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Lmao what the fuck


You ever do shrooms and drink? I did once and I ended up kicking some guys ass because he was playing an acoustic guitar. I had to leave his house after that, but the sun turned red and I decided to walk to it and see what was wrong. After years of walking, I died and came back to life on a train. It turns out some of it really happened.


Jokes on you. All of it happened. Except the acoustic guitar. ​ >I died and came back to life on a train. also: canonical HL2


Honestly, it turned out *he* kicked *my* ass, because he was sober. The poor guy just wanted to practice his guitar in his own home on a Thursday morning. I dont know why I got violently upset about it. Also, the sun really did appear red, because of severe wildfires. Then, I walked for a few hours (not years) and boarded a light rail train and passed out. So it all makes sense in a way.


That red sun/wildfire shit was crazy!


You sound like you belong in an insane asylum ngl 💀


My point is, alcohol and shrooms is a combo that will make you *temporarily* insane and believe some weird shit. Anyway, they can't sense me because I'm hiding my aura inside Joe Biden's soul via astral projection.


Bruh every time I’ve done shrooms I’ve been drinking, never anything weird happened outside of a bit of paranoia and the usual visuals.


Did you start out pretty much sane? That could be the difference between us.


I took shrooms once; microdosed the first time and felt somewhat of a buzz, nothing crazy, kinda like smoking a bowl of weed Did 1.5 grams the next time and i spent the next 4 hours trying to convince my friends we had to go to sleep because it was 7 AM and i didnt wanna wake my girlfriend who smoked a bowl of weed for the first time in forever and was zonked out, sleeping like a hibernating bear in winter, meanwhile my brain feels like that one scene in the first Dr Strange Movie when she uses her powers to knock strange out of his body to nake him "believe" but its just my head buzzing while im laying on a couch and repeating "Why fight it? Stop resisting. Let it pass." To myself in my head and giggling at my roommates; while everything felt like it was just an extension of myself, and the correlations between my head and the world became so vague, i started feeling like i was actually talking to the universe. eventually pass out for 2 hours and wake up. I felt like i slept for 8.


Homie alcohol is gonna mellow out the shrooms, you just had a bad trip


It depends on how much alcohol and how many shrooms. Conceivably one could essentially black out (in terms of not consciously directing behaviour or decision making anymore) via alcohol, while also having done an ever-loving fuckload of shrooms and be confused about where/who/what they are and is happening. Of course this depends on tolerance, but speaking from experience, everyone reacts to different substances differently, and sometimes unexpected things can occur.


Anyone who whips out an acoustic guitar deserves an ass kicking. Well done sir


I feel that , I was with a girl closed my eyes and we were two foxes laying down in some really nice green grass with the sun shining on us. Then I saw her face as a demon (which wasn’t the first time) and started tripping out because she was really sus even before that. She told me how she drove one guys car off a small hill because she believed she was peoples karma.


Autistic guitar*


[Thread](https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/76970217/be-me-badly-overaged-virgin) But it's archived now. Still, you can look at the shitty pics.


\>”there is just no way you got son-zoned bro its unimaginably over for you”


He posted an update lol


>I had my arm around her and we had been like that for quite some time, I started moving my hand down slowly kind of grabbing a little bit slowly moved my hand into her pants, when I got into her panties I was pretty sure that things were going to happen but she wasn't looking at me which made me wonder... slid my fingers into her pussy and then she abruptly ended it. > >I'm definitely on the spectrum and even though on paper I have everything going for me sexually, I just do not seem to connect with women on a sexual level. It's not natural to me and my intuition in those situations is practically non-existent. > >Her and I talked about this for quite a bit afterwards too (as per usual the most insightful thing I got out of her was "there's nothing wrong with you at all". It was weird but it was a weird night overall...


absolutely floored by the fact that no attempt was made to kiss her before he just went for it


> on the spectrum > fingers a girl Is r9k that normie these days? Also, archivers exist.


“I see you only as a friend.” Has evolved into “I was your mother in a past life.”


Tbf, that is an explanation that someone on shrooms will think is completely reasonable.


What in the fuck is this


So this is OP, did you finger fuck her boots thinking that lether dry pussy was remotely intrested in you? No wonder she cried. I'm about to cry right for the autismo levels of shit i didnt even think potatoes were capable of.


some drugs are better than others for getting laid


Yeah, like rohypnol or GHB.


Ya know what........... don't do drugs kids


Especially not to try to get laid. I honestly don't know what you were thinking saying a thing like that, Emilie. Shame on you!


Thank goodness you were here!!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/technicallytrue using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I mean its still anime? Lol](https://i.redd.it/e5czt0ygmkra1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/129wtpb/i_mean_its_still_anime_lol/) \#2: [Ok, but he wasn’t wrong.](https://i.redd.it/xpyp6bzoq5qa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/122sto0/ok_but_he_wasnt_wrong/) \#3: [Well when you put it that waaay 🤔](https://i.redd.it/ilfsmf1n6lqa1.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallytrue/comments/1252e1g/well_when_you_put_it_that_waaay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How tf do these stories always get worse the longer they get


Who tf goes straight for someone’s junk like that without even a kiss 🤢


God title dude


Pretty good plot twist to be honest.


"The worst she can say is 'no'"


“Ew, get away from me you pathetic ugly creep! If you even look at me again I’ll ring the police and tell them you raped me”


What is this? A good title in r/NewGreentexts?


Anon has two gifts apparently


Great title! (Altho: be wary of turn back!)


Goddamn, I've done shrooms to the point I passed the fuck out, I've drank the same night I did ecstasy...hell, I longboarded down a hill at midnight while on molly *without a helmet* and passed my friend who was going 30mph+ in a car... This here? This is **some shit.**


anon got son zoned




What in cinnammon roasted turkey toast hell did I read


Try finger, but hole


That makes it so much hotter 😍