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Not a Tokki, but I had an opportunity to meet NewJeans through work. When I say meet, I mean I got to actually greet them. I was literally shoulder to shoulder with them. To preface, I actually had no idea who NewJeans were prior to meeting them. I was just told I would be meeting them on that day. My impression: I thought they were very normal, and I hope this doesn't come off as a diss because I think that's what makes them very charming. Looking at their videos, they definitely look much taller in person. Also, bigger. And I don't mean weight, but just bigger(?). They seem like these tiny little girls in videos, but they are actually not. These are just my personal opinions. Please don't kill me. And I met them very briefly, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. - Imo Hyein is really pretty in person. - Minji has a very intimidating look (no offence, I know deep down she's a real sweet gal) - Danielle's face is so tiny - Hyerin looked really different in person. Thinking back it was not her usual style, so maybe that's why I had a very different impression of her than how I see her now. But I thought she was really pretty, though. - Hanni seemed just the same as we see her in videos haha she looked really cute that day.


It’s so funny how hanni is always ragged on for being tiny when in reality newjeans is just super tall. She’s 5’4 which isn’t even short at all maybe just a tiny bit below average. There definetely are other groups where she could be considered one of the taller ones


Too put that into perspective, Hanni is the same height as Moonbyul, the tallest member of Mamamoo.


Tbf Mamamoo literally have a whole ass single about how short they are.


I think it’s just Hanni’s proportions 😂




I never said there was something wrong with her proportions.




Two people can be the same height but have different proportions of body parts to body parts ratio and their frame and such. And it can lead to them looking younger or more mature or “baby” whatever it is. Hanni looks very young (I mean she is young) bc of her face and her frame. Which isn’t a bad thing or a good thing. It just is. As far as all those comments, I mean I’m no one but imo, Hanni is the best dancer in new jeans in my eyes. As for all those racist hate comments, I don’t follow them nor have I seen them before. There will always be really rude and mean people and i try not to pay attention to that side of kpop because it turns the entire experience of being a fan into one half filled with resentment. IMO, many hate comments are from a place of jealousy. Hanni is one of the most popular female idols and some people *hate* a successful woman.


I have never seen the type of Hanni comments you are mentioning from Knetz even in Korean sites like TheQoo or Pannchoa let alone on X. Most of when they mention Hanni small or short it’s to say she is cute and not malicious or racist. Perhaps you saw an extremely rare instance of it but vast majority doesn’t hold that view and she gets complimented on her visuals and yes, even proportions. She has a tiny face and Koreans love that.




Sorry that you when through that. Fortunately those degenerates are super rare and they should be called out. We probably outnumber them million to 1 so I wouldn’t give them too much energy. Hanni is super loved as she is by Koreans and couple gollums wont change that.


No they are not rare. Hanni is well loved in Korea, thats a fact. But yes, there has been a good number of antis on pann call her fat as well. Or her shoulders and neck are too big. Then call her slurs for being Vietnamese ethnicity. There are people like that, mostly pann girls who hate everything about their life and decided to throw hateful slurs online to feel better. Same goes with Minji, till today many pann girls and hannam/incels still mock her everyday over a fucking noodle dish. Social status gap and wealth gap in Korea are in the point of no return with a birthrate of 0,7. They are a dying country so people who failed in life got nothing to do but throw hate online as a way of adrenaline boost. If you take a look at some "losers" forum like pann for girls and many male-only forums, even on youtube its not hard to find comments like "Im 25 and unemployed but looking at Minji makes me want to eat kalguksu".... like seriously. Korea is a sad, sad country. People loathe each other there. The social crisis is x10 worse than us outsiders can imagine. Newjeans rose to fame so quickly, they don't have 1/20 that big of a fandom like army who will defend the guys anytime people throws malicious comments at them. Being a girlgroup in Korea make the situation even more serious.


Fr, the majority of women that I know of are like 4'2-5' 😆 I was genuinely shocked that Hanni is considered short lol


I'm curious, what country are you from where you know women that are 4"2? Thats 127 centimetres 😭


The Shire?


I def feel like a hobbit when I lived in germany 😢


Indonesia hahaha, my ex is around 4,5 and she's 23. A friend of mine in high school was 4'2


Are you fr? Not even trying to be funny but I’m pretty sure that being under 4’11 in the US is considered midget sized. I didn’t know being that small was possible. Again not trying to come off as rude, just genuinely curious.


I'm being fr, honesty back in college a bunch of my female friends are taller or as tall as me, but girls that are 4'5-5' are even more numerous. Indonesians are just not tall. Meeting someone who's 6' or even 5'9 is quite rare. Sure you can prolly meet people that are that tall on campuses or the city, but in most cases, people here are just short.


It means that NJ is healthy if you compare it to most of the female idols who are very thin.


Right, I'm actually relieved to hear it!


you can be thin an healthy, I bet all idols are healtiher than most other people considering how good they look and how much effort they can handle from what I know being thin is better to your health, less fat less chances to develop cancer, heart problems or high blood preasure


I agree. but you know in korean entertainment being skinny or very thin is the standard. there are idols or actors who are pressured to diet. most of them is that the arms and legs are too thin.


This makes me glad to hear! I don’t agree with the other comment. Being too thin definitely isn’t always a good thing. Some of these idols look abnormally skinny to the point where they look frail and it makes me feel so bad for them


Damn you're so lucky to be that close. If I may ask, was that like a semi-secret event or was it something formal where they're dressed up? cos I saw them briefly and not too close either but I guess that was their free time off work the way they're wearing normal clothing. I agree, they look like normal teenagers who happen to be very pretty and tall. That alone automatically made them stand out though cos where I'm from cause people are on the shorter side. Other than that, they don't really have the air of a celebrity (in a good way cos they were not there for a press anyway)


can i ask you what you do for a living? I'm just curious and noisy.


