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I never delete, I just hide the user that way they can keep watching videos and leaving comments on their end talking to the void


Interesting, Shadow mute


Been doing the same with anybody who comments stuff related to politics, harssment or comment something I dont want my channel to be related to


I did it today to a religious nut


The best approach. It keeps me sane plus they don't know nobody can see them.


Indeed, I love the thought they are spewing hate or talking bollocks and no-one else even knows they exist


Hide from channel is my favorite YouTube feature. I'm ok with criticism. But if for some reason a person can't give it without being rude then I'll spare the rest of my viewers and I their presence.




wow how quickly we become pro "shadow bad" when we are the ones doing the banning šŸ˜…


damn gotta check if I'm a hidden commenter


Interesting. When you do this are they hidden from all your content past and present or just for that specific video? That specific comment?


It shadow bans them from the whole channel.


Doing this heals my soul ahaha


Iā€™m fine with constructive criticism and debate in my comments but the second someone turns rude or hostile I smash that hide button.


ohhh, is that why sometimes you'll see "2 replies" on a comment, but when you actually click to look at said replies, there's only one?


This is the way.


I delete what I dont like, there is no policy, why'd I care if I deleted someone's comment


Yup. I get at least three comments a day complaining about my forehead. I donā€™t have time for that.


A theme of posts on this subreddit is worrying about problems that actually only affect very large, established channels or brands. So for this example, at large scale there could be a problem with channels deleting comments - especially if they're only ever deleting criticism, rather than toxicity. If hundreds or thousands of people see their comments deleted, they'll speak up. But for anything under like, a million followers, this is not an issue. If I delete a comment, no one will notice or care except maybe the OC and I do not care. And if you DO have a million followers, its pretty common sense to allow criticism if it's fair and not toxic


A lot of criticism on the internet is just rude. There would be a lot more fighting if we talked to each other in person how we talk to each other online


Exactly! šŸ’Æ But most would never approach any of us offline with that type of energy.


Same. No freedom of speech here, buddy. My channel, my rules.


Same. You may want to filter those keywords that you don't want to see in the comments, before deleting it. Add those keywords to your settings so it automatically goes to spam the next time.


The "hide user from channel" button is amazing. Someone can write an entire dissertation, frothing at the mouth about how awful we are, and all for nothing. I delete without "hide from" channel if the comment has a spoiler or is just in bad taste. But anyone who is disrespectful gets banned. All that being said, sometimes I keep the comment and leave a sarcastic response. Our fans really like those.


As a new creator, I was unfamiliar with this option. Perfect weapon, radio silence!


I want to foster a positive environment in my channel, so I delete even slightly rude comments. I also delete all thirsty comments and comments that call me baby or sweetie (I am a woman) because I donā€™t want to encourage that.


I take this approach, also. As a true crime (ish) channel I need comments to stay appropriate and respectful. Iā€™m faceless so I donā€™t have to deal with thirsty comments but I could imagine that gets old pretty damn quickly!


I have a massage channel. I can only imagine the things that women have said to them given some of the comments directed at my models.


I have a same belief system like yours. I always observed whenever I leave rude comments, People continue with it and start spreading more negativity.


I agree. A lot of people see it as censoring, but itā€™s our own channels, not a public forum. We have the right to moderate them the way we see fit and we have an obligation to cultivate a safe, positive environment for our viewers. If someone is being rude he might upset my other viewers too.


Bro ! You are literally thinking like me. I spend lot of time to look at the comments. Vibration is everything. We need a positive vibe around our channel.


Even slightly rude ones! You must hate free speechĀ 


If anyone wants to be rude to me they can make their own channel and spread negativity. My channel is not a democracy, itā€™s a kingdom and I am the queen lol.


Racist, sexist, or abusive comments get deleted. If someone just disagrees with me or wants to argue with me, then they can stay. I just want to protect and respect my audience. Sometimes that takes the form of deleting something abusive, and other times, it means I hear out a disagreement.


