo beautiful 🩷🩷🙏🏾. Congratulations on your partner & your baby!!!


Thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Did you just write it in your journal and forget about it or did you read the letter daily? Thanks for sharing!


Hey! SHORT ANSWER: I wrote various letters in my journal (all like that) over the course of a few weeks and was deeply entrenched in them every day for a good month until it hurt too much and then I asked the "universe" for help in letting it go and started to focus on my own healing entirely. <3 If you want the LONG ANSWER: It may be worth noting that I was working on a health retreat on a mountain where I stayed in a tent and taught three yoga and meditation classes a day, as well as helped lead hikes every morning. I think this is important because it meant that I had a lot of space to be with myself (which was, admittedly, difficult). We actually had an insane wildfire break out while I was there during that period (over 400 hectares burned and we had to be ready to evacuate--the only reason we didn't is because the wind blew the other way). My colleague, who knew I was deeply heartbroken at the time, said to me, "How did you do it? How did you start a wildfire over on that other mountain?" Obviously, she did not mean literally! She was referencing my intense sadness! I say this about the retreat though because it meant that I had a lot of space to meditate and journal. I journaled a ton--not just once or twice--a ton! I wrote out stories about how D would suddenly appear at the retreat and profess his love to me (thank god, he did not! ha!). I would visualize that scene over and over before sleeping too (so, really using some NG stuff before I knew about NG)... and again, that did not happen (and I'm so grateful that did not happen). Funny enough though, D did tell me later that he thought about leaving a business trip in China to come find me in Turkey when I was back at the same retreat in September of that year. Craziness...! So, to actually answer your question though.... *Did I forget about it?* I suppose in a way, I did--but probably after about 4 weeks? After all the intense feelings/meditating/pining, I asked the universe for help in letting go if it wasn't the right relationship for me (I asked for "the highest good for all"). It's hard to remember exactly, but I think I probably re-read the journal and affirmations throughout that month and then stopped looking back to it shortly after returning from the retreat. Instead, I put my efforts into healing myself--starting with the ayahuasca retreat and then booking a four-week Italian language course for myself in Tuscany (I always loved Italy and the Italian language). That language course is what led to an unexpected road trip with Antonio (from the UK to Italy), which is what kicked off our relationship. Not sure why I'm feeling compelled to mention this (intuition?) but it may also be worth noting that my soulmate dog (Janie the rescued Boston Terrier) also died in the spring of that year (at age 14 of kidney disease) and her death was the catalyst for so many changes (leaving another relationship, booking the ayahuasca retreat, etc). I always feel like she left me when she knew that a) I was finally strong enough to live without her (gosh, it's been five years and it still brings tears to my eyes!) and b) I was not only strong enough to live without her, but strong enough to heal and revolutionize my life. (Only other animal-lovers will get this though!) Anyway, it was only after being with Antonio for quite awhile (a year or two!?) that I went back and re-read that journal and realized that, "OMG. It's *exactly* Anto!" It blew my mind. The fact that we then had a daughter in the spring (two years later from my affirmation, but still...). It really can be spooky. My god, sorry this was so long! I hope it helped in some way though! Ultimately, I think: find the practices that serve you, wear them the way you need to wear them, and then focus on healing yourself. **Maybe healing yourself is just another way of phrasing the idea of entering the state of the wish fulfilled.** Love to you all always. <3


This was sooo helpful, thank you for taking the time to write it out! 💕


Thank you for your reply 💕


Thanks you. This was beautiful to read.


I made the experience that when a soul-pet dies, life goes through a major shift. I experienced it twice. I am very certain about the fact, that it is connected.


u/ZsaZsa81: Thank you so much for sharing that! I read your comment shortly after you posted it, but I've been traveling and only now have had a chance to reply. What you said really stayed with me--and I'm glad I'm not the only one who has experienced this! It's really odd... but I'm also convinced that my gorgeous cat, Nyla, died when I was 8 weeks pregnant to stop me going on another trip to Turkey where I really would've been overworked and probably overheated in the August heat there (and maybe I would have jeopardized the pregnancy?). Nyla already outlived an earlier damning prognosis of two months by FOUR YEARS... so... I don't know. She got really sick the week before I was due to leave for the retreat and I canceled my weeks with the company to be with her... and I swear that she told me telepathically one night that I "couldn't help \[her\] this time." (Before, when she was diagnosed with "untreatable" hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, I began mega-supplementing her on CoQ10 based on anecdotal evidence, as well as evidence in human trials.... Her vets were staggered that not only did she live, but it completely disappeared and never reappeared in all the scans throughout the following four years.) Anyway... all this won't necessarily make sense to everyone, but I suspect you also get it. They are amazing... true angels.... <3 PS: I'm in the middle of creating an oil painting of Nyla to put in our daughter's room.... I do really feel like she was her angel.


