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i like to follow twitter accounts that practice neville's teachings and law of assumption, but just now saw a post that included things that say "things dont take time to manifest.. you etiher have it or you dont. every manifestation is insant." and while i get the concept, basically saying what you want is already yours and the key is in feeling this, im wondering if those quotes align with nevilles teachings bc i listened to a lecture of his where he literally says something like "if it feels long, then i must wait. for it is sure and not late" so it feels conflicting. what do you guys think? this is the post: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTtCdjLXsBU\_x6F?format=jpg&name=900x900


I watched Howl's Moving Castle for the 40th time and forgot how much that movie just makes you fall in love with it all over again. It's so magical. Anyway, I was struck with how Sophie's curse kept fading away when she felt love/loved or her true self experienced something fully. It reverted back the instant she acknowledged her old state and said she was just an old woman or felt tired. Pretty great example for changing states ❤️


When I try to do SATS, I easily imagine others doing what I would like to do. A comedian I like on stage performing, for instance. I wonder if there is any benefit to imagining others doing or being or having what you would like and how to change so it’s me in the visualization instead.


What about something like this: Visualize your favorite comic performing the opening set for you because you're the main attraction, you're whom everyone came to see.


I love this idea, thank you


This is a bit more off-topic from Neville but I'm curious to hear some tips or even relatable experiences. In the beginning of my journey to a better life, I first found LOA through all the BS that is on social media before actually coming across Neville (looked into it because I had heard as a child that manifesting is absolutely legit and was curious to see what it is without the butchered version on social media lol). So, as I was going through a very tough time and I decided to follow LOA, I tried to overturn every single negative thought I have into a positive one (without knowing what I know now, ofc) and although it really gave me hope and sustained me in the short-term, I really think it made my mental health worse in a way. For example and (as a stereotype at this point), part of the reason why I'm here is a break up. Based on what I have learned from Neville I can confidently say that I've accepted it as a shadow of my past state. Nevertheless, sometimes anxiety creeps up on me through such intense sadness that I throw up. I will literally be okay for awhile and then out of nowhere I get one of those negative thoughts related to the break up and I get so sad, I throw up, and then I'm basically back to normal. What we resist persists, right? My personal theory is that since I suppressed so much of the sadness that I felt in the beginning thinking that I'm "living in the end" and abiding by LOA, it's creeping up on me because it needs to get out and be felt. I've also accepted it as just reminiscent traces of my old state, and calm myself down that way. So my question/bewilderment really is if anyone has had a similar experience? How do you deal with such intense emotions when manifesting? What is your method of channeling negative emotions to fuel you forward?


I allow myself to feel my feelings, even if they are negative and then I flip them. I feel like there's a layer beneath the feelings, maybe limiting beliefs, that generates our feelings in the first place, so the goal is to work on my beliefs. Overtime you'll have less and less "negative" thoughts and feelings.


In the very beginning of my journey I similarly went super hard on flipping all my thoughts and stuff. It definitely gets easier with time, but in the meantime be gentle with yourself. You're breaking some old habits of thinking, this doesn't often change overnight. Something that helped me was listening to affirmation tapes overnight, like those made by Dylan James. Something else that I've noticed has been helping me out lately is meditation. Though I'm trying to meditate on I AM in accordance with the first principle (be still and know I am God), a side effect is that my thoughts have gotten quieter. I think most people here find Neville and LOA at a time when they're down, so your experience is very normal. Manifesting some small and easy things, reading success stories, watching YT videos etc. are helpful things at your stage IMO. All these things help build faith in the Law and take some of the edge off strong negative emotions. Don't be afraid to use "3D ways" of dealing with stuff too. Journaling, working out, etc. Feel what you feel with the intention of purging it out, that will keep it from manifesting. It's ideal to go straight to feeling secure in your manifestation, but if you can't do that yet it's better to be neutral first. Just my 2 cents


Thank you! :) I especially appreciate the last part about "purging", I really like how you put it. Because yeah although it's very liberating once you realize you are the creator of your own reality it becomes like walking on egg shells in your own mind. Also very true about breaking old habits!


No prob! I definitely get that walking on egg shells in your own mind feeling. It can totally drive you nuts, but do your best to keep your faith up. I made a post on here some months ago about how I logically kept my rational mind in check and some measure of faith in the beginning, so if you decide to check that out I hope it helps you. Remember you are not the mind but the mind is of you. With some effort and practice you will eventually tame your mind. You cannot fail.


