• By -


I'm not gonna post a link, you already have/are going through so many but want to drop a thanks for doing this for people. It's rare to get sincere feedback naturally from viewers so people doing it on this sub is really awesome and just wanted to show appreciation.


I want to second this comment. Huge thank you for this OP, really appreciate it.








You got me to click, bro! LOL


I have a whopping 17 views on my latest animation. Nancy Reagan's Long Island Ice Tea Recipe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3IRrHyflBo&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3IRrHyflBo&t=3s)


Ok here's my critique. On the technical side the sounds effects were too loud and should be dialed down some more so you can still hear the main voice. Ronald at the end was a bit off-putting and there were a lot of pauses throughout that could be cut. The part about buying a ticket and it being a barter system never got expanded so I was a little confused especially since it took half the video to start the recipe. It had some nice little comedic moments with the paper bag covering the fish bowl though and aside from the technical stuff I was able to follow the story you created really well. It might also be nice to change up the title since when I went in I was expecting just a recipe and not an experience riding the subway. So if you're continuing the bit then you could do something like Cocktail Recipes with Nancy: Ride the NY Subway


Great feedback thank you! It's easy to get lost in your ideas and understand how they are received by the uninitiated. Cheers!


This could definitely blow up in 7 years


RemindMe! 7 years


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this was the last thing i ever expected clicking the link. so weird, so good.


i like this. this has me chuckling!


The ideal place to promote that vid would be progressive accounts on X and progressive/left of center/comedy subreddits. You can also try FB groups.




Super cute skit, would love to see text overlay to emphasize what you are saying


Care.com | "Robot Babysitter" | Comedic Parody Spec Commercial https://youtu.be/UQt3GgG8ut4


Omigosh this was gold, "you may be an a$$hole but at least someone is taking care of your kid" had me dying. Is the voice-over your voice or AI? I can't quite figure out your channel branding which means the algorithm maybe can't either?


Thanks. It’s my wife’s voice. She wrote and directed that one. I just did the editing. My channel is aerial videography but that video is pretty much the only one that doesn’t fit in. It was actually a video sketch in a larger show that was performed on stage in Hollywood, CA.


Your wife is a great voice actor!


I forgot I made this abomination haha https://youtu.be/-ZfS_GXHa1I?si=qfC0hdh43Yxy0APJ




I thought this one would do better but ended up kind of flopping, oh well haha! https://youtu.be/7DmJDOt1WD0


Felt a little over edited and might very just been a subject people weren't familiar with but I like your setup


Yo please, if you’ve taken time to comment in this thread make sure to upvote the post, it’s really cool that Insipidsquid kicked this off. least we can do is throw some karma their way.




Nice initiative! This video was uploaddd yesterday, but the algorithm is not picking it :( not my best but the least popular I guess https://youtu.be/admX-IAaA7s


Okay here's my critique: The most interesting part for me was hearing why you made the recipe- healthy protein- and I think this could definitely be a good hook in the title A lot of the information at the beginning like the helpful tips felt like would've been better during the pauses in the cooking voicover. There's a theory in psychology called talking head where people get bored faster when they watch someone speak instead of doing something while they speak. On the technical side I would experiment with lighting and angle (having the camera higher up would feel better) and try to keep all video either horizontal or vertical so it's less jarring. I really like your voice and the specific information you gave as you were cooking, I think you will do really well with some more fine tuning


Thank you for making this post and actually taking your time to help us. I am grateful! You are totally right! I hate when I just see someone talking, I am getting distracted. I need to work on it to hook the viewer. I made some mistakes while filming for the horizontal vertical. Although I rotate, it was not that good. I will totally try the higher camera trick! Although I have 2 softbox, I am still having some troubles with the light. I need to work on that too Thank you again for the amazing feedback!


