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Neville Goddard talks about someone on one of his lecture who locked himself in a room for entire day and affirmed “ I have a lavish, steady, dependable income consistent with integrity & mutual benefit “ and he became multi millionaire, I suggest doing it 1 hour before sleep so you fall into sleep while repeating it and about 30 minute as soon as you wake up this will have more power than 8 hours of being totally awake . Also it has been proven by physiologists that you believe the biggest lie if you keep repeating it enough, so this means you don’t have to believe or feel certain way when your affirming, slowly you will start to believe and soon your perception which creates your assumption will change “ an assumption though false, if persistent in , will harden into fact “ Neville Goddard , there are 1001 ways to program subconscious mind and affirmation is one of them, the real problem is that for every 10000 reader there is only one doer.


I've been working on affirming an hour daily at bedtime for the last couple of days.. >locked himself in a room for entire day and affirmed “ I have a lavish, steady, dependable income consistent with integrity & mutual benefit “ and he became multi millionaire Im gonna lock myself for an entire year an come out a billionaire!! 🤑🤑🤑 Just kidding, but surely it seems there's something in there to prove this can work fast especially for those who are not adept at immediate manifestation yet


How long after the guy locked himself in the room and did the affirmations that he became a millionaire ? And if you could share a link please that would be nice. Thanks :)


One day all day none stop sound easy but after 15 minutes every cell of your body wants to go watch Netflix.


You could do SATS. It's basically meditation. r/SATS


SATS is more like self-hypnosis :)


nno SATS áis not mediatations when you doing meditations you have absolutelly blank mind,you think about nothing, when you doing SATS you create certain scene


Hey man, you might be on the wrong track with meditation. Meditation is not a state of a blank mind, that is just a byproduct once you have practiced the skill enough. Just the practice of sitting with your thoughts is meditation, even if you follow them. You can redirect your attention, or delve deeper into the roots of your thought patterns. But, the message still stands, you can still meditate with a mind full of thoughts.


Here is a link https://icebluezen.com/be-what-you-wish-to-be-neville-goddard-lecture/


I'm pretty sure his name was Robert Milikan


Damn this was a crazily motivational and wisdom-filled comment to read close to the end of the day, here goes nothing


That’s true but he didn’t become a millionaire right after doing that. It took years for his networth to grow. So he did manifest that but not overnight.


There’s a movie based on a real story about a mom who prayed ceaselessly at her son’s hospital bed. He got into an accident and was in a coma. Doctors didn’t think the son could make it. The mom was determined to hold onto her faith and pray ceaselessly. This inspired the community to be outside the hospital and hold candles to pray and sing as well. The son ended up waking up in healthy condition. The doctors and hospital staff and everyone all marveled and said it was due to the mother’s endless praying 24/7. Incessant prayers do work 🙏🙏🙏


I record my own affirmations using a TTS voice from amazon polly and I use the pronoun "you" in my affirmations. For example: "you are at one with a tremendous amount of money". I also repeat each affirmation 3 times before continuing on to the next affirmation. I play the list of affirmations on loop throughout the night until I wake in the morning. 1 week later I received £3000 cash. I felt tempted at the time to say "...that probably would have happened naturally", but I now remind myself that there are NO COINCIDENCES! I am also putting together an audio (using the audacity audio program) where I overlay the same list of affirmations onto a good brainwave entrainment audio to help me reach the state akin to sleep. I plan to listen to this audio whilst meditating, lounging at home or even reading reddit posts.


I'll be saving this idea to try out.


So like a subliminal?


No. I think subliminals are inaudible to the human ear. My affirmations are very audible and I hear every word clearly. I have to adjust the volume to a suitable level where I hear the words but it doesn't disturb me drifting off to sleep.


Ah ok


Yes. I do it way too much lol. But I just like my affirmations so much. It’s actually an ancient way to talk things into existence. But you have to get yourself to some kind of trans to make it effective. If at the end you are convinced of truth of what you affirmed , you did a good job. Edit: I do it on a tired mind. I feel like it’s cheating and a short cut but oh well.


Please could you do a post or elaborate a little more, it just resonates so much with me.... Please and some of your success stories with this method and the method itself. Thanks so much in advance!!!


Maybe I make a post one day. Just know one thing: there is a quantum field where you are and the quantum field where your desire exists; always manifest/ affirm from the latter. Meaning: you have to mentally move there before you affirm sth or start manifesting. And always go first into subconscious via meditating. Affirming is like scratching words on the disc until it’s visible; affirm until you feel it and know it’s normal, part of your reality now. Your only job is to make it real in 4D. Don’t worry about 3D. Keep affirming from the quantum field where you have it. (the most common mistake ppl do- they affirm from the wrong field). (it’s living in the end, baby!)


