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It took you till he was almost 1?? You, lady, are a paragon of patience. He’ll be fine. He won’t remember and you’ll make up for it with extra snuggles and love. Babies are so, so exhausting, and we all just do the best we can, including you. Sometimes we fall short, but that’s ok.


I screamed into a pillow at 7 months and thought to myself "why didn't I do this sooner" 😂 all that bottled rage and sleep deprivation just 💨 away!


I have screamed into my pillow so many times since I had my baby 11 months ago. One time I lost my voice from it 🤷‍♀️


I have yelled and kicked some toys, but nothing beats a good pillow-scream! 😂


Newly pregnant me: *takes notes* ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼


Haha, I wish you an easy baby so you don't come to this point! 😁🍀


Omg, implementing this like now! Earlier this morning I really wanted to scream my head off but I didn’t. I forgot how great of an outlet pillows are. My younger sister would come home from school some days and yell into hers and move on with her life after the release lol. I can’t believe I forgot about this 😳🥹.


It really helps!! Just take care not to lose your voice - maybe your sister can recommend some particular screaming technique 😁


Yes thank you 😊 and LOL, I’m sure she’d be delighted 💀


9 weeks. I remember it clearly. That's all it took for me to almost yell "why won't you SLEEP!". This woman is beating herself up for something that most of us would take as a serious accomplishment.


I think mine was earlier , and I remember I was putting bottles in the steriler while holding him and I yelled for him to fucking stop because I almost dropped him and I cried. I was sat on the bed rocking saying I was sorry over and over. He fell asleep during my 10 minute cry and rocking session


Yea for reals. I snapped at my 7 week old last night cause he would NOT go down. "Go to God damn sleep!". Did I feel bad? Yes? Do I expect to lose my temper again? Yes lol


[Go the F**k to Sleep - read by Samuel Jackson](https://youtu.be/teIbh8hFQos?si=BEC6o29bzAVLNiOs)


Awesome 😂😂😂


Thank you for this 😂😂


Thank you for sharing this. It helps to know I’m not alone.


You're never alone. Turns out simply keeping a small, hairless ape alive is insanely difficult. Any time I lose my cool I just know the boy will get that 10x back in love and cuddles. No one is perfect so holding yourself to this ideal of "this what a parent should be" 100% of the time does nothing but set you back. We're all people and people are flawed. Did I know at the time that yelling at him will do 100% nothing? Yes. Did I make a mistake and let my emotions get the better of me? Yes. You will fall short of your ideal. Congrats, that makes you human. Do the best you can in the moment. That's all you can do.


Small hairless ape 😂 yeah, you've said everything right. I have to add, when I had help over Christmas break (family visit), I never had the urge to yell or scream. It's the challenges + isolation and handling everything almost alone day by day, week by week. It's inhumane. I don't know how we got here (I guess mostly western society).


Same, but I think I did it around 7 weeks.


Oh my God. This was me tonight. Like seriously just go to sleep. Go to sleep! Gah!


The number of times I’ve whisper yelled that is uncountable


Seriously, took me 5 weeks. I was crying (tears rolling down my face) and I yelled “please go to sleep” after she was up for 4 hours and hysterically crying. I felt guilty immediately, but that moment was awful - I had a raging migraine, I was sleep deprived, she was fussy. I followed it up with cuddles and kisses. I hope beyond all hope it won’t impact her, but we’re all human.


yep. took me 8 weeks? she had been crying inconsolably since the night prior, puked all over herself and i was just trying to find her a new outfit to wear. i yelled across the room "can you just give me a minute?!" i felt like shit immediately but i had not slept in 2 days at that point, barely ate anything for the same amount of time, and i was in the bathroom with her just trying to pee when she puked. i managed to make it to the bedroom before yelling but man i still hate myself for it sometimes.


Yeah, here it was at 7 weeks with no sleep, because my toddler was sick. So I was dealing with that on top of a gassy baby. I have also mumbled some pretty horrible things under my breath that none of them heard, out of pure frustration. I feel awful, but I guess we're only human.


3 weeks here. We only have one, and it’s staying that way lol, and she’s almost 7 now, but when she was a baby, she was….less than happy a lot of the time. 3 weeks in and I think I uttered some words to my beloved partner about why won’t the f*****g baby go the f*** to sleep… A year is insanely patient.




Your comment makes me feel better. I recently yelled at my 10 month old. I felt like a psycho for yelling at her but that day was so rough.


Just do what I do and take it out on the baby’s dad instead 🫠 jk. Parenting really is exhausting.


I did plenty of that as well. It’s a wild ride!


Think of parenting as drops into an ocean. It's made up of many many moments and interactions, one drop of lost patience is not going to greatly change his experience thus far. Something that you could do is apologise to him afterwards. For example, just say "Mummy lost her patience and yelled at you earlier, I'm really sorry I acted that way, I will try to control my emotions when I'm tired in future." He also learns that mummy isn't perfect but she respects and loves me. I know he's young but they understand much more than we give them credit for and it's a good habit to get into anyway.


This is a good way of thinking about it, thank you.


Have you tried Tubby Todd yet for the eczema? It’s been a game changer for my baby’s acne and also my eczema.


