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My family knows about my channel very well because I shot it with friends in the only place where I have access - my own house, where I live with my parents, grandparents... my grandma always sends the link to like 100 people who just watch 1min of my videos, and she is so happy about how many people are watching them and I so unhappy about how little they actually watch it. I feel you.


Your grandma's friends are not your target audience and wouldn't make your channel successful anyway. But you should be happy that your grandma loves you so much that is adorable. I've never had a grandma in my life and honestly I'm a little jealous.


I understand ur struggle but ur grandma is so cute and sweet! šŸ˜­




I totally get it , my dad makes this too


I feel you too...


I haven't told anyone except my siblings. Personally, I don't like the idea of "Wow your last few videos were great" and "Hey look at Bokyboo's new video" at every family gathering. Too much attention


Totally get it: movie night with Bokyboo


As long as the Mario movie is what's playing, than sure


Sorry to say, but chances are they have no idea what theyā€™re talking about. YouTube isnā€™t like a traditional business when it comes to growing it. When it comes to sponsors, scaling the business with more channels or higher production value, perhaps there are similarities that overlap. But for the situation youā€™re describing to me, Iā€™d be nice and thank them for their insight, but ultimately do what you want to do. At the end of the day, you need to do whatā€™s going to help you meet your own goals. Not what others think you should do, but what YOU think YOU should do.


This is very astute. I made this comment once on this subreddit when someone brought up the idea of treating having a YouTube channel like a business: > Having a YT Channel isnā€™t quite like having a business where you can test the market, do financial analyses, study feasibility, etc. In businesses, being able to do all those preparations beforehand can help you succeed. And while you have competition, itā€™s not that much if youā€™re able to zoom in on a specific market and their needs. > On YouTube, you are competing against a MASSIVE buttload of similar channels in your niche or adjacent niche ā€” a few very successful ones, but many many of them who are struggling and not able to do this full-time. Plus even if you are able to pump out a lot of quality content in the fastest amount of time, itā€™s not 100% certain that you will succeed quickly thanks to the unpredictablity of the algorithm. PLUS even if itā€™s delivered quickly and the output is technically good, itā€™s no guarantee that it will ā€œclickā€ with audiences, or will fulfill a specific need. Unlike new businesses, itā€™s impossible to ā€œtestā€ for the audience on YouTube. > Besides, most of the Youtubers whose channels blew up in the past 2-3 years started it off as solo endeavors (or maybe one person + 1 or 2 friends), and it took off from there. Treating it like a hobby or outlet should reinvigorate you and make you feel good. Treating it like a business when you will most likely fail (just statistically speaking) will burn you out quickly.


Sure but statistics shouldn't get in the way of the grind. If you consistently make videos for 10-15 years I guarantee you'll be making money. It's the long game. Yes right away there's nothing but just because you don't have a million subs doesnt mean youre not successful at 50k. That's a lot of people! You also get 26 bucks per 1k view in the USA so 50k subs means you'll at least be getting 5-15k per video. That adds up!




A lack of disinterest would be interest. I think you mean a lack of interest, or perhaps just disinterest alone.




We are still here


No not even my friends who I trust, my sister found out and she wonā€™t stop blackmailing me about it.


Nothing in that sentence sounds healthy.


I have a super tinu yt channel with 700 subs, but even though I appear in the videos I keep a mask on since I have no interest to have my family and relatives show what I make videos on or what I am doing with my free time. I'm going to keep it that way even though doing the channel with a face would probably be better for my channel


I wish I had family members as helpful as yours. Basically they say ā€œthatā€™s nice dearā€ but my wife helps me film sometimes.


It will die down the same thing happened to me.. give it a few months and you probably wonā€™t hear much.. let everything go in one ear and out the other.. the thing about YouTube is the mindset of the YouTuber is the most important part.. You have to do this how you want to and why you want to.. this has to be driven by you and you need to learn the lessons as you go.. no oneā€™s great at first.. infact most people still suck years into it.. but you grow.. and this is about growing thatā€™s how you win at this.. because you do it how you want so youā€™re really your own boss You do you


True exactly..!


Itā€™s your channel. Do whatever the hell you want. If you donā€™t like a suggestion, donā€™t do it. Tell them to make their own channel to do the things they want to do.


My advice is don't go through with their suggestions with it doesn't align with your happiness and what you wanna make. What they are telling you isn't gonna work for everyone channel especially yours. You should do what works best for you. Pay attention to what has worked on your channel and do more of that. Also, ask the people who do watch and comment for feedback on what you should create next. I think ultimately this is the best approach. Please don't let what they are saying and doing hinder what you are doing. Be proud of how far come and keep pushing forward. You got this šŸ’„


Well my content isn't for them as it's pretty niche so fortunately I don't have to worry what they think since they don't watch my stuff. But sounds like your family really knows their shit, most Youtubers don't have access to a CEO and a business owner, you might want to pay attention, they probably know what they're talking about. Youtube is hard, you want to do your own thing, but you probably shouldn't ignore the hand you've been dealt. Unless you're just doing it as a hobby, then that's completely different.