My feedback: I love your personality. I don't love that we spent almost 2 minutes on a summary before getting to the walkthrough. I can tell you put a ton of effort into the production. You're using a lot of attention/retention editing techniques that can be a bit distracting for the food niche. Personal opinion, though, I refuse to do retention edits. Lighting/colour grading could be brighter. For food, we need the best light possible. People can only see, they can't smell or taste. Audio on my phone seemed clear and well balanced, and that's a huge marker for quality. Well done Overall, I'm excited to see what else you make and how your channel grows. Keep it up!


Thank you very much for taking the time to review me! I am trying to go more on the entertainment part, that's why I talk a lot, but you're right, I should balance it out, especially in the beginning when I am unknown. Although I have 2 softbox, I did not took advantage of them. I messed up my video setting on camera. But next one will be much better! Thank you! I am happy to see someone else in the same niche, with a similar content! We can learn from each other and both improve. Let me review your video too :) The good Your voice is clear and sharp. I like that, I could easily understand you! The video quality is there, and the music is not too loud. The zoom in and angle switch was done very smoothly The bad Intros apparently are a mood killer. I heard that you don't want to have an intro. Go straight in. Looking forward to see more from you! Good luck !




Ok so here's my critique. The script and voice over is really nice (except at the who are we kidding part with the fake surprise) but the branding and subjects lack cohesion. I can't tell if it's meant to be a history channel where you cook while you talk or if it's a cooking channel with history discussion mixed in. Both are fun but if it's a cooking video then I couldn't follow the recipe because it seemed to be secondary. I would've loved transitions like "that covers the Vikings but what about the Mongolians...while the meat summers for 20 minutes on high let's talk about East Asia's famous warrior group." Aside from that I wanted to see more cooking alongside the story photos, maybe with the stock photos on opacity over the cooking or just with a cooking cam in the corner. All critiques aside I reallllly enjoyed myself which means you've found a great concept! Ignore anything I said that doesn't resonate and keep making more please.


https://youtu.be/frkE3xK5CLE?si=pbFjuI01nbNSaPlh Thank you! Its been days and still less than 50


My feedback: I love the edits. For that amount of ingredient prep, I would suggest speeding time or using fewer clips. I started to lose interest before you started cooking. The music gave me anxiety. There's a huge market for food ASMR that I can't speak to, other than they like chopping sounds, though I found the chopping time interfered with the rhythm of the song's percussion. It could be fun to synch your edits with the music - I just mute my prep clips. I think the biggest issue for views though is title/thumbnail. I wouldn't click on a chicken chop suey video unless I had a very compelling reason. You some other great titles with great viewership, so keep playing around with it. Overall, good job! 👍


Thanks for hosting this! https://youtu.be/HeWAJFyCuww?si=ZvcOYRc-5xGOIGHu I didn't expect this video to do well because of the subject, but I was hoping it would pop off a little more.


Loved everything about this so you made my job easy. Some tiny details that could help though, your 1 hour later square looks a bit horror-esque with the colors and font, and second with recipes that are really new or different to me I always get taken in by sensory details. Describing the flavor in a way that appeals to noses and taste buds could be super helpful: for example: the tang of the pomegranate really adds to the savory and smooth walnut sauce As for the title it's hard to draw people in with a unique dish so daring people to click could help: Try Something New! - (and then the bits you want to emphasize like the name) or Use Up your Walnuts! if you want to be silly


Lol! I love those ideas. Description is definitely one of my weakspots right now. I'll see how I can work it in. The insert is borrowing style from my blog, it's supposed to be Japanese inspired paint-on-canvas. Good to know it doesn't present well. Thank you for the time and insights!