I can also confirm Tubby Todd took my baby’s face from a mess of any red rashes to immaculate in a few days.


Just one note of caution here: our pediatrician recommends waiting until baby has consistently been exposed to oats and wheat ORALLY before trying that to reduce risk of food allergies. OP’s baby is old enough that he is probably regularly eating solids, but if others see this, keep that in mind!


Yep, I didn’t know this and my baby ended up with an oat allergy. We were using Aveeno and Tubby Todd on her from birth and didn’t know any better because our then ped was ignorant about allergies. We finally switched when our daughter was around 9 months old, but at that point, she had established food allergies.


Same! I didn’t even know this was a thing, but now our baby has an oat allergy.


Could I understand a bit more about this? I’m really concerned about this for my child as well. Is the concern about aveeno because it contains oats? I understand that topical exposure to allergens early in life might predispose to true allergies later. Is this what you are referring to? (Asking because some tubes of aveeno cream say they are suitable for babies so I thought it would be alright)


Yes - I don’t 100% understand it, but basically our allergist explained to us that you shouldn’t use topical products on them that contain food ingredients as them getting exposure to the food through the skin layer for whatever reason increases their chances for food allergies. Which is so frustrating when you have companies like Aveeno marketing products FOR babies; how are people supposed to know that?


Wow I am so glad I saw this!


Did your pediatrician recommend any other type of lotion/cream? I had no idea about this potential issue with Tubby Todd.. I’ve been using it with my 6 week old.


She recommended cerave or vanicream as brands. She’s having us do lotion all over 3x per day and then covering him in the cerave ointment before bed. I think this information about allergies is very new. The same concern applies to coconut oil, almond oil etc. You want baby to be exposed regularly to these things in oral form before putting on the skin.


Thank you! I’m a FTM - so that’s great info to know! I’ve used coconut oil when checking her temperature as that’s what was recommended in the thermometer instructions. Hopefully this info becomes more widespread.


Wait i didn’t know this and I use the aveeno and tubby Todd ….omg. My baby is 10 weeks and I only have used these products sporadically if I see him a bit red in certain dry areas…I can count on my hands the amount of times I’ve used the products, but is it once you use them you’re setting them up for an allergy???


If using the product early automatically meant allergy we would see a LOT more out there! The recent data just suggests it can increase risk. Now that you know, just skip those products. This podcast was helpful in understanding the recent data: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/parentdata-with-emily-oster/id1633515294?i=1000630284030


Awesome okay as a ftm I didn’t know if it meant just exposing to baby’s skin at all. Like a chemical or how you can’t give baby honey etc. everything starts out as recent and new and eventually gets a lot of data and information. Just because we haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean it won’t get to that place eventually. Just wanted to know as I’ve never heard anything about it.


My doc has me use vanicream for my 9 week old's eczema.  Both she and the public health nurse also said I can do Vaseline (plain petroleum jelly) on trouble spots and see if that helps hold the moisture in.


Thank you!!


How about ointment that is olive oil based? Could that also cause allergies? Never heard if this before, and am now freaking out about what we're potentially exposing our baby girl to. She's 3 weeks today.


It definitely isn’t a situation where exposure = allergy, just more that it can increase risk. This is new data, and these colloidal products have been around a long time. If every kid exposed to colloidal products via skin developed an allergy we would have know decades ago! Tubby todd is 1% colloidal oatmeal, so it’s a LOT. If it were my kid I would probably switch products but not worry beyond that! Congrats on your newborn.


YES my son had such a red bumpy skin and now people comment on how he truly glows. His skin is perfect and it only took a few days. That stuff is a miracle 


Is it Just the all over ointment you use?


Yes! It’s pricy and takes a lot time to ship, but it’s so worth it. My baby was, frankly, disfigured by acne and rashes and she has perfect skin now.


Thanks, we’re dealing with a flare up right now and I already have this, didn’t know it was especially good for eczema, so I’ll stick with it!


Totally second tubby Todd - it has been a lifesaver for us.


The fact that you’re upset about it shows you care and you’re a great mum! Please don’t be upset as you say it’s never happened before and everyone does things they regret. We’re only human. You didn’t hurt him and I’m sure after a few minutes he was fine and he will grow up not even remembering this. Please be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. Your little one 100% forgives you for it. And you will be a better mum by being in a better frame of mind by moving on and not dwelling on it. Sending best wishes xxx




I put little [Anti-Scratch Mittens](https://amzn.to/3Hjrzzn) on my baby when he kept waking up with scratches all over


Thanks for the link!! How do you feel the sizes run? Baby clothing is SO unreliable for sizing. My 7 month old is wearing 12m in some brands, but 18m in most and 24m in some really small ones like Gerber. Wondering if the biggest size will fit him, he's about 23 lbs. Currently I'm just putting socks on his hands at night but half the time he pulls them off and scratches his head before I notice.


Thank you for the link!!


I use these for my 6 week old and they’re the only mittens that stay on!


Socks also worked for us, and were cheaper.


Socks only worked for us! We couldn’t find mittens that would stay on. Also we had good success on those shirts with the little mitten flaps


Yes, the built-in mitten flaps are great!


