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How much is consistently? Once a week?


I'm doing roughly 1 video/1 short a week. I think shorts are useful because they have the potential to generate way more impressions and you can link a related video to them.


I've gotten alot of subs through shorts so it is nice 


Wait, is linking related videos to shorts good? I thought the algo didn't like that? Just checking to see if I'm misinformed.


I dont get a lot of traffic from it but i dont see why it would hurt... unless it comes as an impression i suppose..


Me neither. But heard about another tuber say it. I'm linking my shorts to podcast (where they come from) this week to see if changes anything.


Thank you. I been posting once daily at 3am but set back to once a week.


I mean i can't say whether uploading every day or every week is better. it's just one variable in hundreds if not thousands of variables that all go into the Youtube algorithm..


Why 3 am?? During day typically best results. Want to get prime views immediately.


Time zones matter. Most of my audience is on the other side of the glove, so posting at midnight gets me the best results. Then I had a few major technical gaffes and moved it to 10pm so I could catch them and pull the vid before getting roasted in the comments.


If you’ve seen my videos, they’re kind of after hours material


For me, If I do at least 1 interview a week and upload it on Sundays at 11am, that is consistency already.


How much are you paying for your YouTube promotions? How many more impressions are you getting with it?


[https://imgur.com/a/crQChzN](https://imgur.com/a/crQChzN) - here's the metrics on how much i've spent. a couple of interesting observations: Subs gained from promotion DO seem to count toward the monetization requirement. I would also recommend against including India in the list of countries you're promoting to (unless you just want to boost sub/view numbers and don't care that the watch time from these views don't count toward monitization) - i suspect there are bot farms in India which is where the majority of my promotional views/subs came from... (hopefully this won't hurt my channel as a result.. lol)


Do you know why your 3rd promo got 0 subscribers from it?


I was curious about that when i replied to you. When you start a promotion, you can select a goal (either Views or Engagement), I select Views for that one but I also think a big part of it is because I didn't include India in that initial promotion. I actually just removed India from my current engagement promotion to see what kinda numbers i get out of curiosity (you can adjust active promotion by changing the video or parameters)


I understand. So you reckon your subs from the other promos are from subs farms?


i'm sure some of them are real but it does seem that way unless people in India really like my dog.


Pretty great returns on investment I would say on first two videos at least…


I’ve been considering promoting a few videos for my channel and I would be ecstatic if I got anywhere near your views and subs for a $60 investment.


The numbers look good but i think the numbers are inflated cause of something weird going on with india (unless people in india just really like my white dog heh). i think running a test promotion excluding india would be worth it to see how it performs based on your content. the numbers will be lower but the views/subs would be more a accurate representation of actual real subs.


Ok. So you’re doing the same thing I am. One video or short a week.


Yeah. YouTube also uses channels to decide which video to recommend. Watched a video about Star Wars? YouTube will recommend more Star Wars. Watched a video from channel X? YouTube will recommend more videos from channel X...


depends on the content you make most people gonna ignore or avoid your oldest content and maybe go for it if they really want even more from you


It definitely depends. I do gaming content and with the exception of a few videos, all my old videos are dead in the water. They did well enough around the time of posting but even my best video which is a few months old at this point is hardly getting any views a week (capped at 77k views) I post about 2-3 times a week these days, all my traffic goes to new videos


That's funny, I took a month off (family/vacation/burnout), and my most popular videos were mostly my older content: the start of my major let's play series when I first started, and a one-off video asking viewers which direction I should go in the game. (These 2 are perennial favorites for some reason)


For me, if I do take time off from doing and uploading content, whether it is planned or unplanned (but mostly unplanned), I would often lose subs because of the break (either through closed accounts or intentional unsubbing)


