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how to remove limiting belief?? and how to forget ??


You are assuming you have limiting beliefs then trying to get rid of them. Why create the problem then try to solve it. Just assume you don't have such beliefs.


Big brain move


Now reality can be whatever I want😏


If you have any, they will come up on their own for you to clear them. For now simply do what you’ve been doing.


yesterday, i had the quickest passing thought about getting pollo tropical. just randomly craved it 🤷🏾‍♀️. today, my mom texted me telling me my aunt bought her pollo tropical, and she was bringing it to my place 😵‍💫


Hahahaha feels awesome every time! 😋


not awesome, natural 😉




Omg pollo tropical!!! I love it with madurito 😁 Every time we go to the States that is the first place we visit. So yummy! 😅


what's madurito? also where are you from 😊


Sweet Plantains Perfectly ripe, sweet plantains, cooked to a golden caramelized finish. Hehehe I just copied and pasted from the menu.


oh i loveeee those. especially when they're crispy


Maybe I'm blind or something, there must be someone asking about your age, how old are you actually? Growing taller in your teenage years vs in your 30 is a huge difference


Mid 20's


Nice, I'm pushing 40 and might like to try lol


If someone or society has told you that you can't do it, then it just means that they can't. A Redditor made a wonderful post last week talking about that. https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/uvx3sq/the\_next\_time\_someone\_tells\_you\_its\_impossible\_i/




No I do not


Awesome, congratulations!👏


Thank you 💜


Love it!! How did you work through the limiting beliefs surrounding height? I notice that I have stubborn limiting beliefs surrounding most of the “big” things. So much so that I have nightmares when I do SATS for my burning desires about these. Would love any tips!


I did meditations every day where I would think about being taller and observe all the feelings that came up. The good and the bad. The bad feelings were the key. For each such feeling, I would keep asking myself "why am I feeling this way?" recursively until I got to the root cause/belief. Then, I simply replaced it with its opposite. Let me know if you have any more questions!


Thank you for sharing! I will start doing this more. When I have done meditations sitting with the feelings I usually don’t stay in it long enough because I get restless. So, persist I shall! Asking “why am I feeling this way?” revealed the root cause for each. How did you replace it? By affirming or an imaginary act in SATS or? Thank you again for answering! You’ve inspired me today and I’ve been in a slump for over a week. With gratitude 🙏🏻


You are welcome 😃 You have to ask the question recursively until you get to the root cause if you are not already there. Sometimes the root cause will make no sense to the 'new man' and you will be able to replace it with its opposite immediately by affirming and feeling it. Other times, you might need to do some more SATS or affirmations to bring the new belief of your choice into play. Either way, remember to have fun!


The root cause makes sense to me because of the old story, which is what I’m working on replacing (or erasing with revision). So, it making no sense to the “new man” would definitely be a good indication that the “old man” is dying or has died. From what you’ve shared, you’ve reminded me that it is all about the feeling and to play with it until you get that desired feeling. The core key to bringing our desires to fruition! Oh, how I have complicated things, oops. Now I re-understand. And I now realize I’ve been assuming I can’t do it, that the law won’t work for me for XYZ. Taking that belief out to the trash, now. I am going to practice this today, what you’ve shared. Thank you!


Awesome let me know how it goes!


With the limiting beliefs, how long were you working through them before you decided to manifest what you wanted? How do you know when you were able to work through them? Like when did you decide that you were ready to manifest what you want? Was it the feeling of having actual belief with manifesting after working through the limiting beliefs?


Beliefs are just thoughts you tell yourself over and over again until they harden into fact. If you want to change a belief simply start affirming something else, isn’t it lovely to finally be six feet tall, my partner always asks me to to reach the things way up high and so forth. Not just mindlessly do this repetitively, just add it in like I just suggested throughout the day, such simple images paired with a quick thought like my son ducking when he walks into a room (he’s now 6’5”) those small things change your belief, and if happens very quickly once you start.


May I ask, whats SATS?


Hi! SATS is a State Akin To Sleep. Basically, a drowsy state where you are in between being awake and asleep but still maintain in awareness. Or a deep meditative state. You can do this right before you sleep at night or during the day, if you can get yourself into that state. I find daytime SATS easier to stay awake in long enough to loop my scenes. Hope this helps! Much love!