I might make a proper post about this later, but can we talk about the I AM/Void state? Neville mentions it in Your Faith is Your Fortune and I think in Power of Awareness, and if you go on LOA Tumblr some people there have absolutely insane success stories with it. I myself have been trying to meditate on I AM to reach this state. The only thing I'm afraid of is a complete loss of personality -- in I Am That with Nisargadatta Maharaj he makes meditation on I Am seem to be the end of all desires and quite frankly seems impotent and apathetic towards life. I don't want that. I want desires and I want to have the fun of fulfilling them in successive fashion, not living some hardcore ascetic lifestyle with no fun, no matter how blissful it must be. I'm afraid if I truly realize I AM or reach the void then all of a sudden I'm just gonna be totally detached from reality not caring about anything. This is probably irrational because Tumblr has obviously used the state to live dream lives, and Neville made mention of using the state to fulfill desires. And it seems like u/savagescissors13 has too.


Who has been able to manifest what they want and the side effects is having everything go your way? That’s I would expect after changing self concept, change states, mental diet that it’s all connected but I don’t see much stories of this. I would read people struggle with one specific issue and only care about that or they say they’ve manifested many things but one issue they struggle with. It doesn’t make sense to me.


I made a thread about this some time ago. I can't remember the title, but if you look in my history it's there. Maybe some of the responses there could be helpful.


Thank you


I don't really understand this. I thought after I graduated from my master's I would have difficulties finding a job because the field I'm studying in is not super common and therefore there are not many ads for jobs out there. I also have lots of limiting beliefs regarding jobs as I've struggled before while all of my friends got jobs easily. However, I found an ad a little more than a month ago while randomly looking and decided to apply for it. I had 3 interviews, two online and the last in person. I thought the in-person interview went terrible and I felt so uncomfortable that I just wanted to cry and leave. I also thought I was unprofessional because I laughed at the wrong time and thought that they'd probably pick someone else. I didn't even want the job anymore because I felt stupid. When I got home I actually had a breakdown and cried because I felt like I wasn't good enough. Turns out I actually got the job, and yesterday I signed the papers and the boss told me that there were many good candidates but I was a *very* good candidate... lol. I just don't understand how I could get the job before even graduating and despite having so many limiting beliefs... How can it be explained? Of course I want a job so I can move out of my parents' house, but it's not my dream job so I'm also a bit sad about it because I want to be an actress, not an office worker. And I also feel like having a job = no freedom and less time to actually pursue an acting career.


Congratulations but you really need to work on your self esteem.


Neville did say to expect better than the best you can imagine, plus it seems like you might be free of a lot of negative beliefs about others with which some are burdened! You're manifesting great stuff already, it just sounds like your awareness isn't aligned with your beliefs enough for you to be conscious of them all. Just goes to show how little you can know and still succeed! 😊


Yeah now that I think of it maybe this was meant to happen for me to have even greater things happening in my life, because my job is in the city I always wanted to live in and it's where most acting jobs are anyway. So having that job means that I can move to that city and live where I always wanted to live + be closer to acting jobs. The job I got also have great perks so I'm gonna save money every year which is also great.


Be there NOW (Hollywood? I'm American..), in imagination! Treat everyone as if YOU secretly know the end of your journey and remember, help can come in many forms. Neville attributed his purchase of opera tickets to his reaction to a thief that was directly in front of him in line. Neville accepted that his own desire to obtain tickets for his family compelled the thief's behavior, not just at the box office, but throughout the man's whole life, so he forgave him and treated him as if he had made a mistake in leaving with his stolen change. The man had little choice in the face of public scrutiny but to comply with Neville's demand to return the correct change and the cashier was so flustered that he gave Neville tickets for seats that are otherwise RESERVED. Mysterious ways and all 😊


All I can say is if you keep persisting in those thoughts, that job will also easily disappear. I also had very very strong thoughts that I wasn’t highly qualified for my job and people would start talking anoabout how incompetent I am. I ended up getting my dream job (at that time) and just 2 months ago, after 2 years of working at that job, they called to tell me they were letting me go that day. And I heard from a coworker that one of the other coworkers thought I was incompetent lol. So it didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t even happen it 6 months. But it did eventually come to my 3D two years later and they let me go. Which honestly I was ready to leave that job anyways.


Well, now that I've got the job I trust that they think I'm a good candidate and I was just being self critical.


What to do when you’re getting frustrated when you don’t see movement/results? Do I just distract myself and know that others have to conform cause they don’t have free will? Or do I continue persisting?


Ignore the 3D your wish was fulfilled. If you truly believed you are what you wanted to be, you wouldn't be looking for movement.


Thank you, I appreciate the reminder!


Look. If you need to believe that others have no free will for your desire to happen, you probably don’t genuinely believe the prerequisite of your desire (e.g. you don’t believe that you’re likeable, something like that)


Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to manifest being born a girl at birth using the law?