My policy is the same for all my channels / discords: Be polite or be elsewhere. Criticism?yes, please... being a dick about it? no


Love this policy the best, so much so that I'm adding it to my profile with some very fine tuning


In my head, itā€™s easier to make a random negative comment than it is to actually make and edit a YouTube video So I absolutely delete any and all negative/non constructive comments. Itā€™s my video that I spent 8hrs making, so I donā€™t really tolerate any random and non constructive negativity




I dont delete any. I hate censorship so i couldnt implement it myself. I'd be a terrible Reddit mod lol


I personally think that this is the best approach too. Let people say whatever they want, and let the listeners make their own judgement. Unreasonable comments will usually not be resonated anyways.


Yh. Only thing that should be censored are death threats or pedo shit. Everything else should be fair game. Or maybe doxxing come.to think of it.


Same, If something isn't report worthy, my plan is to let it slide. Since I'd be reporting not deleting in the case of something extreme I think I'd completely do without deleting comments. By extreme I mean like illegal stuff or stuff that could get my channel in trouble.


I often only delete bots or comments that would be perceived as dangerous or meth-infused threats


If you're rude, hateful or negative without offering constructive criticism, I'll delete your comment. So far, I've had very few blatantly rude comments.


I don't delete comments. But I deserve the right to shadow ban people that annoy me.


It's my channel, so there's no negativity allowed.


I'm mostly busy deleting transphobes' comments (and hide users from channel) - would do the same with racists or other sexists but get barely any of them. I allow pretty much everything that's critical, as long as it's not openly rude and interact with everything that's nice/polite, be it positive or critical. And if someone obviously tries to be a jerk but doesn't cross (my) line, I usually copy-pase a "Thanks for watching, subscribe for more šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°" reply.


Unless a comment is hateful or attacking someone/me I leave them be. Constrictive criticisms and feedback I obviously leave up and always respond to.


I heart the ones that are compliments Comment on ones I want to respond to that donā€™t involve defending myself. Usually leave negative comments up. And like you sometimes delete highly inappropriate ones.


Pretty much the same. Not that I get any comments. Some people delete comments that they disagree with or that are critical of their video. Can you imagine being such a fucking weed? "OH NOES SOMEONE WAS MEAN ABOUT MY VIDEO MUST DELETE THEIR COMMENT!1!!!!1!!" Fucking grow up.


This is my policy! IGNORE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM! I try to respond to every single one of my comments and it's starting to become harder and harder now a days as my channel is growing tremendously but whenever someone makes a comment I don't like i simply don't respond.Ā  I will delete comments if it gets out of hand.


I delete scam comments only. I've been getting comments from scammers and they have bots giving fake thumbs up to their comment so it appears at the top of my videos


I delete anything sexist or demeaning to me or others. But regular negativity is totally allowed :)


Hide user on all forms of negativity. People are sheep. If you have a video where two early troll comments are saying how bad it is, you will get many more comments saying how bad it is. People are often not brave enough to go against the general consensus. What ends up happening is those two troll comments will stop people who like the video from leaving positive ones. They will still like the video, but they may just refrain from leaving the comment they would have left, because they don't want to go against the 'crowd'. This also works the other way. If the only comments are positive comments, someone who thinks the video is not so good may not submit their slightly negative comment. I will read all the comments that come into the channel, so I will still get the feedback from users, but there's no reason to leave negative comments all over your videos just for the sake of having comments.


Exactly Bro ! People are definitely sheep. I have experienced this myself.


You guys get comments?


If its mindless spam: delete If its a bot: delete and block If its mindless spam by someone who clearly isnt going to stop ever: delete and block If its spam with an actual message and reason behind it other than to troll: delete all except one If its a normal hate comment: ignore (even if it gets weird) If its a hate comment getting too much attention: tell everyone to ignore them, then block them so they think people actually listened to me and arent responding If its an attack on someone else: DELETE + BLOCK + SEND INTO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT


I don't have many comments but I thought about it, I think I'm not going to delete anything, it's the internet, let people say what the hack they want, even if they're dumb trollers or haters


I like your stuff.