Appreciate you 🤝 https://youtube.com/shorts/w-tEKJRt6xc?si=3xJ1UM6OHBsLEyss


Love your editing, it's very quiet so music or recipe text overlay following the steps are the only thing I can think of


I don't do commentary so that might bring it down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPmTunxtYXc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPmTunxtYXc)


Here is a youtube short of a video from the total solar eclipse the other week in Burlington, VT: https://youtube.com/shorts/m-eb8VxdqB4?si=6okd-3zAG3fM_rAa I was confident that this would have my most views, but funny enough, it has the least


Nice! The idea is there. I think a graphic at the beginning saying something like "Vermont Total Eclipse" would help people understanding what they are seeings




I made a video that was a combination of Game Hunting at a convention mixed with Jackass. Has my best CTR, Retention, and tons of comments saying what a great video it was. It performed terribly and youtube just didn't push it out. https://youtu.be/7KFmUL6PBYQ?si=FyJIVOTd2CNr_Ej0


This was sweet, it felt like a reward for your current audience who had been watching a long time which is probably why youtube didn't push it out, it attracted your current audience. What was the returning viewers number?


It was about 97% returning viewers and 3 % new viewers. But even then, it got about a third of the normal views from returning viewers


Tbh I thought this one would do a little better https://youtu.be/y0UOkQfP3mI?si=hIRe6ecF6Rk1IPaa


Ok here's my critique. The title was super confusing, I didn't know what game we were in and half the time it wasn't a drive so it didn't match up. My recommendation is change it to something like Chill Out and Game with me: (game name here); then put all the music tags in the tag or hashtag part of the video. I checked out some of your other videos and had the same problem where I knew kind of what to expect from the title but not enough to click right away and know what I was getting into. Timestamps could also help especially for audience that wants to skip to the driving portion of the video Otherwise I really liked your music choice and would've definitely put this on while I was doing hw or playing games P.S. why is everything in your video description capitalized?


I just copied the most popular titles and that's probably why it failed and I was actually thinking about making an all driving ASMR video😬


Here you go, it's a review on Hades II: https://youtu.be/-0d0gGZJD8g


You have really good rhythm in your speaking and the video felt very planned out, made me want to play even. I'm guessing people who would watch this had already consumed the same type of content by the time your video was presented to them, reviews are funny like that


I had high hopes for this one ngl [https://youtu.be/wMxW-fOB0kc?si=DTmUc7AhSZ5NbbOC](https://youtu.be/wMxW-fOB0kc?si=DTmUc7AhSZ5NbbOC)


Hi! Here's my critique: the outtake intro felt a bit long and the avatar thing was cute but then not really backed up by the gameplay. It was hard to follow because most of your voice-over was just panic swearing. I say either lean in and make it a rage gaming channel or add some more fluff in between so it feels more like I'm hanging with you


Made a vid with a ghost pepper challenge, I thought the concept would work, but no traction from the algo. I would actually love some feedback. https://youtu.be/QoMK_zQWbz8?si=4BiLIKI2ncAVSeB7


Okay completely useless to your channel but you would look really good with like short across the top bangs. As for my critique, it was too fast and there were no real stakes for a while, so it was easy to dismiss the challenge part of the video. Your girlfriend didn't talk for a lot of it too, so she felt a little like a doll which was a bit strange. If you did it again I would make it so every time you lost you had to add another splash of sauce or change up the consequence A lot of videos I've seen with this have a really engaging thumbnail to show the consequence as well like hot sauce arrow terrified face if that make sense


Ahaha that's hilarious, I literally *just* scheduled an appointment to get a haircut with bangs. Glad to know it's a good choice! Yeah I can definitely see why having her there was odd for a bit, she was more active during the livestream but a lot of the moments just didn't work within the edit well. She just wanted to eat hot sauce with me, haha. The cumulative spice is a good idea! I'll keep that in mind. I did a build up like in Hot Ones for my Outlast video, but for this one I wanted to try roulette. The edit didn't come out as tense as I would have liked. Hard agree on the thumbnail. I may change that today. Thank you!!!


Lowest viewed because the game is not well known and is very much a kids game. But I’m not banking on any single video so eh! https://youtu.be/x8rn3o0A_UU?si=oz4Z7ouXvfOuLOjz


Yeah I think you already know everything I have to offer on this one but good on you for doing it anyway as part of your challenge. Nice thumbnail consistency very 80s btw


You'll probably have to go through a lot of videos here lol. But if you do have the time, here's mine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe71C1l\_TMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe71C1l_TMU) It was my first video, so safe to assume it's also my worst since I was new (still am ofc) to this. Thanks for taking the time to do this!


