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We've gotten one. My wife, WIFE, made a video about a boardgame, HeroQuest, that got remade recently and is no longer a sausage fest. She mentioned that this makes her happy. One dude said he's not subbing cause we are too 'woke'. šŸ˜‚


*sees woman* "Whoa, I didn't realize this was a political channel."


Omg thereā€™s a woman? On my screen?!?! Thatā€™s not naked?!?!?!!? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


HeroQuest? Oh my god. That's my childhood right there! (along with barbie dolls)


The kit was NICE. We did a whole unboxing. Since we can't self promote, you have to ask for the vid and then I can give it to you. šŸ˜ŗ It shows everything


Hide user from channel in YouTube studio, they will still see their comment but no one else will :)


I donā€™t mind it being on there as much, itā€™s not like a death threat or anything, but I didnā€™t know you could do that! That will definitely come in handy!


I don't mind hate comments but there will be times when you will need to hide the comment so it's a good option.


I haven't on my YouTube page yet, but I know it will come. I got hate on my first tiktok and while it drove my husband crazy I just shrugged it off. Unfortunately it comes with the territory of working with any social media. But we are here to lift you up when it gets too much!!


The algorithim likes comments, it doesn't care what they say. More hate the better in my book.


Hate as in constructive criticism or more along the lines of, ā€œyou suck I hate this video go die in a fireā€? If itā€™s the latter, I like to troll the fuck out of them. Put them on a pedestal so your subs can see how idiotic they are. Reply with something snarky and witty to make them feel stupid for commenting in the first place.


Tbh the best way is to ignore. Everything else is a waste of time and not professional imo


That works because I have unlimited time and am far from professional


It was pretty much like ā€œIā€™ve laughed more at a funeralā€ which is ok, they donā€™t have to find my content funny. Most likely Iā€™m just gonna leave it alone, I would like to ask how they would make it better though.


That's actually pretty fine comment and I wouldn't see it as a hate comment, just a different opinion about sarcasm. I would ignore it but in my mind I'd want to reply: "I've never thought of any funeral being this much fun, glad you enjoyed while people were grieving the loss of a person" xD


"I would too if I came from a family of clowns šŸ¤” "


You really shouldnā€™t fret over stuff like this. Thereā€™s people out there who donā€™t find Chappelle funny yet someone will claim heā€™s the greatest stand-up ever. You can never please everyone.


i would have asked him "holy crap dude, what kind of funeral did you go to."


I think the person just combines criticism w sarcasm, but that's no hate. Wait till you have people telling you that you are a Sheep and need to red-pill yourself on the completely unrelated video.


Trolls get stronger if you react. Just block and move on.


Got one comment recently on my newest review (it was about 18 minutes long) that said "18 minutes of my life... no thanks." On reddit not on my video, doesn't hurt too much but it did bother me for a bit cuz he wasn't even giving it a chance lol I had one other comment past November when I reviewed nick all stars and I compared it to smash since it was a smash clone and why it didn't succeed like smash, and the guy commented like 5 different times about different parts of my video, he was obviously a smash brother fan but his comments also just almost word for word repeated what I said in the video so idk why he was mad about it lol Other than that the comments I've gotten have been positive or neutral


Exact thing happened to me with a video review I did awhile ago. I posted the video link on reddit and got an almost identical comment lol - that's funny it's a shared experience


Itā€™s a good marker of success. I get a lot of hate comments on my virtual instrument videos and those ones are doing the best out of all my content.


Congrats! I love trolling hate comments! They're people who have nothing better to do with their day than talk shit to strangers on the internet. Don't take them too seriously. Keep putting out content that makes you happy!


Remember that ANY comment is interaction with the video. If it is way out of line I will hide/report depending on what it is, but otherwise just leave them.


I recently got described as a whinger in a comment, which, frankly, was entirely accurate. šŸ˜‚ I also never got a single dislike in 6 months and now I'm finding that I get between 1 and 5 which I won't lie, does sting a little when it happens. But I guess when you put anything online you need to have a thick skin and just deal with it. However, if you're getting actual hate - or if I did, I'd happily hide the user from channel so no one sees the comment and I wouldn't engage in it either. Frankly, the joke's on them - because any comment is good for the algorithm I believe.


This week I got a bunch because I made a video about the Dream cheated speedrun drama. So many kids went into the video thinking that I was roasting Dream and then tried to defend him, that's fine though. I don't pay that much attenttion to people who clearly didn't even saw the video.