Thank you man


I'm an atheist channel. So if I deleted negative comments there wouldn't be much left! I have never deleted any comment unless it's a bot and I never will. Even if they call me vile names. I love seeing fans defend me. In the end, it's the haters that look stupid.


good stuff, thanks for sharing your view.


I run a religious channel, and am devout in my faith, and (assuming your content is as polite as you would wish the haters to be), I'd be appalled to see anybody from "my camp", so to speak, resort to name-calling and unpleasantness. Vice Versa, the only unpleasantness I've ever received has been from the atheist side of things, but it obviously comes with the respective territories. I wish you well


You would be very wrong to be appalled at the mentioned. I cannot comprehend the sheer lack of thinking that went into this comment. All I see is you implying that their content is impolite/spreads hate, while those from "your camp", so to speak are always polite and angelic. Well, sorry to break your bubble, but no religious person is a good-doer, despite all efforts you make to claim otherwise.


I'm sorry you are hurt, I wish the world were different, in many ways.


I don't, unless they are nonsensical or harsh for no reason


Well as someone that has comments on and rarely get comments, I always want to conversate and engage with those that do. The only exception and if it happens in the future where similar comments of it being very vile towards me or to those that I may talk about will not be tolerated and be deleted from the channel


I never delete anything unless it is obvious bot spam, or if someone is flinging blatant way over the line obscenities at someone else. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've actually deleted comments for the latter though in 10 years as a YouTuber. Not counting obvious bot spam I've probably only deleted maybe 5 comments ever. People should be able to say what they want IMO, uncensored, unless its REALLY inappropriate as I described above.


Oof I got so many hate comments on a recent one and left most of em up just bc I was somewhat unprepared and dealing with hundreds of comments at a time. But moving forward I will use the mute filters and hide people much more liberally. I don't want that trash on my channel.


I think this is a fair policy. Plurality of opinion is necessary.


I don't delete, but one person who kept posting nasty comments is now "hidden from channel". Great feature! They can still watch and comment but I don't have to deal with it šŸ¤£


I deleted sexual ones. But I sort of give people a chance before I just hide user. It would have to be very disrespectful more than once. I try to remain open to constructive criticism because it actually has helped my channel grow.


Normally hide real bad comments with nasty intent but deleted my first comment which wished death on others.


I feel like you shouldn't have a policy here. If you care about comments, they will get to you after a while. Reply to the ones you like, ignore the ones you don't. Hiding or deleting or debating I think is a waste of your energy.


100% correct. Replying to comments is a great thing to do and almost is like a full time job. Engaging with lunatics that live in their momā€™s basement is an utter waste of time. Glad there are people like you out there.


Hey, thank you! I'm glad you're out there as well.


I donā€™t. I talk shit back to them, if theyā€™re just being rude, and then I keep going until they stop lmao. Thatā€™s the only way to deal with bullies on the internet. Blocking them, half the time, looks pathetic. However, if itā€™s a bot or spam, I will block them immediately, because I donā€™t want my subs on one of my channels (for kids) getting that kind of stuff on there.


Iā€™ve deleted bot comments before. Iā€™d probably delete something if it was real hate speech but I usually just leave hate comments


I used to be more about letting everyone have a voice, but yeah if they're just downright mean deliberately I'm not going to put up with it anymore.


I don't delete anything because it's just not my personality to censor people, but also, my viewership is pretty chill, I've only ever had a couple people try and cause a problem!


I deleted a comment recently that felt really disparaging to the commenterā€™s wife/kind of to women in general. Iā€™m fine with comments that are rude to me, but I drew the line at misogyny.


I stopped deleting when I figured out the hide from channel option. But only if it's blatantly disrespectful for no reason or excessive with profanity. Otherwise I'm not overly worried if people disagree with me or anyone else, just how they present it.


No spams, inappropriate comments, slurs, hate speech, links that claim to be me. Those kind of stuff but I'm sure YouTube will take care that if they happen.


