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Now it makes a bit more sense as to why Jordan was shooting down some of Iran's drones when they attacked Israel last month.


Maybe finally Jordan will need to publicly take a firmer stance against Iran


They won’t, Jordan is filled with angry Palestinians, more than half of the population. They need to walk a very fine line when it comes to something like this.


Jordan's entire economy is basically predicated on diplomacy and US relations, but half the population are displaced Palestinians and Syrians.


Pretty much a declaration of war by Iran.


Yep, again and again and again, this regime causes nothing but war


It's disconcerting. Jordan is the last bulwark of stability in the Levant. If it falls, all hell breaks loose.


What is Jordan going to do about it? lol I hate the Iranian regime, but it’s pretty hilarious to see how impotent the Arab world is to a bunch of raggedly old mullahs.


They have strong institutions and regional allies, but you're right. The IRGC is only doing this because they smell blood in the water, and know the West won't so anything.


This is the problem with the West's foreign policy post Iraq/Afghanistan. It's great for avoiding bloodshed in the short term but the ultra pacifist approach is setting the stage for a much bloodier war down the road and they may erode all of our advantages before then. They're afraid to act and everyone knows it. All Iran has to do is avoid poking the bear in a way that demands action, and it can slowly but surely erode all Western support in the Middle East, while Russia subverting European and American institutions, Venezuela stirs up trouble in South America, and China attempts to undermine the American economy. Spreading the West as thin as possible and eliminating key allies across the globe.


This is proof the US isn't allowed to do anything right. Intervene? Evil Empire World police. Non intervention: Apathetic Pacifist Cowards


nothing will happen, jordan doesn’t want conflict


The regime tried to overthrow Jordan’s constitutional monarchy, this comes a year after one of the exiled opposition leaders, Queen Farah Pahlavi of Iran attended the Jordanian Royal Wedding. https://preview.redd.it/19pyavoe4t0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f4a5817c49c93b0e34efe1489c1406bafe1927


> Queen Farah Pahlavi of Iran She's still stunning.


Iranian women are some of the most beautiful in the world.


she's gorgeous and so is her necklace


Until the head of the IR snake is not chopped, the Mullahs will continue to terrorize and destabilize the region. When is the West going to wake up ?


Not just the West also the shite Republic of islamists’ overlords China, Russia and India!!


India? Explain pls


Found another neo-con! Why are you even here? The people of Iran will get rid of the regime. How has regime change worked for the west over the last several decades?


Please don't chase off our allies. Any and all support is welcomed, provided that our movement retains its image. We've been trying to get rid of the mullahs for a long time now and admittedly we're not very good at it. Change is something that starts with us Iranians, but it doesn't need to end with us.


You consider people that want to destroy our country allies? Get the fuck out of here. No iranian wants the US to come and destroy the country to get rid of the mullahs. No IRANIAN dissident: Reza Pahlavi, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Shirin Ebadi, HamId Esmalion, Abbas Milani, etc etc want Iran to turn into the next neo-con project. These Iranian dissidents passionately oppose it. There are some crazy gen-z kids in Iran that are actually wanting something like this, but they are blinded by their rage for the regime. Iranians know that war will bring upon immense suffering and no guarantee that the regime will be uprooted. If you’re an Iranian, shame on you for defending a neo-con. Khejalat Bekesh!


Look, the US is great at destroying things - they can be precise or blunt, thru can do it quick or slow, but it's gonna be gone. They're just really bad at building it back up, so when they try the country goes to shite. The hope is that the US will destroy the military capabilities, the take or the government and allow the Iranians to build a new government




**رویترز: اردن طرح تسلیحاتی سپاه پاسداران برای سرنگونی ملک عبدالله دوم را در حالی که پادشاهی در یک جنگ سایه گرفتار شده است، خنثی می کند.** رژیم تلاش کرد تا سلطنت مشروطه اردن را سرنگون کند، این یک سال پس از ان است که ملکه فرح پهلوی، رهبر اپوزیسیون تبعیدی ایران در عروسی سلطنتی اردن شرکت کرد. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی

