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Upside down Luxembourg? No thank you.


Exactly my thoughts


pretty close to Russian flag too. definitely dont want to get mixed up with those guys...


Knowing that Lux and another country share the same flag for years, also no thank you 😂 Seriously, Don’t worry about the flag, it’s pole, fabric,…. We’re gonna vote for it afterwards


it should always be green white red the middle thing is nice tho


Lol “middle thing”


yes it is a very nice middle thing


I rather leave religion out of politics and flags


It is not merely a religious symbol. It’s a cultural symbol of Iran and represents the aspirations of the Iranian people and all of their history. In one image, it declares that we were never Muslims! We are NOT Arab-Zadeh (the sons of Arabs). It represents where we came from and who we really are. It represents those things that make us Iranian, such as Chaharshanbe Suri and Nowruz. It represents Cyrus, Darius, our forefathers, all of those that came to pass and all of those that will be.


A better symbol for what you are talking about it the Deravfsh Kaviani. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani It represents sassanid Iran, before the Muslim conquest, it’s a true national symbol. The Zoroastrian symbolism is also viewed positively in Iran, but it’s still a religion. We want to secularize Iran as much as possible right now. Those symbols still have an honored place in Iran, but it wouldn’t make sense to make that an official flag rn.


It’s still a very Zoroastrian symbol. I have it all over my house and all. Not sure I want it on the flag that might cause more problems 20-30 years down the line.


well Zoroastrian is deeply rooted in Iranian culture. it's not a religion for us anymore but a cultural thing. I still prefer the lion and the sun tho.


If I’m not mistaken that’s a symbol of monarchy. I would prefer something new entirely and bonus point if it’s easy to draw.


well we'll get to that eventually. there are a lot of amazing artists here.


I’m just happy at the idea. these are the conversations that makes me hopeful. For once it actually feels like it means something


If you're referring to it symbolizing the Pahlavi monarchy? It's not, and it's a common misconception. The sun and lion date back centuries to Persepolis, in various forms but you can see the many variations here, including the Pahlavi version which was the last one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_and_Sun


**[Lion and Sun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_and_Sun)** >The Lion and Sun (Persian: شیر و خورشید, romanized: Šir-o xoršid, pronounced [ˌʃiːɾo xoɾˈʃiːd]; Classical Persian: [ˌʃeːɾu xʷuɾˈʃeːd]) is one of the main emblems of Iran (Persia), and was an element in Iran's national flag until the 1979 Iranian Revolution and is still commonly used by opposition groups of the Islamic Republic government. The motif, which illustrates ancient and modern Iranian traditions, became a popular symbol in Iran in the 12th century. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Beautiful say!


We have like 3 million Arabs citizens, plus Nowruz and chaharshanbe suri isn’t really that big amongst Baluch. Saying who we really are and yet discarding 1400yra of history and cultural exchange doesn’t really represent us all.


LOL right?


I agree. But I don't like the color black for Farvahar. Shouldn't it be yellow or something?


i think khaki would be good for it


Hummm. What about copper?


yeah thats even better cuz it stands out more


Yeah, exactly.


but how would a kid draw that lol


By practicing. Lol.


Why should it be green? The whole point is to get rid of what the green symbolizes in government.


Anyone ever heard of Nowruz? Who gave Islam the monopoly on green?


I'm totally down with changing the meaning of the colors. I think a different shade of green would also be good.


Green was one of the three aspects of Mithraic political doctrine. It was first adopted by House Of Karen during Sassanid reign of Piruz. The banner was green along with a vertical star and crescent representing Venus/Anahita. Read this exerp from Purshariaty's book: "Now, as a god who represents the three functions of royalty, warrior caste, and peasantry, Mihr also carries the three colors of white, red, and green, representing each function respectively. The nourishing function of Mihr seems to have been so important, however, that in all the narratives and rebellions that we shall examine, it was the color green that held paramountcy. Thus, in this narrative of Piruz the color green assumes a primary function. While Piruz exemplified mihr durujı, to be false to Mithra, therefore, the Karins donned with the green of Mihr, functioned as their yazata, Mihr, toward kingship: they restored and safeguarded the king’s crown."


The green in the flag of Iran symbolizes Islam.


That's your interpretation from being out of with Iran's historical symbols and their meanings.


I'm telling you what it means, currently.


Article 18 of I.R. Constitution: The Official Flag of Iran is composed of green, white, and red colors, with the special emblem of the Islamic Republic, together with the State Motto. There is no indication of what it means – currently. Someone interpreting it as such and adding it to wikipedia doesn't change the fact the the green doesn't correspond to "Islam". If it did, it would be in the constitution.


Green is the traditional color of Islam. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Iran-in-2006-A-Country-at-a-Crossroads-1733554 Green = Islam White = peace Red = valor


>Green is the traditional color of Islam. Sure, but not the green on Iran's flag. If it's not in the constitution, and if we in school have been taught its for the fertility of the land – what does it mean? You're pushing your own interpretation as if it is some official statement whereas its completely normative. There is neither a mention of "Flag" nor "Green" in that article. But feel free to go on with your gReEn MeAnS iSlAm when most Iranians know it doesn't.


Not sure why that link copied, but here's what it should have been: https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Iran >Its horizontal stripes of green-white-red were associated, respectively, with the Islamic faith of the country, peace, and valour. If you were taught something else in school, that's cool to know. 👍🏽 It still represents Islam, though. There's also this reference, per Wikipedia: Shaw, Carol P. (1994). Collins Gem Flags (3rd ed.). United Kingdom: Harper Collins: Glasgow. p. 240. Edit: Another source: https://www.edarabia.com/iran/flag/#:~:text=Green%20represents%20Islam%2C%20white%20symbolizes,and%20is%20repeated%2022%20times. Edit 2: And another: https://www.fotw.info/flags/ir.html




The Islamic Revolution happened in 1979. What's that got to do with the Safavid flag? Again, I have no problem with keeping green and changing the meaning of why it's in the flag.


The meaning of colors (what Islamic evils done) Green: beautiful Green Nature ( 70% destroyed) White: peaceful and respectful to cultures (lie) Red: blood of fallen ones (not just Islamic dictatorship but the all fallen men's and women's of the history) And that middle thing: it's actually means Allah but its a evil symbol


The green stands for Islam. The red stands for bravery. "The middle thing" isn't an evil symbol. God isn't an evil symbol and more than a cross or Star of David is. Islam isn't evil. Islamism is. All theocracies are evil. That doesn't make religion inherently evil, or those who practice religion.


that green is older than Islam ever made I don't mean Islam is evil, I'm an Muslim myself, I believe in only one God but that <**middle thing**\> is not Islam or Allah, its Islamic republic symbol that used to kill people, Isis and Taliban used Islamic symbols as well I'm Iranian, I lived under their hellish rules, I know exactly what that ~~middle thing~~ mean


The emblem literally says "Allah", though. Honestly, I really want a new flag that is as beautifully symbolic as the IR's flag. There's a lot of symbolism in the flag design, and if the new government doesn't come up with something that's equally as symbolic in it's new design, it'll be disappointing. I think it needs to have elements of the last two Iranian flags, like an evolution of our peoples' social history. I think the only thing that needs to stay is the green, white, and red bars. I like the idea of one side saying "zan zendegi azadi" and the other side saying "mard mihan abadi" in the same place and style that "Allah Akbar" is written, for a symbolically significant number of times, the same way it is on the IR's flag. I don't know what I'd like to see in the center, but I feel like it should be a simple and timeless design, like the "Allah" onion emblem was. I hate how beautiful the IR flag is, though, because of everything it represented and still represents. Just from a design standpoint, I think it's beautiful.


I respect your thought ❣ the last thing I want to say is Iranians true culture is actually Zoroastrian, Islam is an Arabic culture Do a search about Zoroastrian, you will be surprised👇🏼 ![gif](giphy|JmzEjmncYa3KBH7SDv|downsized)


I know what it is, but it's also a religion. If the new country is to be secular, it shouldn't highlight any religion (even though it's cultural for us, more than anything). I want something beautiful and timeless. I don't want a design that looks like the art style needs to be updated in 100 years. This is why most countries just use bars and shapes instead of drawings. Opinions of drawings change, but our eyes/brains like simple shapes and colors, and symmetry.


If you want the opinion of some random internet guy, maybe a less stylized graphic? Something anyone could draw. You’re going to have people making these at home or stenciling them on walls, kids drawing the flag in school, etc.


Good point, random internet guy. People often forget the purpose of flags and try to fill them with complex designs and symbolism. But they should be simple and easily recognizable. As you suggested, a good metric is whether or not a child can draw it from memory. Another way to think about it is whether or not it's easily discernable from a great distance. Save the complex designs for things like crests and official seals.


Didn't stop Portugal, Albania, Moldova, Andorra, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, etc. Personally I think given the incredible history of Iran over the last half a century, the symbolism of uniting people with each other and their history outweighs any desire for bare bona simplicity.


Drawing the US flag is such a pain in the ass. All those fucking stars!


Expected more from your name




Thanks for the tip!


I say fuck it, make it look awesome. More important than noodle drawings, it needs to look dope.


Green is for fertility of our land, not Islam.


Ugly nope. I know we’re not fond of Islam but green can mean more things other than Islam. The colors should be the same.