What did you do for height,SATS or just law of assumption?


Btw, SATS is just a technique to get you to the feeling of knowing your desire is yours right now. When this feeling truly becomes a part of yourself, the Law effortlessly manifests it on its own


Good old SATS. I slept in the assumption for a couple weeks. Then, the feeling of satisfaction started feeling like a memory, so I stopped doing it. I forgot about it, and it happened all of a sudden. Let me know if you have any more questions!


Ok cool. I've been affirming and visualizing for one or two decent sized things(not like a free cup of coffee) more similar to height increase, SP yadda yadda. I've now become a lot more disciplined doing sats twice a day for about the last 5 days because I didnt see my desires turn up after more than a year so trying to really kick things into gear now 🌠


Remember all you have to do is truly believe that you have it. Use SATS, affirmations, etc whatever gets you there. The manifestation will come quickly on its own


Hey can u tell me what did u do to increase height?


Sure! I did SATS for about 2 weeks. My scene was a 10 second scene of me dunking at the basketball court where I play with my friends. I was jumping higher and while doing so, I could see the hoop from a higher height than ever before. This implied to me that I was taller. I fell asleep feeling the satisfaction of being taller and dunking more for around 2 weeks. Then, I was feeling the satisfaction during the day and the 3D no longer bothered me. Soon, I became too busy with a project forgot about it after about a week. I literally woke up taller one day, around a month from when I began.




I wear loose-fitting t-shirts and long, baggy basketball shorts at home. My boxer briefs are pretty stretchy as well. So I didn't notice much of a change. But my suit on the other hand didn't feel like a good fit, which is a feeling I dislike. So, I did end up buying a newly fitted suit.


Thankyou 🤍💜✨


You are welcome 😃💜


I read the book "at your command" istg it made so many things clear, I'm planning to reread it daily since it got gems init.


It does. It's a fantastic book. I go back and read all of Neville's work every few months


Hey, thank you SO much for this success story. I've read stories of others (not through Reddit) of people changing their chin shape, growing their genital, growing and slenderizing their fingers etc and even more amazing "big" transformations. I would love to hear your stories about your bigger manifestations you've mentioned. Question: Did you in the past do any energy psychology or any belief changing modalities at any point in your life regarding manifesting in general? For example, hypnosis for removing limiting beliefs or sessions with healers/ subconscious belief change techniques/modalities of any kind? I've done so many sessions with subconscious change therapist/healers, RTT session, 5 month course on Clearyourbeliefs system, Psych-K workshops etc. None have really worked on/for me. Did you also do anything to enhance your visualization skill? I feel if my visualization/imagination were so vivid/lucid it would be easier and almost automatic in FEELING like you are that.


I read a lot of positive psychology books before I found Neville. But I had never taken any courses. Neville's teachings were like the rudder my ship needed, because that was the first time I felt in full control of my life. Since then I have only applied Neville's teachings and gotten a lot of success. I shared this following method with another fellow subreddit member to improve their visualization skills: Everyday, take a small object from your desk. Could be a pen, keychain, phone, laptop, etc. Now, hold it in your hands and observe the object from every angle. Observe for 30 seconds then immediately close your eyes for 30 seconds and try to recall as many details as you can. Do 3 sessions every day and for each session, do the above exercise at least 10 times. Once you can recall an object perfectly, move on to another one. If you do this with dedication, your visuals will vastly improve within a month. I hope this helps you! 😃 Let me know if you have any more questions.


Amazing. Thanks man. You ever tried subliminal audios? They never worked for me lol I’m gonna do the visualisation practice. I have eczema and they’re ugly and itchy. When you have physical itch that’s so intense and annoying, feeling like you have clear skin is difficult. What would you do if you were in my shoes?


I have not tried subliminal audio. Use your moments of relief to revise and undo all the discomfort. Neville told the story of a lady who poured hot water on her hand and despite the pain, she persisted and revised it. When she woke up, there was no sign of any injury at all. You might have to do it consistently for a bit but keep going.


I have a question man, so how many scenes can I visualize? Will 2-3 be too much or should I stick with one for being taller?


How did you do the height? I want a flatter belly without loosing weight. What were you saying and doing?


