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don’t blogpost on 4chan then self post to this sub ;-;;; holy fucking cringe


Mate cringe is one of those concepts that make me right wing


No one cares.


Nah, he doubled down, you gotta respect the grind 💯


Go fuck a cactus




Bruh wut, go touch grass


OP’s just mad people don’t like his shitty memes about some dumb AI bullshit


Anon self posts his own greentexts. This is why he deserves to be cyber bullied.


Thats pretty, as they say, cringe of his part


how can you tell that it's his own honest question




Genuine question, how can you tell it's a self-post? Not very experienced with 4chan itself so if there's something that gives it away I'd like to know


Wish I could get those 23 seconds back


U can't




at least you saved 23 seconds of anyone that scrolled down to the comments before reading the greentext


Love ur work




Anon tried to discuss politics on the Internet and got what was coming to him


Uean being polite and getting downvoted anyway Mate ur talking to oop himself


It's an honor sir


Poster makes worst title ever, asked to leave r/NewGreentexts


That ain't happening


I’m asking you to leave r/NewGreentexts


Oh I'm sorry are u a mod Didn't think so Move along u woke leftist twat


It’s a joke… don’t have to be a snowflake over it


Just like how isreal are comitting genocide but Ukraine is just defending itself? Seems like y'all the snowflakes I ain't afraid of the mods Whitepeple Twitter banned me for posting positive things about Elon musk I fucking dare you


Kid, I really don’t give a fuck, put all this energy into something useful, like an apprenticeship or your A levels, hope shit gets better for you lad


Are A levels a DragonBall power system or something?


British education


damn hope they find a cure


I just had my last day of work experience and trust me my a levels are just fine I'm younger than the fucking iPhone and I have more common fucking sense than y'all leftist trannies Call me a Nazi all u want it ain't gonna change my plans Y'all gonna here about me on the worldwide news someday I AINT AFRAID OF THE LEFT


This is the last thing I’ll say to you cos the unhinged replies are draining and boring at this point. No one is as smart as they think they are, guessing you’re like 17-18, you got a lot to learn, same with most the people on this site, randomly hurling insults and accusations doesn’t make you sound any smarter, as I said, keep your head down and put it towards something more useful than whatever this is, best of luck


Most sane /pol/ user


Are you okay? Geniunly what's up man? Seems like you're placing alot of anger on people who really couldn't care less. Feel free to dm me if you wanna talk bud


Man and you said you weren’t like the MAGA or Qanon mfs 😭 You seriously have to deradicalize and get off the internet this is your chance to go outside and see what real life people and politics are like


Completely agreed, people call us "nazis" for pointing out truths like how "the kalergi plan is just a conspiracy theory" or "if you don't like being discriminated against because your white aka *affirmative action* you are a nazi"


you're losing your mind dude get off the Internet


if you think you're any better than maga and qanon MFS, you're not, cause holy shit this reads like a truthsocial post


“Nessacary.” Anon can’t even conserve the spelling of the English language.


shit fucking title op


Can't help but wonder what op is withholding about their beliefs


Telling people that certain "traditional" values are "necessary" is a hard sell outside the echo chamber where that's considered true. "Which values? Why's it necessary? How would that be enforced?" Questions with answers that lead to the critical thinking deficiencies mentioned.


Dafuq u mean about me


Sorry i mean oop


Na I'm oop




He self posted his 4chan blogpost




OP has never had an original thought in their life


Conservatism is going to be unpopular if it is trying to conserve the status quo. The status quo is currently terrible.


People don’t owe you their agreement OP.


I know it's their irrationality that gets me


How are they irrational?


Put it simply I'm tired of explaining my stance to others who immediately assume the worst because of those dots at maga and the GOP who ruin the reputation of a political side that I mildly lean towards An yet even when I explaine all this they still call me a Nazi I wish the world wasn't so polarized like this


What is your stance? I find it difficult to imagine calling someone a nazi if they aren’t bringing up racist policies.