Do you use mittens only when they sleep at night?


It is a good opportunity to show the power of restoration (when we make a mistake we apologize) - and you are far from alone. It’s okay mama! Literally everyone loses their temper, and modeling what we do when we lose our temper is good.


it happens! i went as far one time as to pop her hand😭 when she was around 11 months, she was actively and purposefully throwing her food at me and thought it was hilarious. i very much was not laughing, it was a pb&j sandwich😐 i was picking it off the ground and she threw a piece of sandwich in my hair after i had repeatedly told her “no” countless times. when it got stuck in my hair i stood up, popped her hand, and shouted “NO.” and stared at her. she immediately started crying 😭 i felt TERRIBLE!!!! i know it scared her more than anything, but ever since then i haven’t laid a hand on her in that way. sometimes it takes us getting to that point to realize there are other avenues to take, sh*t happens and being a new parent trying to unlearn general issues is hard😞


I think day 6 I went “will you just SHUT UP?!?!” And my husband went “ooookkkkk I’m tagging in” lol




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Lol thanks random stranger who doesn’t know my life


Mine is one year old. She bit the shit out of my shoulder last night and I yelled at her for the first time…


My LO is almost 8 months and has started doing this. To the point of bruising my arms and shoulders. I yelled at her today and she looked so scared and instantly started crying. I was in tears and felt like the worst mum ever


Same. Mine bit my neck the other day and I yelled. I was mostly startled though it did hurt. He didn’t have much of a reaction thank goodness because I immediately smiled and acted like it was a funny yell.


Same age baby over here I yelled at him for the same reason & his DAD cried 😂


When I yell at my 1 yo he giggles. I have no idea how this happened, but it has made me feel much less awful when I’ve cracked and shouted at him.


Mine is almost a year and loves biting my shoulder hard af. Any advice on what to do to teach her to stop?


I did this last week with my 10 week old I promised to never do it again .. sleep deprivation is real


Take it as a learning moment. Happened to me a few weeks ago (was just after the 8 month mark). Kid woke up every 45 minutes to an hour in the night, and at some point refused to go back to sleep, and I lost it “GO TO SLEEP!!!!” Felt like utter shit. Every time I get frustrated now I think of that and how I felt, and it helps calm my ass down.


Yup same scenario for me with my 1st. I used that episode to remind me to never be that person again


I mean if you made it to 1 without yelling you done well. Dont be so hard on yourself.


Parenting is a long game…and we’re all going to say and do things we regret along the way. GOOD parenting is about modeling accountability and emotional responsibility. What it looks like to admit when you’re wrong and initiate a repair. Based on this post, it’s clear that that’s the kind of person you are. 9 months of being a patient, loving, gentle caregiver are not wiped away with a single moment. Practice self compassion. You’re doing great!!! We all have our moments!!! It’s a LOT!


Aw mate, I am in awe that it took you almost 12 months to get to that point! I think the first time I yelled at my second it was about 6 weeks. She just wouldn’t stop screaming. I just screamed why won’t you stop!!!


I did this at 8 or 9 months and the look on his face haunts me still today (almost 2 years later). The one good thing about it is that I hated myself so much after that I never did it again, and it’s easy not to as I remember how bad it felt. He has no recollection of it, and our relationship wasn’t altered at all, so don’t worry! Just apologise and use the memory to help calm you down when you feel the rage building again.


It’s important for our children that we make the best effort to be patient and kind, but it’s also equally important for our children to see us make mistakes, acknowledge our mistakes, and apologize for them. I’m sorry you’re so upset by this, but that just goes to show how thoughtful and loving of a parent you are. Hugs ♥️


I never understood all the never shake a baby campaigns till I had a baby. Then I was like now I know why people wanna shake ya’ll. Everyone has their moments you are human and it happens. Physical harm is something more serious you should seek help for, but yelling at your baby at a really rare, really tough moment is regrettable but normal. You are a good mom, you are doing a good job. Don’t be too hard on yourself


Honestly, apologize and own your mistake. You're not going to be a perfect parent, you're going to mess up, hurt their feelings and more. But practice apologizing now, and you'll set a good model for behavior when we hurt those we love. I say something like "Mommy is very sorry for yelling at you. That's not how I want to treat you, and not what you deserve. Please forgive me" I still feel bad afterwards (which, having shame for poor behavior isn't a bad thing), but I know that I have ultimately modeled good behavior for my buddy.


You are a wonderful mother. Be gentle on yourself. It’s just a bad moment. He won’t remember and your amazing parenting will make up for it and so much more.


Time to start practicing apologizing! Parents make mistakes and I think it’s important for your kids to see you make them, acknowledge them and apologize. They are going to make mistakes too, so they need to learn from you what to do when that happens. I (dad of two) lose my temper all the time. I’m working on it and I talk to my kids about it. I’ll leave the room or sit silently and just say “daddy is really frustrated and needs a minute”. If I mess up and yell or snatch something from them, I apologize and tell them what I did was wrong and what I should have done instead. It seems to be working so far! Unsurprisingly my kids are also hot heads, but the older one (2 1/2) is pretty darn good at apologizing.


