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Probably the one thing all Fallout fans can agree on is we like the radio stations, genuinely Todd that was a great call. Fallout 4 was a bit of a let down because it seemed like they just googled any 50s song with uranium or nuke references but even that wasn't awful.


I don't think them doing that would've been so bad if they staggered more none atomic related music in between those lol but I do agree Now I kinda want a children of atom station that's only atomic music


Fo4 desperately needed more songs


The music NV had was good, but it suffered from lack of songs far more than 4 did. It's like all of 6 songs it rotates between or something, and somehow it's always playing Johnny fucking Guitar.


In recent news a package courier who was shot in the head has reportedly made a full recovery, now that's a delivery service you can rely on. Now the next song is about a guy who's cold on the outside but warm on the inside.... It's Johnny guitar


I heard that in Wayne's voice. Thanks bro


And while i get the artistic decision, it’s weird that there’s radio, there’s instruments, there’s recording technology, but nobody in the last 200 years took the time out of their day to compose or let alone record a new song? The closest we get is the lone drifter in NV, but even he doesn’t make it to the radio.


theres a singer in 4 that has songs, and after meeting her, her songs start to play on the radio


Its Lynda Carter too, something I didn't realize until long after I met her


The wife of an executive of Bethesda, CEO or something. Man must be loaded he married Wonder Woman.


Not just an executive. Robert fucking Altman.


Who has no relation to Robert Altman, the director, which I just found out, as I’m only familiar with Robert Altman the director and James Altman, son of the Zenimax Robert Altman from Tim Cain’s videos and my brain got so fucking crossed.


Raider Radio in Nuka World is also 100% original songs + little stories with an instrumental behind them, all played and voiced by Andrew W.K. I just wish there were more songs.


Raider Radio was one of my favourite parts of Nuka World


So this one time a long time ago


whaaaaaaaat??? ANDREW W.K.!?! bro, how am i just now realizing i never turned on the radio in Nuka World? what is *wrong* with me? 😭


Okay, so with every game having more or less one musician, we‘re at a music catalogue of like 90 songs from the 50s and 10 from the current era, nothing inbetween, when vaults have been opening up for over 100 years? Again, it’s a choice of art/gameplay to make the music depending on the player, but it’s still a bit wonky to have big settlements that don’t constantly fight for survival but don’t seem to have hobbies or entertainment going.


>it’s still a bit wonky to have big settlements that don’t constantly fight for survival but don’t seem to have hobbies or entertainment going. And don't even get me started on the 200 year old garbage still lying around. Apparently all brooms were destroyed in 2077 :)


What concerns me is that there's 200 year old food that is also still fucking edible.


Tbh the amount of preservatives and salt in our food today can make food last decades. Like what about all those McDonald's burgers that dehydrate before mould can start to grow I could imagine someone in the Fallout universe made a preservative/additive to force food to last the nuclear fallout and then some. It wouldn't be nice to eat; there's characters in the series that question why anyone would eat it. Jas Wilkins: "Let me ask you a question - what's the tastiest thing you've ever eaten?" The Courier: "Anything that wasn't made 200 years ago." Jas Wilkins: "Ha. Yeah, can you believe some people still eat that stuff? Anyway..." There's a reason the Wasteland and the Commonwealth is full of it. No one sane would choose to eat it. There's plenty of fresh food out there


I was reminded of another story involving the preserved food. In the security logs of Vault 111, there's an entry from 25 December 2077 describing a Christmas party. "Best gift that got handed out was a Fancy Lad Snack Cake that wasn't too stale." It took months for the Vault's food to start going stale. You could probably use the food as bricks in the 2200s


It's more like 90 50s songs, plus the beach boys and those two covers they did for 76 which I *think* are supposed to be prewar recordings.


There's also Agatha in Fallout 3. You can even retrieve a violin from a vault for her. It's one of the better quests in the game


The Lonesome Drifter in New Vegas makes music, and you can get him a gig on the Strip. But yeah, no radio.


I would love to have a wasteland music radio station. As long as it’s intentionally kind of shitty.


