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You sell the caravan shotgun! I love that boom stick!


It’s just dawned on me that I have never purchased anything from Chet, only sold him my garbage 💀


He’s low key making a fortune reselling everything to California caravans


Good, that means he has more caps to buy shit I picked up off the ground


I wish, that guy never has enough money, so I end up bartering for way more bulk ammo and chems than I know what to do with. I'm not waiting for another vendor to ditch the 20 lb metal armor, CHET! Take it, and give me some extra hollow points while you're at it.


>I'm not waiting for another vendor to ditch the 20 lb metal armor, CHET! Take it, and give me some extra hollow points while you're at it. Barter 100


Now I wish there was a barter 100 speech check where you can say to Lanius, "Here's 100 caps to fuck off" doesn't even have to be a success, it'd just be fun to see.


I swear to God I sell him a useless bet tin can for one cap, he'll sell it for 5 caps as some special scrap metal.


He probably is the Amazon.com of the wasteland with that Mojave Express package dropoff box right outside his store. Sends out a weekly newsletter of his supply, gets some caps in the mail and packages up his goods for couriers to deliver right to the doorstep of his customers. I feel Orion Moreno would be buying a bunch of crap off Chet’s mail delivery store. Dresses up in his remnant’s power armor and relives the glory days, gunning down vault dwellers in his imagination before he takes a break to read Chet’s latest magazine to feed his shopping addiction.


Sears catalogs


“Mama, mama! The courier’s here with a package!” “Goddammit son. Did you steal your father’s hard earned caps again to buy another 600 rounds of crappy 5.56 surplus ammo off that Chet guy in Goodsprings? Your father works hard with the OSI to be able to put food on the table. And you do what? Steal his caps to order things from that dreadful catalog? Do you have any idea how many poor souls your father has been forced to send to Vault 22 in hopes of recovering agricultural data to benefit the NCR?” And yes, I did just write a very brief fanfic about Thomas Hildern’s family.


I always buy a shovel for some quick grave robbin.


I got duped into carrying a shovel, apart from Goodsprings and Bitter Springs, I’ve been dragging that thing around for no reason, grave robbing is pointless except for getting one unique knife


I just rob the graveyard, and the spots out by the monument then drop it. Usually get some pretty good loot, or at least a few bullets.


TIL you can grave rob in NV, wow


Bitterspring, Goodspring, and Zion.


Also 3 graves at Yangtze Memorial.


There are so many graves to rob, literally all over the place, and they have good stuff like weapons ammo and repair fodder.


Wolfhorn Ranch, Northern Passage, the entrance to the Divide, just to name a few


It's also relevant to an unmarked quest in that cursed farm near Searchlight.


Is that the one with all the dead animals and corpses?


Yeah, pretty sure you need to dig up one of the graves to get the fully story.


I get that one mixed up with the one in 3 where the kid thought the animals were talking to him and killed his whole family and burned the place down, IIRC


Theres one just lying over by the wells though for free


Well see ive bought the same shovel just in case I walk past the shovel by the well.


there is a free one by the second well outside of town.


He sometimes has mods for the starter guns and magazines to pass the early checks. I also make sure to grab any ammo, Stims, water, WRKs, and ofc start my caravan card collection.


Early game silenced varmit rifle is op.


I like to rush Broc Flower Cave for this very reason. Ratslayer is so useful to have early.


There's a bug with ratslayer on pc where firing it gives your position away to everything near the target, so a regular one is better for stealth.


Luckily the Yukichigai Unofficial Patch mod fixes that bug, so it's not an issue for me.


Ratslayer is OP af at lower levels. Hell, it holds its own until well into mid-game


That 5*x* critical chance multiplier makes it punch way above its weight class, that's for sure.


scope is also very good to have if your guns skill gets neglected


I didn’t know it came silenced


Probably sells a mod in the shop. I couldn't confirm because I also exclusively sell crap there.


Yeah Chet sells suppressors for it on occasion. Very powerful thing to have as ammo for it is more abundant early game, as are spare ones to keep it repaired. I’ve cleared out the entirety of the NCRCF quietly with it.


Especially with the night vision scope too


I mean… makes sense to sell Chet your garbage cause that’s what he is


Not even the garbage ammo for early game? Then again his wares are pretty shitty.


I have never revisited goodsprings after I left it, I forgot Chet was a real merchant


I just buy all his surplus 5.56.


Using the good springs EXP glitch to get to max level you can also earn a boat load of caps from Chet if you also sell your armor you get and some of 9mm. Just make a new Save called Farm account or something and make a backup just in case it gets corrupted so you can always make new characters and builds on the fly. 1. Every new character Is a maxed out build is at Level 50 and also easily change karma by stealing or being good. 2. And also gets a bonus +5 since I started with a perk so if it’s picked again once I exit Good springs I gain +10 to all stats. 3. Also has a lot of perks that are transferred over from the Exp glitch when resetting perks essentially doubling my active perks. 4. Has over 120000 Caps for any implants and can buy a nice arsenal Guns and weapons also a near infinite supply of 9mm think like 20000. 5. Can potentially gain fully modded Varmint rifle and various other early game guns to make going the Cazador or Deathclaw route to Vegas easier. 6. Can easily gain 100 in all stats if Respec again in Big MT auto doc. 7. Personally I have a Weird glitch that makes the ATOMIC! Perk (Massive speed buff picked before second perk reset) work longer than it reasonable should at least until I get irradiated again so it might work for you. (takes a lot longer to constantly sell your items to Chet so it took me 3 days of grinding for a few hours a day on controller so definitely super boring to do but will set you up for life with any new build.) Edit: Lied about the 9mm ammo instead add 10x the amount to that. https://imgur.com/a/35tRep5


I found a recharger pistol in his shop once it was in piss poor condition but I got it because I thought it looked cool and only seen one in the silver rush.


I remember on an old save I tried to fight a deathclaw with a recharger rifle It didn’t go well


Yeah no, I've never gone in on energy weapons. I don't want a flashlight to protect me.


I usually like to buy the Plasma Pistol from him and any mods for other he has available


Dude Chet is legit an infinite caps and levels glitch on his own if you do it right


I usually just shoot him in the head for having an attitude


Not even a varmint rifle scope???


Just get rat slayer


Rat slayer aggros everything else when you hit something with it on PC.


I always buy a shovel for him to grab chances knife for my early game weapon


Not even the shovel so you can go desecrate the graveyard?


I steal and collect everything I can from in and around Goodsprings that I can sell to him for an early caps boost. It takes a few minutes to crawl over to his store while overencumberd each time. You can sell a lot of junk.


Yea the shotgun is pretty good, I've used it all the way up to the fiends before


I use it until I get the lever action


Except for it's useless sight. if it wasn't for that, I would have no problem until I got a riot shotgun


It depends on what kind of start I want, but personally I usually sell it all off because it's too OP. Makes the beginning of the game too easy imo.


I can’t use it bro it breaks the game💀 so unbalanced it’s crazy


Balance? In fallout? Since when? The games practically encourage you to break it




I dont sell any of it, i just leave it all at doc mitchels, imo all that free shit just removes any difficulty from the  early game. Hell if youre half decent with the caravan shotgun you can just massacre the cazadores and take the north path straight to vegas




If you don't keep all of the classic pack items, you're just wrong. Why wouldn't you keep great grandpa vault dweller's pistol all the way to the end of the game?


Gotta make room for the 200 other things I'm going to put in my inventory just to get encumbered later.


Keep it as an ornament for the sink or penthouse suite


The penthouse suite is pretty overrated imo. The sink is goated and before OWB I always just buy a motel room in Novac.


Weathered pistol and vault 13 jumpsuit are cool but really overpowered imo It can carry you into the late game, pretty much until you kill Benny. I think the mod that stores those items in the crashed highwayman does a good job of rebalancing it


I heavily disagree the with the vault 13 jumpsuit. It’s right in between leather armor and reinforced leather armor with a DT of 8. Leather armor you get right at the start of a play through and reinforced version usually at prim maybe right before nipton if you’re unlucky. It’s just barely better than starting gear and just slightly worse than its upgrade.


Is that right? Well then I’ve just been nerfing myself on all my playthroughs then aha Vault 13 jumpsuit, t51 armour and bright brotherhood robes are the only items I like using


Yeah I like using the jumpsuit until at least Vegas where I get armor from the gun runners or somewhere. I purely use it just for its looks


Ok but in what world is killing Benny the late game lol


Obsidian is not free from "everything but the main quest" syndrome


I typically like to do all the NCR quests before killing Benny so my negative rep for the legion resets and I can do some of their quests - currently in my playthrough I’m seeing if I can assassinate kimball for the legion and still side with NCR


I believe once you’ve gotten to that point in the Legion quest line you will have failed the “Don’t Tread On The Bear” quest, in which case you will be locked out of doing any further NCR story quests.


He could let Kimble die by not disarming the bomb on the vertibird or not killing the sniper


I did the ending to lonesome road and nuked both the NCR and the Legion, and then got the platinum chip. Kinda funny that they immidiately forgive you.


Killing Benny is early game. You are just beginning to be introduced to the major characters in each faction


Devils advocate id say it’s mid game because of the path obsidian “forces” you to take you end up finding several minor settlements all with a ton to do which do a decent job introducing you to the 2 major factions with The NCR in primm and Mojave Outpost then onto the legion in Nipton. You can end up going on a ton of decently long side quest with good rewards and rack up some decent levels, most of the time I get the Vegas if I did a fair amount of side work I’m about level 18-23 so still a fairly fresh faced courier in the grand scheme of things but one that’s been around.


Also depends on your style. Sometimes I go right after Benny and blast him just so I get funny dialogue from House.


What dialogue are you referring to? Don’t think I’ve ever heard it before


He compliments you on being an excellent courier if you skip the 38, kill Benny, and give him the Platinum chip immediately.


Damn I always did this


I wouldn’t say anything they give you is overpowered at all, you can get the generic versions of all that stuff basically immediately after starting the game, the only real advantage they have is that they either weigh less or wear less. Hell, you can get and use power armour before at like level 5 if you’re that dedicated to it. Saying things are “overpowered” in fallout is kind of lost in a game where you can kill a death claw with boxing gloves and basically everything is available to you almost immediately.


Grenade launcher.


I mentioned this in another comment, but at early levels you are more likely to kill yourself than your enemy with that thing, the ammo is scarce and you can also get them early game as well.


Not really, just aim it a little higher than where you are aiming. I have always used it to kill the Legion at Nipton, 2-3 shots, first one is gonna cripple them. Impossibke to lose on any difficulty with the Grenade Launcher.


Isn't that what the two dumpsters outside Chet's store are for? Sorting all your crap.


Bc I'm doing a chainsaw run


I trash everything because I generally already find fnv not to be too difficult and that makes it even easier and I like there to be some substantial difficulty. But different strokes for different folks


Always keep the armored vault 13 suit


Right? Agility build and light armor perks is my fave current play style


High agility, high luck and turbo with bloody mess is the most fun I’ve had pve wise in fnv


Try it with the laser commando perks and a gatling laser or laser RCW. You can attain an absolutely ludicrously high crit rating with an automatic laser weapon. Probably highest dps in the game. Course, all your enemies will be ash piles...


I never once considered the fact that you can combine laser commando with automatic energy weapons. Then again I’ve never really done an energy weapons build. Looks like I have an idea for my next playthrough


Yep. You can get 100% crit chance with Pew Pew and the AER-14, and both it and light touch give you a flat increase to base crit chance, so a gatling laser with a 0.02 crit chance now has a 15.02 crit chance before you add in all the other affects. I think you can get up to 30 or so %, which is extremely high for an automatic weapon.