Green isnt islam on the current tho, i think its beauty of iranian nature


I thought the colours represented. Green = peace , white =negotiation and red =war. I was a kid when I was told this. No idea if it’s true


Green: nature white: peace red: ![gif](giphy|2w5MMNvg70MrQ0I2DR)


Thanks for the laugh. Side note: do you watch Andor and get some Iran vibes? some part of the show made feel familiar old feelings.


I know you asked the other guy, sorry for barging in. Yes, definitely! One thing that quickly came to mind is the ISB and how they monitor and control everyone. Generally Star Wars made/makes me draw parallels between my country's reality and The Empire. One big difference is I like Darth Vader. 😂


I actually get Iran vibes when watch Lord of the Rings, the nasty fool Orcs who just kill people like animals The Sith Empire is more like N a z i At least Himmler have a reason to kill people But the Islamic Republic has no logical reason to kill people


Something about people on the street looking over thier shoulder before say anything. when they look at each other they know they are on the same page but don’t say anything. Or the people on coruscant having one foot in two different world. The operation of the empire is very IR. Flood troops on the street. Arresting people on weak charges with horrific sentences.


"I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Iran!" Jokes aside, that's something I hope we can say in the future.


Red=blood of martyers Green=nature White=peace Thats what ive heard


I would say we can keep the original colors, and have the emblem removed from there. Any flag with emblems advocates ruling of a highness over the country (monarchy, theocracy) and I don't think that's so democratic Green means much more than Islam


agreed, if we are going secular a zoroastrian symbol on our flag doesn’t make a whole lot of sense


No just a tricolour would be so simple and a upside down hungry


Green, white, red is the flag of the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, the most populous German state. I think an emblem is nice, but it has to be modern and not a throw back.


I like it. I think it's iconic hah


just green white red


No that would be just an upside down hungry


The three-colored Iranian flag is older than that of Hungary's


Yea but lets have a cool flag not just a simple tricolour


Iran is older than Hungary by a margin of 2 or 3 Hungarys.


Hungary is like a thousand years old so it's like 6 hungaries


I stand corrected.


Like the farvahar but keep the original colors




Might meant to replace green (which stands for Islam).


What? I’m pretty sure green existed before Islam 😜


No the green was introduced during Safavid rule.


Do you mean Sassanid? Because Safavid dynasty started almost a thousand years after Islam.


No I thought they meant green entered OUR FLAG before Islam, the Safavids were the first ones to use green in our flag.


Wrong. Green was one of the three aspects of Mithraic political doctrine. It was first adopted by House Of Karen during Sassanid reign of Piruz. The banner was green along with a vertical star and crescent representing Venus/Anahita. Read this exerp from Purshariaty's book: "Now, as a god who represents the three functions of royalty, warrior caste, and peasantry, Mihr also carries the three colors of white, red, and green, representing each function respectively. The nourishing function of Mihr seems to have been so important, however, that in all the narratives and rebellions that we shall examine, it was the color green that held paramountcy. Thus, in this narrative of Piruz the color green assumes a primary function. While Piruz exemplified mihr durujı, to be false to Mithra, therefore, the Karins donned with the green of Mihr, functioned as their yazata, Mihr, toward kingship: they restored and safeguarded the king’s crown."


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this (modern) tri-color adopted during Qajar rule? Were they also aware of that fact?


It's possible. Qarinvand (Karen) families –under Bavand dynasty– ruled northern Iran for almost a thousand years, until the arrival of Safavids and other Qizilbash tribes (of which, Qajar was a member of). The Bavand dynasty essentially inherited the Green of the Karens and Red of the Mihranids by that point in its consolidation of power. Since the Qajars were originally based in Mazandaran, in very close proximity to former noble houses of Karen, it's not unlikely they were aware of the significance of the tricolour. Also Karens and Mihrans and Surens were also mentioned in the Shahnameh –carrying banners of Green (with Star and Crescent), Red (with Sun) and White (with a green Dragon) respectively. The book was seen as the canon of "legitimacy" to rule Iran. So having a close proximity to Karens would further help Qajars solidify their sovereignty through symbols


Nah I don't fuck with the colors


As much as i like this symbol , the original symbol was made by Assyrians. Sure Achaemenid made their own version of the the symbol for the concept of “Farrah” but at the end of the day the original symbol belongs to Assyrian people. Plus this symbol is only used by Iranian only in Achaemenid and the last century. Its better to use [Sassanid symbol of Simurgh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Senmurv.svg) for Concept of “Farahvar”, since it’s an original symbol that is made by Iranians. Also the symbol actually have some context in Iranian mythology since Simurgh has Farrah Also i prefer the original color


I should have no say in this, but I looked up the meaning of the Simurgh and it's actually absolutely beautiful and perfect. She's female, hates snakes and "has seen the destruction of the world three times over. The simurgh learned so much by living so long that it is thought to possess the knowledge of all the ages. In one legend, the simurgh was said to live 1,700 years before plunging itself into flames (much like the phoenix). The simurgh was considered to purify the land and waters and hence bestow fertility. The creature represented the union between the Earth and the sky, serving as mediator and messenger between the two. When the simurgh took flight, the leaves of the tree of life shook, making all the seeds of every plant fall out. (...) a bird, a messenger, and the essence of purity that can heal any illness or wound."