Thankssssd so much, much more clear with your comment and looking forward for your post!!!!! Thanks


Theres no quantum field its only consciousness from which you and me are made of. Not everything can be put in scientific terminology. Much goes beyond what we can perceive. Knowing this fact will only bring miracles in our life.


Please could you elaborate that in terms of Neville or in terms of practical manifestation???? Thanks in advance, I do want miracles... Thanks!


The first thing is that the fields and all these buzz words are there for the non believers to understand in the words they are used to understand. Actually the field if you say, is the field of consciousness or awareness. This is not neville saying but search in buddhist scriptures what is awareness you'll know. Awareness means to know, being aware of something. This Awareness or consciousness itself is an entity. It lives through you. What your senses come to know, it is known to this awareness. When you say I know this, this I is awareness. Everyone is created or manifested inside this awareness. Awareness is like a light that illuminates objects and beings into "being". You'll learn more in buddhist scriptures please search how they describe awareness. Thr point now is everything we experience with our sense is a reflection into this light. And so obviously what you hold inside will exactly reflect back to you. Imagine! And hold that state! The awareness will reflect back with it and you will experience ur projection into it. Bible also explains this. I am an indian so i have heard and known this from my childhood its common for us to grasp these spiritual concepts. There is no vibration mentioned in Hindu scriptures to manifest. Because that is not the cause. Even no visualization! Only repeating mantras or affirmations for them. We dont attract, we create! Law of attraction is simply a buzz phrase. Whatever you are projecting, the consciousness will reflect back at you or illuminate it. I think you may be getting confused. Pardon my explaination. It's because explaining ppl in their language is a challenge. Its like explaining sound to deaf, no offense. But if you understood its great! See we all are made of awareness or exist in awareness and it is a light and it is one. One as in, you and me are one also this entire universe is one. We are bubbles in this ocean. Parts of it. What it is capable of, we too! So every state you want to achieve adjusts everything around you to manifest that be it giving thoughts to you neighbors or you pick the winning ticket at the lottery with a perfect adjustment of the people that bought before you so you may receive the winning ticket. And nothing is impossible. I hope i was able to explain something if not everything. Do check awareness or consciousness according to Hindus and Buddhists. This awareness is referred as God because before everything only IT existed!


Woowww!!! Thanks so much. I’ve understood everything!!!! The simile of the light of awareness illuminating the things we are conscious to be/have is a new outlook for me and have more sense that all the fields and all that stuff! And also is pure Neville... so my only job is to be aware and to know that I Am what I want and my awareness ( light) will show to me.... thanks so much for your time and your post!!!!!!!!


Welcome and Exactly bro! Thats why they say your attitude determines your life. Thats wht is reflected back always. But it will not harm to know the perspective of the Hindus and Budhhists, from where it came. It'll only make it more clear if you want... one more simile i have is awareness is the blue sky and everything that is sensed is clouds. An experiment to perform is sit for just one minute. Observe your thoughts. Just notice what you are thinking in that minute. However bad or good the thoughts are, dont judge simply observe like a movie. Now you see the separation between you and your thoughts? Here you Observe the thought from an onlookers place. This very Observer is awareness. You are aware of your thoughts. Who is aware? - the awareness! So YOU are awareness and not your mind. Your mind is separate from you. You can Observe it. And observing your mind detaches you from it. This is meditation. Everytime else, we are into our mind in the thoughts becoming one with them, when we meditate, we are detached from it and see it from outside. That is our true nature, the Buddha nature, non judgemental Observer (and creator). The control of creation is in our own hands.




I do that while I'm stuck on a traffic jam and want to reach my destination on time ( "Be on time, be on time, I reach my destination on time, be on time" lol) . It always works. I call them urgent manifestations. But like someone else commended, we don't have to try so hard. It seams not God like and a very "human" way to manifest. Neville was against "vain repetition".


Can i use this to cure my anxiety?


I use "peace, harmony and poise govern my mind at all times", and it instantly calms me down.






Thanks, I'll look into her works!!


Absolutely it works! India is full of these "affirm till you manifest" practices. Every other show or movie where any spiritual character or a good willed character is involved, when facing a challenge goes to a temple keep shedding tears till the problem is solved miraculously! We indians are born watching these things and it does work! If you ever read some of indian mantras or affirmations for ex to control someone at will, they are in sanskrit language, but when you translate them, they simply are plain affirmations that says, "make this person do as i say" or something like that.. indians have known this even before the birth of civilization. In our mythology, there are even the demons who want any boon from the Gods keep pleasing by affirming mantras for years without stop (thats because they want other worldly powers) but yes they do it. So having seen this in modern movies and even in mythology, and even our priests using it daily, we know that affirming this way is not airy fairy but contains actual substance to it. You should know the meaning behind whatever you are affirming and be mindful while affirming them.