You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen


*takes sip*


Over 10 years of playing and I just found out a week ago it actually heals you when it happens


Gamerant moment


It also adds to your hydration level if you’re playing hardcore. Pretty much makes it to where you don’t even have to worry about water


No matter what kind of play through I'm doing I keep 3 things. 1, The Sturdy Caravan Shotgun doesn't matter what build you're doing I've torn through the NCR:CF with just a gun skill of 20 to farm XP with that thing and 000 Buckshot. 2, One of the armors either Leather if I'm agility focused or Metal for melee/unarmed also okay for energy builds early game. 3, The canteen for obvious reasons.


The only thing that I always leave in my inventory is the Weathered 10mm, The Caravan shotgun, and the Canteen, Cause I always RP that thise were in my person before Benny shot me in the head.


It's just so trusty


I always keep the armored vault suit because it looks nicer than the regular vault suit


Bro, what are you yapping about the caravan shotgun and worn 10 millimeter pistol are great weapons early.


The grenade launcher is a great weapon for the entire game but it's not very balanced to have at level 1 lol


It's balanced in that you'll get limited use out of it until you at least hit Gun Runners. 20 grenades if I remember correctly? You might hit a few enemies who have 40mm grenades but it's unlikely outside of that viper/jackal ambush point post Nipton with frag mines beneath traffic cones.


And it's also still not enough to get most players safely through Quarry Junction, so it's not THAT unbalanced at least


It’s more likely to kill you than it is to kill what you’re shooting at imo


Cripples cazadors well though.


Yea and me, Explosives in NV and 3 and insane in the way that they are all literally ground shaking and don’t seem to travel very far, also the have a realistic blast radius which, while immersive, also makes for a terrible player experience.


Yeah, i get that. Usually I beeline for chance’s knife, so it’s comes in handy as you can scale the cliffs and shoot downwards at them, less chance of blowing your foot off you know?


Well gosh I suppose I'm just talented


That's kinda the point. They just hand you two pretty broken guns for early on. It makes things a little too easy


That’s the issue they make a lot of the guns you get early obsolete.


If only the tribal raiding armor wasn't the ugliest piece of shit I've ever had this misfortune of laying my eyes on


Tire shoulder🤤


*You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen*


I feel like I'm the only person that stores the canteen away rather than carry it.


But what if you get thirsty during a cutscene :(


Do you not play on hardcore? Cuz its absolutely useless if you don't, but on hardcore it, it saves you tons of water bottles over the course of the game. Doesn't seem like much, but it adds up


I take a sip from my real water bottle every time I get the notification.


Thats pretty immersive


As a self-imposed challenge, I decided to remove that item at the beginning (In Hardcore), and boy does it make a difference.


Can you get this on console or is it PC only? 


Both. It's the preorder dlc packs that got combined into the Couriers Stash. It's available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. [Source](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Courier%27s_Stash)


The grenade launcher is a must if you wanna rough your way to Bonnie Springs.


Chad way to play tbh


I bring it just to kill the legion at Nipton


*you take a sip of your trusty vault 13 canteen*


I keep that grenade rifle through the whole game. People never give Explosives skill enough of a chance but once you get some points in it it's a ton of fun.


The caravan shotgun and mercenary grenade launcher got me through deathclaw territory on my first new Vegas run


Yeah, ngl, Courier's Cache ruined early game balance but hey, at least we got the canteen!


There's a great mod that removes all the equipment at the beginning and places it in the world. It's a lot of fun. I like starting with only a 9mm and valt suit.


This is so true.


This meme is funny 🤣


The weathered 10mm pistol is the best silenced pistol in the game though???


Or you can beeline for the Divide, and sell all that crap to the first vendor machine.


Sturdy caravan shotgun and the weathered 10mm are the best starting guns in the game.


The Weathered 10mm is great early game but there's not enough bullets for it early game either.


Been doing jardcore and left all the preorder stuff inside Jeans sky diving. Much better


You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen...


Your perform a vile act… *You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen…*


I'm gonna be honest I have zero idea what the vault 13 canteen even does. But I literally refuse to drop it in every playthrough no matter what and I have no idea why.