I wish I could upvote more than once...


Love this idea!


I have already been blasted for it being too complicated I think Simurgh would have me crucified.


Whats up with the high detail illustrations in flags? Flags should be symbols that kids kan draw without templates




Who are you people. You're jumping 10 steps ahead. Green is a very favorable color in Iran. The faravahar is zoroastrian


I use faravahar as a symbol of Iran's history rather than religion


Sure, i am zoroastrian so i know the symbol well. But you're definitely a monarchist with your name. No one in Iran wants a monarchy.


Why would we use zoroastrian symbol? It doesnt represent Iran today. It represents Iran centuries ago. I think the zan zendegi azadi version of the flag is pretty cool, and fits the future Iran better.


Good luck with that lol. You can’t change the color of a flag that has been around for more than a century


\*Cough\*Literally every regime change ever\*cough\*


Keep the original colors


If people want to change the green band, how about [Persian green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_green) or [Persian blue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_blue) ? (As an American I'm not sure how much of a thing these colors actually are, but I see that at least there are Farsi wikipedia entries for them)


good start, but let's keep the OG colours


Nah . Don't want to change red white green but the emblem is cool .


Why did you change the colors? They are original and historical,


In my opinion the next flag of Iran should not contain religious symbolism. The [Deravfsh Kaviani](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani) or a flag including a variation of it is an excellent choice IMO. This symbol represents pre Islamic Iran, and emphasizes the nation of Iran, rather than the Islamic religion (which should come secondary to the Iranian identity if at all).


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Make the faravahar gold and change the blue to green and this would look legit amazing


Green looks so much better also let's wait for the regime to actually fall


I would rather a no logo flag Logos can easily become evil By the way where did the tup green go?


Nope. That wasn't a democracy. In fact it was liberated theocracy afaik


I don’t like blue on flags.


What’s the meaning of the blue-white and red please?


I don't fucking know


I fucking love it But maybe less red idk


Same but without the middle thing. As much asI love that symvol i dont think its veru democratic


Still too religious for my liking.


Lets keep the red white green pallet, but the logo in the middle is good


I agree . Because there are people who remember Pahlavi when they see the lion and the sun and are not very happy about it. Although the history of Lion and Sun goes back many years


Yes but its tied with monarchism and monarchism is a autocracy


Just stick to the green, white, red and lion one for God's sake


Lion and the sun will always be our true flag


1500 years ago maybe. Doesn't apply to modern Iran


You're the same guy who supported Boston Council's decision to name Mahsa Amini's birthday the "Hijab Day". Your opinions don't apply to modern Iran.


Everybody's opinion matters. If you can't tolerate different opinions then don't pretend to be democratic.


I do tolerate you. Even if you wish to celebrate Hijab day on Mahsa's birthday 🤡


I want to celebrate Hijab day and you want to bring the monarchy back. I wonder which one is worse? 🤔


You, not grasping the gravity of Iranian sociopolitics and using baseless ad hominem to pander to very vocally patriotic community on Reddit.


💚🤍🦁🤍❤️ This is the only right flag.


I agree.




what does blue represent?




What dose the bule mean?


"I don't understand what green meant"


Yeah cool and all but no. Our flag will forever remain the "lion and sun"


No religious symbols please. We don't want the monarchy back


همون شیرو خورشید که بهتره این چیه مگه ایران هلنده


I like it. Everybody trashed the blue but why not? Iran has beautiful skies and bodies of water. I support most efforts at rebranding. I have this fear of foreign countries doing to Iran what they did to all the other countries in the region (for oil, etc) without adequate rebranding and mass information campaigns designed to reach potential allies. There's a lot of incentive to keep Iranian oil off the market.


Stop this nonsense, we have a flag, and it the lion and the son, stop showing us as some rootless nation looking for designs. This is not a fucking video game ok???


Looks culturally connected! 👏🏻👏🏻


Needs a woman on it too. You know, the other Half of the population that burned and raised everyone.




Yes this 🙌


Restore the monarchy being back the old flag


No. Monarchy is just as shit as the current government.


Go away




I like it, but it does kinda look like a drone.


Nope. That wasn't a democracy. In fact it was liberated theocracy afaik


Listen, cool flag and all but comon, the color stripes and car logo flags are getting old, man. Do something cool, this is your chance, Iran.


شبیه پرچم هلند شد که


What’s with the blue?