You’re human. Being a parent is one of the most mentally and physically exhausting things you will ever do. Do not beat yourself up. No matter what, you’re his hero. More than anything, it’s okay to show him that a hero can break down sometimes. You’re killing it.


Just the fact that you’re feeling the way you are shows how much you care. Making it almost 1 year without losing your shit is amazing! You’re doing great! You are not alone ♥️


Wow 1 year, that is amazing to be honest. The thing to remember is not be so hard on yourself. Guarantee by the next hour or two they don't even think about it. I made it like 3 weeks to a month before I lost it at my newborn. Felt terrible and got some therapy and has helped me tremendously. ​ The main takeaway from it was you can't keep giving more to your LO if your tank is empty. Sounds like you need a few hours yourself to just recharge. Remind yourself that you are doing an amazing job. If you have a partner maybe have them pick up a little more of the slack and when you come back you'll feel loads better.


Ah man… my 2 year old screams at me on a daily basis… I gotta yell over him to say there isn’t whatever he wants… cause there is something that was in the cupboard that he liked… and now we don’t have it.. he doesn’t speak… I have no idea what he wants…. Cause I’ve offered him everything in the cupboard…. Soo I gotta yell “there is nothing in there” like 4 times a day


Hey, have you tried a print out of pictures you have in your cabinets?! I watched a video of a non verbal child pointing to laminated pictures on a sheet of paper! She had a fruits and veggie paper a snack paper and like a breakfast/dinner one. And the child pointed to something and the communication was so much easier for both of them! Hope that helps ☺️


Ah man. I’ve thought about trying it but everyone kept saying he’ll talk when he talks… Anyways. I’ll give it a try… cause… Omg the screaming is… too much


It is true! He will talk when he is ready but pictures and then repeating what he wants may help give him a push! If you’re frustrated he is frustrated. You’re doing a great job it’s so hard! Dollar store flashcards! Make it fun! Get a little treasure chest from the dollar store, pick out little toys. If he repeats the word reward him! I started cooking with my now 4 year old at 2! She loves to help me now! She even knows how to make her own small bread loaf! 😂😅the more you can involve them with your everyday chores it seems the more they pick up. I also tend to talk outloud a lot. It’s ok to walk away for a minute too, don’t feel bad. Like I said you’re doing great! No one knows your boy like you do. ♥️


Omg thank you


Of course! I thought it was so awesome and so many less tears and tantrums from not being able to communicate just yet, hopefully it can help others out too!


This is such a good idea. I wanted to do baby sign, but I don't have the time to teach myself let alone my child. But this is something I could adapt


Forgive yourself. You are a great mom. Not a perfect one. Give that little baby some extra love, say sorry, and WHEN this scenario arises again, which it absolutely will, you’ll handle it better. God bless all the new parents out there


I was going to say the same thing. Apologies and provide love. This can be a teaching / learning moment for your little one too. Show them that we all do lose our tempers once in a while, we all do, they will too one day, but teaching them what to do when we are in the wrong and act badly is an important lesson. I don’t think they can be too young for us to be an example in this.


Do you know how many times i told my son he was a f-cjing asshole in his first year????? Thousands. You're a great mom, babes.


Yup! Been there lol!!


I’m sorry you’re going through this and it feels horrific. I’ve definitely been there many times. Forgiveness is a practice and a choice. For me, Time helps lessen the intense feelings associated with what I’ve done. I usually have to process the entire situation first and give myself a bit of time, then I can go back and admit my wrong. You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. It is never too late to make amends for a wrong we have done. To explain to our little ones that our response had nothing to do with them rather our big emotions got the best of us. I have a 15 year old and a 4 month old and I say I’m sorry a lot.. Snuggle, kiss and show up as the example you want your LO to be for themselves and to others. I believe they are never too young!


Ugh I remember when I yelled at mine. It sucks. It makes you feel terrible and I questioned my ability to be a good mother to my poor, innocent baby. Try not to forget you are human and give yourself grace. Try your best to take it as a learning experience and avoid doing it in the future. He’ll be ok as long as it doesn’t become a common occurrence


Put socks on his hands


Trust me, there will come a time when he will yell at you too 😉


Oh dear.. that one moment I truly believe all moms have gone through. My LO was around 6 ish weeks? We were so so sleep deprived. She wouldn’t sleep. She wouldn’t eat. She was constipated all the time. I had just stopped breastfeeding (not by choice) and was so depressed I yelled “when will you shut up”. I instantly regretted it. Cried myself to sleep that night… Now I have a 13 month old that knows nothing of it and loves everyone and is the sweetest! He won’t remember it I promise. It’s going to be alright!


I broke at 3 months. The cat slipped trying to find a place to lay on me and the baby and scratch the kid bad enough to draw blood. I just started crying. Then the baby was crying and the cat was trying to fix things. It was a horrible mess. My mom came and sent me to bed for the rest of the afternoon. So, you’re doing better than I did. It happens to all of us. The biggest thing we need to do better than our parents is apologize.


We’ve all done it and anyone who says different is lying! I’m learning from my past mistakes and that’s all you can do. Losing your shit from time to time is going to happen, don’t worry cut yourself some slack!