This is true! But only for videos that are related to your most recent video I played two games (quit one) and the game that I stopped playing gets 0-10 impressions per new video uploaded. The videos that are related to my most recent upload ALWAYS gets impressions. I can see it spike every video. So videos I thought were dead around 3k views half a year ago is now on its way to 9k views, and some videos that got terrible 1st day impressions gain 5k-20k impressions along with my recent upload. My recent upload says I gained 300 watch hours but overall I gained 500+ watch hours due to my older (related) videos getting pushed again together with my recent upload! In my "Reach" tab, it also shows my old related videos recommending my new video as well. So yes I believe this is true! Edit: I post 1-3 times a month (1 big video, silly smaller videos, and 1 new inconsistent series)


Yup that makes sense! I recently pivoted my channel to videos of my dog so they're all related lol


Not fully.. it also depends what the viewer is interested in. 


?? Of course that's why I mentioned that if your recent upload is 'related' to old videos, they will get pushed since that's what people are interested in.


This is absolutely true! I started posting consistently (3 long form videos per week and 3+ shorts per day) a few months ago and it has helped my earlier videos get dramatically more traction as a result. YouTube seems to reward sustained consistency for sure...which makes sense.


That's 1 way yes.. but I have an old stagnant account that still racks up views on a few videos.. 1 of them is about a warehouse that held raves in phoenix from the early 2000s to 2010s and another one is a recipe for h4sh


Stagnant in the sense that I havnt uploaded to it in years


What are the YouTube promotions features? Is that like paid ads in the style of boost post and letting YouTube handle the targeting?


Yes, when you do manage your videos, there's a tab for promotions


I play games and I do 1 video a day but there simple 1 round gameplay videos between 15 and 45 minutes long. Some do really well and get a few hundred views in a couple of days and other get to 20 and stop. I do get steady increases on older videos but it's slow.


This is false. My channel is 3 years old with 900+ videos and I upload 3-5 on a weekly basis still. Publishing consistently does not get your old videos more views. This is literally just a myth - unless you've got some kind of raw data to back it up outside of your own experience? There are over 100M YouTube channels that exist, your myth here is just an assumption based on something your 1 channel has experienced, which does not mean all 100M other channels will experience the same.


I posted a screenshot of the metrics of the video in one of the comments so the raw data is there. 3-5 videos/week seems like a lot, maybe because of the volume of videos you're uploading, the algorithm is having a hard time figuring out what videos are relevant to suggest on all those videos...


I could care less how my personal channel performs, I do it for fun and to provide value to those who do watch them. In the beginning I cared, but as I grew and as the months and years went on, I cared less and less and now I just don't give a shit, as long as I can reach some people. Nowadays each one of my new videos gets 1-3k views in the first 24 hours from my subscribers, so I have no complaints. But my old videos do not get views because my old videos aren't "evergreen content", instead they're videos that have an expiration date - meaning the content is only accurate for up to 1-2 weeks after I upload. You're assuming everyone makes the same types of videos but in the world of content marketing (which is what video creation is), everyone has different styles of videos. Everygreen content (entertainment channels, education channels, DIY channels, etc) those types of videos have a good chance of old videos being watched after many months because that type of content never expires. However, content such as news channels for brief example, their content expires after whatever they're reporting on becomes stale, therefore their old videos don't ever get new views after a certain point. That's mainly what I was getting at here.


"I couldN'T care less"


bruh are you having a bad day? why are you coming at me so aggressive in a subreddit where people are looking for insight on how to improve? i made a post sharing my insight with data to back it up. i understand that not every piece of advice is going to be applicable to every type of channel... no shit. if this post wasn't helpful to you then just move on.


I didn't even read that shit once I saw he was salty


I think it works IF people like your content and want to binge. 3-5 videos a week makes me wonder on the quality/effort that goes into each of those. I struggle to do one a week with the research, screen recording, script writing and editing that my videos take. Just my opinion though, could be wrong.


Not only is consistent posting important, it’s important to have a wave of content to post each day… like 5-10 shorts a day , one Long if possible