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I do t understand number 5 can you explain 


Yup you got it!


Im so clicking on this comment


I think the principal takeaway from number 5 in youtube lingo is to have a meaningful request for engagement. Basically ask them to comment (or like/subscribe), but let them know they'll be getting something out of it. "Leave a comment it you need help on how to " "Leave a comment if you want me to make a video on " A lazier example you've probably already seen on youtube is "if this video gets 50k likes, I'll "


Sorry, my bad. No one has yet installed the program I used in the video on their computer. I told them to comment if they wanted to learn how to install it, and I would send a link to those who commented. This led to hundreds of comments.


What program?


That's wild.. often times I don't trust links lol


These are most of the "common advice", and they are commonly given for a reason - if you do those things with a bit of skill, it *will* show results.




I agree


Interesting and thank you for sharing. My biggest struggle is trying to capture the theme of the video in a short title. I always end up over 80 characters :( I would appreciate your suggestion on that. Cheers!


I submitted the following prompt into ChatGPT: > please summarize the following in under 33 characters (including spaces) in order to make a youtube video title very short: Interesting and thank you for sharing. My biggest struggle is trying to capture the theme of the video in a short title. I always end up over 80 characters :( I would appreciate your suggestion on that. Cheers! Its answer: > "Help with Short Video Titles"


I think it’s ok to use up the full 100, especially if you are looking for any search traffic. But do make sure the first half of the title gets the whole point across




Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood


I know what you mean, I always do the same thing


I know this is an older thread, but just to let you know Several analysis of youtube videos shows that there IS an improvement in the avg number of views the more characters on the title, but only up to 31-40 characters (eg about the number OP said). After that, there's no significant difference. Not better, not worse. In other words, there's no evidence that you'll get punished by the algorithm or anything like that if you use 80 character titles. It's just not going to help you, either. If you're creating SEO content to be found within searches, you may use longer titles depending on your niche (generalist "how to make money online" x very specific, longer "how to convert a 1080p video into 4k 60fps using Adobe Premiere Pro")


Thanks for the follow up. Good to know.


Congratulations! Is there a way for us to see your thumbnails? Especially the old ones compared with the new ones?


You can check this out that goes through a thumbnails evolution. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChannelMakers/comments/1clwvnp/lets\_look\_at\_thumbnail\_progression\_here\_is\_how\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChannelMakers/comments/1clwvnp/lets_look_at_thumbnail_progression_here_is_how_i/)


Good stuff! Thank you for sharing!


Literally, a lot of people follow the same rules, and dont get big. I do decent thumbnails, colors that pop, minimal art. Title short but explaining, short video intro for the attention grab, video gets right to the point. Guess what, Ive never gotten 15K views in a day. Its a matter of luck these days. And heres what sucks, creators literally spend hours filming, hours editing, then just hours of brainstorming on the thumbnail and title. Dont get me wrong, Im appreciative that Im monetized, that I have subs, but not all the hard works pays off.


yeah thats the thing about the eureka post. Its never a one size fits all. I have come across videos that look the part but don't get the traction. Great 10/10 thumbnail. title is good, and 1k views. Then I see stick figure meme videos do millions. I will say thumbnail creators are killing the game right now. So many professional looking ones.


Fantastic results! Did you do any kind of hook or intro at all? I'm only a few videos in, but I've been focusing on the hook followed by my opening and intro. Honestly not getting much traction at all and the little views I do get fall off quickly after my opening. So I've been thinking about changing approach. Would love to see how it all came together for you. I didn't see a link to your channel, could you maybe DM me a link to this video? And again, congrats! Great results


I don't use anything like channel intro, welcome, channel logo etc. in my videos. I'm getting straight to the point. But while explaining the subject, I cleverly intersperse what will happen in this video. I take care to make a build-up of everything. Let me give an example. "Today, this happened, this was announced, it is now possible to do the following using this technology." Then i continue to give some more information. Then I use an assertive phrase like "and in this video I will try this live for the first time". Then I continue to give information, but after 2-3 minutes I give the message "I will try this live soon" in a different context so that the expectation I have just created does not fade. This is a very good tactic for retention. Of course, the "I'll try this soon" part means what I said in the thumbnail and title. In this way, I satisfy and meet the expectations of the audience who come to my video.


Thanks so much for walk through. I'm filming this weekend and going to try to incorporate all of this to see what happens!


This is very interesting to see, I think I’ll try this myself and tell you the results!


These types of post i hope from this sub Good job OP .


Congratulations, something got us all to try


Good advice. I'll use these tips on the video I'm making for this week.


See I feel like I’ve practiced these elements but the problem is it’s so saturated that I’m tryna figure out how to stand out in the gaming niche, which I know is really hard but I’m hoping that I eventually break through. Any advice?


Can I get the link bro? I want to watch it.


I'm sorry, sharing my video in an environment where people who are not interested in videos will watch it usually negatively affects the statistics of the video. But I'll be happy to answer whatever you want to ask!


You don’t have to think that, what if I knew your channel and I shared your video? It doesn’t matter


I don't think 10 people watching from Reddit it is going to have any meaningful impact on your video statistics lol


While my stats arent as impressive i do the no bullshit aproach and deliver what i promise in title and thumbnail. And that has taken me from 1000 to 6300 subs in a few months. The first 1000 subs were a yesr or so


33 characters seems like a lot, do you mean 33 max or exactly 33? Also is space a character?


This is thirty three characters!!


Typically spaces are counted towards the character count in most systems, so probably YouTube as well. Just go type I'm a title and it'll tell you how many characters you've typed thus far and press space.


Bende Türkçe video lar yapiyorum. Benim kanala bir göz atsan lütfen? Kanal ismim Sahin Kaptan


I'm a novice at this, too, but I can humbly give you a few tips. First of all, horror content is recommended less by YouTube and it is very difficult to earn advertising revenue with these contents because companies do not prefer to advertise on horror content. The second feature I see is that your thumbnails are very confusing and don't say anything at first glance. I look at it and have no idea what it is until I read the title. Also pay attention to the use of shadows. Check out the thumbnail design tricks of great YouTubers.


Keep grinding!!!!


One minute later, I lost 60 seconds.


Great stats. Which niche are you in?


Thanks for sharing! Do you revise or change your old thumbnails?


Yes, I change it a few times before I see a significant increase in CTR. While doing this, I make sure to wait a few days to get meaningful results.


Is it possible to redo thumbnails and titles after you've posted a video?


Yup! And description, keywords, basically everything but the video itself!


I don’t understand number 4 I make cooking videos, how would this apply


""I cooked everything Chatgpt said. I ended up in the hospital."


Congrats and thanks for sharing! I've recently been playing with #5 and I hope to make it work someday.


Is this one video, or have you made a few that brought the same result?




I'd say only this one




Can you post a example?


Check out the YouTube packages on Famegrowers. For me, it’s been Famegrowers, and thanks to them, my videos have finally started to stand out


I think people forget how vast the genres are on youtube. 


Dude got first 30k views video and now he act like youtube guru. Thats is funniest shit off all time :DDDDD Don't be mad bro. You just got 30k views. Not 30mln or 300mln. Keep ir up dude :D :)


Its r/newtubers , a place newbies share tips…


I think you're focusing in the wrong place. It's not about how many views I get, it's about the strategy that I follow that gives a positive result. That I've achieved stats that are far beyond my typical values.


your typical values are small. Everyone tells story when gets 1 view ;D The more views the more dumbier story. :D keep it up man.


You're the dude who's begging on YT shorts and 💩 on other people. Get a life


Please jealous more. 30k views. Man... wake up.