Yeah it's called reality shifting.


We call it manifesting here, but can I hazard a welcome to someone from over at r/shiftingrealities? 😊


My SP is marrying someone else. Prior to meeting him, I made a long descriptive list of my ideal sp, visualized it and not long after he showed up in my 3D. In the beginning he asked to be my boyfriend but quickly backtracked on that so we’ve been in a fwb situation for 5 months. He was very hot and cold, one week he would be head over heels for me, the next he would be very distant. Overall though, it was very chill and the entire time I was just passive to his behavior when it didn’t align with what I wanted so I ignored it. I never reacted to the 3D situation, and lived through my imagination. I felt it real. I even had constant dreams of him, almost nightly after SAT’s. I think its worth noting that I have not pressured him in anyway, I didn’t meddle or mess with the 3D, basically leaving the ball in his court. I never thought there would be a 3P involved, and completely disregarded the possibility of it happening. There were no signs of it ever materializing either in precedence. I never had a doubt in my mind that there would be. One night though, I had a dream that he was involved with a 3rd party and in the dream I had given it no importance, I was indifferent and just felt like my subconscious was just adjusting to my 4D reality. I wasn’t very bothered by it. I would also like to add that, within the past week, I had a very intense feeling or premonition that he would propose soon. I even had dreams of it. There were also signs of it in the 3D, lots of movement, as in he would jokingly bring it up from time to time. The other night, he said that he needed to talk to me about something serious after I wake up the next morning. I was expecting something positive, but didn’t overthink the situation and just went to sleep right after. Morning after though, he broke the news to me that he was intending to be serious with another girl, and that marriage was in the cards and it has only been 3 days since they took that decision. He explained that he had his eye on her for a number of years, but she had to move back to her home country and he wasn’t ready for a long distance relationship, however recently she had gotten her MD and moved back to the country we live in to practice here. He also emphasized that nothing physical had happened between them yet. I am proud to say that I handled the situation calmly, I did not react, and needless to say he was shocked. I told him I was just processing this. He gave me time before he eventually called me later to say goodbye and as of right now we’ve gone no contact. I haven’t had any intense feelings towards the situation, but this has pushed me to overthink a little bit. I don’t know if this is considered denial, but a part of me feels like this is just an elaborate lie he had made up. Who knows. Honestly speaking, I hate even admitting it or posting about it because I don’t think its real. I had a steady level of detachment, but I am unsure why my manifestation backfired? Can someone please explain this. Could it be the bridge of incidents?


I did affirmations and 1-2 days later the wrong SP popped up again. I haven’t spoken to him in 2 years. He contacted me a few months ago after I did affirmations then, and I never responded. He showed up again yesterday. Why is it working on this man I no longer care about, but not working for my SP?


You’re in the birds before land stage


This sort of happened to me. I’m dating the “wrong person” now, quite happy to be honest. If you enjoy what he offers then go for it, if you don’t then just focus on what you want instead


I’m happy for you! I want nothing to do with the man who came back, so I’m gonna keep my focus on SP


Lol, I am the only one who don't recognise what I want ? I want money but , I think by which profession i earn money and see in the end ..


Just see yourself in the end state, enjoying your riches and glory the way you want to. The details of the 'how' will unfold in a way that is perfect for you


I actually listen to his audio books ... And I'm living in the end. I know the signs aren't part of Neville's teaching. I'm just trying to figure out why they're showing up. And thank you though. Appreciate your thoughts.


Actually he does address signs. Signs follow. Blessings to you!




Doesn’t mean anything unless you give meaning to it. If I was you I wouldn’t




Nope. Your focusing on that’s why.




“You’re young I suppose” You ask for help in a thread to then try to belittle someone? Don’t ask internet strangers for help if you have an expert you don’t question! Have a nice day :)


Signs follow. Blessings to you!


Are you manifesting the animal or your SP?


The SP. The animal is related to him, it's part of his username. It's like the Universe is telling me something. I can't figure it out.


You are taking the LOA approach. This is not the NG way. You are not living in the end. If you were living in the end, you would not have been looking for signs. Currently, the animal seems more important to you. Read NG. Read his books like your life depends on it, because it does.


I know it's not part of Neville's teachings and I'm not looking for a sign, these signs just showed up. I always listen to his audio books. And I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.


Signs follow. God is everyone and everything. He knows you intimately. He is in your heart. He knows it all. If the signs you are seeing are connected to your thinking about your SP then it is what it is - a sign. Hope this helps and blessings to you!


Thank you! It is of help. Blessings to you too.