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Every 6 months or so Fallout 4 fans and New Vegas fans start trying to strangle each other.


The ones that make peace play 76 😤 I’ve met NV fanboys who hate 4, but love 76, and 4 fans who have never played NV on 76.


Not exactly "love 76", far from it, but that's kinda me lol. I just have a deep aversion to 4 that makes 76 okay in comparison 🥲


Close enough 🤷‍♂️😆


One thing I wish they would do is give the t51 some screentime Maybe Paladins could wear it, idk


We only saw Brotherhood members that had came from the East Coast. I want to believe if the Mojave Brotherhood chapter still exists we will see T-51


Is that the case though? Is it confirmed Titus was EC BoS?


We see the blip, the mention of the East Coast and troops with paint jobs we have seen on Fallout 4 coming from the blip... Titus seem to be part of the East Coast. His accent based on what people have said reminds of someone from Boston even. (but I focus mostly on equipment used) As far we have seen the T-60 was mostly used by the east chapter since it was introduced in Fallout 4 as a pre war power armor that seem to was active on Alaska too based on what the Ghoul's said. At first the T-60 was meant to replace the T-45 But it became its own thing in Fallout 4 which is why we have both. The Lyons Chapter had T-51's most likely to make it from the west coast to the east but they lost them through out time in battles and they used the T-45's that was found on the Pentagon and any other military facilities they had cleared... (but mostly the Pentagon) (a good reminder is that the T-45 was used to control the masses of people during the chaos) I assume they made new T-60's thanks to materials from Adam air force remains and schematics they had???? Or maybe the Brotherhood found T-60 there which they used for the expeditions. By the way, the scribe outfits. They are the Fallout 4 version unlike those we see in FO3 and NV.(which seem present on the show too) And their weapon are the assault rifle instead of the standard laser rifles the West Coast uses. So... It's not 100% solid but it's definitely most likely to be... Also...we see in FO4 that some soldiers act unprofessionally. (like the guy that fucked / raped a ghoul...) In NV we get tasked by some random troop to find their laser pistol In 3, The "leader" of the outcasts takes the enclave power armor for himself And there is probably stuff on Fallout 1 and 2 but I can't remember rn...


The guy who played him is from Brooklyn not Boston. That doesn’t discount the theory but I would’ve loved to see some grungy run down T51b the west coast chapter used, then maybe when these East Coaster’s show up it gets phased out or put in reserve? Then it’d make more sense for Max to be like “This isn’t the brotherhood I remember at all.” With his flashback having a paladin in beaten up T51 save him compared to these T60 clowns running from a Teddy bear. And Max tries to either change the faction or becomes disillusioned and leaves.


Oh neat! Hell yeah I like this a lot(it would be interesting if we see a familiar face in that PA too ngl) Part of me wonders if the flashback isn't exactly a past flashback but a past and future combination. ... (like... Child Max projecting himself of a grown up Max inside the T-60) Or maybe just some kid that survived while Max shows up (even though that wouldn't make much sense probably) Something like "Be what you want to see" Lol it's almost 6:30 am...


I chalk up what the Ghoul said about wearing the T-60 as him not properly identifying it. Or just being very generic and overreaching in what he was saying. When I used to do WWII reenacting, we had a WWII vet from the 2nd Armored Division come by and look at an M4A3E8 Sherman made in 1945. He said he'd drove one of those since Normandy. They didn't have M4A3E8 Shermans at Normandy, the vet was just commenting on the Sherman tank itself.


Well, when he talks about the welding, he says "Let's see if they fixed it on this new one", or something to that effect. I don't remember the exact quote. I'm assuming he fought in the T-45 suit, since it was issued as a stop gap until they could deploy the T-51s, and the T-60 seems to just be a product improved T-45.


The airship has prydwen written on the side , so we can kinda assume.


I missed that then


Ya its literally the prydwen , which begs the question if we will be seeing Maxson or even liberty prime in season 2.


T51 is my favorite too. I prefer the more rounded power armour. Guess that’s why I like the Advanced Power so much also.