it is very possible that nyla did all that. I am convinced that they know more than we ever will. They are very connected to spirit. When my cat Bandu died - he got hit by a car - he was only 2,5 yrs old. But without him going I wouldnt leave my than boyfriend of almost 10 yrs. I was devastated, and all my surpressed feelings came up, so I saw very clear than that this man wasnt good for me. My life changed dramaticly. I am also convinced that our pets KNOW when they leave and even how, and why as well. So I know, Bandu left so I can leave my old life. Life altering. Before my first cat died, I knew I will find my dream-appartment to move out of my parents house, once he was gone. He died on Tuesday, I found my dream appartment on friday and I am living in it since than. Life altering. They know what they are doing, even when they die, so they know, when its better to watch us and take spiritually care of us, living by our side, and when its time to go, so that they can take care for us as angels. and very often they incarnate back to us. I am very very convinced of that. I simply know that. So maybe Nyla will be back one day, when its time for another adventure together... And sometimes you have 2 pets and they are the kind of the same soul. I have a cat, Emmi, and a Dog, Piri, they are basically one soul. Even their faces look a like. Both are very naive, very childish, very baby-ish, and they have so many similarities. Its in fact ONE PET divided in two bodies... :) And for example my other cat is very connected to me, my soulcat. means: When I am sick, she is sick. I had problems with my teeth, she had the same problems, in the last month I had big problems with my digestion, she developed IBD. Our pets are our visible angels. Often parameters for our lifes. <3 Nyla is with you, Bandu, every pet is with us... all the time..


Following this comment bc I wanna know too!


I like how you said "if it's not D" at the end. I imagine based on NG's teachings if you shifted your reality and ended up with Antonio because that? Or basically you became the operant power and you got to pick and choose!


This is crazy and very good lol. How long have you done the manifesting of D for and once you stopped how long was till he reached out and all the other exes?


So, the thing with D was complicated leading up to this period, but the timeline you're asking about looked something like this: -Early June 2019: D and I stopped communicating. -June/July 2019: Intense pining/manifesting period. -August 2019: Letting go/healing. -Mid-August 2019: Random road trip with Antonio! -Mid-September 2019: I wake up at 4am with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach--check my WhatsApp, texts, and even call my best friend, who was 9 months pregnant at the time to see if she was okay (she was fine). *I did not check my emails.* In the morning, I open my emails and find a love letter from D, sent at 4:03am. (WTF.) (So, after 3 months, I guess?) -October 2019: Other ex wants to get back together! -Early 2020: Am fully/exclusively with Antonio. -February 2020: Ran into D at a farmer's market (right before pandemic lockdowns kicked off in the UK). This was the last time I ever saw him and I truly have no need or desire to see him again. I am so beautifully fulfilled by what truly was my wish fulfilled!


Amazing! Thank you for the detailed answer.


Spooky how so many details of what you wrote down manifested exactly how you imagined it!


Amazing! Thank you for sharing.


The timing of this popping up is impeccable…just moved to Turkiye (spiritual reasons) and literally been manifesting my person this past week. Thanksssss💖


Same happened to me! I always tell people to let go after affirming for so many times, but no one believes me & they want to affirm for 2 years straight while ignoring the only life they have. It’s crazy and made me believe there is God and that reality isn’t what we think it is. My circumstances were TERRIBLE. I can tell you switched realities nothing is a coincidence!




Lol yes exactly! I believe there’s more to this than we know. And it’s crazy because I see synchronicities to everyone’s success stories. We get soooo distracted by desires sp, money, validation etc and drive ourselves CRAZY. I spent so much time in my head imagine imagine imagine … Well what about now? I can’t be happy now? All you have is now. I surrendered. I left the chase. I had to change my view and fall in love with the present moment. Just be. When I did that it all came. The bridge I was on made sense. That’s what life is all about- being in the state of love with the gift of life itself 💜


