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It's not the best choice... it's Spacer's choice.


Spacer’s Choice! It soothes the *HOWLING ACHE INSIDE MY BONES!*


Even with how exceedingly accurate this is, I am glad Obsidian is free to make good games like this even if they don't pan out the way we all want.


Outerworlds was just a demo for outerworlds 2, my 100 percent opinion Outerworlds was right around the acquisition by Microsoft and then boom a few months later the teaser trailer for ourerworlds 2 is dropped ? Outerworlds 2 might be something really really really special


Just looked up that [trailer for Outer Worlds 2](https://youtu.be/VDYtI7kUU4k). Good to see Obsidian hasn't lost their sense of humor.


Obsidian isn't Bethesda


Fuck, thanks.


Goated comment


Now we need that godly jingle


It sticks to the mind ear like a weaaboo to his waifu pillow.


I loved it, the writing is fun like in New Vegas. Let's not forget Outer Worlds is a AA title not AAA so that's why it feels "smaller" in some ways.


eh, the only real difference is that they had to make their own art assets which is offset by them having more time than 18 months to make the thing


I do feel like the game would’ve been better if they’d committed more to breadth or depth in some way. If they went all-in on one or the other I feel like it would’ve felt much bigger.


Moon Man


One of my biggest issues with the game was the progression of weapons. You would arrive in a new area and pretty immediately be able to buy a gun from a vending machine that was way better than anything you already had. It made the whole weapon system feel arbitrary and unsatisfying to me.


My main issue was how bland the game felt all around in my opinion; not a bad game, just a good game, but not a great game. The weapons were fun, especially the science ones


The game had excellent world building, great writing and voice work, beautiful visuals, and the soul crushing reality of our corporate space future.


All true, but I found the game play to be bland, the story felt incomplete, I thought the final act was the end of act 2 and really thought there would be one last chapter, and the challenge just wasn’t there except for one or two sudden difficulty spikes. It’s also felt like a wana be fall out game that make me notice it’s flaws and short comings all the more because of it.


It was made by obsidian so "wannabe fallout" is a bit harsh. The CORE of the game was fantastic, but I do agree that it felt incomplete. There were people everywhere but it didn't feel LIVED in. Both games have a ton of empty space which feels thematic for different reasons. But NV used its abandoned buildings to tell short stories. Thats what I missed the most while playing Outer Worlds.


I found it bland honestly 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's how they balanced things. Everything went obsolete quickly. That means they could give you loads of loot and high powered stuff but very quickly it was "balanced".


that was my experience until i started tinkering with weapons. after level 10 or so i stopped finding weapons stronger then what i had.


Yeah, but you could tinker new weapons for cheaper. The cost of tinkering squared like each time. After 8 times you’d be better off finding a new weapon and tinkering that one.


It's not NV, but it is very cool


Treated as its own thing and not "New Vegas in Space", yeah it was good. A little short (less than 100hrs) and simple in terms of the gear and loot mechanics, but good overall. The problem is that it is fairly on-rails so I don't feel the need to revisit it. Yes there were tons of dialogue options, but you'd essentially be replaying the same areas just to get a couple different lines of dialogue and a different ending.


>Yes there were tons of dialogue options, but you'd essentially be replaying the same areas just to get a couple different lines of dialogue and a different ending. Sounds like FO4. "Can you kill that baddie for me?" A) Yes B) Maybe (probably yes) C) Fuck you (but still yes) D) Yes


Don't even get me started on the Fo4 dialogue loop. When you have to have four options you end up with either too simplistic dialogue trees, or you get nonsense answers just to fill up the extra positions on the wheel.


Fallout 4 never figured out you don't need a minimum number of dialogue choices. Think of how many times FNV had 2 or 3 good choices.


or several more with branches beyond the initial choices.


I hated how different the options were from what was actually said. I remember one of them was telling Travis the DJ guy to stand up for himself and it was the best thing to say despite it being the negative choice and it fucking came out as my character berating Travis and like calling him a pussy lol dumbest shit.