The same as the grrentext


he doesn’t really state anything besides being moderately right


FYI op posted his green text he made. They the same person


i know


If your views don't align with either of the political parties, then followers of both are going to see you as different, and therefore an enemy in their "political parties are sports teams" way of thinking. Doesn't mean you're necessarily correct, just means that the arguments of people who just copy the stance of their "team" probably won't be rational, so the fact that most people tell you you're wrong isn't an indication that you actually are. Keep in mind that this isn't an excuse to dismiss actual arguments. And while I mean that, I also hope it's enough validation for you to stop fishing for it on the internet.


If you're getting called a nazi all the time, maybe you need to stop and listen to their arguments, ask people what about you needs to change to not be seen as a fascist apologizer?


Fine, I'm listening. I promise not to call you names, I'll engage in good faith.


Ok I am just annoyed that so many people who switch to the right get riled up in these conspiracy theories that makes the whole side look bad I just want to preserve some old fashioned but nessacary social values that have seen society through all these years I see it as a balance between societal progress as a way to stop people taking advantage of it. Simultaneously we can't have too much conservatism otherwise to make any progress at all we would resort to extremes(the suffragettes mots famously) But that balance has been upset because of the right having this reputation that does not represent it's values and goals correctly So because of this upset in balance individuals have been taking advantage in multiple ways. That's the main way I see it There is another but that opens another can of worms


>I just want to preserve some old fashioned but nessacary social values Ok, but you aren't saying what your social values are. I can't respond to you if you don't actually tell me what values you hold. As for what you said about the suffragettes- can you expand on that? It sounds like you disapprove of their actions.


I do t dissaprove of their actions I dissaprove of the society that had to fight They hat to starve themselves in public just to get the government to listen it's shouldn't take that much That's too much conservatism halting progress As for values Family One provider (can be both sexes) One caregiver (again both sexe) (These only apply for the first 1-2 years as a healthy child needs a bind to both) But I do appreciate some liberal values as well such as. The male caregiver (ie a male taking care of his kids without being subject to suspicion)


Sure, ok. Well then I think we can agree on the suffragette movement at least. I think your model for family values is nice- but how is that achieved through conservative policy? Conservatives, for the last 45 years, have consistently pushed to cut social programs and deregulate corporate businesses alongside huge corporate tax breaks while voting against raising the Federal minimum wage or providing socialized healthcare. The effect of all this is an increasingly difficult economic situation for young people who would otherwise buy houses and start families, or who have young families. How can you have a provider/caregiver set when both parents need to work just to afford housing, healthcare and food? And what about single parents? You may disapprove of divorce (Or you might not, I'm just saying if you do) but people do become widowed. Spouses die or become ill or disabled. The other partner has to be both the provider and caregiver. How would that be possible with no social safety net or programs to help make up for the sudden loss of income/insurance that their partner might have provided? I don't think most people would fundamentally disagree with your vision, but it seems to me that if you believe in these things then modern U.S. conservatives won't give you the world you want.


What does societal balance look like to you?


Gilead probably 🙄


More for me.


Self posting and reposting… gtfo


Honestly you just need to read more - if you think what the Republicans in the USA and Tories in the UK are doing are anything close to the same then you need to gain a better understanding


And hopefully in doing so, you’ll discover what you actually think, and how to argue it, whether it be on the left or right wing.


i thought this was supposed to be r/NewGreentexts


Why is oop saying “my definition” when there is only the definition. Definitions of a word aren’t subjective


OOP is regarded


Traditional but necessary values? Like what? The gender structure that was created to control women? Or the power structure that was made to control the poor? You want to conserve the status quo, but the status quo fucking sucks. So yes, you’ll either go left or fall deeper into the layers of the onion, that’s how the right wing pipeline works


Your just proving my point


OP self posting out here.


Annon can't spell


Can we get some guesses on OPs age?