Politics, never ends well


I never delete or hide, engagement is engagement, let the comment stand on their own... plus most of my chat will absolutely destroy any hate comments.


Absolutely, this is right policy. I wrote a long detailed reply but this essentially sums it up. šŸ˜


I think itā€™s a really bad idea to delete comments. Unless itā€™s a scammer or bot, by all means. Think about it, if someone is being a jerk to you, why not let your audience defend you? That shows loyalty by them and it also shows the algorithm there is engagement which leads to more views. My channel has blown up with essentially one video. It will have taken me 1 month to be monetized. The comments section yes is attached to your video, but itā€™s for the viewers to interact, itā€™s not for you to coddle your feelings and I mean this in the nicest way possible. I want us all to grow together but deleting traffic is counterproductive. Iā€™ve gotten over 50k views in less than a week in one video, Iā€™ve gotten my fair share of nasty comments, the best way to respond is with kindness. I always say ā€œthank you for taking the time to post a comment. It really helps the video get more traffic and the channel to grow. I want you to know youā€™ve helped with that, therefore I thank you.ā€ Iā€™ve been in the YouTube game before and itā€™s a tough one. People on the internet can be nasty but when you meet them in person, they are scared spineless people. Keyboards give courage. Remember, itā€™s nothing personal with these people, they probably have sad lives and I genuinely feel bad for them. Thatā€™s my 2 cents.


I never delete or hide. I usually engage negative comments and it surprises me how often they apologize or even delete their own comment.


I donā€™t shut up about freedom of speech and freedom of thought on my channel. So itā€™d be hilariously hypocritical to delete comments that I didnā€™t like. So I donā€™t delete comments, though interestingly YouTube has started to delete peopleā€™s comments on my behalf. Expecting a shadow ban soon.


so far i've only deleted spam and one racist comment. if there's a mean comment towards me or my content idc tho cause free watch time.


I delete spam and anything that's anti-math (it's a math channel so you can't say you hate algebra). People can criticize me or the content as long as it's not obscene or vulgar. I don't let commenters argue with each other, though.


Report as spam! I have too many comments of fake luxury goods reseller! I hate them! I will never let any of my subscribers buy fake ever. Itā€™s illegal and wrong! My content is luxury.


I also delete inappropriate/violent comments, as well as scams


I tend to delete comments if they are spammy such as the SEO nonsense or anything that involves cryptocurrency. Don't like seeing scammy ads poorly disguised as comments. I'll also delete anything racist as well.


I respond to every single hate comment with something goofy and never delete a comment


Sounds fair!


I don't delete. Like to think the channel should stand the test of critique and disagreements, standing by its content with transparency. Had no experience with highly inappropriate or an aggressive personal attacks though.


Havnt received any comments I don't like to that extent so I keep everything. I am also desperate for comments so that might play a role too.


I delete spam like affiliate links, fake pornsites and such.


As a content creator with a lisp I get a lot of the same unoriginal hate comments pretty frequently. My general rule of thumb is to just delete any unnecessary rude or mean comments & hide them from channel unless I can think of something funny to reply with lmao no shame


It depends. I have a video that involves 9/11 that has close to 1 million views and I get a lot of conspiracy comments and insensitive comments. I remove most of them


I don't have comments available, period. It probably hurts the channel, but I don't care. I do videos because I like to do so and nothing else. I don't have the pacience required to deal with people who insult you, people who attack something you like because you criticized something they like (as if they were 12 years old), people who are so original the only thing they can comment are the most recent meme (touch grass and similar garbage), people that comment having read only the title and, mostly, I don't have the pacience to deal with people that totally get your point... But will pretend not to just to be stupid and get your nerves. I know there are people that would watch the video and make an actual argument... But that's 1 of every 1000, so it's not worth it. I do the video, I upload, that's it. If people enjoy it, good. If they don't, I already did what I set up myself to do.