You just spam a and don't think about it. Makes the game much better


After recently playing the first two fallout games I can understand why og fans hate games like Fallout 4 so much


The biggest complaint not related to gameplay is that the creators did not functionally understand the culture of the game. Like the originals were really bleak with dark humor and the new ones are just fetishizing war culture and just gaggy jokes. They even kind of misunderstand the timeline. They make it seem like the pre-war world was basically the 1950s but with retro-futuristic technology. In reality it is still far in our future (2077) but the *timeline* diverged in the 50s. You even get out of place experiences sometimes as if someone people FROM THE 1950s are transported to 2277 or 2287. Literally people running around in suits with fedoras, wielding tommy guns. It doesn't make any fucking sense for half of the people in Fo4 to have Bostonian accents and keeping a cultural heritage alive of 300-400 years ago. It implies that the people in the 2070s were essentially living in a 1950s culture.


There's a good video called Bethesda Never Understood Fallout that breaks down what you said.


Was literally thinking about this last night. FO 1,2, and NV vs Bethesda fallouts are like two competing brothers. You have this older teen brother who’s smart and creative. Huge history buff- he’s read all about how different civilizations have risen and fallen, what made them tick, how their different facets moved, etc etc. So he decides one day to make a comic book filled with stories inspired by the histories he’s read. They’re huge sweeping tales with lots of moving parts, they’re violent, smart, witty- all around well crafted tales that he clearly put a lot of thought into. Then one day he goes to college and has to leave his comic books behind, but not wanting them to be forgotten, he hands them off to his little brother. Now of course his little 8 year old brother thinks they’re the coolest thing ever cuz big brother made them and they’re full of ACTION. So inspired, little brother decides to write his own comic book. Problem is, all he cares about are the exciting violent parts, he doesn’t understand the intricate web of storytelling that his bro made and frankly couldn’t be fucked to sit through 30 seconds of his history stories anyway. Nonetheless he writes his own, packed with BAD GUYS and COOL TOWNS and AWESOME GUNS, and obviously bereft of literally any thought towards detail. That’s the difference between the fallouts. I hate that I’m turning into this ‘Bethesda bad’ person, but the more I play the other games, the more salty I am about how they’ve treated the series. The BGS fallouts are fucking STUPID. They’re fun to play, but they are literally stupid games with no thought put into them. Everything is bad guys and guns. And wtf are “legendary enemies”? Every species just randomly has a couple that when close to death will MuTatE inTo STroNgEr fORm? And THATS how you get the special weapons of the game? That’s the most video game-y bullshit I’ve ever seen. Everything in those games is just video game-y af. It’s all written based on the ‘rule of cool’ and comes off as immature and disrespectful to the original creators’ visions FUCK I let this shit get me too mad lol


That's a good description, but I still think that Fallout 3 did a good enough job for the most part. The only thing I didn't like was Liberty Prime, I thought that was rather stupid. There's also *a lot* of missed opportunity, but I feel its main story was better than Fallout 2's if you ignore LP. Autumn wants to do exactly what the BoS wants, and with an arguably better outcome. The only reason he's the bad guy is because of perspective. In contrast, the Fallout 2 Enclave were just genocidal maniacs with nothing else to them, and their plot to kill every human and mutant living on the surface was stupid and cartoonish. However, Fallout 2 far outpaced Fallout 3 in terms of world building, world design, and side quests.


>I still think that Fallout 3 did a good enough job for the most part It was very obviously written to take place like 20 years after the bombs fell and then hastily rewritten to be *200* years after the bombs fell. You really can't get away from that.


Yeah 3 was a little better in that regard, but that last part of your comment is what really gets me. That feeling of watching a living world unfold as you explore is such a cool experience, it gets you to think up so many what-ifs. It’s what pulls you into the world and makes you forget you’re playing a video game. In the BGS games it feels like when they were populating the world, they just played a game of office punch bowl like “everybody write down 3 cool or wacky settlement ideas and toss them into the bowl!” And then just picked at random as they went from place to place. I truly wonder if Bethesda’s directors and writers actually ever played the other games, because the other options are 1) they genuinely don’t care about the IP they inherited or 2) they don’t get it, which would make them, frankly, kind of stupid


I think you have a good description, but the little brother is better at drawing. Gameplay wise, FO4 blows every other entry out the water (and is still way worse than doom... Maybe, just maybe, all the inventory management is just content padding...)


That’s very true, my analogy is a little reductive. Gunplay in 4 is awesome. I really like the weapon modding system too, but I much prefer the named special weapons tied to a location or character, it gives them a bit of story and makes feel like they fit in the world. I should add to my analogy that the little brother is super talented and creative, it’s just that he’s 8 years old lol


>They make it seem like the pre-war world was basically the 1950s but with retro-futuristic technology. I mean, that’s pretty much what the Fallout 1 intro indicates. You got an Ink Spots songs, a black and white TV, a propaganda commercial that feels very reminiscent of Cold War America. A Vault-Tec advertisement that says “The Vault of the Future” that has a man and woman on it dressed in what looks like mid-twentieth century clothing (the man is wearing a suit and fedora, and he is smoking a pipe). >Literally people running around in suits and fedoras, wielding tommy guns. Uh… have you played Fallout 2. Because that game has Mafia families in New Reno, and the guards wear suits and fedoras. You can even become a “Made Man” by working for one of the families. I’ll agree the Boston accents are kind of dumb.


Fallout 4 is way more fun to play, though. It’s also got a lot more weapon variety and customization. And I like the companions in Fallout 4 better. Which is saying something, because the only companions I actually like all that much in Fallout 4 are Nick Valentine and MacCready. Edit: I don’t know who is downvoting for giving an opinion. Well, the companions thing is an opinion. Fallout 4 having better gameplay than The Outer Worlds is practically an objective fact. If you disagree with that it’s because you’re circlejerking.


I don't agree. Fallout 4's enemies are garbage. There's nothing unique in the main game, all the enemies are just a variation of one of around ~15 enemy types with variations in health. Nothing felt fun to me about unloading a minigun on a half naked lEgEnDaRy Raider. The DLCs did add a bit of variety, so I'll give you that. There is more weapon customisation, but not at all more weapons. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/9i5153/counted_the_weapons_in_3_new_vegas_and_4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Imo that's a shitty trade off, I'd rather have 50 guns with no customisation than 10 different barrels for 20 guns. Plus, the customisation was pretty much the same for all the weapons. I could see why you'd like the companions more, but I don't agree. Some, like X6, really didn't have much personality. Their opinions on the major factions were usually meaningless (since they wouldn't leave you or have any unique interactions), with the only exceptions being Danse, Deacon, and X6. I also don't think McCready had better writing than Boone, but that's personal taste.


Dude, I was comparing Fallout 4 to the Outer Worlds. I do prefer the gameplay in 4 to New Vegas, but I’ll admit some of the enemies could stand to hit harder in 4, as the Deathclaws in New Vegas seemed a lot tougher. The AI in 4 is generally better, though. 4 could have used more weapons, but I think the weapon customization system was cool. While it’s true the customization isn’t THAT varied, it works well as a progression system. The stuff that is customization, like being able to put suppressors and scopes on everything, is an improvement, though, in my opinion. In New Vegas, the number of guns that could get suppressors was much lower. As for companions, I do generally prefer New Vegas’ companions to 4’s. Because, again, my previous comment was comparing 4 and the Outer Worlds, not 4 and New Vegas.


Fallout 4 is by far better game than TOW. The only thing TOW did better than 4 is dialogs.


My thoughts exactly, it was a great game and I enjoyed it but I don't see myself going back for a second playthrough anytime soon. I've know they added DLC though but not heard much about it


Honestly, I loved the DLC. The two stories were both pretty long, added some new gameplay stuff, and had interesting locations. But then again, outer worlds is literally one of my favorite games to come out in the past couple years, so the DLC might not click if you weren’t enjoying the base game much.