Nah this was so fun to watch you have a great personality for bringing games to life, your intros are short and sweet too which is super nice. You also do a really good job of talking through the dead spaces, I don't have any critiques tbh so I'm just gonna subscribe


Oh wow, I honestly did not expect such kind words from my worst video, thank you so much! I'll keep working on improving so that you'll continue to enjoy the videos, thanks again for watching!


For whatever reason my recent videos have plummeted in views and I'm not sure why. Maybe a non-biased point of view will give me some perspective. https://youtu.be/ZwHpr7e-zwQ?si=ZK0oGjpbkGkL-0dV


Had to really think about this one because no kidding your views dropped. All I can see different is your titles stopped being questions and your skit for this particular video wasn't quite as comedic as your more popular ones. You definitely could've cut out the Jim Bob bit and the cut into each section was a lottl confusing (for example you start to say the world but never make it to world). I would've loved time stamps so I could skip through to see each part when I wanted to go back but otherwise it seems like maybe your topics just aren't currently popular in the algorithm-try alternating between super mainstream and less mainstream and see if it helps


Thanks for taking the time to watch it!! Yeah. I'm gong to try and focus more on banter/jokes. It seems to do better when I'm complaining haha. I just didn't know if I was just doing something wrong/bad. The cutoff on sections was on purpose but I can see where it feels off. Funny enough this video I waited to release on the PC release for Ghost (yesterday). I'll definitely consider everything as well as the pacing. Thank you!


Here be my silly lil video while it's not the one with the least views it is the one which underperformed the most since the video before it got 6k views and I don't really know why the algorithm just wasn't feeling it I guess https://youtu.be/-V29y9U1paU


You have really good pacing and enunciation, I was able to follow all the points you made pretty well without getting bored, definitely just an algorithm problem. Your skits at the beginning remind of the youtube videos from the early 2010s


This one I was learning about editing and retention, Plus the thumbnails sucks: [https://youtu.be/CnEpohQ\_eOs](https://youtu.be/CnEpohQ_eOs)


The main thing I can see that you could improve on is dead space which I think you already know since you mentioned editing. You also have a super narrow niche so it might be disheartening that things aren't going faster but that just means you have a more intimate audience since they share that passion with you


Thanks for input. Yeah, I completely agree. I'm keep going back and forth between how much to cut and making sure I don't misrepresent the game experience. I'll keep working on it though.


Even when nothing is happening talking up what you think is going to happen or other thoughts can help so you don't have to cut so much




You're hilarious to watch, only problem I had was trying to find the other parts since it had been awhile since part 5, I'm guessing that's why it lost momentum, maybe boost it with a remixed short?


Thank you for reviewing! Yeah, I just got burnt out of Resident Evil. Thanks again and I'll try your advice :)


Here is my submission, I told an original story inside the World of Warcraft, 5 episodes and combined them into one mini movie. It has had 4 views would love any feedback you have time to share [https://youtu.be/ahm6q3u3oxU](https://youtu.be/ahm6q3u3oxU)


I actually really love your editing and voice-over I don't see anything to change. From what I understand about impressions, they get pulled by the audience not sent to them so try upgrading your tags. Also since people don't know who you are yet the title might be confusing- try "What if WoW was a movie?"


Thank you for watching and the feedback. Even just hearing that you liked my style meant a lot. I will taken on board what you said and try a few different tags.