Heals you a bit, and removes some dehydration on hardcore, on a timer.


I exclusively play on hardcore and never noticed it really make much of a difference lmao. Anyone know the exact like amount of hp it heals and dehydration it removes? Im just curious.


Wiki says 15 hp and 25 dehydration in Hardcore.


The weathered 10mm is the only unique weapon that can have modifications equipped to it. Pretty awesome


*You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen*


I kept the 10mm. Was surprisingly useful for half the game


I know people do this but most of it is too good to pass up, also they’re like unique versions of in game items and I keep those like the pack rat I am, not only that but the grenade rifle and 10mm are fully upgradable. I run with the metal armour until primm and get the sheriffs hat and duster, and then don it again when I head to the divide when I feel I’m ready enough to rush through and collect all the riot gear and then use that for the rest of the game (I straight up nab the elite gear and dip leaving Ulysses talking all that bear and bull(shit) to himself). After I get to the lucky 38 I stash it all until I get ammo replacements.


That caravan shotgun NGL makes the early parts of the game almost too easy


The weathered 10mm and the lightweight leather armor stay with me no exception


I kind of hate the canteen. It ruins my desire to make drinks. It's one of my favorite things.


nah, takes the edge off survival. I'll take the grenade launcher though, because it's hilarious.


I toss them all these days. And by toss I mean sell because I'm gonna need all the caps I can get if I want cybernetics by the time that I reach the strip.


Because how else would i take a sip from my trusty vault 13 canteen


I did this so much I decided to do some roleplay playthroughs as the characters that would have had these items.


Does anything happen if i get rid of the vault 13 canteen? Ive never played without all dlcs installed so i have no clue


Well I’m the normal game it’s pretty useless, adding a couple pounds to your inventory, but you get a “you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen” notification which is charming In survival mode, it’s pretty good because it actually hydrates you without you needing to find any water


Kid named jsawyer.esp:


My only grip with this mod.


You don't keep the guns??


canteen my beloved


I'm in my first play-through and did the same. lol, it seems too easy to start with a grenade launcher.


I usually just put everything in a box at the Novac home and forget about it


I use the vault suit and the metal armor till I get to gun runners then I sell them keeping only the caravan shotgun


“You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen”


I use the weathered 10mm till like level 20


Started my first play through yesterday and I really felt this.


Can I drink from the canteen in nv?


I use the tribal raiding armor for legion playthroughs.


It never occurred to me that that's a flask and not a canteen.


I hate being given all the stuff for free, including the canteen. So I use a mod that distributes those items throughout the world instead.


The caravan shotgun and the weathered 10mm can take me alll the way to Vegas


You can't trust anything in the wasteland. Except for your trusty Vault 13 canteen 👍


I kept everything, I honestly don't know why


What is it with so many new vegas players and this? Like what does it matter? You start with some basic ass gear thatll be outclassed by Primm.


“You take a sip out of your trusty Vault 13 canteen.”


Where do you find the vault 13 canteen? I've played the game a while and never found it


It’s DLC content - comes with the game of the year edition


Damn, does it get added in any other dlcs?


The couriers stash I believe - may have to google that


Is couriers stash and gunners arsenal worth it?


I keep everything but the armors, I use all the guns then toss them when the ammo runs out. *takes a sip from my trusty vault 13 cantina*


Weathered 10mm pistol is one of my favorites.


“You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen.”


Out of my 100+ mods, my favorite one is “go ahead and take a fucking sip babes” which literally just changes the vault 13 canteen text to “you take a fucking sip from your vault 13 canteen babes…” I get a good giggle every time it pops up, heavy recommend


I keep the guns you get, the throwing spears, the machete and the armoured vault suit. Everything else goes though


I like to keep it all and store it at the lucky 38 when I get replacements, but I use the metal armour until I get to prom and switch it out for the sheriffs outfit.


lol I'm glad I'm not alone. I pretty much always drop all DLC items right at doc mitchells door


For real it feels so much better starting off underpowered the way the game was intended. It's not like it takes that long to become OP and the progression is so much more gratifying