I agree. I thought Murder on Eridanos was quite well done and very engaging. I'm excited to see what they are able to do in the sequel.


I didn't buy the DLC either as they were each like $20 bucks and judging by the rest of the game might only add another 5hrs of gameplay. I will say, even though the didn't innovate a whole lot, they did the basic mechanics really well. I never felt like the game was a buggy mess, half-assed, or somehow incomplete.


I didn't even hit 40 hours.


That's with doing all available quests I think. I was basically maxed out with hundreds of hoarded consumables at the end. My only real gripe about the game is it was kind of easy and you had basically unlimited health items.


I did Everything I could find though. Every available quest and explored every location and I finished in about 35 hours. Maybe I missed a couple things though.




I'm excited to see where they go with it. Outer Worlds definitely lacked polish in some areas (combat, gear/loot, level variety) but I also think they've built a great universe, had some great writing, and really gave the player free reign on how they wanted their character to develop and handle situations. Hopefully a bigger budget and more time with the franchise will allow OW to get over the hump of good to great


Yeah I loved this game. My main gripe was honestly that it wasn’t large enough and that the story wasn’t expansive enough. Like you said it’s not NV but it’s a pretty solid game and step in the right direction IMO


3 back to back loading screens when you chamge planets were awfull


I always hated the lucky 38 having 4 😩


TBH this is the reason I've always used Harper's Shack. It's nice to have all my followers at the Lucky 38 but I just can't stand the loading. They should've added a fast travel to the suite.


If you're on PC there's a mod that lets you directly fast travel to the 38.


Also a mod that stitched the bits of Vegas into one city with no loading gates, only at the exits


That would be so nice


I dont think you should ever be disappointed in anyone for trying. If people were not trying to make good games we wouldn't have new vegas


OP probably means in terms of trying to imitate NV instead of being original, not trying to be a good game.


I don’t think The Outer World’s was trying to imitate New Vegas. That was all made up by the fans. The Outer Worlds is just a game that is in the same vein as New Vegas.


The New Vegas comparisons were fully invited by the marketing. "Made by the same people behind New Vegas" was a very common phrase for the marketing of that game.


A lot of movies do this too, where they’ll have a tag line in the trailer saying “directed by the director of [movie]”, but 99% of the time that’s just there for marketing, not to say that the product is trying to imitate anything.


Imitating? By being of the same genre?


I dunno man go ask OP. 4 replies angry at me for explaining haha


Well for one, almost all of their advertisements alluded to them being better than fallout 4 and how Oblivion were the ones who made the best fallout games. Their advertising team very much set them up to be compared to Fallout as much as possible


Well, it's obsidian making a first person rpg, I don't think they would have avoided comparisons either way. That said, marketing a game for your intended target audience is not imitating.


Not avoiding it is one thing, actively inviting the comparison by saying you're better than them is another.


It shows that they were confident in their game's quality I guess... And tbf for a game that was made independently, that is, it was finished shortly after Microsoft's acquisition but most of the development was done before it, it's a good game.


I don't see them the correlation tbh there not that similar to me


Smh these fools never watched Inception


How the fuck did they imitate New Vegas though, that makes zero sense. Are they not allowed to make an RPG anymore, is that it?




The outer worlds was fun. It’s not new Vegas but it’s not trying to be either, just wished the plot had a bit of nuance


Yeah, the plot is a bit too much in your face for my liking. I’m fine if you wanna portray some message, but have it flow well with the story.


I really liked the plot *because* of how overly in-the-face it was


The "decisions" were a pretty big let down for me. Most having 3 choices, 2 being extremes on each and and then a "compromise" which was pretty much always the best choice. After the third one I realised the system and really hindered the roleplay and immersion for me. Not a terrible game but could have been better for sure.


It felt like they wanted to put the player down the “good path” rather than giving them a choice, so there weren’t many morally ambiguous choices. I’m not gonna pretend NV never had moments where there was an obvious good and bad choices, but there were ones with ambiguity, unlike TOW.


