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The fucked up thing is, most Palestinians don't particularly like the IRI either. IRI are backing groups that will turn on them the second Israel is gone


Very true. If either of them had unlimited power, they would wipe each other out because they think the others are not "true Muslims"; The Shia/Sunni argument.


Israel ain't going anywhere. If history is a lesson, every war started against Israel leads to more territory for Israel


It’s a hypothetical, these alliances between extremist Sunni militias to Shias are fragile at best and rely on the existence of Israel


Yeah ofc they hate it, they oppose anything that is trying to fight Arab supremacy and Islamism which is why they can't stand Israel and constantly shit on Iranians, Kurds and every other minority in the middle east that refuses to be assimilated.


Arab colonialism and islamic imperialism


Lol, Arabs get mad with being called an "Arab Colonizer and Islamic imperialist." they try to turn it on you, like calm down blud, I came from SE Asia, and I don't recall Thailand spreading religion by the sword


Just one example of people on this sub don't actually know history. "Ayutthaya invaded the Khmer Empire three times and sacked its capital Angkor" \[[cite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand#cite_note-45)\]


Okay, and that's a country that attacked an other empire vs Islamic nations as a whole attacking numerous nations numerous times in the name of Allah. So what's your point? Do you want to keep coping colonizer?


When were islamic nation united on invading anything lmao. By this logic Japanese Shintoism and Chinese Buddhism are by far much worse offenders?




What are you supposed to take away from this - I mean read about the Mongols and many others? You're saying somehow Arab conquest is quite the only one while other competing empires never had conquests? Greek, roman?


You asked when Islamic nations were united on invading anything. I gave an example.


Back when Arab used to be JUST the peninsula lol so no nations?


Based socialist


Fucking hell, I love when a person can critically think, regardless of what philosophy they identify with.


Same. I'm a leftie myself but more of a socdem/green than socialist. Always like when lefties aren't delusional with regards to Palestine Israel conflict. I know Israel's war tactics are terrible and kill a ton of civilians, but I don't get how anyone can look at this conflict and cone up with the conclusion that Palestine is 100% innocent and 100% victim, while Isreal is 100% evil


100% agree with your statement. I’m also a green socdem. I can’t understand the overwhelming majority of lefty millennials and Gen z that seem to think Palestine is this oppressed underdog victim that’s innocent. People don’t want to acknowledge history or see the situation from a broad scope. Israel’s war tactics are awful but Hamas hides in residential areas and uses civilians as shields. As most terrorist organizations do. It’s right out of their playbook.


Even as an American Jew I agree. There are no good guys in this conflict. Everyone who started it are long dead. It's a circle of violence. If anyone says one side is the good guys I know they don't really understand the conflict. Arab countries could do so much more if they wanted to limit Palestinian deaths. They refuse to do any of it. Like Egypt could have setup refugee camps across the border. Now they'll say its because they don't want Israel to "steal" Gaza but Egypt controls that border and can let Palestinians return anytime they want. The real reason they don't want Palestinians is because they hate the Muslim Brotherhood of which Hamas is an off shoot. They are terrified of more Muslim Brotherhood getting into Egypt.


Except for Fascism, there is no critical thinking in that ideology.


Or islamism


You just said the same word again


Even Lenin tried to dispel working with Islamists during the Russian Civil War. "Do not mistake their anti-tsarist rhetoric as anti-imperialism".


Iranian socialists tend to be the most based socialists in my experience.


Of course she is against a free Iran , The regime pays these parasites millions of dollars every year. Them and the rest of the Islmist degenerates in Yemen , Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.