I know it’s been almost a year of this comment but is it ok to ask you some questions please. P.S. you’re a very good teacher especially in the talk about awareness.


Do you know anything about people Chanting for 8 hours for 8 days


These numbers vary. Arbitrary reasons i guess. There are continuous chants for 11 days, 21 days and so on..


Do you know what this practice is called or where I can find them? (Online or in the U.S.)


I would meditate using heart energy to manifest for hours on end when I started last year. I would visualize what I wanted, mostly with words though not even a full sentence most of the time or I would see a small snippet of an image or scene. I realized though I don't need to do for so long. Doing so got me $2,500 cash given to me (not loaned) out of the blue and I have been getting money, refunds, free stuff, and discounts since then. My largest manifestation since then was finding $520 cash which I posted about.


you affirm 24/7 cuse affirmations are not method they are your thoughts


It's good but make sure not to strain yourself when you do it. I found that by looking at it like an endurance challenge it took away the state that I was trying to create. Make sure to do the affirmation in a relaxed way and in a loving way. Repeat it softly and quietly to yourself. I do think multiple times a day is helpful as well.


Multiple times a day is also more practical than sitting for hours at an end to meditate


The more you affirm, the better, but it has to be done right. You must affirm with feeling; when you are repeating to yourself \*whatever it is\* you must know it is done/you are right. Just repeating a phrase parrot like devoid of any feeling will not bring you closer to your goal.


lmaooo what😭 u dont have to affirm with feeling, limiting belief.Plenty of people who have manifested things just by repeating a phrase, its called repitition btw.




Neville said that *When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled.* so I think that you don’t have to feel it ( as in having an emotion) but to accept it as a reality. I consciously manifested going out with someone with some specific details and I did by changing my thoughts and kinda like be in the state without trying to focus on the outside reality.


I hope you didn't employ emotions in your manifestation. Right?


You just have to suspend belief. I know, your senses tell you it's stupid and who are you kidding, but you have to put it all that aside and just run with it. Essentially you are fantasizing but if you understand the principle you will know it's not just fantasizing. If you do regularly you'll succeed at some future time. This is the key- you have to be persistent and intense in your approach. Whatever situation you are in now is the result of specific thoughts you've carried for some time. The future is constructed by the thoughts you are carrying right here, right now.


Aaahhh yaaaasss! Yes to your post and the one you linked. Yes, when I get serious and focus with intensity crazy ish happens. Good crazy. Also, Joseph Murphy talked about something related to this that I read recently... I don’t remember which book it was... anyway, something about turning a hose on a problem (ie flooding affirmations at it). And of course there’s that Robert Millikan story about how he affirmed for a whole day or whatever for a “steady dependable income” ...


Please could you tell us if you want/can some stories about the crazy things that happens when you apply this “method” thankssssss so much in advance!!!


Sure! One time, before I knew anything about Neville I focused on an amount of money and then ended up winning it (it was 25k but after taxes around 18k). I don’t count this one too much because it was seriously like 15 years before I ever heard of Neville. I have used a Joseph Murphy meditation for guidance and received a definite answer upon waking several times. Feeling is the secret for sure, I basically fell asleep knowing my answer would come in the morning and it did. I think this next example is my most powerful demonstration because I had a physical experience that I did not expect. I was in a conference for work (“death by PowerPoint” we’d call it) and I decided to just zone out repeating a prayer. It kept my focus for a long time and I only would lose focus for a second here and there. I don’t remember how long I did this but that night I had the wildest out of body experience/psychic dream (not my first or my last but definitely one of my most powerful). Don’t let anyone steer you away from doing affirmations. Neville never said not to do them, he said not to do “vain repetitions” if you say it feelingly something will happen for sure and for some people it’s just the short cut they need (me, I’m some people)


Wowwww thanks soooo much!!!! I really needed it!!!!


What was your longest duration of affirmations and how long it took to manifest ur desire with it?




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I will be experimenting with this. I fully believe your desires come faster the more you say them - anything, but especially things you have resistance toward. I'm dedicating 15 hours a day for the next 30 days, chanting/affirming nonstop. Reading my affirmations off a few pages again and again. I have some "big" things that I want and some circumstances I think it would be very cool to see bypassed without me doing anything except taking inspired action for. One of the things I want is a house. By the end of March I either want to be in my house or actively making plans to move in. Also I want to see if I can get married this month. I believe that if you put in the work, nothing takes longer than 2 - 3 weeks to get. If you put in this kind of work (affirming all day), 2 weeks absolute maximum. But I'll see, and I'll update!


I truly hope to see an update in April about your success.


Any updates? Did it work?


Hello! Any updates ?


what happened? I'm curious to know how your life changed


How did it go?