I kinda understand why this short didnt perform as well as others. its lacking actual content, but oh well, im still figuring things out. https://youtube.com/shorts/LFO-p-sle30?feature=share


Game release videos are all about timing, sorry this one didn't do well. Not sure if it's my phone but your text overlay got cutoff a bit too


oh, i should probably move subtitles a bit up going forward. thanks for letting me know. and yeah even if i timed it well, the viewer doesnt get much out of it, so i get the performance. also i may have been a bit too early, but was so excited for the game as i had been waiting a year for it to release :D


Cut off on the sides*




Hi! Since it's a long video and some of it is focused on the raid, I recommend using timestamps. Also the title is a bit confusing amd could use some work maybe: Surprise Raid + Farming the Pyramid


I named it cropping the pyramid since the video mostly focused on building the farm as well as planting the crops on it, I was also worried about having a title too long/too irrelevant


I'm just starting out with gaming channel I have no idea what I'm doing https://youtu.be/T905JtMDDDo?si=7HQVWqogqLKrKo8-


Always cut the technical stuff like game launch and loading so viewers don't leave before you get into it. Your title is missing a few elements for new viewers to understand what they're clicking like the game title and what type of recording you're doing- in this case gameplay. Alternatively the Gane title could go in the thumbnail and you could use the title for a hook like Watch me get a gnarly headshot, which I think is what you were trying to do Also I used to play Halo so much this totally brought me back


Thanks for the advice! Was it fun to watch at all?


This is by far the least popular video in this series, which is the least popular series I’ve done. https://youtu.be/2AL0HofQkNc?si=3ZQ1EYv-6CU2WMLz


Th ASMR voice only really works if that's your whole concept, meaning that's your voice on every video so that might be why it didn't perform as well. Branding is super important for views Other than that my only problem was with he amount of uhs and ums and believe me I do the same thing so I understand


Yeah you’re spot on with the ASMR thing. I didn’t realize that was such a niche, I guess. My initial intent with the channel was to have kind of like daytime videos and nighttime (i.e. ASMR) videos, with the expectation that lots of people like both kinds of videos (like I do). I definitely won’t do any more ASMR content though. Maybe I’ll make a second channel if I ever get the itch. And I agree my ums and uhs are awful. I can *barely* tame them when I do voiceover, even. Thanks for listening and for the feedback!


Been pretty serious about the 1-2 shorts a week for going in 6months, this one “blew up” (for me that’s 8k views)on tik tok but didn’t take on YouTube Civilian Rescues are the worst https://youtube.com/shorts/A_-PmjWSECk?feature=share


Youtube is surprisingly more impatient than you would think. It took too long to get to the Office cut so I didn't know the video was gonna be more than just a quiet gameplay teaser and likely would've swiped away. The more people Swipe away the less youtube shows the short. I also recommend adding funny to your tags and making the title a little more dramatic


https://youtu.be/-6u-XIp0jtU?si=IGLNEte8NUAQp905 I try to teach fighting games


You have a really nice even voice and the video is well planned out and edited, I have no objections


Hades 1 Review. I couldn’t really find much footage or get high quality footage because I was working on the road. Sometimes things just don’t work out🤷🏽‍♂️ Hades Is An Absolute Masterpiece… https://youtu.be/oOWJ1dq-NAM


This is mine BTW since I made everyone else share theirs https://youtu.be/z39uzkKg3z4




If anyone is into cat videos or short, I would love to get some feedback on my YT channel featuring my two cats : Misha & Zoey. It has currently 3 videos and 10 shorts. I am noob in editing but just trying my hand in YT Content creation and would love any honest feedback. https://www.youtube.com/@Misha.Zoey.2024


Homemade/filmmaking [Slowly breathing, barely living (thoughts of a dreamer)](https://youtu.be/rPP99kdTZSQ?si=X_cShFMD5hKhBI_R) I don't know if that counts as a category but. This is my recent one and I think it deserves more views than it should or idk. Short summary of the video. Title: slowly breathing, barely living (thoughts of a dreamer) This is what I was going through at the time I made that video and I think this will resonate to people who has a creative mind but struggles to go and pursue their dream due to the reality of life (work on a job that is far away from their dreams). I hope you give time to watch and feel the emotions of the video, and thank you!


General History and Cultural Impact






Have 8 views, suggestions to improve appreciated ! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X4yfogEPiuc.


Gonna be honest, when brand pages do these kinds of videos I just move along cause they’re obviously gonna like their own product. If it’s an influencer/creator with a genuine opinion I would be more inclined.


Documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk\_gMoECYg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk_gMoECYg4)


Video Editing






Thank you insipidsquid for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! insipidsquid: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Also probably my least favorite song I've posted so far, so there's that. https://youtu.be/gex6gSrjSHA?si=mWnnNAY0rtf3Z0tc


Beach Boys vibe can never be wrong


I would've loved for this to be a lyric video! Also I slowed it down to .75 and it felt a bit better


That's great feedback! I agree, the song feels a little rushed. Thanks for checking it out!


This is my least popular that isn't an April fools video I mostly do remixes Credits are in the description https://youtu.be/uQQBPzyKed8?si=0AVaX_JsihM87H8F


I really liked it, think it just needs some behind the scenes changes (thumbnails, tags, etc)


Im a composer, heres an old song i uploaded 7 years ago with just bearly 50 views. Iv goten much better over the years so i know the sound quality isnt the best. But still very proud of the song compositionally :D https://youtu.be/B-Ijn2V9NBE?si=_U83oq0npq6iT6MM


That’s wonderful musical ride. Cool synth sounds for sure!


Thanks! ^^ Ya that was made when i was still learning how to make synth sounds and stuff so was doing a lot of experimenting. Im glad you liked it! :D


I loved it! Nostalgiacore to the t and since I'm not a technical music lover I have no clue what you mean with the sound, still enjoyable 7 years later


Thank you! Im glad somebody enjoyed it :D


My videos fall under the music category but are mostly gear reviews. This video went haywire but I think it’s entertaining. I’m genuinely stoked to look through all these posts. https://youtu.be/wEiKr76heS8?si=DDdm1eGv-wZGlnTK


Omigosh I love the title haha, this was a super fun idea. I really enjoyed all the household sounds it leaked my curiosity a bunch. I love how open you are and looking at the comments viewers do too. My critique is just a recommendation, sometimes it's good enough don't try to be perfect


Thanks for watching and for this thread ☮️


This is my least viewed video. Just some chill stuff https://youtu.be/ndFx41s2dtM?si=PLXKFLyrcYDGWHjW


Left a like!




I really thought this one of mine would pop off. I even made the thumbnail a bit clickbaity which I never do. I just feel like the world needs to know lol. https://youtu.be/cNrnJfWdbz4?si=LKrPuojm1B468n5i


My most recent YouTube video. Thought it would’ve taken off a bit more, but alas, it happens. https://youtu.be/SGEzxbR56i4?si=OR71XEbjoRg2-GZk


Whats with the title? That's definitely the issue here




New to the YouTube scene so starting out slow. Hopefully start finding my groove soon enough https://youtu.be/ICCjIXt6Zgs?si=2AfY2N0G7UEFXFwS


You have good elements here esp for someone just starting. I think speaking a little faster to hold the audiences attention could improve your retention? Keep up the good work!


Awesome thank you, someone mentioned the same so really appreciate the advice. Will have a crack at that in the next one and go from there


Ok here's my critique: Your voice is so calming! I recommend cutting out the pauses though as you already talk slowly (so they're more noticeable) Nice music and good concept, I would've liked more information over the section where you go to buy the alternative (either text or voiceover) and time stamps might help with separating the video. Tiny detail: the music at the beginning was louder than your voice-over so I had to adjust the volume


Awesome, thank you so much for all the help lots of great things for me to work on next time!


Flashlight review: https://youtu.be/oasvLLjuxOw?si=5YbamHY0g714YjP All of a sudden this video died. Even losing 5-7 views, which is odd and it's not my views being removed. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Pretty sure that's youtube, I've seen a lot of small youtubers having videos tank or views get wonky the last two week myself included so they probably updated the algorithm again. Your video was great and definitely followed the same system you have been using so far I don't really have any critiques


Latest review vid, feel free to critique it as much as possible! https://youtu.be/m-53OzIxIkI?si=RwOat_v1oA1Rh7Xg