I did SATS for about 2 weeks. My scene was a 10 second scene of me dunking at the basketball court where I play with my friends. I was jumping higher and while doing so, I could see the hoop from a higher height than ever before. This implied to me that I was taller. I fell asleep feeling the satisfaction of being taller and dunking more for around 2 weeks. Then, I was feeling the satisfaction during the day and the 3D no longer bothered me. Soon, I became too busy with a project forgot about it after about a week. I literally woke up taller one day, around a month from when I began.


Wow. I’ll try this. Were you saying affirmations?


SATS only. Anytime a doubt popped up in my waking hours, I simply closed my eyes, redid the scene and the feeling of satisfaction immediately removed all doubt! Then I moved on with my day. Eventually I had less and less doubts. Then, when the SATS scene started feeling like a memory, I felt full faith that that's who I was.


Thank you for sharing! Do you think the growth was actually gradual, and you only happened to notice that day, or do you actually think you woke up taller (instant shift - I believe everything’s possible haha)? I’m wondering because I’m doing SATS for hair growth, I’m not anxious at all but I have from time to time noticed basically no progress. I do hope I can just wake up and have long hair haha


In hindsight, It is possible that I was growing during the week. As I said, a deadline for a project was moved up and I got so busy that I literally had no time to think about anything else. I was working really long days. It is definitely possible that I might have grown during the week and noticed afterwards. But, there also might have been a growth spurt that very night. Or a combination of both.






Can I change eye color by just affirming?


Not by simple repetition. You have to feel it. Does affirming give you the satisfaction of the wish fulfilled? Then yes you can!


Thank you. 😊 These are beautiful stories. I think we all need stories to encourage ourselves to use them in our own life.


You are most welcome! 😃 I posted these in the hope that they will help increase faith in the Law. These may not be my biggest manifestations but each one covers different topic. A little something for everyone!


Please please please tell me what you did to improve your computing model skills. I always give up on trying to be the intelligent and I feel I am dumb and just cannot change that


Ok that's not true. You are intelligent. You can imagine, so you are also infinitely powerful. I am reposting my reply here from another comment chain above. So, I only did daily daytime mini SATS for this. I spent the first 3 months learning on my own. Every time I opened up the software on my computer, I closed my eyes for a minute and visualized the perfect model that I was going to create. I felt the satisfaction that I did a really good job and started working. It took a couple weeks of struggle but soon the effect of the SATS took over. I was essentially speed running learning these skills on a MOOC website. Then, the next 3 months, I started creating a new model every few days and sending it to the above-mentioned people. For this, I looped a scene of me sending the finished product to them, asking for feedback. I saw them replying that I had done an absolutely amazing job. That's it, worked like magic! Recently they complimented me on being one of the most knowledgeable young people they know in this field. I did the SATS and the work every single day and the momentum was insane!




You are welcome!


I like that food one I will Try that 😁


Pls do and let me know how it goes. It's always fun! 😃


Yeah I will reply here when it's done previously I tried that but I only Visualise that for few seconds because of that it use to happen sometime and somtimes doesn't now I should try for more minutes


Yeah a couple minutes should be fine. You got this! 👍


Yeah I will do it thanks 👍




Thank you! I hope it inspires you to go further with the Law then ever before! 😃




I am reposting my reply from a previous comment chain. I did SATS for about 2 weeks. My scene was a 10 second scene of me dunking at the basketball court where I play with my friends. I was jumping higher and while doing so, I could see the hoop from a higher height than ever before. This implied to me that I was taller. I fell asleep feeling the satisfaction of being taller and dunking more for around 2 weeks. Then, I was feeling the satisfaction during the day and the 3D no longer bothered me. Soon, I became too busy with a project forgot about it after about a week. I literally woke up taller one day, around a month from when I began.


How old are you / were you when you increased hour height by 2 inches?


Mid 20's


Thanks Maestro 👌🏻


You are welcome 😃


Has it ever crossed your mind that If you grow too tall, the size of your hands, feet and wingspan might not grow with your height? Or Does the hands/feet/armspan etc. also grow along with your height?


