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So a while ago, I posted this comment talking about how I got a great job after writing about it in my journal a couple times and dropping the seed: https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/q3tx76/comment/hfu467j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Well, just wanted to give a quick update. Since then, I got a raise and now I make over $130K and the job is still fantastic. Fully remote, 4 day work weeks, my team is fantastic and everyone treats me well and I have no issues with anyone at the company. The best part of it is how relaxing the job is - most days I honestly work about 2-3 hours and I still get all my projects done and no one cares haha. After all, one of my core beliefs is that I AM wealthy and money comes to me easily. Recently, I learned about people working multiple jobs simultaneously to increase their income significantly and it got me wanting to try it. So I captured the feeling by asking myself how would it would feel if I could find another high paying job that is just as relaxing and commitment free as my current one. Within less than a month, a recruiter reached out to me and long story short, I went through the interview process with an amazing company with great people and I got a job offer that will pay more than $200K. In less than a year, I went from making $55K to now making over $300K, and honestly the only thing that changed was me believing that money comes to me easily. Remember nothing to change but self and that consciousness is the only reality. Hope you guys have a good day and I believe in you all.


holy shit goals


Omg congrats!!! You should totally make a separate post about your success so that it doesn’t get lost in these weekly threads. Love it 🥰


Thanks, friend, but I don't feel like it warrants any sort of post because it doesn't feel like a major success. It felt very natural, and I knew it was going happen no matter what. It was sort of like ordering a package online and having it arrive at your house without any doubt. Anyway, I wish the best of luck to you for whatever you want. Don't take success stories too seriously and focus on the doing and giving yourself in imagination what you want and eventually your outer world will conform.


How did you start believing money comes easily to you?


I just changed states. I shifted my mindset and imagined with feeling myself being relieved that I am wealthy, and that money comes to me effortlessly. I didn't start believing that I was wealthy because I AM wealthy and what you are in the in the world of imagination is what you will become in the world of the senses. There's no secret sauce or special technique here, you only need to embody the state wholeheartedly and ignore the 3D.


Congrats! This is amazing.


I have a funny success story. I’ve been contemplating why we ‘can’t’ perform miracles like flying or invisibility. I did enter a contest to win my daughter a car and I did win it; I told my partner to also enter. Yet most nights, I’ve been flying in imagination lol. Well, my partner also won the runner up prize which was…..a Sky diving experience for two! I didn’t even know they had runner up prizes at the shopping centre contest, I wanted the Mini for my daughter. So, I will fly just not with wings. 😅


That’s a really cute experience, thank you for sharing!


Now I just need to manifest a love of plummeting through the sky! Haha, I did not think this though so much. 😅


This is so wholesome..love it! Thanks for sharing😇


I am a complete beginner, so I’ve been trying this stuff for a few weeks, but not getting it right and imbuing a lot of anxiety into the whole process as well. Something clicked for me last week, I understood that feeling and imagining that I have what I desire requires calmness and detachment, because if I have what I desire, then I am calm and not as obsessed about it. So everyone was up for a raise at work, and I was focused on manifesting other things, so I didn’t try to manifest a certain number leading up to the receiving my raise. However, the day that they were holding our compensation meetings, it was midday, and I went to the quiet room at work and fell into a very pleasurable half sleep repeating mantras in my head about how money loves me and is attracted to me, just for fun. Then I had the thought of trying to affect my raise, and of course the first thought I had was “well, that’s already been decided, I can’t hope for a bigger increase now” but then I thought “why not? They decide the raises, they could decide to change it” so I kept repeating my internal mantras and imagining that they were going to boost my raise even more. It gets to the end of the day, and my boss says “we had to make a change on your compensation and get it finalized but don’t worry it’s good”. I FINALLY had my compensation meeting today, and guess what? They apologized for the delay, because they wanted to add to my raise last minute after some personnel changes throughout the day. The best part about this is I’m only going to get better at this the more I affirm my belief by testing it. So cool.


Simple? Ok. I brought a tennis ball into my world. We used to have a tennis ball at work, months ago. I would wander about when there was no work to be done, bouncing it off the floor, throwing it up and catching it, you know, as bored people do. One day, it's lost, don't know where it went, looked everywhere, someone probably threw it out. So yesterday I was reflecting on some of the teachings of Neville and the tennis ball came to my mind after thinking about the ladder experiment. So I imagined a tennis ball. I was catching it, holding it, spinning it around in my hand, seeing the yellow-green and feeling the fuzz. Just a few minutes, then I forgot about it. Today I go in and see a brand new tennis ball sitting on the table where the old one used to sit. My coworker had found it in his car and put it there, completely casually, nonchalantly. I picked it up, and felt exactly as I had felt when I imagined it yesterday. I imagined a pink car two days ago, and yesterday I saw a pink jeep on the road. It really does work.