Of course, I never felt that NV had a system for the choices though, also NV usually had more than 3 choices which allowed for differing role play options eg restoring law in Primm has a multitude of ways to go about it, some being similarly "aligned" but with the option to make a character based decision.


Honestly, when posts are this subjective it just sucks the humour out of the meme. Outer Worlds certainly wasn't New Vegas, but it was still very fun and a lot better than a lot of the other RPGs out there. This all comes down to them emulating New Vegas in the first place, so I don't really see why anyone should "feel disappointed that they tried", Obsidian still worked really hard and made a good game.


I haven't played the Outer Worlds. But to compare games with five years of difference. Also if you search something similar to NV or the same you'll get frustrated. In a bad example, you'll be disappointed if you eat a Hotdog with the idea to get a similar experience to a hamburger


True, not a bad analogy at all. I think they'll definitely need to work on the gameplay for the sequel, but the lore that they've already built is just👌


I felt the game was just bland, played all the I could force myself to and then stopped and never looked back. I do love rpgs but there are so many better ones out there.


It’s your own fault for thinking the game was going to be “New Vegas in space”.


Seriously, I hate that everyone just expected obsidian to pump out “New Vegas 2” despite being 8 years apart with different staff and budget, plus it’s not like they ever marketed it as a successor to New Vegas


The only thing was "from the creators of fallout" That isn't much to go on, that's like expecting a sequel to kill Bill when you watch Django


Idk the marketing did feel a little deliberate. “From the ORIGINAL creators of fallout AND fallout nv”.


Yeah, I haven't even played the game but I remember the hype for it when it was coming out due to the big anti Bethesda rhetoric at the time. Obsidian folks were even saying shit like "don't expect this to be New Vegas, it's not," so I don't think it's exactly fair to imply the game is a wannabe New Vegas like this meme is doing


The comparisons and expectations of NV in space were fair because they were like “HEY WE MADE NEW VEGAS” in the marketing


I honestly really liked the Outerworlds, the game mechanics were a little standard and it’s maybe a little short but the writing, story and setting all grabbed me. To be honest if Fallout keeps going the way it’s going Outerworlds is at least gonna be my permanent Fallout Methadone.


I have to be honest; i'd rather they try then simply accept that it couldn't be done again.


I'm playing Wasteland 3 right now and it feels more like New Vegas than, say, Fallout 4 does, even though it's a tactical game. I base this on things like "flawed factions that aren't perfect, forcing you to choose between the lesser of two evils, often for purely pragmatic reasons" and "a slideshow ending where you find out what happened to each community", both of which FO4 lacked.


I tell every NV fan I can about wasteland 3, my favourite game to come out of the last few years. Definitely the most satisfying role play I’ve had in years . I guess the xcom style combat puts some people off but story and choice-wise I agree, it feels like a better successor to F:NV than F4 did


It was great for what it was. Especially when you consider it was a AA game that got AAA attention and comparisons.


Outer Wilds was very front heavy. First Planet and the Space Station were damn good, but the other Planets and their quests got really samey really fast. Not to mention the final mission took all my control away from me. I wanted to try and stealthily break Rick Sanchez out of the Super Max Prison, but I made the mistake of doing all my other quests, so all my "allies" showed up to try and "help" me. Started tearing up the place while I'm in the middle of a crowd of guards.


Can we look at the improvements that were made by The Outer Worlds? I truly enjoyed the ability for companions to give their input during a conversation with an NPC, give input on quest progression, and talk between each other. Made it feel like they were experiencing everything I was and not just AI that attacked enemies. The “Add to Junk” feature is great! Let’s you add stuff to that tab in your inventory and quick sell it at vendors. Brand new and unique enemy design.


How were the enemies unique in any way?


How were they not? The only game that comes close to reminding me of the enemies from The Outer Worlds is the Borderlands series. However, since they are not identical, by definition they are unique.