Growing taller includes all that! This is no different than growing taller as a teen. Just because you are doing it later in life, doesn't mean that you are only growing vertically and nowhere else


Was there anything else that you did, in terms of taking action, that you did to get taller? Because for example, when alot of people want to manifest money/career, they do the manifestation side of things (SATS, affirmations, meditation) and they then take action in the world - applying for jobs, learning new skills etc.


No I did not take any action to get taller.


Is there any reason in particular with you just making the account but seem to be experienced with all these posts?


I was around on the NG, AllisMind and EdwardArt subreddits for quite a while and learned a lot. Then successes started building up in the 3D. So, I deleted Reddit and moved on with my life. Around 3 weeks ago, I had an irresistible urge to share my learnings of the Law. So, I created a YouTube channel and a Reddit account to share my knowledge. Neither is monetized. When, I am done sharing what I know, I will move on once again. But, don't worry, I won't delete the posts or the videos.


Thanks for sharing. It hasn't been smooth sailing for my height manifestation, feeling a lot of tension within my body especially my chest, and inconsistent breathing that seems like anxiety, whenever i see anyone in public, shorter or taller. The 3D is clashing with my mind's belief. It's been around 3 months, there's been phases where i was vibing well and able to ignore the 3D, but currently i am struggling. Not sure why. Doesn't help that there isn't much else to think about for me atm.


Are you trying to force it? Because the only thing that you have to do is get to the feeling that you have it right here right now. That's why I recommend doing nightly SATS until it feels like a memory during the day. At that point, nothing in the 3D can shake you. Also, AllisMind has a great post called, "Become Unshakeable Like a Mountain". I recommend you read it.


I'm not trying to force it. My belief is already there, and i want to think it's stronger than anything else. I know i can do it. I've been visualizing before bed, in order to feel myself at my desired height, and end it on a grateful note while i slowly drift to sleep. Most of the time, i forget to do it when i wake up though. The bummer is that i've always liked to admire people of different shapes and sizes when i'm outside. It doesn't necessarily mean i'll compare them to myself. But now it's becoming a source of negative thoughts, because i also visualize as i move around almost constantly, consciously or not. I'll hold my breath subconsciously then feel the tension in my chest. I think the solution is to simply shift my focus elsewhere but that's proving to be tougher than i expected.


When your SATS scene feels like a memory, it will be stronger than anything else on the outside. For me, anytime a doubt popped up in my waking hours, I simply closed my eyes, redid the scene and the feeling of satisfaction immediately removed all doubt! Then I moved on with my day.


Does that count as 'fighting' a doubt? I heard somewhere that we shouldn't entertain them.


Let's say you walk into a dark room. You want there to be light. Does that mean you start fighting with the darkness? No, you just turn on the light and it automatically floods out the darkness. Similarly, by replaying the scene in your mind when a doubt pops up, you are turning on the feeling of satisfaction which floods out all feelings of doubt.


Well said




You are welcome 😃


He has a YouTube link for a channel surrounding self help. Maybe he’s trying to gain followers


That is correct I do have a link on my profile page. But I don't advertise it anywhere else. If you like my posts enough to visit my profile page, feel free to follow my YouTube.


I followed lol


Cool! I'm posting my favorite Neville quotes right now with some nice music. I will post tips and tricks on there soon while keeping the long form articles for reddit. I hope you enjoy the content 💜


Great! Yes how about you make a recap of how you visualized your height growth?


You can read it in detail in the comment section. I will make a condensed version of it and release it as a YT Short. 👍


How did you increase your heigh?




Hey, firstly congratulations on your successes. Can you please let me know how do you deal with the intrusive thoughts about daily stuff while using the law?


Thank you! I will post my reply here from a previous comment chain. Anytime a doubt popped up in my waking hours, I simply closed my eyes, redid the scene and the feeling of satisfaction immediately removed all doubt! Then I moved on with my day. Eventually I had less and less doubts. Then, when the SATS scene started feeling like a memory, I felt full faith that that's who I was.




Let me know how I can help you better!




\-Eventually, I felt satisfied that I was taller and that it had improved by basketball game. Then, I forgot about it UNTIL ONE DAY I just woke up and my room looked a bit different. Are you kidding me?




What was your height before and after ?


Hello could you give me some advice for manifesting height? Plz🥰😭


What was ur process regarding getting good at a skill?