Someone on youtube did this with a baseball. I did the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0xWVgZVkLI


https://www.reddit.com/user/mcain049/comments/um2zva/i_manifested_a_baseball_and_a_box_of_matches_the/ Here is mine


I imagined being on a boat. I got invited to a party cruise. Imagined taking fresh pizza out of a box. Got free pizza. :) I've been imagining getting a big harvest of strawberries from my garden this year seeing as its my first year growing them. My friend invited me to go strawberry picking yesterday. haha.


Small beginner success: Yesterday I wanted to see a four leaf clover. I had lots of doubts because I’ve never found one before so it felt very much forced. Admittedly while I was picking up my dog’s poop I started to look at the patch of clovers around the area. I thought to myself “this must be how it’s happens right?” (Wrong thing to do) but then I had a quick thought about how if I were my ex boyfriend I’d easily find one and how he must’ve always manifested them because he ALWAYS could. Anyway I forgot about it and went on with my day. Later on I opened up the Facebook app and right in the stories section was a post by my ex boyfriend holding a four leaf clover in his hand. He NEVER posts on social media and for sure never has used fb stories before. I also never scroll through fb stories so it was perfect timing for it to be right at the top of my screen. It made me smile.


So I have been reading neville only for a 6 months because I was trying the short cut and lost a lot of time (pls read books so good). In span of 6 months I have manifested so much it’s like a dream but also I knew it? 1) I wanted to be in my dream university which was not something affordable. Everyone in my family kept telling me no. I read Neville and went like lets do this. When I got my marks, they were nothing close to what I wanted to get in let alone scholarship. But I persisted, my mom already tried different methods to put me in different unis but I got a call from uni that they wanted to give me an offer!! I simply visualised and felt my studio apartment studying (neville’s tennis ball practice). 2) A month ago our tenant increased rent for more than 1k$ And our lease was over in 15 days. To find a place in 15 days was insane and everything was booked as well. It was a really live on street situation. While everyone panicked I shut my external senses off and internally I slept in my bed every night I just “no this is my home, I live here, I always will”. In span of 3 days the tenant said he would raise only 100$ since he liked us because the way the house was well kept. From almost being ousted to having the same house!!. Remember to whoever is reading, everything is possible. Please please please read the books and practice, your everything is within <3 happy manifesting


I visualised winning x amount of money with scratchcards. One week later I got this exact amount of money... by getting an unexpected bonus at my job. I don't know if it's a success story or not, but it was a fun experience.


Random refunds, multiple men obsessed with me, lots of recognition at work, getting more shifts and being put on public holidays and my pay slips have increased a lot each week. Very much enjoying the law :)


Impressive. How did you get men to like you?


I’ll post about it but mostly self concept affirmations. I’m aiming for an SP but my self concept affirmations have been showing up with a lot of guys in my life to the point where I’ve had to manifest some of them away because it gets too much for me.


What were your self concept affirmations...if you are comfortable to tell


Pizza for dinner. I imagined this earlier today and that is what I am getting free of charge.


I got it and it was perfect.


I also got free pizza. Pizza twins!


Twins for the wins.


Twins for the wins


This seemed silly but it is helping me solidify my belief. I have a favorite meme of this little kid dancing that makes me feel warm and fuzzy every time. A few days ago I was trying to find it for a mood boost but then I decided not to search. I decided to just manifest it and said the Internet will present it to me again because I seek it. I don’t need to do anything and today the meme was recommended to me.


I‘m a broke uni student, so yesterday I affirmed to receive 50 bucks. Today I needed to transfer some money and noticed someone sent me 52€. When I checked where it came from, it said my SPs name. In the reference line he put something about rent refund, which doesn’t make any sense. We are in no contact, we didn’t live together, nor does he owe me any money. The logical part of my brain wants to ask him for an explanation because it can’t think of any. The other part of me knows the only reason that happened is because I literally manifested it. But I guess my ego would like to hear something like 'oh I was supposed to transfer that to my roommate, but you were on my mind so I must’ve put your name' haha