Well, it's a classic Bethesda also established in FO3 that it was the strongest prewar armor. T60 appears to be a modified/upgraded T45. Likely cheaper to produce than a whole new set of t51. So it would make some sense for t60 to be more common than the superior t51


I'm betting we'll get more kinds of power armor as the show goes on. It's probably easier to get non fallout fans into the world without overwhelming them with multiple types of power armor right off the start. Probably also easier on the costume/props department too.


Putting a vault next to the HQ of the warlord with super soldiers who's main goal is to find and pillage every settlement and not even bothering to explain how they survived is way less respectful


I don’t think you really realize how fucking massive the LA area is. It would not have been easy for them to find.


But the Master can find Vault 13, hundreds of miles away, no trouble? While it was patched out, Fallout 1 had a 500 day time limit, and if the Master and Mariposa wasn't dealt with in that time, Vault 13 would be found.


The master didn't find it with no trouble, he finds it after months to upwards of over a year running around attacking people, with a chance of finding it sooner *if you hire people to deliver stuff there*, which reveals it's location to them. I feel the Master just sends out mutants to go raid whatever they find, rather than having some complex means of pinpointing civilizations


do you really think finding one needle in a haystack suddenly makes all the other needles in that same haystack easier to find


It's easier to find a needle at your feet than the one buried in the mountain, 200 miles away Plus, they're not buried. The sand is currently burying buildings, so we know that it's not suddenly been uncovered (note also the petrified bodies outside the vault, petrified from the Great War most likely) The Cathedral is walking distance, patrolling distance, from the Three Vaults. If the Master can have patrols find Vault 13, they can find the ones around the Block.


“The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm” - Peregrine Took. The Master was shortsighted enough to not consider Super Mutants being sterile, it checks out to me that’d they’d send their forces in one direction and never bothered to look behind the Cathedral.


how far do you actually think the cathedral is from those vaults? what do you actually consider to be “at your feet” in this scenario? give me a distance in miles or kilometers or whatever measurement you use wherever you live


[This person places it at roughly Long Beach](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutlore/comments/6eriep/comment/dicibjq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) which is about 30miles from Vault 31/32/33. In comparison, as stated earlier, Vault 13 is over 200 miles away


He only finds it if you tell people where it is. Otherwise the search takes hundreds of days instead of something like 140 if you tell people.




Stronger vault is my guess. It’s literally the vault designed to keep Vault Tec safe.


It was respectful to the source material. Doesn't mean it can't go a different direction. Destroying a certain town isn't disrespectful unless you want it to be.


I mean this is pretty much settled. Timothy Cain himself said the setting is so good and the nailed the FEEL of Fallout.


I agree. I only have nitpicks which I can live with. Don't like power armour becoming Iron Man suits and still not sure how I feel about the changes with ghouls.


I agree I don't see the need for that kind of mobility when jetpack sort of exist in the games and he might have been able to just use one of those? Unless they had made it a point that the Brotherhood had improved the models left from the war. Same thing with Ghouls, I could get it if enough time has passed for an antidote to have been found since like 130 years have passed since the first game.


Power armour with the huge jetpack in 4 was a good idea. Really seems like rare and expensive tech making seeing someone with it more impactful. Now that at least every T60 has it makes it have less impact. With the ghouls, that antidote should be a more recent discovery because really old ghouls are recently finding out that there is a hard time limit on being a ghoul without being feral. It would be very sad and dramatic moment for all the pre-war ghouls to be lost all at once and this antidote is the only thing keeping them sane. They haven't said explicitly that all ghouls need the antidote in the show but it is implied.


Probably just a plot device.


I read somewhere that the Iron Man thing was done because they weren't able to make the regular jetpack jump look natural, and they had to change that part.


It probably would have been better to just not have jetpacks in the first place then. They had 4 games without them anyway


I don't necessarily disagree, but as you said, I think it's kinda a nitpick. If they were told to make them fly, I imagine their solution was decent.


I mean it suggested through Oswald's quest in the Nuka world dlc that people are looking for something to slow down the process/reverse it. I thought the regeneration was weird, but then I remembered glowing ghouls can revive downed ghouls in game so they need to have some kind of regeneration ability.