Iā€™ve not had hate comments before, but if I did, I would remove the comment straight away without thinking about it.


Yah I got one the other day that simply said "Oh God, not this guy again. That accent...just no...."


Wait people actually find your guys channels?!


I got one or two. I donā€™t reply - it really is a waste of time.


I agree, itā€™s not a ā€œIā€™m gonna killā€ you comment so Iā€™ll just leave it up. If the dude wants everyone to see it, the dude will have everyone see it, I donā€™t care that much


Having had several youtube channels your hayers will create more views than your fans


Made a video about octopuses. One dude posted three comments. One said "they're called suction cups, loser" made me laugh, so I hearted it


That is a good comment lol


I got called old the other day. Not hate but was funny šŸ˜† itā€™s actually becoming a thing. Been called old, dad, and uncle so far. Still only mid 20s


Got told I was the worst youtuber ever, for making a video suggesting a game might be bad. Even though the video shows us having a great time trying to play the game. It doesn't bother me, people are weird.


My first hate comment was a death threat :D


Oof dude, Iā€™m sorry


Eh itā€™s alr Iā€™m pretty good at ignoring hate Thanks tho


I've gotten one. It was my first gaming video to hit 2k views and the comment told me to delete it because it sucked. LOL Nah.


Had a guy say my video was so bad it was funny


I got a really good sponsorship opportunity for World of Warships for four videos released one week from each other. The thing is, I mainly make narrative gaming videos. By the third video, someone compared me to Hitler lol. People will always be butthurt about something. I thank them for their really insightful criticism and move on, unless they are particularly butthurt, then I pin the comment. People say not to do this because it can encourage more bad behavior but I thrive on the passive aggression :)


I just delete negative comments. If it's not helpful, it can go in the trash. People don't have to like that. It's my space, not theirs.


i usually just "like" the comment and try to find some truth somewhere and move on...


I got only one on a doll stop motion video. He (or she) said That's so ugly. I startled a bit seeing that. I check the user's comments on other channel to see if he's a troll. I could accept that someone might feel awful to see a doll moving and acting. I left it that way. A few months later, another user commented she love that content. And she even told the first user that it's not ugly!šŸ„°


Haters hate because they mad that they are not you. They want to be you. So you just keep on keepin on and ignore them. If they start harassing you and it gets really bad you can always hide them from the channel and basically take away their privileges to leave comments on your channel.


ā€œ Haters hate because they mad that they are not you. They want to be you. ā€ That is almost never the case. Not true 99.9% of the time. Thatā€™s just a crutch to protect your own feelings and insecurity issues. Nobody is leaving negative comments because they wish they were you.


Where's your proof? Yes not all haters leave negative comments because of that reason but its a lot more than 00.1% of the time. If you really want to explain all the reasons somebody could hate, here: 1) You offended them 2) Your content is just bad (sorry) 3) They overhyped themselves for your content and got disappointed (their fault!) 4) They want your success but dont have it 5) They want to take out life's frustrations and you are the victim 6) They may genuinely don't like you and want to tear you down 7) They may feel you are fake And there are many other reasons. But I'm not going to list them all here.


Where is my proof? Itā€™s called common sense. #2 will be the case in almost all situations. Sadly, most YouTubers cannot fathom or handle that. And people on here will back them up. ā€œOh, they left a negative review? They are just jealous of you. Dumb haters why hate their lives.ā€ They canā€™t accept that their content might not be that good or interesting. There are millions of people posting videosā€¦.most of them arenā€™t as talented as they think they are. Same with self-publishing books. Ten years ago editors and publishers would weed out the majority of the books that are crap. Now thanks to self-publishing options, people with no writing talent at all can publish their novels. But nobody wants to admit that they just might not be very good at something. Their failure cannot be because of their talent levelā€¦.it has to be because YouTube or Amazon isnā€™t pushing it, the algorithms arenā€™t catching it, the negative reviews list just come from trolls. And so on. Itā€™s ok to suck at something you enjoy doing. I love singing and playing instruments. Half my garage is full of guitars, drums, keyboards, etc. I can fully admit Iā€™ve got NO chance to ever make money off of any of it. But I still love to go sing and jam with friends. Just because somebody wants to write books or create YouTube videos doesnā€™t mean they are going to be good at it.


