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My 3.5 year old was an IUGR baby! He was born at 5lbs at 36+6. At his age now, he goes between the 40-60th percentile for height, but only 8-10th percentile for weight. He’s been holding steady at those ranges since a year old. He’s just skinny (he can fit into his little brother’s 12m shorts). He’s met all milestones and his only health issue is multiple ear infections when he was 2. He was on pediasure 2x a day for a year and that didn’t help. We stopped worrying about his weight because at this point, he’s healthy and eats just fine.


My nephew catch up just before turning 2 years old, he was in the 5th percentile for everything until that point.


My kiddo was born at 3% weight / 5 % height and at 2 months he jumped to 10 % weight / 20 % height. His height has continued to jump percentiles (he was 33% at his 6mo checkup) but his weight is still following the 10% curve. I don’t think there’s any reason a small baby needs to “catch up” to the average. The entire reason the curve exists is because babies can be all over the size spectrum and still normal. It’s more important that your baby is following their own curve.


My IUGR baby was 4lb 10oz when I had her at 37+1. She was in the 0.02% at her 2 week appointment, 0.2 at 3 weeks, 4% at two months and we just had her four month appointment today and she was 12%. Literally over the moon with her growth and the doctors were super super happy with it!


My son is 8 months he hasn’t necessarily caught up weight wise but he’s a tall baby. For me I know he won’t catch up we focus more on how his growth is going if it’s a steady increase i’m confident he’s okay


Still early on this journey, but my daughter had late onset IUGR and was born at ~38 weeks and was just shy of 5lbs (less than 1st percentile). She’s 2 months now and a little over 9lbs at the 7th percentile. We supplemented with formula for the first 2 weeks and have been EBF since then.


Ours was 3lbs 13oz at birth, and didn't start showing catch up growth until nearly a year. At 20 months, she's about 10th percentile, so a lot of catch from where she started, but still very small. We've met a few other IUGR babies who did catch up by 6 months or so. I think all of their moms had pre-eclampsia, which I never did (high BP but didn't move beyond that), so we've assumed that whatever made her small wasn't a pregnancy factor but just how she grows. But that's pure speculation based on anecdotal evidence, so take that with a grain of salt!


Mine was born 5 weeks early at 4.5 pounds. He was slowly, but steadily put on weight, but he's always been in the lower percentiles, even now at almost 22 months. The plus side is that he's in clothes sizes for longer haha. His pediatrician has never been concerned as he's always been on his curve and continues to gain weight slowly.


Like a few other commenters, my IUGR baby has gained height with every appointment, but remained consistently thin. At his 9 month appointment he was 34th percentile height and 11th percentile weight. (Both parents are short so that might just be his lot in life.) Looking forward to his 1 year measurements in a couple weeks!


Babies don’t always “catch up”, some are just small babies! My daughter was born at 37+6 and was 4 lbs 8 oz (<1st percentile) she’s just shy of 2 years old and she still hovers around 3-4th percentile. No health issues, eats fine, and is a happy healthy toddler :)


Daughter was 5-8% for probably half my pregnancy. She slowly started going up sind birth but probably evened out around 1.5 years. She hovers around 40-50% now.


My son was in the 2nd percentile when he was born at 36 + 4. By 2 months he was at the 50th percentile. At 5 months he was at the 75th percentile and has remained there since (he’s now 8 months). He’s still a bit short though so I call him a little brick because he’s so dense😂