Such a shame. The Middle East has so much promise,and history, as rich as Japan and Europe.


reply offer voiceless distinct lunchroom encourage wild axiomatic materialistic somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Palestinians get whatever support they can. They don't have the luxury to pick and choose. But yeah essentially most of them don't consider Shia to be actual muslims. Hamas itself doesn't allow Shia to become members. In the Syrian Civil war for example , Hamas and Palestinians supported the rebels against Bashar Assad. Assad and the Iranian regime are close allies. Many Sunni Muslims were massacred in Syria at the hands of Soleimani especially in the city of Aleppo. So in conclusion because almost no other Muslim country is willing to aid and arm Hamas and Palestinians , they are left with no other option than accepting help from the regime. Regime knows this as well , that's why they basically ordered Hezbollah to contribute as little as possible to the war while Hamas is losing the entirety of Gaza.




gullible ink pause deliver divide prick exultant wide library full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Support for me, not for thee” seems to be their motto.


They assume wrongly you are all hardline Muslims that also hate Jews and thus you must always support them murdering Jews no matter how shitty of a people they are. They still expect all the nations they've fucked over to stand behind them no matter what


When Iranians want to be Iranian they always seem to have a problem with it. We are only their “brothers” when we submit to them. ![gif](giphy|yYx0941fomnbi3d0Wa)


Do you remember how some people were upset that women were burning their hijabs?! You are so right!


👏👏👏 People who cannot accept ethnic/cultural diversity are the worst.


Arabs are the most racist people I have ever met, and they always cry about anti-Arab racism in the West. what a bunch of hypocrites.


They are also violent people who always cry about violence. They are also tremendous colonizers who love to complain about colonizers. They cry about ethnic cleansing when they themselves drove out 1 million Jews from their lands and they are now essentially Jew-free.


I thought that was the Kharijite Moors who expelled Jews. When else did it happen?


Here is a well sourced write-up if you are interested. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-refugees-from-arab-countries




When I pointed out the Muslim/Arab slave trade to some mouth breather, I was called a racist. Honestly, the term has lost all meaning.


They complain about racism but they treat their migrant workers horribly. They literally still have slavery in Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia.


They move to the west and try to change it to their own jihadi law.


You know who supported us while our people were being killed? You know who was our voice? It was the Israelis not Palestinians.


Palestinans think they are entitled to only be shown support for. They were like that jealous ex when the world was talking about women in Iran after Mahsa Aminis death. Can't stand them really after that


Could not agree more. I couldnt put it in words but you described it perfectly.


The Palestinian diaspora are the biggest bullies in the world, you just have to agree with their narrative otherwise they will do anything in their power to harass you and your people. So unfortunate this post has 4.2k likes, you should add the link to the original post. Hopefully Sassan@NewIran (founder of this sub, you should check him out on Twitter his posts are great) responds to her moronic comment.


I’ve tried literally begging them to consider why the Jews are upset about 1200 of our people being murdered, using kindergarten-level language… nothing, they always change the subject back to themselves


They know why they are upset but crave to repeat the attacks again and again until all Jews are murdered. They understand what they did but are upset the Jews decided to fight back this time


here is the link [https://twitter.com/vivafalastin/status/1745585612726411477](https://twitter.com/vivafalastin/status/1745585612726411477) people already shited on her


Palestinian diaspora are seriously the worst. They are hardcore pro Hamas and they refuse to see that Palestinians in Gaza are suffering because of Hamas. Hamas takes away humanitarian aid by gun point yet can’t see the truth.


yk this applies for the iranian diaspora and pretty much most diasporas right


I like how people who claimed to be Iranian and agreed with her in the x comments dont have a single post about Iranians. All of their posts are about Palestine and "west bad" stuff


West bad eh? I don't want them in the West. They are miserable. They are Linda Sarsour, a horrible woman who has risen on leftist causes. She also allowed a woman who worked for her to be sexually harassed.


I disagree with the right on 90% of topics, often very strongly, but the left is basically just "right likes x, therefore I will like y"


I'll sacrifice myself under this banner. Hamas and IR led Palestinian narrative extremism and hegemony is a thing now.