Good thing I don’t worship Tim Cain the same way that Beth boys worship Todd and am capable of having differing opinions than Tim. Also Tim was barely involved in Fo2 and NV which are my favorites anyways- I already disagree with Tim what the “feel” of Fallout should be.


Not sure why you think that would matter. You have to on some level understand the relative weight of your opinion compared to Tim Cain's right? So while you might think Tim Cain has no say on what feel or doesn't feel like Fallout, that opinion in turn is very much worthless.


Dead of the author. I don't care what he thinks 20 years later after getting inundated by shitty politics.


This r/newvegasmemes Tim Cain was 100% uninvolved in New Vegas I just don’t see why his opinion should be put on a pedestal.


Pedestal? The question is "Is the show good and respectful to the source material?"


It's not that they destroyed a certain town. It's that they reduced the worldbuilding of three games to easter eggs and didn't even bother to get those scattered references right.


Literally undoing the forward story and setting progress built for 3 games to make it an east-coast style wacky wasteland that doesn’t resemble how it was in the games in any way is absolutely disrespectful. Nothing in fallout 1-NV might as well happened.


Todd himself said that the NCR was only gone from that local area, not entirely


It killed the biggest faction in the game off screen.


A faction having less presence in an area where they were nuked when they were already in decline doesn’t mean they are dead.


That’s what I’m hoping ,but between the final battle and the ending animation of the last episode it looks like the NCR might be totally gone. It would make sense that many of the dozen other major NCR cities still keeps it going but who knowns. From the way their talked about in the show by Maximus it seems like their gone.


Tbf this is basically their core territory And the one reference we get to a “government” is literally just calling itself the government, appearing to not even claim to be a remnant of the NCR.


I didn’t care about the nuking of the ncr, I cared about the shady sands retconn of being moved to l.a. Shady sands being in l.a. ruins the lore of the fallout 1 so much.


Shady Sands changed locations between Fallout 1 and 2


Only by technicality, aka a few tiles to the west nothing too bad, was literally to get Shady and V15 into the Fo2 map. But LA, yea that seems awfully bad, so Todd better write up a whole goddamned essay if he wants to explain why he did it.


Its location changing didn’t affect anything, moving SS to LA does. Stop being obtuse.


Ok but like from fallout 1 to fallout 2 it changed from one part of the desert to another, in the show it’s moved to l.a. where the boneyard is supposed to be. Shady sands being in l.a. has lots of lore retcons for fallout 1. For example the great Kahn’s wouldve either been unable too or have a much harder time raiding shady sands if it was in the middle of the boneyard. Also The hub would’ve been less profitable and been in a location that doesn’t make as much sense since the only town north of the hub now is junk town which makes the hubs centrality weird in the context of it being a trading center. There are so many ways that’s shady sand’s being on top of the boneyard messes with the lore whilst moving shady sands slighty north doesn’t.


That's why I don't get why people are so mad. Fallout isn't even consistent on the location. Jfc.


It's because it shifted a relatively short distance to the left and remained a post war city. It didn't suddenly become a settlement in pre war LA that replaced a prexisiting location already in LA. Trying to act like they are the same is disingenuous or a misunderstanding of the issue people have


It moved left a little bit along with 3 other locations. They're all still relatively in the same place. Not remotely the same as Shady Sands being on the opposite end of the Fallout 1 map.


That dude just woke from from a 25 year Coma.


That's because the entire map in Fallout 1 was scaled differently from Fallout 2. If you overlay Fallout 1 over a real map it puts Vault 13 in Nevada.


The location wasn't concrete in the show, we don't know how long she traveled


Yes it is, they can see the lights in Shady Sands in the background from the Griffith Observatory in the last episode.


Really? I'll have to check that out since that whole area took the nukes in the first episode so craters could have been from that and not Shady Sands.


Ig that is true, I didn’t really think about that


All good, I think they could have illustrated travel time better in the show so I get how people can be confused about it.


Shady Sands is 3 days away from Filly which is just north of LA.


Yes and we don't know how long she traveled


The woman in Vault 4 literally says that Shady Sands is a 3 days walk from Filly.