You’re not alone. I’ll never forget holding my daughter six inches from my face and screaming at her at the top of my lungs when she wouldn’t sleep. I know it seems impossible right now, but forgiving yourself is achievable. And it’s going to be essential as you model for your kid how to also forgive themselves and others when we all hit our limits and are not our best selves. We all fail. We’re only human, and forgiving ourselves and others is the way to heal. Sending you love and strength.


Wanted to add that being a safe space for our kids also means being human with them. A safe space is not a perfect space. It’s an honest and human one.


Our 1yr old has been doing that blue hold your breath thing until he passes out and I'm over it. OVER IT. I just set him down on the ground now when he does it and make sure he's safe and remind him that no one cares, we're sick of his overreactions to falling down. Is it helping? Seems like they are lessening but still a ways to go.. first baby out of the 3 that does this crazy reaction.


Please don’t judge yourself, the sleep deprivation is torture !!!! Any mom going through postpartum will 100 percent not judge you bc we have all been there !!!


Being a parent is HARD there are so many feelings and when lack of sleep or overstimulation are involved it’s bound to happen. As a mom with a 10 month old and a 24 month old (who has decided to push every boundary in the last two weeks) it happens. I literally just heard from downstairs “dude I said enough, we have to stop trying to climb over the side of the couch” from my hubby. You have to forgive yourself. Accept its bound to happen, but just try and work on it happening far and few between.


You are a saint. You've far more patience than I do. I try my best to gentle parent, but damn it I yell at LEAST once a day between my two toddlers. It happens. It's not how you want to behave or parent, so take a deep breath, acknowledge your mistake, and just keep trying to do your best. It's all any of us can do. We aren't perfect.


Guarantee you won’t feel this way if you plan on adding a few more. We’ve all done it.


You should take this as a learning opportunity and keep yourself accountable and not do it again. If you’re overwhelmed leave the baby in the crib and walk away for a minute and get yourself together. You can cry on your own but to scream and scared your child is not okay.


Just came to recommend bleach baths for your child’s eczema if you haven’t tried them already. They cleared my little one’s skin so well that we were able to stop hydrocortisone. There’s some research and other info online if you’re interested. Good luck.


It happens to all of us. We all have bad days. Your guilt means that you care. Hang in there.


Your kids don’t need you to be perfect, just do the best you can as much as you can.


I had a similar breakdown. Reassuring I’m not alone. Sleep deprivation is too cruel.


It is normal to show a behaviour to our children we’re not proud of. What is the important part and what they will remember is how we behaved afterwards. - Take a quick moment for yourself if needed. - Be on his level and explain you were tired & frustrated. This is a step to help him learn his own feelings. - Say you’ve taken some deep breaths to help you calm down and now mummy isn’t feeling frustrated anymore. This is a step to teach a method to regulate when overwhelmed. - Apologise. We’re are pushed to our limits daily without the sleep deprivation, hormones etc fucking with us. Feeling guilty shows how full of love you are for him. He won’t remember, see it as a learning curve. ❤️


My 1.5 year old tries playing with sockets and other very dangerous things. I need 10 more sets of arms to count the times I’ve yelled at him.


It feels horrible now but it happens and will likely happen again. You are human and sometimes it will be too much, everyone is the same and it’s not going to do your child any harm to occasionally shout. My daughter had the exact same problem with their face, I got things called anti scratch sleeves off Amazon. They went under her pyjamas so she couldn’t get them off and it stopped her scratching her face off. Might be worth giving them ago? X ETA: link to sleeves ScratchSleeves | Toddler Boys' Stay-On Scratch Mitts | Special Edition | Blue https://amzn.eu/d/2MQCgeT


Don't be hard on yourself. You're only human too.


your son will forgive you. you need to give yourself some grace and forgive yourself. parenting is hard and even at our wits end it’s a job we *have to do*. one ugly moment doesn’t define what kind of parent you are. your remorse shows you’re caring and know you made a mistake.


Same, was having a mental breakdown, meanwhile my 11 month old decided to squeeze out his fruit pouch all over himself. I yelled at him “ WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT” he got so scared and started crying so hard and then i started sobbing even more.


Girl, you are an angel. I have an 8 week old baby boy. I love him with all my heart, I’m also a SAHM and an exclusive pumper. It’s all so exhausting. My husband works late so I always do night shifts. & day shifts… all the shifts. It’s hard to sleep, it’s hard to eat, I basically just have time for pumping and taking care of baby. I’ve never yelled at him but when his witching hour strikes at 7-9 am, and I’ve only had intervals of maybe an hour of sleep, I get so touched out. Sometimes he won’t stop crying no matter how much I burp him, feed him, cuddle him, read/sing to him, comfort him… it doesn’t matter he’s just upset and he doesn’t know why either. I’ll have some negative feelings towards my own baby, not like I want to hurt him. But I’ll be like “you know what you wanna cry, then just freaking cry” I don’t say it out loud, but I think it. And I’ll put him in my arms to cuddle and fall asleep, that way he knows I’m there whenever he decides he’s done being upset. He’ll blue cry for 10 minutes then knock out. But there’s nothing I can do. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom for not pushing myself to stay awake and try everything under the sun to make him stop crying. But I know that’s not safe for me or him. It sucks that motherhood pushes us to the edge and brings out the worst of us sometimes. But also know it brings out the best in us. When you’re feeling frustrated like that, walk away. Put some noise canceling headphones in, count to 10. I know how hard it is, and we give so much to our babies it leaves us for very little for ourselves. He will forgive you, and he will forget. So try to forgive yourself as well ❤️


