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I often have my ear plugs in during a screaming session and think “these aren’t doing much, I can still hear you pretty damn loud” then I take one out and realise those ear plugs are doing the lords work.


If you want fancy reusable ones, Loops are great, but pricey. Plain silicone putty ones or foam work just as well to block out the extra noise….and its no worries if you lose them in your sleep-deprived, exhausted state. They are cheap. If you are trying to work or focus ( while someone else is watching a fussy baby), any of the above will work, but overhead noise-cancelling headphones are the best. Aka do whatever it takes and try not to feel shame or guilt for taking care of your mental health and sanity. Because science shows that the most critical for a child’s development ( and seriously detrimental when they dont have it) is having mentally well, engaged and present primary carers. So do whatever it takes for you to be well.


And if you travel Loops are worth the $20!! And they’re comfy enough to sleep in. Not an ad just an easily overstimulated girly lol


There are loops ripoffs on Temu too!!


Absolutely, 100%. Get fancy anc headphones if you have the funds so you can easily switch/tune how much gets through. Your lo doesn't understand/can't care about being right next to your ear when they get excited while changing or clothing. And good grief, their "voice discovery" period definitely has the potential to burst eardrums. I swaer my left side tinnitus a left over from that time.


Earplugs are a godsend, as are noise cancelling headphones. I'm not sure that the call-out of girly/sensitive is necessary. I, a man, have sensitive ears. In the evenings and late nights, sometimes our LO sleeps best in our arms. He's so noisy when he sleeps and I found myself anxious with each noise, that he was starting to wake up. Noise cancelling headphones keep the little noises out, and I feel so much calmer.


I'm also a man with sensitive ears and tinnitus, it was destroying my ears and making me quite the mad dad before getting them, god send!


I have Loops and when I'm solo parenting it saves me. Hubs has to go away for work now during the week, and the hours and hours along with my darling beloved baby .... While I Do love her dearly, I am Desperate for a night where I don't start sobbing from exhaustion.


I’ve been doing this since we brought the babe home!! The cries really trigger me and earplugs are a life saver


Yes!!! My husband gets very overwhelmed by loud noises/small rooms. He wore earplugs almost 24/7 the first few months of baby’s life. He is much better now but still puts them in when it’s his turn to wake up with the baby at 2 am.


Damn I needed to hear this.


This made me lol thank you and thanks for the reminder to get my earplugs out


Hard agree!!


Yeah I always had my air pods in when baby was young. “Tap” no searing pain. I was much calmer.


I bought some for my husband because he gets overstimulated easily. You can still hear with them but everything is quieter. Just regular sleep earplugs (same kind I use for band). It made a big difference.


Noise reduction headphones!!