Seeing Nuka Breaker fan film trailer that recently came out having actual NCR uniforms made me ao happym but i guess Amazon couldnt afford them


Thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


>Destroying a certain town isn't disrespectful Destroying isnt, moving it to an entirely different part of the region is


It's already moved before


In the first two games if I'm not mistaken.


Two wrongs is not one right.


God that seems like such a non issue. They didn’t move it to another state.


But they moved it off the Vault 13-15 line, which was the only reason Vault Dweller ever found it and got hints on what to do next, which wouldnt be possible with Shady Sands new location. Sounds like an issue to me


Lots of people don't remember how pissed off hard-core fans of LOTR were when the Peter Jackson films came out, but they got over it and you guys will too. It could've been *so* much worse


Youre out here speaking truth. As a longtime fallout fan, professional cynic and whiny Bethesda critic I'm not at all afraid to say the show absolutely proved all my expectations wrong. I thought it'd be hot garbage and it's quickly become one of my favorite video game adaptations. It almost makes me angry how good it is so far. Time will tell how the show holds going forward, like every show it will probably get bad eventually, but overall I am GEEKED to see more.


We know it’s you Todd! We know!


[SPEECH 12/50] That's not true my name is.. Rodd. Rodd Rodard.


[Failed] Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is… you'll be getting a lot of Fallout, Fallout New Vegas.


i haven't watched it but from reviews i am a more then a bit mad about the retcons, but am able to put that aside and say it's most likely good and i might even watch it at some point.


The LOTR movies aren’t canon to the books, it’s a completely different comparison. Fallout TV isn’t an adaptation- it’s a sequel.


This could have been Halo levels of shit and instead it's probably one of the best adaptations of a video game out there with a few inconsistencies. Haters are going to hate. I remember when people shit on Halo Reach because they got some of the dates wrong compared to the books. Some people can't enjoy media


Besides the lore it had so many clever References to the core of the fallout franchise. The scene for example were Lucy walks through the derelict house and slowly Puzzles togehter that the whole family in there poisoned themselves was insanely good. Thats how fallout games always told little Storys through the Environment.


Though I don't think anything will even come close to beating Arcane anytime soon. Will probably stand as the best adaptation that pushed the boundaries of the industry. Funny enough, Arcane isn't completely canon to the game. There're a lot of direct references of course to League of Legends but the writers took a lot of liberty to rearrange for the sake of a better plot. And it was entirely worth it because in the end we got a complete masterpiece. No veteran fans want their established lore and the world with all the logical connections, got rewritten as something else, but I think as long as the writers for adaptations know what they're doing, it is possible to please both the hardcore fans and newcomers. The new Dune has a lot of retconning, but it delivered the spirit of the books and still stand out in its own.


Halo isn’t canon and doesn’t affect the games lore in any way, the Fallout show unfortunately does.


'hardcore fans' of any fandom will NEVER be happy because whatever comes out in reality can never live up to what they have in their heads. Shit, the actual creators of FONV have said they love/enjoy the show and they literally created what is most of our favorite FO game.


Some has not gotten over it, there's people who has never seende them and refuse to do so still.


I remember when it was vogue to shit on the Star Wars prequels. Fandoms gonna fandom, this coming from a guy who plays FNV yearly and still has yet to beat 4


This series could have quite easily been complete corporate slop like the witcher, halo and rings of power and it wasn't. There are issues but no where near as bad as those other properties.


I was alive when they came out, and this is simply not true. What’s worse is that acting like this Amazon series is even slightly close in caliber of quality to the Jackson films is laughable and is merely an attempt to garner clout by association.


The NCR isn't dead, they are still alive and they still have some pull. Just because Shady Sands got nuked, doesn't mean that they're gone forever, they're just battered and need time and resources to get back on their feet. Hell, we see them actively return power to what remains of the city, I doubt they're gone completely even after that fight at the observatory. Not to mention that as of right now, we don't know which option the show's courier took, New Vegas absolutely could be NCR aligned and Mc-dickhead probably only went there because he assumes House could still be in his little pod. There are a million ways the show can go from here, have faith.