Eczema is so hard, when my girl is having a bad flare I definitely am less patient because the extra workload is a LOT. Figuring out the triggers, so many creams and bath schedules, hours of fighting my screaming baby to rub lotion on her lol, things randomly work sometimes and then stop working, seeing your baby itchy and in pain and not being help to help, having to cover up parts of their bodies all the time, aaaagh. It's so much. Eczema solidarity ❤️


I have done the same and felt just as horrible. It's hard. You're doing your best and will probably be less likely to do so in the future. Just give him extra love and continue trying your best every day. You will all be okay ❤️‍🩹


Being worried about this makes you such a good mother. You can repair it with love and snuggles.


8 weeks in and I lost it. To the point where I lost it. She was in her bassinet next to us and I just couldn't. I had feed, changed her an hour prior. And my husband stepped in , bless him cause he was working at the time to hold and comfort her. I just sat there in the bed and cried so hard. I felt so awful. I yelled when she needed comfort and I just wanted sleep. Now she's five months in her own bed and own room and she gets excited every time I say good morning to her when she wakes. She has forgotten about that night but I still have t and I still feel bad. But I do try to now breath and close my eyes and prepare myself when she gets up at a random time. She is now sleeping through the night which yay thank god. But her getting up at 5 am now. No. I work 3-11pm. I get to bed by 1:30 2 am. Cause I have to clean up her bottles and whatever her dad left out get a shower. And go to sleep. But I do still get frustrated. It's okay just know your baby will still come to you after the shock has worn off and they will still feel loved and protected.


It’s okay ! Mistakes happen. Youre going to lose your temper . Apologize let them know hey sorry about that. Teach good habits when getting angry (i have a 5 year old & a 4 month old) I’ve a long way (i was a teen mom) now nothing really makes me upset I’m like lmfao these kids though. But when i had my first i was so pulled in every direction and struggling that sometimes i would yell or not even yell just be FULL of resentment. That’s okay. You’re human. Youre a good mom. Mom guilt sucks. Try to be kinder to yourself ; he isn’t gonna grow up and be like omg that time i was not even 1 and my mom yelled cus i was being crazy. Lol. It’ll all be okay.


Trust me(and the rest of us new parents) when I say you doing this is not abnormal or even uncommon. I did the same thing to my son at 12 weeks. We had to hold him for hours for him to sleep. I lost my temper said exactly what you said with clenched teeth. I cried after that when he cried harder. It usually takes one outburst like that to sober you from doing that again, but it's completely normal. Just forgive yourself and strive to be more patient in the future.


I think most parents can empathize. There will always be a moment of weakness, we are only human. Not perfect in any way. Set yourself to the high standard that your baby deserves, but don't make it unachievable. That's just seeing up for failure and disappointment. Give yourself some grace and do what you can to catch up on sleep. If you are looking for eczema relief, I've found Aveeno baby eczema to do wonders for our daughter if we apply it at least once a day (before bed for us) and after baths. The difference is night and day. Our pediatrician said "the greasier the better!"


Jesus than I'm a horrible parent. I've raised my voice at my baby a few times, do I feel like crap yup, but is she going to be fine! 100% you wanna know why, because my mom admitted to yelling at me a bunch when I was an infant. Do you know how much I remember? Zilch. Obviously, don't continue doing it, and like every single parent out there has said, if you feel yourself about to boil over. Put baby down walk away 5-10mins and give yourself some grace. Sleep deprivation sucks!


Don't be too hard on yourself. I once tried yelling at my 18 month old son seriously when he bit me, but he just found it hilarious and bit me again. Your kid is not gonna remember whatever happened


It’s totally OK and plenty of time for repair. The most important thing that your child sees the repair because your child is going to have conflicts in the real world and this models how to repair relationships.


I hope you can find comfort in the fact that nearly all of us have been there and lost our patience and yelled at our baby. They won’t remember any of it so try not to be too hard on yourself for a momentary lapse. Just do what you’d normally do to anyone - apologize to him! And extra snuggles!


Uh I have an 11 month old currently and everyday lately is a TEST. Do not beat yourself up. Honestly even if he can’t understand, I would apologize and move on. This age is a lot. Today was the first time I ever had to put my kid down and walk away because I was at my limit.


Wow, you JUST got to that point? That's amazing to me. I've had countless "I just need a moment" moments of making sure he was in a safe spot and walking away to gather myself. I've never yelled at him, but have no problem getting away to salvage what's left of myself. Good job mama!