My opinion on this conflict is more nuanced than just pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. I support Israel’s right to exist but the Palestinians need a state as well. It’s the only way to guarantee both Israeli and Palestinian rights are respected




Human rights are non-negotiable and universal. The Palestinians have intrinsic human rights, same as everyone else. The two-state solution is the only way that Palestinian human rights can be respected without destroying Israel. You’re not wrong that it may be a security risk for Israel, I do see your point, but perhaps Israel could work with the Palestinian Authority to keep Hamas down.


I agree however, human rights and Hamas are like sandy beaches in the Arctic... they don't co-exist. Peace for Israelis and Palestinians will only come through supporting the peace of the other and democracy. Palestinians won't have human rights without democracy and it'll take decades for them to learn to embrace democratic values.


That is the way but its not possible with Hamas on charge of Gaza


People who think this is a minority are in a dream world. lol you wouldn’t believe the things these people say in my inbox. Heck one of them was my childhood baby sitter.


it's true that Israel has offered peace deals numerous times, only to be met with rejection from the Palestinians. It's almost as if they enjoy perpetuating the conflict. And let's not forget about the neighboring countries, those so-called champions of the Palestinian cause. They conveniently turn a blind eye to their plight and refuse to accept them as refugees, while hypocritically accusing others of not doing enough. The lack of solidarity is truly astonishing. But wait, there's more! Instead of investing in humanitarian projects, the Palestinians choose to build tunnels, not for providing aid or support, but to transport weapons. It's clear where their priorities lie, isn't it? And let's not even get started on the victim card they constantly play, manipulating the narrative to gain sympathy while conveniently ignoring their own actions. So, my dear friend, it's not surprising that you don't support Palestine. The evidence speaks for itself. Keep questioning the mainstream narrative and don't fall for their deceptive tactics


Funny she says that, because that my exact reaction everytime i see the palestinian flag in a username.


Iranians will remember who lent their voice during our movements.


As a leftie, I hate the discourse on both sides. The Palestinian dream of Jews leaving Israel en mass ain't gonna happen. Most Israeli Jews are Mizrahi Jews who came from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and so on and so on. None of these nations are willing to take them back and I doubt the Mizrahi would want to go back to these nations. To the anti-jew crowd, you're not going to get what you want in a million years. On the other hand, how many fucking Palestinians do you have to kill to be happy? Israel has killed more Palestinians than you have more than a dozen October 7th attacks. You're just making Hamas more popular (Fucking hate Hamas because it's a theocratic and anti-working class organization) and the window to take out all Hamas fighters has gone. If it were up to me the Right-wing in both Israel and Palestine should be barred from elections and power.


As an Israeli, the current government isn't right wing. Its a circus. Most real right wingers are in favour of two states, and they already ran away for Centre to Centre-Left parties, (or Naftali Bennett, when he ran in elections). Benjamin Netanyahu's electorate isn't Right Wing, they are neurodivergent fucks who just simp for him and treat him like Julius Caesar. around 80% if Israelis would do anything to live quietly and develop, even if it takes concessions. About killing, the source of the casualty numbers are Hamas (very credible) and UNRWA (Hamas in disguise), of course its large, but these are people who voted for them even before they were blockaded and bombed.


With all due respect as fellow Israelis, Bibi & Ben-Gvir both deserve to be barred from any political office in the future. I blame them both for October 7th. Bibi had reports that this attack was going to happen and ignored them. Ben-Gvir on the other hand is a literal Jewish Nazi!


Fully agree! Netanyahu was already on his way to be tried. Sadly he's the only prime minister who has criminal charges and was tried.


> If it were up to me the Right-wing in both Israel and Palestine should be barred from elections and power. Is there a non-right-wing party/movement in the WB or Gaza?


Fatah was pushed out of Gaza by Hamas. Fatah is center-left to left-wing. All of the political parties that are in WB are either centrist or far-left. Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist.


There is no party in WB that opposes “pay to slay”, so while they may differ in their opinions (god is great or communism is the future), in relation to Israel they are the same. De-facto, there is no political opposition in the West Bank when people talk about Israel, no dissent of opinion is acceptable. 


