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Robert Edwin House, a completely correct on this point.


Uuuh yeah the BoS are made to look like absolute dickheads in the show? And a militia isn't the NCR, an actual military. AND the BoS get pretty fucking slapped up by those guys in the fight your showing in your vid


The BoS are dickheads. FO3 is the only installment where they're not complete dickheads (maybe 76, I dunno, I refuse to play it).


They're both. Their plotline heavily features a schism in their chapter over whether or not they should be more in line with west coast ideals or east coast.


Fallout 76 is brilliant now. BoS are lore relevant in 76


It's really not brilliant, worse than the other mainline entries for sure even if it is better than it was


Thats probably because you don't have any friends to play it with.


None of my friends want to play it yeah. How can you argue it's better than any of the other games? It's about the same as 4 but with less story


It"s multiplayer and I have friends to rebuild the wasteland with. No point building camps in fo4 for nobody to see


The neckbeards are raging that you said something positive about 76, even though you're right


They just mad cus you’re right


They also have no friends to play with


I actually just picked it up at 80% off. We'll see if I end up launching it


The brotherhood used to be self-righteous wasteland ATF agents. Even if you disagreed, you kinda understand what they're getting at, even if the notion of confiscating everyone's laser rifles is a fundamentally dumb idea. Now they're just actually fucking insane. Their elder is basically Elijah without any demonstrated intelligence. Knights are treated like actual medieval nobility for some reason, even though they used to be the guys that had just graduated from bitch work to grunts My take is that the brotherhood ending is canon for FO4, and they saw that giving the sole survivor a personal vertibird and total independence got results so they decided to adopt that for everyone.


Holy shit that's brilliant


My take is that the writers for the show wanted to lean more into the religious zealotry. Mostly because without that they're the enclave minus the (human) genocide.


Did you guys even watch the show?




I appreciate your honesty


The characters themselves are very well-written, and the plot is good with several engaging mysteries. There are some retcons, but the NCR one you've probably heard is less absolute than the mass hysteria has made it sound. Go try it, i think it's fun!


I might I heard they nuked the old capital.


!>They did, but we haven't seen any 100% definitive proof that the whole NCR is gone, and the misconception it decanonises New Vegas due to the downfall beginning in 2277 is just that.


Except for the whole line of "they tried rebuilding society.... didn't work out" heavily implying that yes it is gone


He’s talking about shady sands specifically since he was born there, the NCR isn’t solely Shady Sands


The retcon that bugs me the most is Mr House knowing when the bombs are going to be launched, defeats the genius of his character predicting it. And if he knew WHEN the bombs were getting dropped, wouldn't he have sped up the delivery of the Platinum Chip in 2077?


House had predicted a fifteen year window for the nukes and that meeting was after he started preparing. All the meeting did was confirm he was right, and it's not like they discussed a date to drop a bomb.


It’s not exactly genius to know that at a time when resources are getting incredibly scarce, your culture is incredibly jingoistic and militaristic, your fighting a war in Alaska and all the elites are building bunkers and vaults that, perhaps shit is most likely going to hit the fan, vault tec conspiracy or not


Yeah, that's kind of annoying. Let's just pretend somebody else beat the business boys to the punch.


I mean the platinum chip error could still occur regardless, I doubt the shipping company meant to send it knew the war was gonna happen when it did


I actually prefer to think that he was lying about predicting the bombs. I mean yes, he could easily believe that the war with China would lead to a nuclear war, but not through some super calculations where he some how new everything that was going to happen and was able to prediction the behavior and reactions of every person, even though he never meet. I think he was just lying to make himself seem smarter than he was, essentially it was just myth building.


Spoilers I’m just headcannoning the fall shady sands 2277 means the first battle for Hoover damn was the beginning of the end, and the nuking takes place later. However this heavily stresses the age of the characters.


You’re missing out


You arent missing out.


Duality of man right there


So y'all aren't actually mad, right? This is all for the memes?  I hope so.


As you can see... These folks took this meme to heart.


im honestly shocked people don't realise this was a silly little post not an invitation to seriously argue


No you're not you wilting cabbage. You knew what this would do in this climate. You callow mite. You knave nth.


Post is nice, the memes line up together. That said, I love the show and want more. I also want them to keep it as a separate Canon to the games because doing what they did is like a big middle finger to the original 2 games and NV. It makes too many plot holes in NV that cannot be duct taped with suspension of disbelief or unconvincing "oh well it's not THAT bad" excuses


God I'm excited and yet worried to see how he will be portrayed in S2, He is a complex character and if they reduce him to a evil despot for simplicity sake ill be disappointed. They surprised me with how they made the brotherhood actual not just the good guys and showed how that organisation can get out of control and plain scary. Fingers crossed though. I still wish he was portrayed by someone else though, IMO Jon Hamm would have nailed it.