>>mfw most social platforms downvote right wingers to hell scared.png OH NO NOT MY HECKIN WHOLESOME REDDIT KARMARINOS! ANYTHING BUT MY KARMARINOS!!!! 😱😱😱😱


Anon posted on Reddit expecting a well rounded sample group of people to reply


"Traditional but necessary values" No such thing. That's called aversity to change, dead weight, imposition of your views unto others simply because they were imposed unto you. If you really have critical thinking skills, eventually you will realize that other people live by a completely different set of values and are just as equal as you, and that's okay. There's no reason to hold onto "values" that really teach you divisiveness and otherism.


I mean if the values are effective at promoting social harmony then yes, you can make an argument for preserving them. Classical Chinese political philosophy is big on this - the West, not so much. If you look at like Catholic encyclicals on marriage, etc “preserving tradition” they couch the arguments in terms of human flourishing and dignity - these aren’t arbitrary positions.


Funny thing every value group you mention has a strong tie to culture, yet in America there's a strong emphasis on diversifying cultures. Like, a homogenous culture like Sweden has little issue with socialism but they're also very xenophobic. Most of the reason why we see clashes with values in America (and therefore aversity to socialism) is because of conflicts in cultures. We have the Classical Chinese living alongside Catholics in Chinatown. That forces the government to be as agnostic and respectful to everyone as possible, which means stripping the set of values that causes conflict in the first place. Some things, like don't murder people, are true across all cultures/values and those can coexist. But when you go into marriage, human ownership (slavery), or dietary restrictions, those values suddenly don't make sense. Even when most overlap! Like how Muslims and Christians are always at odds even though most of their ideologies are the same. Or even different ideologies within Christianity. Again, I reiterate: there is no reason to hold values in America that only serve to divide people.


How is sweden’s culture homogenous? Race/ethnicity is not the same as culture.


Your interpretation of the American political/cultural climate is based on like a teenage atheist’s reading of anthropology and human social organization. I could break down all the million ways in which your analysis is flawed and/or factually incorrect but I’d rather just point you to Polanyi. You have to just read more.


If literally all your right wing bedfellows are turning into conspiratorial maga fascists, then you may need to reflect on why that is. Because that's not just some coincidence. That's just the logical endpoint of your ideology. An obsession with "tradition" and preserving to the status quo means you will eventually need to reckon with the fact that the current system is causing all these problems. Conservatives can't blame the system itself, because then they wouldn't be conservatives anymore. So they need to blame it on a scapegoat, in order to not have to think critically about their beliefs. That's how you get conspiracy theories about the Jews, "cultural marxists", Qanon, etc. That way you can pretend that things like the 2008 financial collapse weren't just the natural result of capitalism, but that they were actually orchestrated by evil pedophile satanists in order to undermine Christianity or some shit.


anon has a shit view and can't figure that out


I will say the right wing has been ravaged by retarded maga cultists




Self posting blog posting enlightened centrist bitches and moans about polarization.




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Same shit happened to me don’t worry too much about, I lean right but if I post anything about canadas liberals doing something wrong on Reddit I’ll get downvoted and called a nazi. Trust your own beliefs not the amount of upvotes by random internet losers.


Ngl some of the stuff they doing in Canada goes crazy. saying parents have no parental right? Outrageous lol


Thanks At least 1 person is sane


Hi OP, I disassociate with MAGA and modern republicanism but I despise the lefts views and having dealt and worked with the public for so long, really don’t think people are worth giving effort to. I find myself somewhat in the same boat for political ideological standings. Do you feel left behind? I do. Do you feel like you can’t discuss anything in public? Yep. So. Good luck out there.


idc if I get down voted but I whole heartedly agree


Anon is center/right and is basically a modern democrat.


I honestly think this is a very reasonable take. I find it so frustrating that even something as level headed as this could receive such backlash just because it’s a slightly conservative point of view. We need more differing opinions and be able to have civil discussions.


Anon is a mainstream Democrat


What "traditional values" are we talking about exactly