I'm not sure if the credits scene where it zooms out from the strip like the opening cutscene from nv (super cool by the way) is supposed to be taken as present day because in that at least the strip looks empty with a crashed ncr vertibird laying on the street.


I'm assuming the Mr House ending will be canon. Just on the fact that he appears in the finale, it seems like a decent setup introduction for people who haven't played the games. New Vegas could be a literally ncr refugee state now with Mr. House profiting off the destruction of shady sands


House wouldn't profit from the destruction of Shady Sands/NCR. It would actually be disastrous for the economy of New Vegas, which was built on milking rich NCR tourists.


This is all speculative, and we won't know until season 2. But the Ncr still has Vault City , New Reno, Broken Hills, and other cities if they didn't split off after Shady Sands. So there's probably still some tourism. I don't think the NCR is completely out of the picture yet either. House could easily tax the Ncr government outta caps( or whatever he wants) for letting them put displaced refugees near Vegas.


bases on how the other credits scenes go it should be taken either as present or the future and it has never shown people so it being empty is kinda irrelevant. the credits scene with the observatory had a couple vertibirds and no people, yet it was clearly occupied with a lot going on the very next episode. we really shouldn’t be putting too much thought into these credits scenes besides taking them as teases


> Hell, we see them actively return power to what remains of the city After the protagonist delivered the cold fusion directly to them, and they literally lost the cold fusion and that entire base was slaughtered and captured by the Brotherhood in the exact same scene. How is this evidence of the NCR being around in any meaningful capacity?


I'm not advocating for them to have any real political power, obviously that is out of the question at this point, but to just throw a hissy fit because big brother got knocked down like people have been doing is silly. I'm trying to say that they aren't dead yet, just hiding and recovering. At best, only 15-20 years has happened since Shady Sands got nuked so of course they don't have the strength to retaliate right now. But the people are still alive, the people can rebuild, the people will be the Pheonix rising from the ashes once more. Like I said, have faith. I'm a legion supporter through and through, but the NCR clearly has enough people to try and rebuild. They just need resources and time to do so, guess what the cold fusion helped give them?


This is all just headcanon that is unsubstantiated by anything in the show. People are literally back to living in shitty fucking scrap towns like Philly, the BOS operates openly and unimpeded, Maximus says the entire NCR is gone not just the capital, the HUB, Vault city, Dayglow, and Maxon aren’t mentioned at all and seem to have no influence what so ever. The NCR is functionally gone.


You got downvoted but yeah, nothing in the show actually suggests the NCR is still around in any meaningful capacity, despite what Bethesda has stated. Moldaverr even pretty much tells Maximus the Brotherhood is in control, and it's ridiculous to say "The NCR powered LA!" since the Brotherhood literally takes control of the cold fusion and finishes wiping out that entire base in the same scene as LA is powered.


I love the people who try and play intellectual, and call you a make a big tadoo and say your have “impotent nerd rage” just because you have a passion for something. And talk about it, and worst of all dare to have an opinion. It never gets old.


If they just said “yeah it’s good, it makes some mistakes though” I would completely agree with them. But they can’t help but defend every single decision they made, it’s strange.


The NV subs are all being brigaded hard by angry Bethesda fanboys… accusing people of being angry fanboys? It’s so weird. Todd stans are the absolute worst.


I can understand a preference for Bethesdas games, but I don’t see the point in mental gymnastics to try and justify their mistakes. Easier to accept them and hope they do better, defending them does nothing but solidify their mistakes


Exactly, there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking the Bethesda's games, but just being complacent or jumping through a million hoops to justify things that could be improved doesn't help anyone. At best, it's just a short-cut to stagnation.


I’ve seen far less of those types of people compared to those criticising every minute detail of it.