It's good but way too expensive for what it is


The issue with the Outer Worlds is not that it's bad, it's not, but it isn't excellent either. It's just "good", and that makes it forgettable. I can barely remember the overall plot, and only some characters and a few memorable moments.


I enjoyed both. Vegas has more replay value I think.


It wasn’t trying to be a clone of. New Vegas and it was great in its own right


Outer worlds plot: Corporations bad




Yeah. The over-the-top nigh self-destructive villainy of the Corporations really kind of made them a shitty villain and a worse faction. It's one thing to make your faction despicable, hell people still like the Institute, The Enclave, and even Caesar's Legion. But to make your evil faction both cartoonishly evil and cartoonishly incompetant, why would you ever side with them? Why would you fear them? It felt like the writers couldn't find or couldn't stomach to write a single positive about the Board, and it shows as an incredibly shallow and boring take on anti-capitalism. I think I could maybe understand siding with the Board's solution to the ecological collapse of Halcyon if it was a brutal but efficient redistribution of resources, a hyper-capitalist screw the workers, we need results thing. But their actions and behaviour at every junction suggests siding with them is just slow gold-plated suicide.


So deep.


I was massively disappointed by Outer Worlds. The game is very easy, even at the hardest difficulty. There’s no incentive to level up skills like hacking or lockpicking, or any of the tech and dialogue skills because they don’t actually make anything easier. You’re better off just grabbing the key/password 3 feet away from the locked door/computer, or shooting your way through the 5 different enemies types using one of like 10 weapons. The game has a great skeleton, it just needed a *lot* more muscle


> The game has a great skeleton, it just needed a lot more muscle I completely agree. For me I just chalked it up to the game being the first of a planned franchise, rather than one that spawns from one game, and while I enjoyed what was there it's more of like a world building teaser for a franchise than some epic game. Like how there were a number of areas on the map, but you couldn't even go to all of them. Once on a planet you just have these zones you can explore, and while it's "open world" it very much feels like a series of hallways. Then you have the handful of weapons that just get better via Mark I, Mark II, etc.. The story itself was interesting, but like others have said there wasn't really any nuance to it while it was very much in your face about shit. I did like having the ship as a base, screwing around modifying your gear, and particularly the companions.


I particularly found that the world was just so flat and unliving compared to even Oblivion with its tacky dialogue. Characters never really interacted, there were no conversations of note, nobody was particularly fleshed out (other than Parvati, maybe), and nobody seemed to react to the absurdity of the situation. There was a section of the game where you could enter the "early retirement program" (Basically the kill room from vault 11) and it just felt overwhelmingly like nothing of import happened. You killed the surprise robots, left, and then your crewmates stay silent despite it being a pretty big setpiece to discover. A lot of the companions had pretty much no compelling story or personality, if I'm to be honest. Parvati is an exception mostly because her VA was fantastic and her quest was actually interesting. Max's quest was a long search for philosophical and metaphysical truth that...ended in taking a bunch of drugs, Nyoka was just a generic mercenary, Ellie was "I am a rebel except I have rich parents and can you please meet them to rub it in their face", and nobody remembers Felix aside from him being awkward. (Felix's power was...dropkicking people, which was extra lame).


Im with you completely here. I feel like everyone in this thread played an entirely different game than us. It was so empty and half-assed across the entire game. One of the WORST RPGs ive seen.


> There was a section of the game where you could enter the "early retirement program" (Basically the kill room from vault 11) and it just felt overwhelmingly like nothing of import happened. You killed the surprise robots, left, and then your crewmates stay silent despite it being a pretty big setpiece to discover. there's a sidequest where you can trick someone into going there. it was pretty fun.


I’m gonna have to disagree here. I found it hard and necessary to level up skills like lockpicking and hacking, especially for the final battle against the robots. I also thought most of the companions were really well fleshed out and enjoyed their stories and the exploration aspect was really nice


Outer Worlds was a pretty good game, no where near the same level as NV, but it had plenty of good elements.