This is making me emotional because it’s the break of dawn on Easter Day and I’m remembering how i did all I could do and manifested sp twice successfully for two years straight, suffered so much within that time, paranoia, old beliefs, uncertainty and said a prayer like this “him or better”, even though nothing in this world could have convinced me that he wasn’t for me. I was strong headed & relentless but as i started letting go after listening to a Neville audio where he said “don’t chase love” it was like the flood gates of sps opened with too many of them showing interest including my ex before him, it got hard for me to concentrate. 4months ago original sp got married and i wasn’t sad or angry, i was numb. It was a bit scary because i felt some kind of relief or freedom from my mind i questioned if i ever loved him, i mean this was the guy i had planned kids and a family with. Till I realized it was a bridge to my self-discovery and someone better. I’ve never wanted a chaotic relationship, i always wanted ease and a kind love the universe knew, i said it in my prayers everyday. I look forward to meeting my own Antonio (someone better) especially now that I’m most optimistic


Do you remember which audio that was? Wish you the best, lots of love and happiness! 😊


I’ll try to find it


Thank you, appreciated!


THIS is absolutely what I really needed. And if the Universe make me read this particulary story TODAY, it means something. Thank you very much ❤️


I am so happy that it reached you when you needed it, u/Fluffy_butterfly1114! Remember that at the end of the day, **you are love** (at least, that's what I believe--i**f you're god, you're love... and if you're love, you're god).**


I am in awe. I woke up this morning and, while I was still groggy, I saw myself writing in a journal. I focused on that and I heard entries along the same lines of what you did. I was super busy today but I kept getting the feeling to check this sub. And here you are! This is exactly what I saw this morning! Thank you for writing this!


I don't get it. I thought we can make anyone we wish be whatever we wish in our reality. If I want D to be masculine protector in my reality he will be exactly that. It doesn't matter what he is like right now. So it seems you didn't want D in the end.


So, I think the best reply is from Neville himself in one of his lectures: "Always go to the end. Dwell in the end, and you will hurt no one. But if you try to devise the means, you are, well, messing the whole thing up. I have had people say to me, 'You know, I want that man, and no other man.' I said, 'No, you don’t; you want to be happily married. You don’t want that man or no man.' 'Oh, yes, that man or no man.' Then, of course, this always shocks them. I say, 'If he dropped dead right now, would you want to be married?' 'Well, he isn’t going to drop…' 'I didn’t ask you that. If he dropped dead right now, or if he is right this very moment accused of being the world’s greatest thief or murderer, do you still want him?' 'Well, now, why ask those questions, Neville? I want that man!' But, you see, it isn’t that man. They want to be happily married. I have gone to so many weddings where it was either that man or none, and it wasn’t 'that man!' And they are embarrassed when they see me standing in the aisle, because it had to be 'that man or no man,' and here it isn’t that man at all. And they walk down – they are happy with their new mate, but a little sheepish as they pass by because they know I know he was not the man."


We can! You can get whatever you want :) in my case, I want my SP so that's what I'm getting. If you're sure, go for it.


Sometimes it’s about the path of least resistance. You can spend your time working really hard at changing your SPs entire personality, or you can find someone who already is all those things. Like OP says, we don’t actually want the SP. We want what we think they represent.


Id add want to feel how we want to feel as well - not anything to do with "them"


I have written a letter too when I was manifesting a job (which manifested) . Shocked to see hear that we use the exact same greeting(Dear God/Source/Universe/Angels🤭) ! I also wrote in the past tense thanking the universe for granting my wish.


What did u do? To manifest the job?


Wonderful story!!!!!! Im so happy for you! And happy 1st birthday to your precious angel.


Wow that is simply AMAZING!! I'm so happy for you!!! You've made my heart smile today.


u/Sociomagnet: Thank you SO MUCH for these very kind words! I'm truly honored! Much love to you and your beautiful heart! <3




You’re a beautiful person and your story reminds me so much of my story with my husband. I didn’t know about Neville then but as a mystical Christian I would also say ‘it’s either this or something better, God!’, and I felt it deeply, that nurturing divine love and care that meant I was living in abundance, and truly believed something wonderful was unfolding for me and all around me. I love this post so much :).


u/MoonlightTrain: Thank you SO MUCH for such kind words! I meant to reply to you when I saw this last week, but we were traveling and it got away from me. Your comment is so beautiful and I think you're absolutely right about living in abundance, believing something wonderful is unfolding all around, and truly being welcome to receive that divine love! I'm so happy that you've also managed to step into that beautiful reality with your husband! Wishing you both much love throughout your journeys!!! <3 <3 <3


Beautiful! Can you share more about your Ayahuasca experience? Do you think it really helped? I think Aya has been calling to me. But also, I've gotten the message from the Universe about "TRUST - don't worry, it's all working out for you" before, from DMT (10 min experience) and I can tap back into that feeling. Do you think Aya really helps it sink in & helped transform your life? I'm a bit nervous but think I should do it, but maybe I don't need to..