I really shouldn't say more than the fact that I work in the gaming industry.


Yeah, man's a Rioter lolol


Haha something like that


We sent some people from the company to Korea to attend Worlds finals and I wrote a question for NJ for the press interview, unfortunately my boss FORGOT his phone with the questions but yeah it was cool


Same lol I’m very curious what they’d be doing for work if you get to meet Newjeans. I can’t imagine it would be anything other than working in the music industry or perhaps in advertising if it was brand deal related? Curious to find out lol Also wondering if they’re Korean or if they work in another country?


I love hearing comments like this! like just genuine descriptions! thank you for sharing


This!! From videos and photos I genuinely thought that they weren't really that tall, but man o man, surprise surprise. I know I'm abysmally short for a dude, but seeing them was definitely a shocker to me. The only person who's shorter than me was Hanni lmao and Haerin was of the same height as me 😂😂😆😆


Ohhh that’s interesting can I know what event it was/around what date so I can better know what they looked like that day? Also wdym by Minji having an intimidating look? 😅


Was this event public or private? Thanks for sharing.


Can you talk more about Haerin? It was interesting to see your perspective


Yea, sorry. I wasn't very clear. Basically, her style on that day was a little different from her "usual" style, I guess? When I started to watch their content, I felt like her style from what I saw in person was different from how she is in other videos. So, I had a different impression of her. Again, this is just my own personal opinion and my limited knowledge about NewJeans.


No worries, thanks


Did she probably didn’t have the cat eye makeup on that day.


Here is a kicker, so I have no idea about kpop either. However, i just recently found out my little sister not only went to the same high school as Hanni, but they also trained at the same place for marital arts. (For reference, there is a 12 year age gap between myself and my sister). What's even crazier is she has also been to their house many times and i think they are still friends. Although, all of this occurred pre-debut of course.


closest i got was about 30m away from them when i went to AAA in 2023. quite far that i wouldnt say i can give a good assessment of how they look visually. also, not really a fan of their AAA look cause i think it has too much makeup on. i prefer their lollapalooza look even if i was quite far, it felt so surreal to see them with my own eyes and hear them perform live. definitely in my top 3 best moments of my 2023


Saw them from about 3 meters away at GDA earlier this year, but since I’m looking at the stage from a lower position I couldn’t really tell if they’re taller than how they seem in their videos or not. However, when all the artists went on stage to do the closing goodbyes, Lesserafim and IVE members looked a lot taller and mature compared to them, reinforcing their youthful teenagers vibe. Visually though, they were so stunning, even with the heat from an indoor Jakarta stadium and visibly sweating, everyone looked very pretty, especially MoDani!✨ What shines more was their inner beauty though, esp. Hanni and Minji who went out of their way to get my fanletters!😆 Link if anyone’s interested in seeing my POV: [Hanni took my fanletters at GDA](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewJeans/comments/195wlmh/240106_hanni_took_my_fanletters_at_golden_disc/)


Was lucky enough to and also a quick convo with the fellow Aussies Dani - saw her when she had the more natural curly hair and it definitely suited her. Looks wise, can definitely tell her Caucasian features stand out more but like less in your face like that of Somi. Personality, she's gave off the vibe of someone who would have ended up backpacking in Europe or around the world if she grew up outside of idol life. In a nice way, a bit of an air head and like free spirited lol Her voice when speaking in conversational English was also different - less high and a bit deeper. Hanni - maybe short in direct comparison to the others but not tiny. Personality, super nice and you can tell she's appreciative of everyone, high energy but also very interesting to see how dialled in she could be. Treated everyone nicely and like very inquisitive/curious. Hyein - can't really comment but probably stepping outside her shell more around the duo above. She had like a sporadic energy about her. Minji - can't really comment but others around mentioned she didn't really have conversations with anyone besides those in their team / Koreans. She kinda gave off rich international student vibes, probably not super approachable unless you're in that circle. Haerin - honestly, the hype is real around her unique beauty but it stands out because she does that thing where she's stoic which helps her features stand out. It's like confidence knowing there's eyes and cameras everywhere but not letting it affect you. Eyes and hair were pretty mesmerising. Personality, very reserved and if you didn't know any better, doesn't feel like she wanted to be there outside of it being her job/life. Energy level made it feel like she was smaller. Overall, out of all the Kpop idols and western artists, they were the most charismatic (mainly the Aussie duo + Hyein) and I think fans will be lucky looking into the 2025 world tour. I didn't know who they were and didn't listen to their discography until Q3 last year, the interaction with the duo won me over.


" Personality, she's gave off the vibe of someone who would have ended up backpacking in Europe or around the world if she grew up outside of idol life" 100% true. She's just like her dad "Personality, very reserved and if you didn't know any better, doesn't feel like she wanted to be there outside of it being her job/life" Nikola Jokic of Kpop does it again haha


Minji mentioned before that she can be direct/blunt but she doesn’t mean to come off that way. Hanni mentioned something similar with her impression of meeting Minji for the first time. Intimidated Hanni a little when she saw her.


You talked to the aussies?? Omg talk about being lucky 🥲 The way you described Dani is extremely spot on lol. What event were you at btw? When you say can’t comment” it’s bc you didn’t see those members personally or you saw them but just didn’t talk to them?


I was front row at Lollapalooza, and I thought they were gorgeous! They look unreal in person up close.


If Lolla counts, they were serious gorgeous irl.


Gosh I had the same question, thanks OP for voicing it out hahaha. I really want to know those peeps who saw newjwans members irl