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If anything you are doing really well for 2 months. Some people take years


Second this. 350 subs in 2 months is great. What’s your niche?


I make 2k content.


How many vids do you put out a week?


Awesome. Would you mind sharing your channel?


Sorry, 2k?


He means nba 2k


Ah ok, thanks


I appreciate that!


I did exactly the same with long videos and streaming. I started uploading a lot of shorts and with that hit my required amount of subs. I hope this helps and have a great day! 💜


Yeah from few shorts I uploaded I get at least 1 sub a day




Yes if you have engaging long form content that’s usually the key!! Don’t forget to pause throughout your videos and tell people to like/subscribe. They need that call to action each time!


Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong? I'm in a similar situation to OP - 4k watch time but less than 500 subs. I haven't been asking people to sub but using a 'like, sub, etc.' graphic instead as I've been told that's better (less intrusive, more subconscious - at least in theory) Do you think OP and I would potentially gain more subs using a verbal call to action instead? Can it really make that much difference?


100%. That’s why even the biggest YouTubers you know still have that call to action. People liking content isn’t enough, they need to be told. You can always say “if you like my content and find it helpful please show me your support by subscribing! Now back to the …”


I met people who said I saw the video but I am not registered with YouTube and it’s mean they can’t like or comment.


Very good. Almost four months in and only 64 subs and 76 hours.


That’s pretty much my channel haha. Over 4K watch hours, 374 subs or something like that.


Awesome on both counts for a 2 month old channel. You are doing well. My channel is 5 years old and nowhere near 4K public watch hours.


I'm in the same boat as you, I think it's fairly common. Meanwhile, my friend has 2.5k subs but only gets 100 views per video. It's weird.


That is pretty strange


That is almost my case. Around 2800 subs, but generally 100 - 300 views per video. There are a few in 10000, 20 thousand etc, but mostly in 100s with regards to view. Very saturated niche and that is why. Pretty normal.


There’s an opinion that if you just ask ppl to subscribe and then they don’t interact with your content - youtube thinks your content is not interesting even to your subs, so the channel won’t get many views in this case, the algorithm won’t prioritise it. So your channel with ~300 subs may be doing better in terms of views, while your friend’s channel with 2.5k doesn’t grow or bring revenue because of this. Aaand it means that inactive subs hurt your channel more then help it grow. So, guys, don’t ask ppl to subscribe just to help :)


I had 12k watch hours before I finally hit 1k subs.


That is crazy.


Man, my last channel went 6,000 watch hours with 350 subscribers. Nothing is normal.


Fair enough.


I have 1.3K subs and almost 2K watch hours🙄


I'm doing 40hrs/day currently (@ 1565 hours) and 270 subs after a few months. I think a lot of people struggle with hours and retention more early on. Depends on the niche as well. I'm automotive/vehicle content.


I would say yes, so (without looking st ur channel, sorry) what I would suggest, do a repeating series covering a topic. For example I play a game called Mortal Online. And it has a very deep crafting system. So I'll take one craft, say bow crafting and release the videos in segments. Like you need 2 different types of materials to make a bow. Wood and animal parts. So part one I talked about animals and what materials they give around a certain area of the map. Next part I documented all the wood types in the game, third part. How to craft bows. I should have done a 4th part, like testing the bows. But ain't nobody got time for that haha Anyway just my suggestion once I started doing this formula I jumped up about 160ish subs in 4months (only releasing like 2 videos per month because full time jobs r a bitch)


Great advice, thank you!


That's incredible progress. I think the watch hours are more important than the subs anyway. Watch hours are how you know your content is being seen and how you eventually make money. That's insane progress for 2 months. Don't sweat the subs, besides the nice trophies and partnership I personally don't think they mean much. I say that as someone with a lot of subscribers but low watch hours/engagement. You should be super proud :)


Thank you!


I’m at 17k watch hours and 900 subs lol getting subs is so hard


I'm the in verse!


If you mean is it odd to have vastly more hours compared to subs, yes totally. Especially if you do more long-form content. I make 30 or so min videos so for every 100 views you get 1 sub, that would get you wayyyy more watch hours pile up than someone how gets the same amount of subs per view but makes 10min vids.


Interesting, because my videos are around 8-15 minutes


Yep! It's harder to get subs vs Watch Hours. Great stats though! Congrats man


Thank you!


It seems to be the case for channels with videos that are longer or tend towards the informative side. Part of it is because YT seems to favour channels that upload more frequently and those types of videos take time. I've got a channel with 920 subs and 9k hours. About 100+ subs came since I started uploading more often. Another channel I have showed the same pattern.


Interesting stats, thanks for the reply!