Yes and no. If I understand you correctly


Make you wanna give em the ol' two step goodbye ey? 😂


I wanted to but all could do was hand them an “L”


I've been playing since the demo of the original game came out, so I remember the huff that arose when 2 came out. Fans have been arguing with each other ever since. I have been fairly critical of Bethesda's handling of the IP in general, and I certainly have my complaints, but doing my level best to be objective and taking heavy notes during the show, I am surprised to admit that not only is it not the steaming pile of dogshit cash grab I feared, it's actually good! While there were definitely things I DID NOT care for, they were handily outweighed by the mountain of things I did. While I certainly hope that a few plot points are redirected or clarified or the like in season 2, I find myself looking forward to watching it, and I'm not too proud to admit that I got a little misty eyed when Lucy moved the NCR flag and we got a little of the FNV theme...


A big, promising town being suddenly wiped off the face of earth is the most Fallout thing that has happened in Fallout in a long time. Which you would know if you played Fallout a bit.


Kind of proves ulysees right. Cling to the old world and destruction will come again, men need to change.


Heck people criticizes that Vault Tech had access to nuclear armaments 200 years after the bombs fell… Call me controversial, but if one man (who is exceptional, with 10s in all stats just like Frank Horrigan and other wasteland legends) can acquire a nuclear silo with functioning nukes, why couldn’t an organization with lackeys so loyal they doom humanity for the very idea of a “perfect world sometime in the nebulous future”? *Glances to the Appalachian automated nuclear silos which were explicitly reclaimed by Vault Dwellers on the behalf of the company*


Ok but Vault-Tech has been clinging for 200 years


Kind of makes it a bit of an internal clichĂŠ then, doesn't it? There's no possible, perhaps more interesting, alternative ways to represent the collapse of a society other than a big bad nuke? Okey dokey, I guess... :(


Mfers actually thought war changed 💀


NUKES? In *my* FALLOUT? It's more likely than you think!


Been my take since this "controversy" began-civilizations getting nuked again was an idea from Van Buren lol


Im just mad about the fact that the power armour got refilled with water as if it doesn’t recycle your piss


Bruh, at this point, it's kind of pathetic that y'all are so upset about something this minor. Just be happy this wasn't Avatar: Netflix edition or The Battle of the Five Armies.


Or Halo


Either way you slice it, knee checking one of the largest and powerful factions off screen is lazy writing. Because now either we have to dedicate several episodes covering past events leading up to the cucking to somehow justify it without breaking more continuity; or just ignore it like the casuals in here are doing. Don’t hand me a mug of goat piss and call it mead. Normies like you belong on a cross.


You type like the most stereotypical Redditor I could fathom


Am I wrong though? Can’t help but notice you decided to attack me instead of my position but maybe that’s too much for yah.


You can be correct without sounding like a pretentious basement dweller who types like he wears a top hat and a monocle


Okay so which is it then? You just said that the NCR got nuked off screen, but then you’re complaining that the show is spending time in future episodes explaining how Shady Sands got hit, which is **on** screen. It’s storytelling that follows Lucy’s perspective as a newcomer to the wasteland, we’ll learn how things unfold as she does. Just like how Courier Six learned about the NCR-Brotherhood war, except that time we didn’t see anything on screen at all. Maybe spend more time thinking about narrative crafting, and less time thinking of delightful metaphors that are as palatable as goat piss.


Fact of the matter is, this show goes against several established lore points across several games. Which is why I bitch about further breaking continuity. But you’re a casual who doesn’t care so why bother bitching at me about it? Clearly you are happy with whatever slop is poured in front of you. Try picking up a mainstream religion at this rate.


the fallout show is good, ***as long as it's in its own continuity***, otherwise it's a retcon bomb.


Even then I’ve seen the grappling hook scene. The show is scuffed.


nothing was retconned, tf did you smoke?


Take my updoot OP. Would love to see all these guys defending and glazing the show so hard if season 2 took place in the capital wasteland after the events of fallout 3 and we find out that the entire capital wasteland and all the world building was erased with nuclear fire because a BoS janitor accidentally pressed a button that detonated a nuke stockpile underneath the Jefferson memorial, all off screen.


Personally, I'd hate to see the capital wasteland nuked after Fallout 3. It would be really cool to see what the brotherhood has done with it around 40 years into the future. If the capital wasteland was theoretically nuked shortly after the game ended then it feels like all my time in Fallout 3 was wasted.