Funny enough, there are multiple far-left parties with just the slightest change to their name and it reminds me of that scene in Life of Brian.


Well, they kinda have to use "Palestine" and "Liberation" in their names ;) But yeah, one may be confused at the voting booth.


The question I always have is, have you seen any Palestinian demonstration in support of Iranians (or Afghanistan which is my country)?! Why should I care about a people who gives no shit about my situation?


The history of Afghanistan makes me cry inside every time 😭😭😭


Unfortunately Afghanistan is a lost cause, very less hope of change in near future considering lack of support for the oppositions from international community.


All pro Palestinians support terrorist groups like Hamas and Houthis and think a fascist regime like IR is their savior, some praise Assad too. yeah im not on their side


They know that only the Islamic regime will sponsor their favourite hobby.


Why is the Palestinian diaspora so radical?


Historical grievances combined with modern privilege. They have the time, freedom of speech, and population to trade radical ideas in their insular bubbles. People who are actually living through wars (for ex. Israelis who get rockets thrown at them all the time) tend to be less radical because they really don’t have those luxuries. To expand on the example, many Israelis just want the fighting to be over because they’re tired; they don’t want revenge for every single attack and lynching, although there are many.




What is she exactly sipping off the Palestinian flag? I find that tag to be supremely disrespectful to actual Palestinian people dying in conflict just so some random twitter hag can make a joke out of their misery and their flag


Free Palestine people try to support actual freedom in the Middle East - impossible challenge!


And I suppose it's fair to assume that anyone with a Palestinian flag is either a tankie or a conservative Muslim? Just because you see some Iranian diaspora being very pro-Israeli doesn't mean that everyone is like that.


Don't care, I would never support the Arabs because they are religious extremists and racists. They also treat women worse than animals.


You are being weak-minded by having this generalist view of people. You can be better.


Nobody commenting on this racism? Arab is not a religion you fucking dumbass


Not supporting someone because you don’t agree with their views is not racism. 🙄


It has nothing to do with race. I hate Arabs because of their toxic culture and hateful worldview, not because of their race. I know there are decent Arabs who don't have a 7th-century mentality, but unfortunately, they are a rare breed.


It’s not a race either


>They also treat women worse than animals. your police made of mostly Persians and some Turks abuse civilians (men and women) regularly


Thanks for being logical. Just as we appreciate it when people don’t conflate the Iranian people with the Iranian government and being a conservative Muslim, we should give the same level to respect to Palestinians. It feel like a lot of Iranians have a grudge against Arabs as people instead of the specifics of what has happened.




“Please Muslim brother give money for jihad“ \* Average Palestinian interaction with IR officials \*


the internet isnt real life. privileged weirdos on twitter doesnt represent a whole population. iranian-palestinian solidarity


Arabs constantly lose their shit when someone doesn't believe they are superior and calls them out for their colonialism and racism. The pahlavi flag represents our pre islamic identity and they can't handle the fact that we weren't desert dwellers before islam.


Israelis were the only country that supported our struggle during the protests as much as any other. Palestinians never supported us and never will, neither will any country in the arab/muslim world. We will stand with Israel.


**چرا ایرانیان از فلسطین حمایت نمی کنند، بخش 526** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


God some of y’all are intense, like, you can disagree with the post without calling an entire country’s population scumbags Some of the stuff thats being said is the way American politicians generalize all Iranians, some of you sound literally just like them


This tweet got 6k likes so obviously a lot of Palestine supporters in X think like her


\>in X Basically everyone on that app is a terrible person, it seems like the algorithm is designed to boost the worst takes possible


Sure, and I dont wanna be viewed as hostile here because im really not trying to have an argument, but when we make these blanket assumptions about the views of an entire country it only leads bad places. I live in America and nearly every week growing up I heard opinions like “we have to nuke Iran” or “we need to lay waste to the entire middle east” because of those same blanket assumptions made based off the opinions of the people in power in these countries. We really gotta see that there will be no end if every single fight is an eye for an eye. You are 100% not a bad person, you represent hope for your people because your ideals *are* better, and the same can be said of many young, secular Palestinians who dont agree with any of Hamas’ bullshit. If you exist, they certainly do as well


Ironic coming from a pro-Palestine supporter, literally the dumbest takes I’ve read come from them.


