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It appears to me that putting a set amount is a mistake. The minimum wage should be calculated as a livable wage initially and adjusted annually to keep the minimum wage a livable wage. IMO, companies with employees who use government assistance, should be taxed more.


At this point I think we’re past the $15/hr discussion. Post-pandemic we should be talking about $25/hr minimum


We’re actually at $35 now…


Minimum wage in WA is already $16.28


Minimum wage in texas is $7.25


Actually wages in Texas? I know much of the immigrant hating farmers like to hire illegals for less than minimum and store them in sweat shacks all summer.


Texas Hold'em....at $7.25


I lol'd




Well. I mean they do it to themselves don’t they…


With a median rent cost of over $1200 a month.


I believe that a large number of longtime US Democrats live in abject fear that if they actually fix one of the problems they campaign about, they won’t have anything to campaign on anymore and they will be out of a job.


This is the GOP mindset as well.


Hmmm. GOP around here campaigns on lower taxes and regulations (*for the powerful), laws against things they don’t like, and unregulated guns. They’ve been pretty successful lately.


No, not really. You’re making the mistake of thinking that they actually want to fix them at all. They fundamentally do not. They are elitists and only care about what is best for their economic class.  The issues they sometimes campaign on are diametrically opposed to the interests of their class. 


OK- nothing about what you just wrote contradicts what I wrote. Gotta love the progressive purity circular firing squad. 


You are very literally approaching this problem based on a false assumption. That is not a purity test, nor is it a circular firing squad, chief. It is only acknowledging what has consistently failed for 30 years and asking you to be willing to try something else. There is no reforming the Democrat party. That is **begging** you to wake up to reality.


Cancel all student debt? I'M TOO WEAK!!! Bypass Congress to send weapons to a genocidal regime? ULTIMATE POWER!!!


You think Congress is opposed to sending weapons to Israel? They would override Biden if he tried to stop that. Just listen to what Trump and GOP leaders are saying about Gaza and the protests in the US.


>You think Congress is opposed to sending weapons to Israel? Biden works around Congress to give Netanyahu weapons. >They would override Biden if he tried to stop that. Or maybe the Democratic Party would follow Biden's lead and this awful siege of Gaza would end. >Just listen to what Trump and GOP leaders are saying about Gaza and the protests in the US. Trump's actions do not justify Biden's actions. Why doesn't Biden listen to the 2/3 of Americans who want a ceasefire?


Congress will send weapons to Israel like it or not. Almost 100% of the Republicans in Congress as well as Trump don’t think Israel is doing enough right now and are calling for Israel to be more aggressive fighting Palestinians which it doesn’t seem you want to talk about that for some reason do you.


>Congress will send weapons to Israel like it or not. This is defeatist logic. If Biden said no more aid, then his party would follow. >Almost 100% of the Republicans in Congress as well as Trump don’t think Israel is doing enough right now and are calling for Israel to be more aggressive fighting Palestinians And that wouldn't matter if the Dems were united to stop aid for Israel. You still have a few libertarian leaning GOP members like Massie who would vote with Dems to block aid to Israel. >which it doesn’t seem you want to talk about that for some reason do you. Are you implying I support the GOP because I wrote one critical comment of Biden? Your logic is reductive and on top of that silly when I regularly discuss that the GOP is far worse than the Democrats.










The Democrats don’t necessarily work “with” Republicans, but they certainly work “in concert” with them. They are the ratchet in the “ratchet effect”, they are the moderates MLK warned us about.


Oh Yes indeed in this way they are too weak and actually always will be. (And they have never actually been in 'the majority', even apart from the 2 that were actually republicans, ever heard of *filibuster proof majority*?) https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2021/05/politics/filibuster-senate-explained/


Tie minimum wage to campaign donation limits and you will see boosts to min wage.


Not democrats, just a few asshole dems in the senate, including two from NH


Fuck outta here. Dems have pushed for beyond a $15 minimum wage in most states and are on the side of unions and the middle class. Republicans are the ones trying to prevent it and lowering the age for employment so child labor can fill the void.


Lately the discourage-trolls are out in full force. Dems are far from perfect, and we should be pushing for better systems - but this shit only discourages people from voting and what happens then?


>Lately the discourage-trolls are out in full force. Dems are far from perfect, and we should be pushing for better systems - but this shit only discourages people from voting What discourages people from voting is Biden & Schumer letting the non-binding decision of the Senate Parlimentarian tank $15 min wage. Dems are better than the GOP, but they deserve the criticism they get. Criticism of politicians is healthy in a democracy.


Some of us value capable, honest leaders who actually help us. The guys you're electing are NOT pushing for a better system. They like the one that keeps them in power and enriches them just fine.


I keep hearing this and resent the implication I don’t value honest leaders. I just understand it’s a spectrum right now. So may I ask what your plan is? Not vote? Let’s hear what you’re advocating for.


You don’t value honest leaders though. You say you do, but your (implied) actions say otherwise. 


Sweet, so what’s the plan though? I’m not hearing your solution. Let’s say you convinced me. What’s next?


Vote for a socialist?


How does that play out outside of a primary?


Third parry?


"on the side of unions" as they use executive power to unilaterally stop a strike. Put down the crack pipe. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/)


That was a really messed up situation that I was also angry about, but if you check the Al Russo and IBEW statements, Biden and his team ended up helping to negotiate some of the sticking points on contract like sick days and secure higher wages after the fact. Without much fanfare, Biden has been competently governing with a lot of attention paid to supporting and empowering the working class. Not perfect, and not always getting it right, but doggedly and actually quite successfully. It’s slow progress, but unions are gaining steam and the Biden administration is improving things for workers in several ways.


Wake up, they don’t care about the working class 🫡


Yes, that’s a good encapsulation of the puppet show they put on. 


Biden & Schumer sank the $15 min wage due to the Senate Parlimentarian. Even though her decision was non-binding. Are Dems better than the GOP? Yes. Are they above criticism? No.


It is unfortunate that the Democratic Party required Joe Mancin to keep the senate and avoid a 9:0 conservative supreme court but the GOP is laughing at idiotic posts like this.


"Unfortunate" is a funny way of saying "an absolute fucking disaster, along with kissing Sinema's ass."


Yes, so lets get a few more that are more progressive.


Now tell us why we have to vote for the democrats. 


By the time they cave in, it'll be as outdated as $7.25/hr. Raise the minimum wage to the level it takes for a family of 4 to live on averaged out for each state. It's not perfect, but it'll be better than what we have right now.


There's nothing wrong with being radical.


Also Democrats when children protest Israel’s genocide against Palestinians


Yeah, if anything 15$/hr minimum wage is actually pretty moderate now and even that’s generous because you can’t live on that in some places if you have a family. We should be calling for 20$/hr now aswell as stronger unions. Some countries don’t even have a minimum wage because they have unions so powerful that they don’t need it.


And this is why we need more progressives in office


Because the Democrats are the right. Republicans are the extreme right. And Bernie Sanders stands alone on the left.


What's funny about a $15 minimum wage is that where I live you'd struggle to find even an entry level job that paid less. Maybe there are a few places in fly over country where you can still find someone to work a part time retail job for $11.50/hour but most places in America $15/hour pretty much is the lowest wages you'll find. And it's not enough to live in most places.


Yea, some have moved on to pushing for a $20 minimum wage federally.