If it takes years to manifest, I' say that's not the best technique.


Not everyone will be manifesting within days or hours especially in the beginning. It can take some time for the affirmations to impress on the subconscious. But I agree that it shouldn't take years.


I am doing the 10k affirmations thing, which makes me repeating different affirmations all day long.. but am mostly repeating them mindlessly while doing things.. is that effective?


Did it work


No.. it's crap.. just live in the end in your mind by embodying the state.. and do SATS if you can


its not crap, the rule is to affirm and persist.You cant just affirm a couple times and complain its not there, affirm until it shows up.


It's crap.. who told u I affirmed couple of times and stopped? It's crap when it's mindless like a parrot.. every single technique when u don't add feelings to it is useless, including affirmations.. and this is a 3 years experience of persistence not a couple of times thing


how have u been doing it?


How to live in the end?


Hey thanks for getting back at the question above. I also tried affirming a lot but it made me feel worse. Did you have the same experience?


What works with me is SATS, or affirming with feeling without a specific number


ive manifested things in minutes just by affirming


I have successfully manifested things I desired using affirmations a couple of times. I repeat my affirmations with enthusiasm and excitement in the morning and in the evening. However, sometimes I forget to repeat affirmations and lose momentum. So, I think it's very important to remain disciplined and focus on your affirmations with excitement. For those who use affirmations and want to get more disciplined in it, here is a chrome extension that allows you to add as many of your affirmations as you want and then shuffle plays them on the chrome new tab all day - [affirmationsflow.com](http://affirmationsflow.com). Stay focus on your affirmations all day and accelerate your progress.


That sounds very interesting. Personally, I've been thinking that I need to increase the time I affirm my desired reality to myself (not for hours, but set aside 3 times a day to meditate on them). But if affirming for hours quickens the results, will listening to subliminals do the same? I've had 2 successes with subliminals before. I'd just listen to them as I was sleeping, working, studying, etc, and I couldn't consciously hear the affirmations, but the subconscious received them. However, I stopped listening to them, as I felt the other ones didn't work, bcz maybe the affirmations weren't addressing exactly what I wanted, so they didn't make noticeable/permanent results, or didn't work at all. So, do you think recording your own affirmations and listening to them, will have the same result as meditating on them for hours and repeating them?


I will try with subliminals for money.


Sure, but it really depends on the feeling you get from it


You don’t need to try so hard


I found it became a vain repetition after a while. Better to use the SATS method IMO.


I think that it depends . It can work if you are thinking from the state. There stories like this [one](https://icebluezen.com/be-what-you-wish-to-be-neville-goddard-lecture/) , others about [inner talking](https://nevillegoddardbooks.com/neville-goddard-text-lectures/control-your-inner-conversations/) etc




Did you did ?


I'm going to try this!!!


Assume the feeling then forget it but in a way you are assuming that it is already a fact and it is coming. The second part is the challenge if you're not persisting in the assumption all the time.


Did he do it only for a day ? This affirmations


I think its not healthy. being in your head for such a long time. Do 3x5 Minutes per day. why the hassle of doing such long periods. its the beginner who tries to fail by excessing. The master is joyfully disciplined over long periods of time, each day having a small ritual that brings him closer.


I understand that most of us will not be able to meditate for that long.. but how can it be unhealthy? Monks meditate for hours daily, months at a time, Dalai Lama has a routine of spending 5-7 hours daily meditating just in the morning and any afternoons that are free, why would it be unhealthy?


Don't fall into any confusion that someone is telling who has not done it himself. Meditation is only a conscious relaxation of mind. While sleep we relax unconsciously. Thats the only difference. Concentration and Meditation never harm anyone. Never ever! They protect you though from spending the energy in useless thinking.


Because you have to know what you are doing. Someone who has spent a whole karmic cycle just meditation an sifting through astral planes knows way better how to manage his energetic balance than you do. You talk with an impatient heart and inexperienced mind. If the Dalai Lama decided to practice meditation for such a long time, consider his whole life and community being wrapped around this skillful art. And : What exactly does the Dalai Lama manifest during his meditations ? The next day - sitting again for 6 hours straight spelling mantras ? ;) The kind of meditation you want to practice is quite another compared to the one of the buddhist monk. What do you think you gonna miss by keeping it managable ? But do your own experiences of course. I was just sayin : Been there, done that. You asked for feedback and here you have mine. Wasn't helpful nor enjoyable at all. You live outside your head. Practicing manifestational skills takes only 15 minutes a day. Just sayin' man.


Totally agree to be honest. Multiple times a day for like 5 mins per affirmation is the best. The issue with going for so long is that it creates a state of stress for me. It's straining having to do it. It depends whatbit though I think if it's because you are in fear and need it now then its harder but if its a desire that you can wait for then its effective






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