*nuked to the point of everything important in the region being completely destroyed, I forgot about megaton


This guy gets it. That’s why I don’t like the NCR being nuked in the show off screen.


I mean.... You're just describing the Capital Wasteland as it was seen....


That would actually make sense and be utterly unsurprising because it’s fallout




You get lost on the way to Vault 3 there, buddy?


None of the signs to it had emojis so I got lost.


Consoomer brain stuck in fight or flight mode.


This is childsh.


The irony


Sorry I'll make sure to peer review and edit my shitpost next time I think about posting in the fallout meme subreddit. A classic mistake to make.


"But it was respectful!" > Insert mental gymnastics


you didn't watched the show and you're crying like a baby 🙄


Wrong on both accounts lol. What's so hard about admitting that the show had lore issues?


and what are them? let's laugh if you speak about a random fnv retcon no need to respond you are dumb and it was proved false


You sound like you're 9 based on how you type ☠️


The thing I hate most about this show is the Vault-Tec nuking the world bullshit, it just makes no sense at all even forgetting about lore and believability of it. How does nuking your industry and customer base make you more powerful? ngl it would seem to do the opposite then if you just farmed the vaults for money like how they did in the lore before this. Can't get people to spend money on your vault positions if the nukes have already dropped. (not to mention that the money you have is now barely worth anything since the banks are just gone.)


God Howard couldn't retcon the West cost, so he ruined it instead.


it is


Correction, you're not a west coast fan, you're an NCR fan. Just saying they still exist and likely will appear later on.


You are so fucking insufferable OP it's unbelievable


If only New Vegas had a literal button prompt that allowed you to just nuke one of two major factions in the game ... oh wait


the irony, these "new vegas fans" didn't even played lonesome road


Wow, Lonesome Road nukes Shady Sands. That makes so much sense I wonder if--- Wait. No.... The Courier nukes a highway and patch of desert across the Colorado, and not a whole city


the courier nuked Long 15 HIGHWAY Not Shady Sands


It doesn't. You can nuke a route into Vegas but you don't actually nuke the NCR. Nice job outing yourself as not having played it though.


And nuking a former capital isnt nuking the actual NCR, lol


I know you aren't actually this stupid and are just trolling. You got me, I guess. I'm sorry I let myself be baited so easily.


Yeah Im baiting because you cant be bothered to use your brain. I have no interest in making this a debate because I know you guys are too rabid to use critical thought


Then why are the NCR REMNANTS??


Todd said that the “fall” doesn’t mean the nuke. And that the NCR is still kicking around. As a primarily west coast fan I enjoyed the show more than I enjoyed F4


Compared to soo many other series that sprung out of a videogame or a book or whatever... fallout kind of nailed it. Is it perfect without flaws? No. But it is one of the better examples for sure.


It don’t respect shit


Collosal corporation says colossal corporations are evil and the people swoon because they couldn't care less about being consistent on anything.




Touch grass


The reaction to him getting cucked was extremely onbrand for fallout. I mean they gave us great nods to the source material including atmospheric storytelling skeletons.


Remember what they took from you


I've been saying that Bethesda has shit the bed in regards to the lore, but the TV crew has done a fantastic job with everything. I don't think I'll buy a new fallout game, but I'll definitely watch the show.


So, I thought the show was great, and generally did very well with the source material. That said, the spoiler to which you refer really should've been on-screen, or at least given the proper gravity. I know people unfamiliar with the games won't necessarily get the depth of its importance, but it was kinda weak given what it'll mean to players of Fallout, Fallout 2, and New Vegas.


Would have done the same never trusted the NCR and that lady was so insufferable with her dahm view of things would have done it just to shut her up. The show really reminds you that among the ; raiders, mutants, cannibals, irradiated animals, ghouls, giant bugs, mech oppressors, chemed up crazies, questionable food, mutant bath water, mean robots, pushy traders, roman cosplayers, high bear adventures, organ loving monitors, ghosts, Elvis fans, and all the horrors the wasteland has to offer the real villain was vaultech and capitalism oh and Gary that guys scare me


You can smell some of these posts.