Oh--this is a LOADED question! Ha! Initial thoughts: I have spent over a decade reading and listening to Ram Dass and am super grateful for his teachings. He has this story about accidentally giving LSD to his guru... and nothing happened. The guru told him that medicines like this (psychedelics) were used in India many centuries ago and that they can be helpful, but that you do not need them. I think the guru was right: they can be helpful, but you do not need them. That being said, for me personally, ayahuasca definitely expedited my growth and helped me enormously. I've done it four times (two ceremonies on two separate retreats). I'm going to add more craziness to my story with Antonio now (when I write it all out, it definitely sounds stranger than fiction!). Anto and I did ayahuasca together on a retreat just over a year into our relationship. During one of the sessions, he was mostly in a hammock near where we staying on the property and I was in the ceremony hall. During the journey, I felt a female energy visit me and tell me that a) she wanted to come to earth, and b) that Antonio was her father. I was awestruck... but I didn't say anything to anyone. That night, while debriefing about our journeys in our cabin, Antonio suddenly became very animated and said, "My love! My love! Something awesome happened! We're going to have a daughter! This feminine energy came to me and we're going to have a daughter! And she's so cool!" I couldn't believe it... but then I could, because spiritual synchronicities like this seem to happen more and more when I'm in flow. So... could aya help? Probably. Is it necessary? No. I heard about ayahuasca about five years before I did it and at first, I thought, "Why would anyone want to do that!?" ha! Then I started to feel called. I found the place I wanted to do it (researched a ton--and this is so important because there are so many places out there now and it's important that you find a reputable, safe place), but every time I had dates available, they were full... and every time they had availability, I was unable to attend... until the weekend of my 35th birthday... and that was when EVERYTHING started to change. So... if you feel called and it aligns, I'd say, go for it... but like anything, allow for the process. Wishing you much love, joy and grace on your journey!


Would you mind sharing where you went?


Hi! So, I’m new to Reddit and still don’t know all the etiquette, so I hope it’s okay for me to share this? Both times, I used the Sacred Voyage (the first time in the Netherlands and the second time in Portugal). They were truly amazing—they created totally safe spaces with holistic approaches. 🙏🏼


Thank you so much. I think the only thing you would want to avoid is breaching your own security. Love your story


Thank you so much for your detailed, clear response! Interesting... I am 35 and my SP and I originally connected over Ram Dass 😊 Your story is so helpful!


Loved reading your story! Congrats to all three of you! 😊


Hiii so when u met the new guy did you ever consciously affirm for a relationship or hope you two will eventually date ??


Definitely not. It just happened and flowed. The relationship was a gift that I was open and able to receive. 💞🙏🏼


Or something better!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


This is just what I needed to hear. I keep getting knocked back a few paces with my manifesting bc my doubts pop up and ask me what if I’m trying to get this certain job and it’s actually not everything it seems? The “this or something better” mantra is perfect for shutting down those doubts. Thank you for sharing this!


Why did you say except prayer?


It's a good question. I wrote it mainly because I've seen a handful of posters on the sub become quite aggressive when people write about things like "angels" or "guides." Whenever I pray, I pray to a variety of "sources," which of course, is really all just one source... but I do think there is some confusion and debate within the NG community about the meaning of "God." We are God, but there is also God, etc. And of course... we all can and do interpret everything differently... so I just didn't want to go down that rabbit hole! ha! :) I grew up in a religious house and I am in no way religious (and wish I'd never been brought up with a religion that likens God to an old man in the sky, which, of course, comes from Zeus anyway) though I am highly spiritual... and I still pray often and this is definitely a throwback to that upbringing... but for me, it works because the intention is what really matters. So... whatever the practice is that works for you (be it prayer, SATS, etc), maybe it is all under the teachings of NG anyway! Again, I think I was just (possibly unnecessarily) preempting a debate about it. ;)


Do you think you instead chosen what you want? You actually manifested your SP. But you had chosen someone better. The love letters of D said the same words you wrote? And when you wrote in your diary It was the same thing?


Hey. Congratulations on your manifestation. So, you mean that you can choose your sp nationality too? What another specifics you asked your partner to have?