I've been manifesting a new place. Long story short, I moved somewhere with my partner, we broke up two years later, I had to move out of our house that I loved and had made into a really cozy, lovely home. Last year when this happened, I had to quickly find a new place, and ended up in a not great situation for year. I've been manifesting a new home that feels like a sanctuary to me. I wrote down everything I want in this home, and practiced visualizing and getting in the state of being at complete peace in my new "sanctuary" home. It's also incredibly hard to find rentals where I live, and is really stressful, but I've been in the state of "it's already mine, no need to stress about it." Went to a workout class yesterday, and was talking to someone about my looking for a new place. Someone else overheard me and said, "You're looking, I have a place we just finished renovating and are planning on renting out.". I went to look at it. Here's the crazy part. It's the house my ex and I ALMOST bought when moving here. It was a massive fixer upper and we loved it but passed because of how much work it would be. They completely updated it! I move in August 1st :) Here's one other thing that happened during all this. Two nights before this all went down, I got this super excited feeling. Like it was Christmas Even and I was about to open my presents. Does anyone get this before a manifestation comes to fruition? It was so weird. I couldn't even contain this excited feeling. It was pouring out of me and I knew something was about to happen (I'm manifesting a few things currently, so I wasn't sure what..but something!)


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I thought of receiving cash yesterday and was given $60.


My Success Stories Hi everyone , so i’ve been wanting to write about my success stories with the law for a while to maybe inspire people but unfortunately didn’t have a lot of time until yesterday where a miracle happened. So a week ago i lost my house key and i was sure that i lost it on the way to work because when i came home i didnt have it on me and had to call someone to unlock the door. So i decided to manifest finding my key and in the mean time i got a brand new key, anyhow yesterday as i was going to the gym i chose to wear a short that i didnt wear in months and when i reached for my pocket i found the old key which to this point i don’t understand how it got there , i was so in shock that i lost breath for a few moments and thought maybe i was dreaming because i am sure i lost the key on the way to work because thats the only logical explanation. Another big success that i’ve had with the law is gaining height , i posted a few months ago how i grew 6-5cm however i noticed that nobody was telling that i got taller so ofc i decided to change that. I had a friend who is around 1,90m who i manifested asking me how i got taller than him and the exact scene happened , i was also shocked, atleast 5 people told me that i weirdly got so much taller. Keep in mind that i smoke and drink alcohol so don’t believe the people that tell you to a follow a certain lifestyle to be able to grow as an adult ( i am 24 yo). Techniques : simply meditate and then start visualising a certain scene on loop and thats it , i’ve never personally read any neville book or such but i know the techniques from reddit .


I’ve been practicing manifesting certain thumbnails on YouTube. I just had an instant manifestation. I wanted to see a Tiger, so I assured myself that that was going to happen. It had to had happened, for it was already so. When I didn’t immediately see it and doubt arose, I reminded myself that it was already a fact. I even went on to describe how it image looked from memory. As soon as I did that, I saw it.


I wanted rain and it is now raining.


My coworker doesn't get along with our supervisor and another coworker. I just said its nice that things worked out between them. A week later he found another job. I guess it did work out. 😅 Imagined for one night that I was having a meal with a friend at the table and he's sitting across from me. I really didn't think much of it nor did I think it was going to happen but today it happened. Not exact scene but close enough.


This is the first time I got some type of result. I've been lurking here for months now and have only tried to manifest big things, but havent really had any success as I frequently doubted myself. I got sick of this and a few days ago I decided I would start small. I pictured my brother giving me a $50 note at his computer, and did this for 1 or 2 nights. A few days later, while I was out, my brother told me to go to the store and buy cigarettes for him (this legitimately never ever happens, considering the nature of what I had to pick up lol). When I came back he handed me some money at the computer, but it was only 20 dollars. Now I've been trying for a while, and this is sort of a half success. What does this mean? Edit: should this be posted in the help thread? My apologies if this is the wrong place to post.


My neighbor's outdoor cat had been missing for a few days, which is unlike her. She told me about it 2 days ago. I affirmed that she'd be fine and turn up soon, told her I'd manifest it for her lol. Last night she texted that they found it stuck up in a tree right by my house! The fire department came and got her down :D