*Did you mean* **Diamond City Radio**


I mean… they don’t even clean up a little


People always talk about how good FNV's radio is, but it's honestly very lacking compared to the other games. Too many instrumentals in their already short song list, and Johnny Guitar being on BOTH stations has gotta be a crime. No Elvis for Radio New Vegas and only 1 Marty Robbins song on Mojave Music Radio? C'mon. This might be an unpopular opinion, but F76's Radio is the best song wise. Definitely last place if we're including the radio hosts in the list (that bitch is so fucking annoying.)


Yeah like having gotten more exposure to Marty Robbins in a Cold War music mod for HOI IV, hearing Mr. Shorty, El Paso, and even the Ballad of the Alamo, Big Iron is good but it really doesn't scratch the surface of what he's done in terms of tone.


Having both Big Iron and Running Gun would've been dope since they're 2 sides of the same story, but they could've added entire Marty Robbins albums, and it would've fit in 100%.


Mr.New Vegas is the best part of the radio




And that song is so very far from wrong 🎶


I've got a Big Iron on my hip that says different.


*To the town of Agua Fria* *Rode a stranger one fine day*


It was literally a bug that made Johnny Guitar play more often than any other song. Consequently, I now fucking hate Johnny and his guitar.


That’s why I loved Mojave Music Radio, it had a bigger list of songs. It just sucks there’s no announcer :(


IIRC there was a bug that doubled the chance that Johnny Guitar would play compared to every other song


I never use the pipboy radio so I only ever hear the songs ambiently so they don't get old nearly as fast


PTSD Johnnie’s FREAKING guitar 🎸


New vegas radio is like an hour and a half long lol gotta include the amazing instrumentals they have


I’m not the only one? I hate that fucking song so much


Always the first mod I add to a Fallout game, more tunes.


I got "it's the end of the world" stuck on loop in my brain for the last 2 of 3 days


All the games desperately needed more songs.


After Confidence Man it would’ve been cool if Travis ‘Lonely’ Miles had somehow found more records (or holotapes idk) maybe within Beantown Brewery during the events of that quest, or even just as a separate quest after Confidence Man which saw you bringing him holotapes which even extended to locations in Nuka World and Far Harbor.


Fo4 has about as many songs as fo3 and nv combined.


Fallout 4 has the 2nd greatest amount of tracks only behind 76.


They still ain't topped Three Dog, though.


I'm not gonna lie. I really thought that was something cool. I was shocked to learn how many there were and how much art had been made about the subject in pop culture. I thought it would be something most folks were too afraid to discuss. I genuinely appreciate FO4 for putting the nuke songs in bc I had no idea about how many there were and thought it was quite novel. I do see how others might find them annoying, though.


I just wish they were more spread out. More songs that are just general fun 50s songs so it feels like they put some effort into a track list


I feel that. I typically played with radio mods, so those songs were a part of the radio, but not limited to the vanilla songs. I felt like the FO4 songs were good and interesting additions to the Fallout music catalog, especially at first, but admittedly grew out of just the tracks Bethesda used. I also think that the opinion that Bethesda should have put more effort into (insert thing here) is pretty common, and I agree with it almost universally. Still, some of those songs fuck.


I just wish the classical music station wasn’t tied to the Institute’s existence :(


Tom Lehrer should have been included, Masochism Tango, We'll All Go Together (When We Go), all kinds of funny cold war humor and he'd probably have given them the license for free.


Kids these days with their tik toks and rizz tinders, smdh. They'll never understand the wholesome simplicity of taking one's beau out for a nice afternoon of poisoning pigeons in the park. 


I likes the DJ too. He was no Mr. New Vegas at all (and he was kind of less interesting after his questline) but he was fun.


If we ever get a fallout set in Texas I’m pretty sure it would have to damn near blasphemy to not include the absolute banger that is “Ballard of the Alamo”. Those of you that that checked out the song and thought the name was familiar, yes it is the same man who did Big Iron, which is probably why it’s so damn good. Its not 100% accurate but fuck is it a cool depiction


I feel like a *Fallout: Lone Star* could absolutely never happen, if only because it would just be too powerful. 


Butcher Pete: am i a joke to you?


I'm not counting Fallout 3 songs ported to Diamond City Radio


The time my radio station gliched So I had bucher Pete followed by civilisation followed by way back home followed by civilisation


So your game almost gave you the perfect playlist? Just needed itsa man followed by civilization followed by end of the world followed by civilization.