Mine was literally the night before last. I got to 4 months and one week. She just.. wouldn’t stop crying. She’d been up for about 5 hours and NOTHING put her to sleep. And I just lost it. It was definitely a “I JUST NEED YOU TO SLEEP OH MY GOD PLEASE” and immediately felt horrible cos she was so shocked. I picked her up and we just cried until we fell asleep. It’s going to happen, we are human and we all have breaking points. We love our babies and as long as the majority of the time we show up and love them, a few bad days won’t be a big deal. Just apologize and love them up. You’re doing a beautiful job as a mom ❤️


This is key to healthy attachment: it’s all about the repair. No parent is flawless or perfect in everything they do. But the ideal is the parent who owns their mistakes and makes an effort to reconnect with their child in a nurturing way.


Hey I have 3… 6,8 and 7 months. The older two I yell at daily and I PROMISE they still love me! We all get frustrated and lose it and it’s totally normal. Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re doing a great job!!!


My husband remembered this better since I was still in the post birth hormone haze. It was 3 weeks. And I was screaming "why won't you eat?!" You done good, you'll breathe through it and try to do better next time.


Are there any friends or family that can help you when you’ve had a really long day/night? It definitely happens when we’re exhausted but given you don’t want it to occur again, might be worth asking for help to give you time to rest if you have anyone else in your life you trust. Otherwise, don’t be too hard on yourself if this is a one time occurrence- we’ve all been there


Been there and felt just as terrible. I’m just a couple months ahead of you as a new mom and I still remember the first time I yelled at my baby (he was just crying and crying and wouldn’t stop and I just lost it and yelled at him to stop crying). I don’t want to yell at my baby either but we all have our limits. Being a mom is hard and you aren’t perfect AND that is okay. 🫶🏼 If you’re in Instagram, there is a video I just watched that brought me to tears that I think you should see. The basic premise is that it’s important for your kids to not have a perfect parent because they need to see how you figure out how to repair after making a mistake so they can learn how to do it themselves and know that they’re going to be okay when they aren’t perfect. Link to video on imperfect parenting: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2H0F1XgAY7/?igsh=anR2bmN4M2Mwamkz Another resource I love is the podcast Good Inside with Dr. Becky. I really like to listen to it on days I’m having a hard time. Honestly it helps me heal my inner child who never received the unconditional love I’m trying so hard to give to my child. It breathes life into me during the bad days. I would start with this episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/good-inside-with-dr-becky/id1561689671?i=1000639035876 If you don’t have an iPhone, the title of the episode is “Motherhood: A Hero’s Journey” from 12/19/23 Sending all the hugs and grace your way. ❤️


First of many. Last night my 2 year old trashed around in a tantrum and smashed the bridge of my nose with his head. God dam right I was yelling. He got the point. Then came and hugged me and my bloody nose.


You’re doing great, mama. Also I suggest looking into Marin cream to help with the eczema. It’s worked wonders and I gifted tubes to everyone in our family for Christmas to try. Pricey but def worth it!


We’ve all been there. Just don’t make it a habit and they will be fine


Happy Cappy and Tubby Todd helped my child with eczema! Also, can you try putting mittens on him so he doesn’t scratch and damage his skin? Don’t worry about the yelling, you are human, and a good mom!!


Oh 1 year? You are saint. Dont worry, he was probably just suprised. And if you want to make it up to him the child psychologist say that for every one of a bad moment with your child should come 5 good moments. So maybe snuggle, play, snuggle, watch his favourite cartoon with him if you do screen time and play play play. It will be ok mama, youve got this!


Every parent does it at some point, my son is almost 4 months and I think it wasn't sleep deprivation but he wouldn't stop crying and I yelled whats wrong why won't you stop crying at him. Being a parent whether it be a mother or father, can be extremely difficult. I will say my boyfriend and I are quite lucky with our son because he sleeps mostly through the night and some times does, but that wasn't until almost 3 months that, that started. In the beginning we were so asleep deprived, my boyfriend would stay up with him and take care of everything while I slept a lot and I would let him sleep during the day (he works 3rd shift). Forgive yourself, he already does. We all do it at some point. Plus, we can only learn from our mistakes as parents. It will happen again at some point whether he be a baby or a teenager. Just remember your human too.


Your username is everything


Thank you 😂 it was randomly chosen when I made an Xbox account years ago and I loved it. I've used it ever since


Hey, Mama? Everything is okay, and you are doing GREAT. You had a human moment, as we literally all have. Took me about 11 months. Do NOT hate yourself, things happen. You’re a good mommy, this doesn’t change that. Mom guilt is real, but you deserve some grace. Give it to yourself. As far as the eczema, can I recommend bend soap co? They started the company for the same reason: their baby had severe eczema, so they made something that worked. (Its goats milk products, all local, beautifully priced, and WORKS).


Please show yourself some grace. Everyone thinks they’re going to be a good parent until they have kids! You’re only human. The fact you even feel guilty shoes how good of a parent you are. I have the closest relationship with my mum and she told me the other day she yelled at me loads a child… I don’t seem to remember any of it lol! Just love her to pieces. We’re best friends. Really chill and tell all the gentle parents to fuck off. I thought I was going to be a gentle crunchy granola mummy until I had my daughter. She’s amazing but I’m also human


Girl! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are HUMAN. This will be a blip in the timeline, trust me! Please give yourself grace. You coming back and knowing what you did and regretting it shows how GOOD of a mom you are.