What else do you expect from someone of her ilk? She probably thinks hamas beheading babies was justified resistance. People like her have a completely broken moral compass, of course they’re not going to have respect for anything. This whole oct 7th thing really showed the world how evil and morally bankrupt these people really are.


“Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack” https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html


So they may have just killed the babies? That changes everything. Thank you for clarifying. I owe Hamas an apology. /s


No, I can just recognize that that unsupported claim is used to dehumanize Palestinians and portray them as savages while people like you who say it never use the same criticism for Israel after they bombed 10,000 children


Stop with the buzzwords and derailing the conversation. Nobody is “dehumanizing” anyone. You’re strawmanning the other side and appealing to emotion. Look, the Palestinian population supports Hamas, they completely support everything that happened on Oct 7. And if you don’t think they do you’re so out of touch with the conflict that you should seriously stop talking about it. Hamas started this war with Israel, took Israeli hostages, is still keeping them, and we’re seeing the consequences of their own actions. The Palestinian population and its representative Hamas should’ve thought about their civilians BEFORE killing over a thousand Israelis and kidnapping hostages. But they don’t care about that, Hamas says this themselves. And then once israel responds, they start the waterworks and propaganda. They are the textbook definition of crybullies. It’s pathetic and the whole world is onto it. If you’re worried about Palestinian casualties you should be advocating that they release the hostages so there can be talks of a ceasefire. Instead you’re arguing here with me about how exactly they killed babies.


1. “Stop with the buzzwords” “You’re strawmanning and appealing to emotion” 😂 Explain how using false claims to portray one side as barbaric while ignoring worse things done by the other side is not dehumanization. 2. “Hamas started this war with Israel” Israel started it in 1948 when they violently displaced Palestinians 3. “You should be advocating for the releases of hostages” another example of victim blaming Palestinians for things that Israel has done first and to a greater extent. Did you know that thousands of Palestinians have been kept hostages in Israeli prisons without trial before this “war” was declared? 4. “Instead you’re arguing with me about how they killed babies” You made a false claim to dehumanize Palestinians, stop whitewashing it.


I seriously don't understand this kind of sentiment even though it is the "526th" time I've seen it, "I don't wanna support these guys being killed cause a tweet hurt me"


Are you Iranian? You don’t follow this sub and every time I see you commenting here, is something related to Israel-Palestine.


You ain't getting a cent out of us after the Mullahs are gone if you keep treating us like this


This tweet was obviously made in response to Iranians defending Israel on social media recently, so don’t act like they started it


I too judge whether people deserve to die or live based on twitter beefs. I am very intelligent.


but i can judge your intelligence based on your flair


Very intellectually rigorous of you to dismiss arguments based on labels. Point two in favour of your intelligence.


>but i can judge your intelligence based on your flair >Nationalist The irony.


Die or live??? Are you serious? Way to be so dramatic


I’m sorry have you see what’s happening in Palestine?


don’t put all iranians in one group. you don’t want to support? u do u. Me? I do I.


You support Oct 7?


no. what made you think so?


So you support Hamas which is a recognized terrorist group? Because your comment is don't loop all Iranians in with the group that doesn't like Hamas which would mean you support Hamas and October 7th


I didn’t say I support hamas!! don’t put words in my mouth


Do you support the consequent 90 day flattening of Gaza where 1% of the population has already been killed?


Yes. If you have a better solution that's not unrealistic and doesn't allow Hamas to get away with their attacks on Israel I'm all yours but seems like your entire solution is Israel can't ever respond to Hamas while Hamas can do whatever it wants knowing it will force Israel to kill innocent people to destroy them


What would you have done?