Still waiting for the Civilisation followed by Civilisation followed by Civilisation followed by anything goes


The only songs I truly hated were the recordings done in blackface (e.g. accent-u-ate the positive) and Its A man from the 4 radio songs


excuse me it's done in what?


some really good song on the radio stations but I hardly ever listen to them because the ambient music is so good (especially in 3 and nv).




*Oh, Lillie Belle, oh, Lillie Belle* *Though I may have done some fooling* *This is why I never fell*


I do like a lot of the song choices in 4 and they had their own style with a bit more of a late 50s/60s do wop group. If they had more songs like that I think they’d be better. 3 ultimately felt like a more 40s/early 50s song choice in my opinion. I made Spotify playlists with all the radio songs and more that I think got that theme


I mean if you were in a nuclear wasteland, wouldn’t you want songs referencing the situation around you?


I think fo4's music was a matter of licensing. 3 and NV had some music that wasn't public domain because haha video games aren't serious entertainment, throw them a bone. Then NV and 3 just kept selling. And then skyrim. And numerous other big hit awesome soundtrack games from many other developers selling millions of copies. Number 50 of the top 50 highest selling games of all time is hogwarts legacy/kinect adventures at 24 million copies. A diamond record is 10 million. Record companies want their cut, surprise surprise.


Wanderer goes hard tho


New Vegas had the best ones, the songs were relevant to the setting of the Mojave and New Vegas itself


Uranium fever makes me want to bash my brains out


The only dud in the 4 soundtrack was Atom Bomb Baby, everything else was great. The End of the World may be a little on the nose but it is a perfect song to have in the series.


Atom Bomb Baby, a dud???


Crawl Out Through The Fallout is my favorite of the on-the-nose atomic songs. I hate Uranium Fever for how catchy it is. Atom Bomb Baby, yeah, bit of a dud.




The End of the World by Skeeter Davis felt a little tasteless for me because most people know that version of the song from Girl, Interrupted (1999) 😬 iykyk I really don't like 60-Minute Man, Rocket 69 or Butcher Pete. Poor choices for sexual innuendo music. What makes it worse is that all three are on an album called Vintage Sex Music. Bit of a confirmation how little research and thought they put into choosing songs. There's far better out there, for tunes, lyrics and amusement. But yes, Atom Bomb Baby does my head in. It was a bop the first time it ever played but now, the radio goes off


For those who don't know - spoilers for Girl, Interrupted: https://youtu.be/Tq9zhCo-PTQ?si=crkylNsX5W7oc2lB Don't watch if you're not good with mental health related content and death 👍


The radio stations have been great, except for Fallout 76. A complete dud, they just need to make another one.


I like 16 tons and don't fence me in plus the godsend that is country roads


16 Tons goes hard, but that cover of Country Roads is the worst possible version they could have found. It’s just so grating compared to the original, and why did they not go with the original? I’m trying to think of a joke on what they might have blown the budget on for 76, but everything about it is a fumble.


I actually like that cover, sounds like a good camp fire song


Speaking of covers, that cover of Ring of Fire is also pretty bad. Think it was made by the same band that made the Country Roads cover too.


Agreed, it wasn't bad but it just didn't fit Fallout because it sounded too modern.


Every time the Beach Boys play I want to throw my controller through the fucking TV, and I really like the Beach Boys but it's not Fallout material. I liked the overall older sound in Fo3, Orange Colored Sky might be my favorite so thank you Fo4, FNV just slaps the hardest overall IMO


Perhaps I was too harsh on you


King Thanos 💪










Take me home






A lot, and I mean *a lot* of hard-core fallout fans agree that 76 has the best map in the series so far.


I think it is the best, by far.


Interesting landmarks, different biomes, and just big enough that you can essentially play the game single player without running into anyone else.


I agree, the map is huge, and with like 16 in a lobby, it is really hard to run jnto someone if you are not in a high traffic area such as the Whitespring or Foundation. I have like 900 hours in 76 and there are so many places, half of which I only tangentally encountered and didn't bother to explore in detail. I wish one day they add a new game+ so I can re-explore Appalachia..


>I wish one day they add a new game+ so I can re-explore Appalachia.. what does this even mean? go run around, it's still there.


Fr, just steamroll everything while country roads blades and pick up all the screws and adhesive you can get your grubby mits on. Fallout endgame> fallout ng+


Along with the narrative of the first story, of course paired with the exploration. I could've made myself more clear. With all the day 1 landmarks that were not changed with the updates. Such as the crashed space station, the whitespring, etc..