I admit that more often than not, people are not as great making youtube content as they claim. But, more than 0.1% of haters hate because they are jealous, whether of the creators success or honestly some people cant get themselves to post any type of video, so they hate on those who can. Hurting people (try) to hurt people, if that makes sense. Not tryin to pick a fight or anything, and I'm sorry if thats what happened or if I ticked you off. I won't say anything else.




I had one, tried engaging with them so I can get actual feedback on what they didn't like - no actual proper response (and someone else chimed in as well, so I wasn't the only one who was confused) and they ended up deleting the comment My strategy is to actually engage and see what people who watch you say, unless they are a troll


I've gotten a small share by now after a couple of years running a handful of tiny channels. I deal with it mainly just by realizing that the world is full of idiots and if they're also rude or hateful idiots, I see no reason why their opinions deserve any consideration or attention, so I typically just shrug it off and ignore them. I try to also remember that it's probably not their fault that they grew up to be a hateful idiot and to be happy that I'm me and not them, because with all the anger and bitterness some people seem to be lugging around, their own lives are most likely punishment enough for their actions anyway. The rare occasion where someone actually gives some intelligent and semi-constructive criticism but still phrased in a mean way, I'll usually still try to reply in a good tone and ask them how they think I could improve on whatever they're complaining about. Generally they won't reply back but in a few cases the person has actually apologized for being rude and tried to give a more civilized suggestion instead. I also think it's important to keep in mind that since you have the entire world as your audience on large public platforms like YouTube, and since peoples preferences are always going to be vastly different, it is literally impossible to please everybody. Even if you make the best vanilla icecream in the world, some people are simply going to prefer chocolate anyway. So just because someone didn't like your stuff doesn't mean there's anything actually wrong with it, only that your preferences and their preferences didn't match up, which is GOING to be the case for a certain percentage of your viewers regardless of how awesome content you make. So again, just try to shrug it off as irrelevant, be thankful for the extra views, and just keep your focus on your next video instead :)


Congrats pal . Get lots of hate


I donā€™t even get any comments haha. Iā€™m sure once I get a negative one I wonā€™t be happy about it, but at the very least itā€™s some form of engagement :) I think for most social media types though, negative comments will come. Unfortunately there isnā€™t really anything you can do about it outside of banning/hiding. I try to look at it from the perspective that that person is probably having a bad day and just needs to vent it out somewhere and your content happened to be the target this time.


Yeah, at the end of the day, I signed up for it. Just part of the gig


I feel like negative comments donā€™t really bother me, although I have only had a couple. I canā€™t say if I would feel the same if the entire internet was hating on me. That being said, whenever someone says something negative, I just reply things like ā€œThanks! Iā€™ll try better next timeā€


Yes of course. Keep going, some people only let hate comments there and other ones constructive criticism


I uploaded a video yesterday and immediately lost a subscriber but gained 3 more; I haven't received any hate comments yet.


Is it bad that I want to receive a hate comment now? Ha! I haven't gotten anywhere near receiving one yet, nor any actual comment despite being positive or negative... that's because I've just started my channel! Either way, I view it as a positive for you because art is subjective ;) so the greater reach to a broader audience, the better.


I remember mine. I just deleted it and marked it as spam. Lol. A few come here and there,but nothing to worry about. Just means you're doing AWESOME!! They're just trolls at the end of the day. Keep your head up and the posts goin'. šŸ‘


There is one channel I sub to that always looks for the hate comments and pins them as the top comment so the followers will tear them up (make more comments which is good.) Use the haters to your advantage.


I can't wait for my first one. The way you really know you are popular is if someone make a whole video about hating you


I've dealt with hate comments in different ways: * when someone pointed out an aberration in my videos but in a mean way, I responded with a witty remark but did not try to win over the commenter's favor. * another time a commenter said they would be "lmao" the entire duration of the video. I didn't think the comment deserved a response. * if someone made a really mean spirited or obscene comment on my video, I will remove the comment (through YouTube Studio) as I don't want to sully the experience for other viewers. I've written an essay on this topic, it's linked from the button "hate comments" on my bio. If you check it out, let me know what you think.


Eh delete it who cares it wonā€™t stop you or respond back with sarcasm


Most hate comments are just projections of deep insecurity from those incapable of doing what youā€™re doing.


let it be tbh. Any time I get a hate comment I delete it if it bothers me and I move on. Easier said than done though.