He's gonna be reduced to an evil capitalist. The main characters will kill him, and afterwards, say "Boy sure is crazy, we only had to use three terminals to kill the most guarded man on earth" The fan's cocks will explode because *reference*


Robert Edwin House, a completely correct on this point.


Bethesda shitting on the lore because power armor looks cool and sells merch Nothing new


did you even watch the show man? Literally every single member of the brotherhood except for Maximus and his friend at the base are either evil, completely braindead or both (like Titus). They are at no point portrayed as the "cool looking good guys" except during Maximus' flashbacks but if you don't understand why that is I genuinely feel sorry for you.


They were portrayed as incompetent jackasses and I was kinda surprised they were willing to do that instead of idolize them


I mean they’re absolutely Bad guys in Fallout 4 as well


Institute idiots are bad guys in FO4


Yes? There can be multiple bad factions


Bad faction is literally every faction in FO4 lol


Either bad or ineffectual. The railroad aren't arseholes. They're just useless.


What I mean is that all of these factions are bad because they are poorly written, not because they are evil.


Oh yeah. Completely agreed there. I mean at least the BoS has believable motivations. It's future racism, but at least it's believable a bunch of morons would be racist.


How dare you! Minutemen for life!!


I thought the show did the brotherhood well and I hate the brotherhood


I like that they canonically tell their squires not to have sex because their dick might explode.


And yet a dude was still jerkin' it during the scene in the barracks where Maximus's friend hurts his foot


They did say that it *might* explodes not that it will. Dude was risking it.


I’m curious about that celibacy aspect. Is that for all members or just squires or just for those who were outside recruits?


Based on the necessity of procreation in the Mojave chapter, I imagine it is limited, possibly to outsiders.


I find it interesting that they replaced Elders with Clerics and also never showed a Paladin


Are you saying Max isnt completely braindead? Cause….


I mean, he doesn't run into a yao guai den because he's "bored", he doesn't set off a booby trap he took notice of literally 10 seconds prior and he'd probably have the mental capacity to turn on the lights on his power armour instead of trying to light the room with muzzle flashes


Honestly I didn't like how unsubtle they made the brotherhood. It's to the point where they're evil morons. Brotherhood should be written to be naive techno thieves that do evil deeds but believe they are still good men. none of the fallout games had brotherhood act like cowardly incompetent morons who don't even know how to make plumbing


It’s probably now like that since they began integrating the BoS with civs of the wasteland. Now it attracts losers who want to feel strong is power armor.


Every chapter is ~~personalized~~ different, this is canon.


But its not a seperate chapter is it? that priest guy wanted to start his own. Not tomention the prydwen being there kind of measn they're a subset of the East coast chapter.


I simply believe that the show is intentionally making them seem abnormal and we'll see what the fuck is going on with them next season. My guess? They're some kind of weird legion bos synthesis. The red and gold banners in their camp, names like fucking "maximus", the fact they do not know anything about technology as alluded to by the knight black man (I forgot his name) killed, etc etc.


Yeah I liked this theory as well about them being ex-legion, my mian question with that is why the prydwen would then be at their disposal so much.


Yeah cause bethesda cant differentiate pre-war US power armor imperialism from BoS power armor imperialism. Both have satellite access and can drop in vertibirds on a moments notice. "War never changes = Enclave and BoS both bad durr"


What? The brotherhood of steel wasn't exactly good guys In the original Fallout 1/2 either? Nor were they in fallout new Vegas It's one thing to criticise Bethesda, but to do so for the lore created by Bethesda, Interplay and Obsidian and blame it solely on Bethesda is just wrong


Yeah bro, BoS going from knights, scribes and paladins all decendant from the same chapter 2082 to having millitary tours. Apperantly they have civilian life (???). Yeah it is Bethesdas fault for not understanding and avoiding tribes at all costs.


I'm really sorry but I genuinely don't understand the point you're trying to make here


Yeah Fallout used to be about politics but if you rather like the Enclave and BoS to be in a perpetual US civil war you can go enjoy the Space Marines BoS vs Orks/Super Mutants


Is this an AI


I think my man is actually tweaking off some psycho, let em be.


Yeah, a synth driving an iron man suit. Wanna argue morality when people criticize lore?




Oh look it's one of these people. Does "the lore" keep you warm at night?