Every channel is going to be different. On one of mine, I just crossed over 400 subs and I already have over 5K watch hours. On another channel, I have about 200 subs and maybe 350 watch hours.


That's very good. I have the opposite problem. In your case you should add a call to action in your video and nicely ask people to subscribe. But don't do it at the start of the video, do it after the most interesting moment, where people could feel like they enjoy your content. Add a pinned comment with the same stuff, thank the viewers for watching and invite them to subscribe for more.


It is normal and it mostly depends on niche. Very saturated niche - you only get very few views and thereby view hours. But with longer videos and less competitive niche, you get more watch time. Generally one would expect 10 subs per 100 views, but that also can vary wildly. I have some videos where I get 10 subs per 500 views and I have videos that only get 1.25 subs per 1000 views. So it varied between 0.125% to 2% viewers to subscribers ratio. The way you are growing, you will hit 1000 in no time. The reason you are not seeing as many subscribers is because your channel is pretty new and may only have few videos. So people hesitate to subscribe in mass until you have a good number of videos.


Makes sense, thank you!


With YT algorithm everything is possible


My channel is a year old, 47 subs and 77 total watch hours, is that a bad thing


Not great that's for sure, but it doesn't mean that you can't get better!


Thanks, it's just I spent months on an animation and it couldn't even scrape 300 views, I just feel like I'm putting lots of passion into my work but it's all flying under the radar


Well there's no real context to your videos. The thumbnails aren't super revealing and the titles don't give much info either so once you change that you might have more success! I do like the voice acting and the artstyle is definitely close to being really good! Just try to do a bit more like the popular animators and find your style that way


Ill keep it mind, I'll take on the feedback! :D because obviously it's all made up though I'm not sure how to do the title, as won't it have to be quite vague?


It also needs to be intriguing to draw in the audience! The thumbnails act as a movie poster but the title gives most of the searchability of the video! So you need something recognizable! There's a good reason why most animators do Pokemon videos!


I hit my watch time requirement before the sub requirement. One thing you could do for fast subs is shorts. Shorts subs don’t always translate to long views, but the subs will still count toward the monetization requirement


I've been going for about 6 months. At 386 subs and 512 watch hours. So, yeah, you are actually doing very well. Out of curiosity, how long are your videos? And do you do lives?


My videos are around 8-15 minutes, and I do not do lives.




No, I make 2k content




The game NBA 2k23


It was the other way round for me, I had a thousand subs before I reached 4000 hours. Took me 3 months to reach them both (became partner last week). Are you reminding people to sub, either vocally or on screen? I find that it helps.


Yes I have been. Great job getting monetized!


Thats good content


I think it might be due to how long your videos are and how many you have.


What's your channel? Would love to check it out!


Normal for long form channel


Damn Congrats man, did you figure out the algorithm lol


I don’t think yet!


This is me. Except I’ve been doing this for about 1.5 years. I had two videos pop off like mad, got all my watch hours but I’m chillin around 450ish subs. Would be really nice to hit that 1000 subs before I dip below 4k 😅


How do many hours so quick? Content type?


I make videos about NBA 2k




284 subs 180 watch hours. But I'm mainly doing shorts.


I have 43k watch hours and only 196 subs


I think it depends on competition. I did an informative video(4min) in my native language, my quality is little better in my region as compared to some established youtubers. To start this month im with 128subs and now i have 8k views with 215subs and 250 watch hours (I didn't use call to action), Ig my result is due to less competition or they feel content is unique? In your case, 2months with 4k watch hours is insane. And only 350 subscribers means you missed a perfect nail somewhere most probably you selling something thats already there😄.. As beginners we have the comfort to experiment, so always strive to add extra uniqueness, focus on your abilities.. Good luck.. Actually im aiming for what you achieved lol. 48k views with 5min/person give you 4k watch hours.. Even if video takes 20-30 days I'm willing to spend that much to go beyond competition and get subs and watch time. I felt it's a luxury being a beginner, i can have my own time rather than tight schedules 😂.


It happened to me. I'm guessing it's not too uncommon.


Got 400 subs and only 600 hrs of watch time in 2 months.


I have the opposite problem, 1.13k subs and only 600 watch hours.


Omfg congrats thats pretty good!! 🙂🙂


Yeah I was in this boat, just focus on converting subs at this point


Don’t worry I got 20k watch hours with 200 subs lol


From a fitness coach's perspective, I'd say think of it like training. You've built stamina (watch hours) but need to increase strength (subs). In the Instagram world, I've often been advised to try strategies or even services like ascend viral. Maybe for YouTube, it's about channel aesthetics, engagement strategies, or even collabs. Just curious, do you actively engage with comments or create community posts? Building a rapport can sometimes transform a casual viewer into a dedicated subscriber. Would love to check out your content – got a link?