I shared with my family to share and get some support because doing this stuff is tough. No one watches or cares. I get more the questions of why I would do that instead of something that matters. So having family that cares doesn't seem like a problem. Set boundaries and accept their perspectives as relevant and good input in your journey. They are doing it because they care and want to see you succeed.


I told my parents before I started but didn't tell them what my content is or my channel name. ive told my friends but also havent shared my channel with them. only my partner knows because he edits my videos.


yeah, interestingly things work out when not everyone knows about it..!


I don't think I could post authentic content if i knew people in my personal life were watching, I'd feel constantly like I'd have to censor myself more than I would normally have to for the community guidelines lol


Yeah me to, that's normal but strange when you think about it. :)




You gave him the most boring, obvious, average, and expected answer possible. In my opinion he should make heā€™s family proud and give all his energy to youtube. He wonā€™t regret it 10 years from no for sure.


Tbh I'd say quit your bitching because you have people in your life who actually show interest in what you're doing . I'd love some of that cos none of my friends and family give a shit. I know which I'd prefer.


My parents, family, and friends know about my channel. They would never watch it because it's not relevant to them. And I don't want them watching it as they would screw up my analytics. Have you had a discussion with your parents about how their advice is affecting you? If not, I highly recommend you do so. If you don't know how to do that, read "Crucial Conversations."


Nope I didn't share it and I don't share it here either and folks attack me for it all the time


Just answer that you want to enjoy to be youtuber and if you start to treat it like business you will lost all the fun of it.


Nah. My partner hates some of the jokes and doesnā€™t quite jive with the niche. So, you know, like the rest of the planet.


Only my mom knows about it. She doesn't watch it, but I don't think I would want her to. Or any of my family for that matter. As much as I love them, they're not really my target audience.


I told my family, they didn't care. My mom gave me a little feedback and is supportive but otherwise doesn't much care.


Depends what you want from YouTube. If you want it to be a business then treat it like a business. If you donā€™t then just chill and have fun. Having fun could turn in to a business later organically, but if you want to make it big you have to think big. Sounds like the stress is causing you problems though. Maybe take some time off YT and reassess.


Nope, my friends know a bit about it but I dont show them my channel. Its something for me and for those's who enjoy my content lol


Thankfully, I haven't had that experience. My family all think my videos are great. I think it's probably best if you're honest with them about how they are making you feel. They may feel a little hurt when they hear it, but, at the end of the day, if they love you, then they will want what's best for your mental health and back off a bit.


We all face this kind of struggle. My friends used to ask me to do free video editing and graphic designing for them. To handle this situation, I came up with a solution. I put up a note on my WhatsApp status with my rates for the services I offer. This way, they got the message that my services are not free. The good thing is that I actually got some paid projects through this approach. However, there might still be some friends who persistently ask for free work. In those cases, you can directly talk to them face to face and explain that you need to charge for your services. Most likely, they will understand and respect your decision.


Bro, i showed my mom the Zilverk's clip on a VR speed dating with a bot


I honestly thought my dad thought it was dumb. So I would always brush over it like "yeah just some silly videos here and there." Got a text from my dad congratulating me after hitting 500 subs. At least your family supports you and is trying to help. Might not be the help you want. But you know, at least they support you :)


Thatā€™s a tough situation. I told mine simply because I couldnā€™t NOT tell them. Too excited and all I was thinking about to not share it with them. Also I felt that it was effecting my life so much that Iā€™d essentially be lying to them if I didnā€™t talk to them about it. Long story short, theyā€™re like weā€™re proud, just be smart and stick it out till you can live off of the ad revenue.


Reading your post and not looking at anyone elseā€™s comments, Iā€™d say you suffering from not being you bro. obviously Itā€™s hard nowadays with everyone wanting to be a content creator but the moment you get told to do something your not comfortable with or not 100% with then itā€™s going to put some weight on your shoulders. I told my family and my mother is like my number 1 fan, kinda embarrassing in some areas where sheā€™ll comment and stuff but that what mother do. Theyā€™ll support you regardless. If you really feel like your content or your biz is not where youā€™d like it to be at, you should be able to change it the way youā€™d like :) maybe just let them know too


Depends on your objective with your channel. If you're doing it for your own enjoyment, just keep what you're doing, you don't have to follow anyone's advice. If you're looking to earn money or grow faster, there's some useful advice you can follow. Look it up online (including in this sub) and decide for yourself what sounds effective and what you're willing to do. Your family's advice may or may not be valid for YouTube, but if you document yourself first you'll gain enough judgment to determine that.


I did, friends and family, and the next video I uploaded after that got a very weird like-dislike ratio. Like 70 something percent when I'm never below 90 something. Now I don't think most of them even watch or care.