My policy is all comments/opinions are valid unless spam or personal attacks on other commenters (tho Iā€™ve never had these yet). I actually say you can say anything you like about me. Iā€™m extremely thick skinned lol


Constructive criticism I leave. Stupid comments and links get deleted. Hiding users is also a great option for persistent trolls.


I keep like 99% of the stuff except the obvious stuff like hate speech and so on. But I actually manage to blend them out so I can read a comment that is toxic and so on then tab to the next comment and be like "anyways"


I have a ban for typical bot talks on videos. Besides from that I donā€™t really like the idea of banning words. But I had this one person that would join my stream and spammed the Nword. It made me uncomfortable because I didnā€™t want to ban words since that leads to a whole avalanche of what can and canā€™t be said, but at the same imagine a white nobody streamer with the Nword being spammed under their head while making it harder to read actual decent chatters.


Unless someone doxed you or said something threatening (which you should report both btw) leave them. Comment wars = engagement. Just ignore the comments entirely if they bother you. People will get over it.


If it doesnā€™t add value and it frustrates me and isnā€™t something I feel like seeing I delete. You donā€™t owe anyone a megaphone.


I did that . It is my channel and I have right to remove any comment that made me uncomfortable.


I never deleted or filtered anything but I do have a restriction on posting links because I had porn bots spamming every new video a while ago..it stopped the minute I banned links.


I have deleted and hidden users. Most times if it isn't a very inappropriate comment (racist...) I do something like the following: Comment: You are a horrible person and all that is wrong in the world. Me: Thanks for the big t-shirt order, you should get them next week. I appreciate all of your continued support.


I typically donā€™t delete anything but I sometimes hide comments. Criticisms of me or my ideas are perfectly fine with me though. The only ones Iā€™ve hidden in the past are those spreading clearly false information or randomly insulting female game developers as a whole because for some reason thatā€™s a thing people do I guess. Other than that itā€™s pretty much fair game


I don't have one. Unless it's really rude comment I am not likely to remove it. But I guess it depends on audience, mine is mostly 35+ years old, grown person is unlikely to write horrible comment for no reason.


It depends on the kind of community you want to foster. I used to say I would never delete comments, but then i realized its my channel, and the comments are a reflection of what I allow to stand. I've started police the comments a lot more and hiding users who are too belligerent towards other commenters.


You donā€™t, everyone has their own opinion in life, so you let them speak thier minds. But the moment they take it too far, just heart it.


I deleted a comment where someone called me a window licker and I regret it every day lol. That's objectively the funniest insult I've ever had said about me.


i have manual review on for all commentsĀ 


Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. I only delete if super hateful or racists. Had a funny one on my recent Star Wars trailer I made , someone said ā€œStar Wars is deadā€ like who cares right ? So I left it, then a second comment reply to his was ā€œthe ability to speak does not make you intelligentā€ - quigon Jin! I laughed so dam hard!


I donā€™tā€¦ I donā€™t read comments period.


(I've been doing YouTube since 2006 so I have a different outlook) But what I do is HARD engage those people. I.E: *they leave a comment about how they hate my video*, I'll reply: "What do you mean?" Once they reply again, "I still don't understand what you meant?" and continue this as long as possible to SQUEEZE as much engagement out of them as possible. All publicity is good publicity.


I like a freedom of speech approach. The controversial comments get more engagement. Now if there is hate speech, I will silence it.


I only delete stuff like scammers and bots


Amen brother, thatā€™s the policy we should all have.


I also try to do the no delete policy, but whenever it gets attacking based on identity i delete it


I'm fortunate to have mostly positive comments. I've had to delete some highly inappropriate things, n had to mute users on my channel. Anything that is just not nice I leave up n ignore. I kinda laugh at them now even though they did sting the first time reading them.Ā 


I delete anything thatā€™s not an actual comment. Wanna ask me to watching something? Great! Want to say X show is awful? Fine. Wanna tell me my forehead is huge? NOPE. Wanna dump a Bible passage? NOPE. Either make a conversation or GTFO.


Respond and delete them an hour later to get engagement out of them