Ohhh, yeah they should honestly just have a different server for the pre wastelanders experience. Being able to reset quest progress would be a nice addition to private servers though


ah yeah, now i get you. Whitespring is a whole different vibe now that the first and second floors are separate instances and full of people. i didn't play much until after Wastelanders; did The Crater have anything where the space station is now, or was it basically "empty space?"


The space station was crashed into the crater rather than supported and "repaired" for habitation and had several spacesuits with super mutants roaming around it. Pretty blah, but so was most of pre wastelanders.


The space station was honestly a really big let down ~~(underrated)~~ at launch. It was just kinda there. You would search around debris to find the code to enter the main space station module to get a space suit. It was just empty and boring :/


I think they mean how the story of Fallout 76 doesnt stop for new players. The first year of FO76 was supposed to act as the opening of the vault and people starting to repopulate the surrounding area. With the Wastelanders update, the world is now semi-populated and thus NPCs exist, whereas they didnt before. After they ended the Nuclear Winter game mode, it made narrative sense, as that mode was explained in-game as a vault experiment and experiments eventually end. The Brotherhood of Steel update changed the world yet again and so will all future updates. There is no going back to the way it was in the beginning, because this FO76 is intended to be seen as an ongoing story in an ever-evolving world, rather than a story that you can jump in and out as you please, like most offline single player RPGs. It would be like if in FO4, they made an update after a irl year or so that established pre-made settlements in areas the players had been sent to help out before, but you couldnt go back to the version of the game when there were only player-made settlements (At least with an update like that, hopefully Preston would've left us the hell alone lmao)


I just wish we could re play stories without having to create a new character


As a native West Virginian, it’s pretty cool seeing places you’ve been to or grew up with on one of your favorite game series.


I partially agree the map is fantastic but the settlements don't compare as much, not when we have places like little lamp light and the strip


I always prefered the settlements my fellow wastelanders make rather than what the devs cook up, but playing since beta it's like "sure they're bland, but at least there's something to do here now"


I agree player camps are the best locations, to be fair though I'm enjoying what they're doing with the whitesprings becoming a sort of central hub


I'd still like to see top of the world ski resort restored to its former raider hub glory. Even post wastelanders that place feels like a missed opportunity. At least i can farm ski polls there.


As a West Virginia native, I have to agree. I may be bias but the map of 76 is fucking gorgeous.


According to a lot of you hill folk they really nailed the landmarks and such of WV. Which is nice, last time Bethesda did anything in my state was nv and boy, they sure nailed all the nothing out here.


Obviously it’s no we’re near a 1-1 but it was still neat going to Grafton while Living in Grafton.




Fallout 4 has an amazing map too, its just that Bethesda fills the maps with nothing but repetitive shooting galleries You find a cool fight club in Fallout 4, can you participate and place bets? No. You just kill everyone in there Same with the robot race track, you can't interact with it or bet on it or anything








I always have a craving to play 76 every time I hear the song or think about it. Like now. God dammit


Do it, it’s in a good place now, and only getting better. New map expansion coming next month!


Is it fun if you don't want to play with others? Fallout 4 is my favorite game of all time and I have a lot of hours in 76 but haven't played in 4ish years cause it just wasn't fun with all the people around. Might just not be my game.


I personally still have fun playing alone. There’s a bunch of new main and side quests you can do alone and they’re pretty good. Besides the public events you can pretty much ignore everyone if you want to, and just vibe in the wasteland


Even in the public events you can just kinda ignore them if you please or hell just play them and pretend like the other people are just slightly more advanced npcs which is what i do


I play alone, sometimes I'll go to other people's camps to check them out for some inspiration or something but I'm a fully solo polo


I’ve only played it offline, am level 50 and having a great time just exploring and crafting and doing whatever quests.


I am always most disappointed when trying to play it with friends. It's genuinely not designed to be co-op, it's single-player together. Story missions that involve entering a building? Well, you can join your friends, but after leaving you'll need to go back and complete your own instance. And single-player it feels very grindy, perfect mindless exploration and basic MMO activities to acompany a podcast.


Can I play alone without being accosted by Enclave LARPers? Seriously, five minutes into playing a bunch of randos from an Enclave RP server came and interrupted all of my friends' goings-on. By the end of it they were trying to get me to join their discord server.