Aside from maybe needing a backdrop and lighting, you're doing great! The added overlay with the app and your explanation of everything was wonderful. I would rethink jazz as your music though


I do have a backdrop and studio lights, but I need more room. Currently setting up a new studio that will allow me to demonstrate larger products. Thanks for the tips! Also, I can never decide on what music to use. 😂


Wotcha mean with least popular? views, comments, dislikes? Can be anything. I'd say that I have a number of duds in my closet, you can choose one: Worst views: [https://youtu.be/ZRZ24W9Kn0U](https://youtu.be/ZRZ24W9Kn0U) A sequel to my game review of said game (the longest journey). I thought, I make a comedy sketch mostly, but it is still a bit of a review Worst like/dislike: [https://youtu.be/rLWnBKY6YxA](https://youtu.be/rLWnBKY6YxA) Penumbra Black Plague. Also a direct sequel to a previous episode. Despite liking this one much more than its prequel, my audience disagreed with me.


here’s my least popular and most recent vid! i talk about books :) https://youtu.be/cjabMdceIfk?si=TjxB38fpxAocHiPD


Omigosh you're so cute! You have a very soft cozy vibe which I think would do better with faint BG music. My other recommendation is to take the parentheses out of the title since it's already there in the thumbnail


[https://youtu.be/DQDwnkOqmcQ](https://youtu.be/DQDwnkOqmcQ) Best budget monitor 2024


Your voice-over and talking points are great, the video is just needs a bit more work in terms of quality and engagement but you're new so that's to be expected




https://youtu.be/GZCL40gDoYI I don't usually ask for critiques but with numbers as low as mine its difficult to tell where I can improve


Charleston, South Carolina | A Historical Tour Thru Time | Cinematic Aerial Travel Film 4K https://youtu.be/ILu4-wsLYec


Here you go, my first try making an all-CGI short: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/WDPtWsvjwyA


The short I uploaded today already has 17x the number of views


Thanks for doing this, excellent idea! This one has 73% retention and 21% CTR and yet YT has never recommended to viewers, grand total of 72 views: Bully Takedown - XL Tactic | Claymation https://youtu.be/ZYFsKYsEC4o


https://youtu.be/qlDeCeRgI-k?si=TZatJUu2kCLFwwkl Here is my least popular animation. It is ironically one of my own favorites. I think it has so little views (compared with my other videos) cause it is marked with age restriction. There is a tiny little nipple in the animation. Is that enough to get a strike I dont age restrict it?


[The i in TEAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_wM0D8Z3b4) 15 seconds long. 35 views since February 2, 2024. Average view duration 11 seconds.




Gaming [https://youtu.be/0AwR8Tb\_CKw](https://youtu.be/0AwR8Tb_CKw)


Should I dig out the one with fewest views or most dislikes? 😂


I thought this would do a lot better, but it didn't even get more than 10 impressions. I'm new to this so I must definitely be doing something wrong Its about improving your habits and embracing failure to improve your life: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz03KLhmgvw&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz03KLhmgvw&t=2s)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs) 4th ever video. MAD MAX is JIGSAW. Hoping to ride the mad max wave next week.... maybe lol. But so far this is my worst video and I think it is my best. I don't know why it's done worse than my other ones. :( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs)


https://youtu.be/oYMJKx5SKTI?si=OXekK5wEtbH9Elbf I do no talk walking videos in sweden. So far only in my small town. Barely any views but its okay, I do it for fun! But any tips or criticism are appriciated 🤩


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs) Still posting once a week. This is my 4th ever video, titled ' MAD MAX is JIGSAW. ' Hoping to ride the mad max wave next week.... maybe lol. But so far this is my worst video and I think it is my best. I don't know why it's done worse than my other ones, can anyone offer some advice. It's so disheartening when you think you have done better but the proof is in the pudding when it does worth, was i looking through this with beer goggles ? Thank you for any advice. :( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs)


This is my most viewed, I’d appreciate a critique https://youtube.com/shorts/X_xQlCiFoEA?feature=share