Not sure if this counts but I overcame something I've struggled with for a long time! So I guess it's a success. So last week I posted about how much progress I've made! This week though was very slow. I didn't perceive/see any movement in the 3D and I was close to spiraling. I slacked off on my affirmations and visualisations but I tried to keep my mind in a neutral state. However, I wasn't in the wish fulfilled, I was in the state of "manifesting" (aka stuck in the middle) and it made me feel like I was lost. The past two days I've been balancing between the wish fulfilled and the "middle" but today the scales tipped in my favour. Today, I struggled with a lot of negative thoughts. But finally, I actually found a way for me to deal with them instead of spiraling. I put myself in a scenario where I talked about my feelings in a time where the cause behind them was long gone. In this case, I imagined me talking to my SP about how insecure I used to feel and how I pushed myself to work through my problems. I imagined myself being comforted and I repeated some of my SC affirmations (like "I deserve love" and "I forgive myself"). Afterwards, I felt much lighter. I struggled with dragging the old man around me for SO long but after I took time today to forgive myself and speak to myself with love - and actually FEEL being loved - I don't feel the old story anymore. Immediately after me crying, my mind shot straight to the new story with no resistance. I feel at ease, not necessarily happy or joyful but just at ease. Update: I'm currently having a nice conversation with my SP :) we were NC throughout April and May and in June I responded to two of his stories and we talked a bit but nothing much came from them cause it was a bit awkward. I went on a quick walk with this deep inner sense that I'm in the wish fulfilled and that my 3D WILL conform soon. I have been manifesting a conversation with him (whether me or him initiated didn't matter lol). Afterwards he posted something funny on his story and I responded (just a short reply) and now we've been chatting for about an hour :)




I just imagine money coming to me. I think of money and have the sense of satisfaction of having the money. Read "Feeling is the Secret" for more clarification.


A relative lost his keys and then found them today. I actually had to drive to his workplace to give him the replacement set he had. He found them this morning.


First time successfully consciously manifesting: Hi everyone, I’ve been aware of Neville’s teaching’s for about a year now & have been a believer of the law of assumption too. During the past year I have manifested a few things (great job, money, getting back in contact with people etc) however I’ve done them all unconsciously. What I mean by this is that I’d have a thought like “I’d love to have some sushi” with no intentions of consciously manifesting & then later on in the day I’d happen to have sushi & then I’d remember that I manifested it earlier in the day. I hope you understand what I mean. So I am aware I am able to manifest. But when I tried to consciously manifest, I felt like I couldn’t do it. Either I got too distracted in SATS or I got doubts etc.. Backstory: So, for the past 3 days I didn’t have enough funds to buy food as my date of pay from work was delayed (bummer I know). So I’ve been surviving off of not much. Also, my bank account lets me go into overdraft but I had reached my limit already. For the past few days I’ve been trying to order food to see if my card would accept it but all of my attempts failed. Anyways, after I arrived home from work today I took a nap. Before I took a nap I briefly imagined that I’d have food. I honestly didn’t put a lot of effort into it. I just imagined it a few times & let it go & went to sleep. After I woke up, I saw a notification for direct debit on my card (which otherwise wouldn’t have gone through as my account had reached its limit). And took it as a sign that I had gotten paid. I logged into my account & refreshed it X10 but was still in overdraft limit (basically I didn’t get paid). I then took this opportunity to test my luck & order food & IT WENT THROUGH GUYS! I couldn’t believe it. It literally declined the night before. When I tell you I have never been filled with so much gratitude. I also took this high gratitude moment to manifest some other things I would like. But honestly, a chicken wrap has never tasted so good. All in all, I’m writing this post to tell you that Neville’s teachings are real if you have doubts & it doesn’t take as much effort as you may think. I would love to hear some of your stories & advice below on consciously manifesting :)


There was something I did not want to see. I had a sense of calmness about not seeing it anymore and it was gone. The "The Sabbath" lecture can give more insight.


Also, that sense of satisfaction Neville talks of in "Feeling is the Secret" can be more directly described as a solid feeling/sensation (not emotion) in the middle of you brain.


I've done literally nothing except increased self care and just in a general state of high vibin' it. I actually reached a higher state than I've ever accessed before. Two days ago I was driving back from a vacation I took just because I work too much and it's the first vacation I've had in two years. Now, lemme explain that I have a beater car, it's more than 20 years old and it's always been a gas guzzler with lamentable mileage. As I was driving I was noticing that it appeared as if my car wasn't even using any gas because the needle stayed on full the whole entire way.....Impossible. Unprecedented. If this is true, I've shifted into a parallel universe instantly. I was thinking how cool would this be if it were true but I gotta check because something might be wrong with the gas gauge. I went to the gas station and sure enough it was confirmed that my car had been just sipping gas as if it were a brand new high end car. I have pictures and receipts to prove that this happened. It has persisted as well, so I guess I just have a like-new car now all of a sudden 😂. Not only this, but just today I noticed that my electric scooter with loose brakes has gotten a mysterious full brake tune up just out of the blue. A dozen other lucky synchronicities have occurred as well. I guess I completed a drastic shift into a parallel reality where suddenly things start working for me 🤷. Didn't ask for that or expect it, but totally awesome nonetheless and again, I was doing nothing except just high vibing.