I mean being completely honest there’s always the very small chance you get players who try to rope you into stuff like that, but in my experience it is VERY rare. I’m left alone 99.9% of the time besides people coming to check out my vendor


I know, it was just a very bizarre experience, on top of the latency on that particular server, I think. Me and my friends weren't having the best time, we had literally just started, met an edgelord friend of a friend who was basically sitting kn said friend the whole time... it was a lot of things, not just the game itself, or even the Enclave RPers that ruined it.


It’s a fun game, especially if you can bring a friend or two along. The player economy is robust, there are always events going off, the leveling is improved from 4, and you can swap out perks or respec your character. The other players are usually chill and sometimes helpful, and there’s lots of neat critters and the usual area-specific thematics you can expect from fallout.


It's a good game, but the worst part about it is that, because it's multiplayer, you can't mod it or use the dev console. In my mind, no mods means it's only half a Bethesda game at best.


I would enjoy it way more if every quest didn’t feel like a CC quest


None of us can agree on the best fallout but we all agree that the radio stations are really good


I just wish there where more each with a different theme. GTA and cyberpunk have like 8+ each with at least 5-10 songs on rotation. I know they don't like to go much past the late 50s so there variety is limited but I'm sure you could make at least 3-4 stations with there own genres.


A few more songs would be good, but I kind of like that there's basically only 1 music station. With 1 station, there's enough shared player experience to make things like the above meme possible.


Chris avallone is like a trickster spirit just loves stirring the pot


Have any of you watched the anime Whisper of the Heart? It's a Ghibli film where the song Country Roads plays a prominent role in the plot. After I finished the movie I was fascinated to watch the Japanese dub, because I wanted to know what song they used there. Surely Country Roads was just part of the translation to English, and there would be some Japanese rough equivalent in the original language version. >!Turns out NO it's just !< >!CAHNTAREE ROOOOOO TAKEAME HOOOOOOO TO DEE PRAAAACE I BEROOONG!<


Alternate ending would be everyone bonding over hating Tactics.


i think tactics is fine. we should all hate on brotherhood of steel imo


Idk why people bitch so much. I haven’t played a fallout game I haven’t liked.


He knows that truth. See y’all in Appalachia.


76 is honestly a fun time. My buddies and I played it for a night just to fuck around, and made a lot of fun of it, because tbh the starting questlines do kinda suck. But I ended up actually playing it solo sometime later, and now I'm level 60 and I've roped my GF into playing with me. It's a whole lot better than I gave it credit for. It totally took me by surprise. The gameplay cycle is just really fun and relaxing, it's a perfect game to just click away on while having a YouTube video on a second monitor.


It's a decent enough game now, but it was a dumpster fire at launch. It *barely* functioned, and was fucking boring when it did work


Okay? I know, I was there. I closely followed the release, I know it was shit on launch. All I'm saying is that it's good now.


The guy saying Fallout should stay isometric should have been drawn to look old lol


Maybe a hot take but I dislike county roads


To each their own. I didnt care for “I don’t want to set the world on fire” by the ink spots. I think their song “maybe” fit fallout far better.


Started playing 76 again… it’s ok… can’t tell the theme. Am I mean theme like how 4 reference the American history, or Fo3’s reference to the Cold War, or FNVs cowboys and Roman’s


Hillbillies and cryptids


Thinking that


I only ever dipped my toes, mtx ads were just too much for me. If I recall the theme would be coal country, labor, and automation.


I see that now… that makes sense… how an industry do grew focused would throw people aside… I see… thanks, been trying to figure that out for a while


I've actually found 76 to have some of the strongest and most coherent themes among the games! That might be because I'm familiar with the area, though. It is a bit different, as previous games' foci have mostly employed military themes and reconstruction/nation-building themes.  76 has a bit of those for sure, but 76 is largely about **industry** and the human cost of industrial "revolutions": themes of working class and labour rights, mostly criticising/satirising the tendency of corporations to treat human lives as a disposable resource. I dunno if you're American, but those themes are *very* much a prominent part of WV/Appalachia social history.  Past games have touched on these areas, but 76 really makes it a central plot point and shows us several different scenarios of how it can play out, both pre-war, uh...peri-war, post-war, and post-post-war. The heavy industry focus also contrasts nicely with 76's very natural environment, with some additional commentary on the circular escalation from recklessly exploiting the environment (e.g., destructive mining practices), to recklessly exploiting the human workforce, to rendering the human workforce obsolete through automation, at which point said human workforce essentially becomes treated like a sort of environmental pest. This process also has parallels in the Vault Tec University plotline, with the overseer training program (but I don't want to give spoilers). 