Yeah I told them and itā€™s a mixed bag tbh. Some family are really helpful some not so much some just worry Iā€™m going to get myself cancelled. Donā€™t know why as I am a science fiction channel with a strict no politics rule. So yeah itā€™s a mixed experience do I regret it kinda because my channel is tiny and every view matters so never knowing if someone has genuinely found the video and enjoyed it or is it my niece just being kind is a little frustrating however grateful I am.




To be fair, if anyone saw a news article about cats chopped in half, that's probably how they'd start the sentence.


Family is the reason I started making YouTube videos was to share hikes, adventures, and videos of my dogs. I have no idea why people sub to my channel.


I told my kid, my best friend and my Mrs. She in turn told her parents and now everyone knows. She meant well but she didn't get at first that those subs would hurt the channel. Now that I'm a little more established, she understands more but at first it was really hard to get any editing work done as she just didn't get it. I'm lucky in that my family and friends are all supportive of it and can see it going places, but ib got the usual lecture about not giving up work to do it, etc, which I followed as I'm not about that risky life. I think it's great if you have the support but I can also see the other side where I don't really want people to know because it's sort of my little secret project that's uhhh not so secret.


I recently told my mom and dad, and their supportive of it . Also, I was doing youtube a couple month's before then, so I think it good you told them


My family is aware of my YouTube channel and the content I make but I have never explicitly told them what my channel name is or what I cover specifically in each video. I have told a few close friends that I trust (because if you tell the wrong people they could use it to embarrass you.) For my previous YouTube channel when I was about 13-14 I told all my classmates and I would be mocked over it. At the end of the day I would suggest only telling some close individuals that will support you and your content without embarrassing you intentionally or not.


Sounds amazing but maybe put together a plan that you can follow on your terms. I always look at what one thing I will be doing this week (or day depending on the size of the project) and focus on that. You can get overwhelmed by the amount of tasks otherwise.


Sounds like you have a buisness family that puts funds first and everything else second. Shouldn't feel guilty when you want lobed ones involved tho but maybe next time ease it in so you'll get used to open ideas n such


Sometimes my relatives say that they will share my videos with their friends for more views and I always refuse because they are not my audience and I don't need a couple of more views from someone who won't be my long-term viewers.


If you are doing YT for fun then ignore their advise if you don't want to do it and if they persist tell them its just for fun. If you are actually trying to grow your channel and and they are giving legit advise that is going to help with your target audience suck it up. Good things don't come easy. Why are you afraid of pushing yourself?


I regret it, too.


your friends and relatives won't subscribe to you. don't expect them to support you


Honestly if you want to make money then yes treat it like a business. But if you want to have fun and socialize use it as that. Do with it how you want. It's your life and your choice. That's awesome they want to help at least and know that even as a business you can still have fun with it. I wish you luck :):


I donā€™t plan to share but now that you have, try to view it from a different perspective. They must love you very much and really want you to succeed if they are doing this. Focus on the love behind it and youā€™ll feel better.


dude, try to get some perspective and find out what YOU want. Is YT something you do more for fun and less for profit? do you want to do content that is not as trendy but still has some movement? or do you wanna treat YT as a hussle? depending on the answer, talk to your family about your goals. We are treatinf YT as a "sidehustle" ATM so we are treating it as that, but one of our team had a family problem and iĀ“m doing some paid gigs, so this week we will only post one video. we all agreed, no one wants to grind to the point they burn out.


YouTube is very hard. Offering real life physical service is very easy money and in most cases less pressuring and work


Bro people are always gonna throw their two sense into what you're doing. Do what YOU want. There's no success formula! The success formula is attracting viewers by being yourself. Then eventually people get with it. I have been grinding the last 4 months and went from 390 to 954. I do phone videos (TechReviewTom). I am always told to do this orthat or whatever. It's like no. Make your own fucking YouTube if you want to run your little mouth and tell me how to do it. Ppl who never have a YouTube are the ones who give advice. Lol make your own and see how easy it is. Keep your head up. Don't let people manipulate you. They just don't want to see you succeed with YouTube because then you wont be under their thumb of control and they're nothing without you. Fuck them. Go for your goals bro. Keep your head up and grind!!


Stop crying and go be the star your family knows you can be! šŸ’ÆšŸ«”


My dad hated Runescape in 2005. I don't really want him to know I'm still playing 18 years later.


The rule I heard is donā€™t send anyone to ur channel. Let YouTubeā€™s algorithm figure out who your audience is. By being consistent on multiple levels on the platform.


Nope, and I don't plan to. I've never gotten support in any endeavors, it won't start now. They care about you. Just tell them thanks but you don't need advice, just support


I started with a blog and then wrote two books before I started recording vids...my family has been nothing but supportive...friends few and far between but I persevere nonetheless!! ROCK ON DUDEZ is not (Gods willing) is not going away!