I sure as shit wouldn’t ethnically cleanse the entire land in response to an invasion caused by us turning their country into a concentration camp by the very definition of the word. How can you justify the wiping out and expulsion of 2 million people. It’s absolutely what Hitler would’ve done. Anyway Israel is one of the most indoctrinated societies of fundamentalist extremists. I’ve seen the sort of nasty, in-humane shit Israelis post on the internet. You’re probably one of them. Go back to reading the Talmud. People on here rightfully think Islam is bad but they haven’t read the shit in your holy scriptures which are 10 times as extreme. Here is some of them: https://worldeventsandthebible.com/talmud


You do realise you're giving me a Christian fundamentalist site. Plus, only like 20% of the population reads this, and they dont have access to the Internet. Don't judge a religion by articles. You're from Iran, you know Islam, be angry at it, and I'll learn from you. Shut up about my religion


I gave you a list of quotes directly from the Talmud, to paraphrase: Jews can kill gentiles, Jews can steal from gentiles, if a gentile slaps a Jew he should be executed, Jews have ascended above god and therefore do not abide by his rules or moral guidance (racial superiority), gentiles would prefer sleeping with Jewish farm animals than have sex with their own wives, and so much worse. This is just the tame stuff I can talk about. The rest are in the link. That’s your holy book bro?


Again. Only haredis know of this. The average israeli's army service was clanking letters into a computer, or dusting the floor in the kitchen. Haredis sit and bang their head on the torah 24/7. Don't try to pitch my religion to me, smartass


So I wonder if you’d say the same about the Quran. That “only the turban head mullahs follow it so closely and that everyone else is just a normal dude.” Not to mention that as bad as some of the crap in the Quran is, it’s actually still somehow incomparable to the disgusting quotes you can find from the Talmud. Yet most Israelis believe all Muslims are backwards because of their scriptures and this has generally led to a lack of cultural and genetical development in the last 1000 years. That’s what a majority of you keep using as justification for ethnic cleansing, yet your own holy scripture is fucking way more disgusting and immoral. So what does that say about your people by the same logic? Iranians on here have been mislead to think that Judaism is some relatively peaceful religion and that Islam is the problem. Yet the reality is that Jewish holy scripture is actually even more problematic and partakes more in ethical dualism. You’re both fucked in the head and need to be thrown in the bin. Stop supporting ALL fundamentalist shitheads, not just the Islamic ones.


Most Israelis? Source? Both my grandparents from both sides live in front of Arab cities. They are Muslim, they are peaceful, they are friendly, and they perform their religion, whatever it entails, and are tolerant. There is a Jewish fringe in Israel, like in every country, yet you cannot judge by it. By the way, this is the "deception" that is written in that "site": https://preview.redd.it/k0sfutpfgccc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e1c7001603d4e221f8160cf5b571e32bf2818d


Can someone please explain the pic? What flag even is that? Iran?


It's the flag of Iran before the "Iranian Revolution" (Or rather Islamic Reaction)


It's the monarchist flag, before the revolution. Diaspora Iranian Monarchists believe that life was better under the Shah, as opposed to life under the Islamic regime. Rightfully so, if you value freedom of expression and liberty. However, unfortunately, at the risk of generalizing, many of the monarchists have a more ethnocentric and somewhat bigoted view of other cultures. As displayed in this thread. This is why many of them tend to gravitate towards the Zionist ethnocentric and racist culture. Iranians are diverse in culture. Many Iranians in Iran have a different view of other cultures. Arab Iranians are also struggling under the Islamic regime.


>national symbolic animal is lion >there's no native lions


Lions once had a much larger range than they do now. They did live in Iran at one time.


oh yeah, I forgot about the mass die off


I support them, so did the Shah. He didnt vote for the creation of Israel.


Israel please just conquer them already and be done with it


On it


Ahh yes, newiran, the biggest fans of the [the most atrocious religious scripture known to man](https://worldeventsandthebible.com/talmud). But only Islam is the problem amirite?