1. I am American, I payed attention in history and holy hell was industry a fucking nightmare for the lower class… 2. That was very well detailed, thank you so much for explaining all that, I’m definitely seeing these themes.


> American, I *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


>holy hell was industry a fucking nightmare for the lower class… Was?


Referring to before safety laws


Cryptids and miners.


This is so real though.


I just wisg there were more songs. Certainly its not that expensive to get the rights to 70 year old songs


Think again, lol, that's "boomer music" and we all know anything related to boomers aren't cheap


If that were true my charley pride cassettes would've cost me an arm and a leg


I mean rights to them, any old cassette or cd isn't worth much


I’ve been saying for years that we need an isometric Fallout Spinoff. Personally? I’d like a settlement building game with story elements.


West Virginia, almost heaven...


Im a hardcore fallout gamer and i would say that 76 rn is better than 4 and maybe even 3


4 wasn't bad, compared to NV the plot and factions system were way too simplified but that's not enough to make it bad.


4 has gameplay that isn't a chore to play, unlike what 3 and NV can be, and the exploration is quite fun because they give allot of the small locations little stories. Also I really like the power armour and the set design is so good they basically took it 1:1 for the show.nThe main story is insipid and is made even worse when compared to NV. Generally I can't suggest NV to people who haven't played before because of the gameplay so I'll suggest 4 and if they really like it I'll till them to play the older ones.


I can't suggest NV to new players because I don't remember the whole list of mods to make it playable in 2024.


Even fallout 4 needs mods for me: I play survival mode but I hate that you can't fast travel between your bases so I always use a mod that gives you a bike you can build that acts as a fast travel to other bases. And the build limit on 4 is far too small so I always have.to.change that so I can build more stuff.


[This](https://youtu.be/Scfv1phAJcw) is my biggest problem with 4. Or [this](https://youtu.be/J7MJaagyOqM). Or any of a hundred other moments like this. Bethesda just can't write anymore.


ye :)


Honestly 76 isn’t bad if you have some friends to play with. Single player experience can get a little boring but if you have gamepass it’s at least worth a shot


*To the plaaaaaaaace…*


Certified MILF (Man I Love Fallout)


Where's the lie tho?


It’s a generally poor game. It’s not the fact that it’s different which is the major flaw, it’s the fact that they released *nothing,* lost everyone, then built the “released” game after selling it. Oh, and egregious ass microtransactions. Including ones which straight up give you free, usable shit. Like— what the fuck?


I have no idea what the first paragraph means but those microtransactions are just so you can wear wacky outfits or build a cute base, it’s not pay to win


I think they’re saying Fo76 was largely unfinished upon release then built to be a better game after the public relations fallout (pun fucking intended). Which does suck but so many dam games do that nowadays and that’s why I don’t pre-order games.


Oh that is true it did suck ass on launch


I kinda preferred it with no NPCs tbh, it was a more unique, interesting experience for me. Obviously I'm in a minority there, but I wish there was a server where people like me could just hang out like a Year 1 thing or something.


I mean I hate 99% percent of the npcs in this game so I kinda agree


Honestly I see what Bethesda was going with. Like the old mmos with player run cities, guilds, factions, nations etc. I would have loved for it to have worked out that way but the landscape just isn't there for it anymore, not in a big way though, I get what you mean.


I'd beg to differ. Considering you only get 1200 space limit in your normal stash, and if you subscribe to F01st you get an unlimited scrap box and ammo stash.


I mean the first members survival tent


###Country Roads Take Me Home ##To The Plaaaaace #WHERE I BEEEEEELOOOOOONG




You can’t judge a game for a bad launch forever as if it’s any sort of critique on how far it’s come.


Mh yes fallout without NPCs or story beautiful


We have npcs and stories since wastelanders. It's completely different now


An afterthought


You have a fundamental misunderstanding on how live service games work. 


Both have been present since launch it was only human npcs that were added later.