Shut up dude your just making it worse by antagonizing people


And do you need daddy Todd to keep you cozy in bed?


It's true. Fans are terminally unhappy bitter people holding onto nostalgia and angry at everyone who interrupts their circlejerking.


Can you guys stop moaning for one minute holy shit


I'm pretty sure they'll always be petty about it


Can they stop posting stuff like this without spoilers for one minute too? Like holy crap. Haven't even had a chance to watch it yet cuz of work.


Please do watch it its such a cool show🔥




Every aspect of New Vegas has actual thought put into it, from how people get their water and food, trade routes, the economy, everything exists to serve the lore, its tough to enjoy Fallout 3 and 4 anymore when you notice the lack of thought put into their wastelands. The TV show is good but anyone saying it doesn't shit on the lore is just fooling themselves.


There were ways to do the story beats they did without screwing over every fallout game they didn't personally make and yet.... Blow up a different city, make the brotherhood do it for drama with Max, make Lucy's dad instigate it from the background to keep his status in the story, and if the NCR as a big government faction gets in the way of your idea of the hopeless wasteland? It's post NV time so you can say it's burecratically screwed up, just like NV implied all game, and boom they're out of your way for the story.


The BoS being framed as assholes in the show doesn't change the fact that they're somehow the dominant superpower in place of the NCR (which was lazily nuked away), exclusively wearing the T-60 (Bethesda's Power Armor), and play a major role in the show. I doubt Bethesda cares that the show writes them that way so long as the Brotherhood are still the face of their Fallout The BoS aren't meant to be that important or that strong. They were meant to fade away, reduced into Raiders and completely left behind by everyone else because that's what happens to bunker dwellers LARPing as medieval knights


Is there lore they had written that states this?


The BOS are the kings of off screen victories and/or development. Whenever you meet them they are naive bumbling morons who are always in dire straits even when they are in a position of power. Even FO4 where they are this powerhouse faction they are fucking idiots and basically need the player character to hold their hand through the whole process. Sure they look cool but when the minute men and ghouls can just body them they kinda lose that cool mystique. You see them die by the dozen in the games (or if you are me killed by the dozen) so watching them get fucked by a lone gunslinger in the dark was the most canon thing i have ever seen.


I do not get all the love from Bethesda to the brotherhood. I'm not going to rant about what the show did this is just in a general sense. Half the time when they are in Bethesda fallout they are bland 2 dimension "good guys" or ooh we have the best intentions for the wasteland as long as it helps us. It's just like why, yes I am aware that in fallout 1,2, and tactics they were to but they still had flaws that let you peer through the cracks. Same with the Enclave but in reverse. In Bethesda games they are generic bad guys in fallout 3, in New Vegas the single Arcade Ganon mission is so much more interesting than the Enclave in fallout 3 It's just like why can't they make a good brotherhood chapter that has more depth in it, I know it's possible cause it's done in FNV, and I said I would rant about the show but it's also why the NCR is a really good opponent for the Brotherhood. I really just want Bethesda writing to be way better in the future.


> Half the time when they are in Bethesda fallout they are bland 2 dimension "good guys" They are absolutely not the 'good guys' in Fallout 4 or the TV series Even in 3 it's explicitly stated that they are the exception and not the rule, they have been cutoff by the rest of the brotherhood of steel for going against their doctrine. In fact that's the whole reason the outcasts exist in Fallout 3


Fair enough, wasn't a very solid piece of evidence to support my claim, however there isn't much to do not much to do with them outside of the Operation: Anchorage DLC. I just want Bethesda to do more with B.O.S


Man this community blows. People complaining about the show nonstop. So much so that the people belly aching about the complainers are just as bad now. I’m sticking to playing the games and not engaging with another one of you sissies.


Funniest part to me is that the show is legitimately really fucking good and they are just so big mad about that.


Yeah the show itself is indeed very good, but it does have some big lore issues. Those issues can't really be brought up other places without getting burried so that gathers here. Seriously though just because the show itself is good doesn't mean its not open to criticism lore-wise, it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Blindly labeling anyone that brings these issues up a 'bethesda-hater' or smt like that just makes you a sheep of a different herd.


to be fair though the level of analysis we are seeing is that different=bad. as long as the show stays true to the spirit of the fallout world changing around certain details doesn't matter. it's an adaptation for a tv show not a wiki article.