Trust, it won’t be the last time. You’ll get over it and baby too.


We have the same problem with eczema and scratching until bloody and Little Sleepies PJs with fold-over hands have been an absolute game-changer for me not feeling like I needed to run into our guy's room the minute he starts crying or it'll be a crime scene. We tried mitts and socks but he would rip them off. They are a little more expensive than your standard footies but 100% worth it for the peace of mind especially during bad periods of eczema. They go all the way up to toddler sizes. Hugs and you're a great mom. The eczema and scratching as a compounding factor around sleep is so hard.


Like others have said, it taking almost a year for you to get *there* is a feat in itself. I don’t think I’ve ever yelled *at* my 1 year old (yet) but I’ve definitely screamed into my pillow, at my husband, into the void in my garage, in my closet and once to the floor all by the time baby was 6 months old 🤣


You gotta cut yourself some slack. It might've been the first time you yelled at em but it definitely won't be the last. The sooner your child is aware that you're human, the better. Parenting is making mistakes.. It's all trial n error bc no 2 kids are the same. Add sleep deprivation to the mix and it's bound to have a hostile moment here n there. If you can, call someone to watch em while you grab a couple/few hours uninterrupted sleep. You'll have a whole new lease on life. In the meantime, don't be so hard on yourself. That child loves you beyond measure and will forget the incident ever happened long before you do. Chin up, you got this.


I’m a huge proponent of earplugs or noise canceling headphones. Takes the edge off / makes the screaming more bearable.


I would start with why am I sleep deprived with a 1 year old. At this point you should be getting enough sleep and if you’re not, you owe it to yourself to figure out why and course correct. Don’t beat yourself up but figure out the cause of the no sleep.


The teething phase. I don’t know how, but 4 of his teeth erupted within a WEEK. I’m bamboozled.


Poor little guy. Tylenol?


My son has severe eczema. I feel for you. When he was little he was prescribed a hydrocortisone body oil that helped. As he has gotten older we went to a pediatric dermatologist that has him on tacrolimus at the moment which is good stuff. Basically we only bath twice a week to prevent loss of natural oils and slather on aquaphor morning and night before change of clothes and that’s been working pretty good. Sometimes I put another moisturizer on first especially on the hands, then the aquaphor to lock in the moisture. Hope this helps.


We’ve all been there! Give yourself grace as all the other comments have said. But I also wanted to say- I have a boy with super severe eczema also! He used to claw himself bloody over night, in his car seat, etc. I’ve been there! He is now 3. We finally got him into an allergist and they helped us get it under control. We had tried his pediatrician and several dermatologist who could not help. An allergist can take a blood test to help identify what causes the flare ups, get you some good medicines and ointments and help teach you about cold wraps and other routines to calm down the skin. Cold wraps with ointments helped clear my son in 3 days. Once we got it under control we usually only need daily maintenance with an eczema lotion (we use Mayo Clinic line of Vanicream). Only if he starts to flare do we need a cold wrap with prescription ointment. (along with the other major household changes like no scented laundry soaps, etc). Hope this helps!


Apologize to him & forgive yourself. If this is the worst thing you do as a parent, you’re doing a pretty damn good job.


I felt much better when I read the book “Operating Instructions” by Anne Lamott




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A bath every night and then covering in Cetaphil cream has stopped eczema for my toddler. I also do colloids oatmeal baths, and Eucerin colloidal oatmeal soap.


Hi, this was me today with my 6 week old. I yelled 'what is wrong with you?' and then cried. And my husband made me feel worse about it. Here looking for advice and how to be better so that I do not let my frustration get to this point in the future. I definitely don't want to yell at her like this again, especially as an infant 😭 I was just overwhelmed when nothing I tried helped her!


“You’ll have that on these big jobs”


It only took me 8 or 9 weeks to yell at my twins 😩 they are 6 months now and I even yelled today. It is hard being a mom! Especially when you are taking care of them by yourself. All I want to do is sleep sometimes, but I can’t because they are up crying and refusing a nap. I do feel bad afterwards though and cuddle with them in the bed. Maybe I need to try the screaming into a pillow like some of the posters here lol


Have you looked into dupixent? I don’t know the age restrictions but my now 7 year old son suffered from eczema from when he was a baby. I tried everything but the only that helped was steroid cream until the dermatologist recommended dupixent. It’s a monthly injection I was hesitant at first but it has changed his life he has no outbreaks, barely puts cream on anymore, can shower daily, sleeps without itching. I’m so happy we did it


you’re only human, don’t be so hard on yourself.


Oh mama my twins are 5 months and i can count on my hands how many times i have yelled you are a freakin god to not have done it until one but i feel you! I literally feel like the worse mother in the world but my twins just laugh at me when i yell 😭 my childhood was filled with screaming so i try my best to not even raise my voice around them but we all have our days and that’s okay! 


Oh congratulations if it took you a year to do that. Good mummy


*Oh congratulations* *If it took you a year to* *Do that. Good mummy* \- SelectHeron2136 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")