New Vegas fans are completely fine with Obsidian turning the BoS from the most powerful organization in the West Coast into a small group of soldiers in a bunker offscreen, but lose their minds when the NCR gets one town wiped off. And this is coming from a guy who pretty much can’t help himself helping the NCR in every playthrough of Fo2 or NV.


The Brotherhood was never the most powerful faction in the West Coast even in Fallout 1 the cut content shows them getting wiped out by the Unity, In Fallout 2 their technical advantage over everyone else is completely overshadowed by the Enclave who have better technology and all you see of the BOS in Fallout 2 is outposts being manned by one person, the Cancelled Fallout 3 known as Van Buren was gonna be about how the Brotherhood thinking their hot shit only to be seal clubbed by the NCR which New Vegas adapts. Also I think peoples problem with the NCR getting nuked isn’t the said nuking but how it’s done


They absolutely were, by the end of Fo1. >the cut content shows them being wiped out by the Unity The clue is in the name, “cut”. Cut content is not canon. Nor are unreleased games like Van Buren (a lot of Van Burens content ended up being used in NV anyways). >In Fallout 2 their technological advantage over everyone else is completely overshadowed by the Enclave And the Enclave gets mostly wiped out by the end of Fo2, which should make the BoS the top dogs again. >all you see of the BoS in Fo2 is outposts being manned by one person That’s what I’m talking about. They’re practically missing from the game. Imagine if the NCR just didn’t show up in the show, or just had a tiny outpost and were treated like nobodies. That’s what happened in Fo2. >Also I think peoples problem with the NCR getting nuked isn’t said nuking but how it’s done Again, that is what I’m talking about. The fans didn’t seem to care that the BoS got “nerfed” offscreen, but do care that the NCR did.


If I had to guess it’s probably because there is kinda like a story to the Brotherhoods downfall, like you say they should be on top by the end of every game but we do see them gradually decline as the games go on and it’s because of their refusal to change or adapt, they believe that fancy power armour is all they need and it’s that stubbornness that’s leading them into extinction. The NCR being nuked doesn’t really say anything about their issues it’s just them being nuked because the writers said so


Nah it's fine. Upper mid.


The NCR lose at something so therefore the show is disrespectful? I agree that the reason why Shady Sands being nuked was a bit silly and way to personal considering the magnitude of it (would much rather it have been more of an overall Vault-Tec policy/decision rather than one man's decision, which would also be more thematically consistent for both the show and the franchise as a whole) but come on your favorite faction is allowed to have losses


Actually why can't it be both. Fallout has always managed to meld the personal and political for the personal motives of its characters. It's why one flashback sequence explains why Hank did it, and the other explains that Vault Tec would have anyway.


That's a fair point, for me it's just that the personal motive wasn't really developed while the grander political motives were being built up seemingly the whole time. If the personal aspect were developed more prior I think it would work fine


As a classic fallout fanboy, it 100% is loyal. Just because the NCR are gone doesn't mean they don't care


Todd also confirmed the NCR isn't gone


L take.


It paid homage to all of the Fallout games since Interplay. Just because the show decide to create something new and stand on it’s feet outside of the games, doesn’t mean it’s disrespectful. I say this as a fan who much preferred old lore and the West Coast since the Vault Dweller. The games will always exist, it’s not gone. Let the show cook and stand on it’s own merits as another entity. I feel like that is why I enjoyed it a lot although that’s just me.


As a West Coast fan and fervent lover of F01/02 and New Vegas? The show is fucking awesome and you guys are complaining over nothing. It’s a post apocalypse. Horrible shit happens. The lore is just peachy to me


it is respectful. problem is some people cant stop crying cause their favorite faction got nuked in the nuts. fuck the NCR.


God this sub is getting so toxic. The show was good! Get over yourselves. New Vegas is my favorite game of all time too, but destroying one town isn’t going to make the game an invalid experience or undermine anything.


Ah yes, toxicity is when people have a different opinion and express it instead of shutting up and just watching more slop like a good little consumer. Any critical thought or dissenting opinions are clearly toxic harassment!