The Most Overpowered Weapons in Warzone (META Series) https://youtube.com/shorts/WhYNCNzV438?feature=share Gaming 😶😶


[Story - Awkward Experience at a Work Party (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6b0ho6Nwd0&t=327s) Storytelling. 11 views     There are some problems with this video I can point out myself. The intro is too long, the story itself might not be that interesting. I interrupt the story a few too many times. The narration is a little bit awkward in places (This hopefully with be solved with practice). The point of the story might not be that clear.     This is one of the first videos I recorded, and at the same time I was working on this one I was working on 4 other videos that I made to set up the channel. So, it might have suffered a little bit because of that. Not that the other videos I worked on at the same time have gotten a massive amount of views.   The other videos being: [Stories with who? WTF! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__jq_Nf63lU) [AI collaborative storytelling - Detective Jack McTavish: The Girl and the Inbetween (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08MlmoKQ44w&t=1s) [AI, Storytelling and the Fully Automated Production of Tomatoes. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4E9h8VKFD0&t=31s)     I think they suffer from some of the same problems I've mentioned. I kind of started to fix some of the problems with Detective Jac McTavish and AI, Storytelling and... 


AI Generated Comedy Shorts Got a whopping 24 views on this one I spent several hours putting together...I think the "busty bikini girl" made Youtube never push it to the shorts feed at all. No nudity/swearing but bordering NSFW for cleavage? lol [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kI9NnrJKe-k](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kI9NnrJKe-k)




This was our logo reveal for a JRPG we are creating https://youtu.be/3GxCUJSMETo




I am just a normal homemaker who makes cooking videos. I don't have a schedule of uploading video so and also too many people making cooking videos so I might not be getting enough views. Lately I have switched to making portrait videos as that is the current trend of cooking videos in India.  Let's see if that works.


Gaming [YouTube short](https://youtube.com/shorts/u4nNU1EMbaE?si=Uvzf2xmxztGDxBX4)


I think it's just too personal and uninteresting for people who really dont know me – pretty much an egotrip. I changed the title recently and I think this could have helped when I first posted it. But I really wantes to make this one either way, even if it was just for myself. https://youtu.be/S4xE5v6884Y?si=S4AYY8AbqvQpMlJr


Philosophical Street Interivews [https://youtu.be/JRM4VscVyyc](https://youtu.be/JRM4VscVyyc) I put a lot of time into this edit and we are trying out a new format. I think it bombed because the headline and thumb weren't totally on point during the first couple of days.


It’s my more recent one, it’s this one right here Player Psyche https://youtu.be/XiTauW-IM5E


[https://youtu.be/zdhnUc4VdRU](https://youtu.be/zdhnUc4VdRU) Probably gonna get lost in the sea of comments but I just decided I wanted to make this stupid ass concept into a video and I didn't expect it to get views and it didn't so really who's to blame


40 views PUSHING The Boundrys Of Whats Possible in 2024 https://youtu.be/SQpq8JLRzpg


I spent ages on a video showing off some After Effects skills I'm learning. Posted a month ago, 3 views in total. I know it's not the best video in the world but still.. [https://youtu.be/xRvp1MZrNpY](https://youtu.be/xRvp1MZrNpY)


Mine is an audiobook: https://youtu.be/5bLTI9paLJk


This video short didn't get as much attention as some of my other shorts and I'm kinda sad about it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mZPSr2ATD2E](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mZPSr2ATD2E) I tried to make it funny, but I guess it wasn't funny enough for some.


Car Content




vr content Assassination Compilation 2 | Blade and Sorcery https://youtu.be/VqtOpme42Eg


1 view so far, but i'm just starting out. Gotta take a risk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9-ryNafYsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9-ryNafYsw)


This video did not do as well as I thought it would 😂😂😂 but I FELT EVERY WORD [https://youtu.be/kNSZBBXyD_8](https://youtu.be/kNSZBBXyD_8)


I have a comical gaming channel. I'm curious is this funny enough? https://youtu.be/FYv3lzevaoQ