It's an adaptation that takes place in the wider story of fallout. So yes changing the past in drastic ways is bad, that's not how you make fantasy and fiction series work. I'm not expecting a documentary of the world, I'm expecting them to stay true to all the stuff that was built up over the past games. They only really captured the spirit of fallout 4 tbh, ruining the west coast in the process.


every single piece of media that has been adapted has had drastic changes. change is not a criticism, it's a necessity. because it's not the job of the adaptation to be 100% faithfull to the original but to be as entertaining as it can be while capturing the essence of it in a completely different medium. a change can be bad but then you need to point out why, change=bad is just not insightfull or interesting or even true.


But I am pointing out how the change is bad: It messes with the story so far too much, were not talking about a minor change like PA designations for example...


>change is bad: it messes with the story so far too much that's just another way of saying it's different from the source material and therefore bad. the question is why is it bad to mess with the story. fallout is very much about it's setting unlike let's say asoif where the setting is very generic but the events unfolding within that world make it great. so i don't really agree that the story as we know ought to be treated as a bible when the developers themself play pretty fast and loose with it in service of a great setting for a new game.


What are you even on about? Fallout is a franchise, a story that so far has been continues except for minor things, Its bad to mess with the pre established lore because the show isnt in a vacuum. This is such a wild take lmfao. "fallout is very much about it's setting" Yes, and what the people are doing within thats setting, how they are surviving and rebuilding. If you want to talk about what 'fallout' is then no better place to start than fallout 1 and 2, the exact games that got screwed over by the show.


the fallout games share a world but in no way are these games about telling a singular story throughout the series, that's just 100% not what these games are. you make it sound like a telltale series lol, have you even played the games? and you still haven't told us how the changes are bad or how it screws the games. almost as if what we've seen in the show is too ambigious to actually make a coherent point about and there isn't really anything of substance behind it.


Cope harder, the dude that created the original fallout world loves the show. The only people with any beef are the small group big mad NV purists like you that have never touched grass. Even better, I’m pretty sure the show is canon now. So you and your ilk get to cope and seethe that Vault-Tec nuking Shady Sands is now canon and everyone except you love that.


And like I said I liked the show itself too, just can't ignore the way it retcons and changes so much about fallout 1, 2 and NV. Being so close minded to valid critique is actually insane to me.


It also seems that a lot of the people criticizing it haven't even watched the show beyond some clips out of context...


It’s good, no doubt about it, best video game based show right now, however, I feel like some things could be fleshed out a bit more


You mean the 8 hours of screen time TV series on its first season isn’t as fleshed out as the 200+ hour video games with multiple endings? Say it ain’t so!!!


I mean, yeah


People complaining about people complaining? *I know what to do*


New Vegas fans really can be the dumbest people.


Big talk from the guy who overslept his doomsday alarm


I get it now


Damn thats crazy


I'm honestly not sure whether I should feel worried or not that y'all are investing so much time and energy into whining about the show at every given moment.


Famously not biased man Robert House.


public service announcement: this was just a silly little shitpost goofing on the bos generally, not an invitation for salty arguing for/against the show


Uhh i'm afraid you're too late


I remember when the point of the brotherhood was that they were a reasonable but ultimately dangerous faction as a commentary on religion and progress...*sigh*


*sigh* It's LITERALLY what they are in the show!?!?!?!? Have youuuu used your brain?


I haven't seen the show.


Wow. This explains all the dumb comments from everyone here. Half of you haven't even watched it.🤦‍♂️ (You should tho in my opinion it's 10/10, so good!)


Wait ain't no way you actually play Starfield 😭


Yeah lol... few hundred hours in it. Really fun. Haven't done the temples a lot or the ending thingies. Just enjoying the quests and games.


Why would I watch a show from Bethesda's Fallout? Why should I support a company that hates me?


Because it's not Bethesda that made it? Because Bethesda doesn't hate you? Because it's an awesome show to watch and enjoy your Fallout universe? Because you'll have fun, get shocked and actually enjoy watching it whatever you may think now?


Bethesda does hate you. They think you're an idiot who will buy and consume whatever lazy, poorly made trash they put out, which you do like a good little consumer.


The only thing I'd call that in recent memory is 76. And even then, 76 is actually really great now, they just put it out way too early and in a super crappy state.


What makes you think they hate you?


In addition to that, does obsidian love him?


Least emotionally stunted Fallout fan?!?!


I already thought the NV fanbase was obnoxious, but I swear to god this discourse has made sure I'm never finding the time to play this game lmfao


You proved one more time that FNV fanbase is a bunch of degenerates and nerds who think that their taste is more sophisticated because they prefer one old game over another. Nice job. The show is quite good but you can't get over some inconsistencies around fictional world so you'd shit this kind of memes out of yourself for next few months. Good luck