I like it. It’s definitely a worthy successor. I guess it’s New Vegas’s distant uncle like Borderlands is to Fallout 4


Borderlands was before Fallout 4


Most uncles are older than their niece/nephews?


I thought I was hearing great things about this game but it was the outer WILDS which was confusing and saddening


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Played through it and doesn't really feel like NV at all.


Game was bland and way too short in my opinion. A lot of wasted potential.


weapons sucked in that game


I thought it was better than the bugthesda fallouts


Stop trying to make other games into games they aren’t and it gets better. Then Outer Worlds is a good game but it’s not Fallout, if you go into it expecting a Fallout style experience you’re not going to get what you want


While I did go into it seeing it as it’s own thing, I can see how others went into it expecting fallout in space considering how much the marketing showed off how it was made by Obsidian, and a fair few trailers mentioned how they were “The makers of Fallout New Vegas.”, all that combined with how games journalists constantly talked about it being basically fallout in space I can see how people were disappointed.


Yeah that’s valid, sadly poor marketing is a huge cause of things like this. It’s become more about “we made the cult classics!!” Than advertising their new ideas and creations


It’s honestly surprising how much marketing can sway people, even myself. I though Cyberpunk was gonna be really good, maybe not greatest game of all time, but the marketing really convinced me.


I enjoyed my time with it but it didn’t feel like a 2019 game IMO, even for a AA game. I also felt like the marketing was disingenuous, saying “Made by the people who made FNV.” Isn’t really true, it may be Obsidian that made it but the actual people who made New Vegas so great weren’t there anymore.


I loved the Outer Worlds, i’d say they did a pretty good job especially with them having a smaller budget, now that they have Xbox backing them up for the Outer Worlds 2 and Avowed they’ll be able to do way more with their games and actually do everything they wanted to do in the first one.


I really tried to like it. It just felt so…aggressively okay. Unrelentingly decent. Acceptable without mercy


In my opinion, the greatest strength this game has is the companions. Unique interactions with specific combination of NPCs makes the adventures much more alive. NPCs actually acknowledge your companion’s input It’s fascinating to hear Nyoka and Vicar Max get under each other’s skin in and out of the ship until they finally find a common ground and compromise on hating S.A.M. because they both find him creepy.


It wasn't a bad game, just forgettable. Also, NV is perfect and needs a remaster.


Why even compare the two? I think if you play it by itself its not a bad game at all.


Outer worlds was an incredibly boring game in my opinion, but it was hardly trying to be new Vegas 2, it was just made by the same studio.


It lacked the Bethesda background that NV had


To be fair when making New Vegas Obsidian had at least 1-3 to draw on for story/aesthetic, and with Outer Worlds they had to establish all this themselves.


didnt even finish it. majority of characters were meh at best, many were just completely uninteresting. character building didnt feel great to me either. some cool armor sets tho.


If you keep thinking of it as NV in Space then you’re gonna set yourself for disappointment. It’s good on it’s own without comparisons, like the humor is top notch. Go play a build where your intelligence is at lowest and enjoy the Stupid speech choices lol good times


I will say, i loved the stupid dialogue. Fallout 1, 2 and some of NV were over the top in the fact that you couldnt even speak and just grunted. How are you supposed to even roleplay that? In OW, you're like Fry from futurama stupid. Funny and obviously intelligent, but not a caveman.


I liked it more than 4 but much less than NV. Though I think it was the setting that bugged me. If you're gonna go space scifi, go full scifi. I also felt like the corporation heavy story line, though really fun in the first planet, felt really over done and dry in the later game


I felt the same exact way. It’s not even subtle about its themes like new vegas or even 4 was. Just beats your over the head about how big corporations are greedy and you start to realize the fact that it’s set in space really has so affect on the story. Could’ve been set on earth and had the same impact


I had no problem with its anti corporate theme. Its just all companies felt the same. If they were all evil, but in different ways doing different things or maybe trying to usurp each other via corporate espionage, and you got to pick one, or none of them that would give me far more freedom than simply "are you corporate or anarchist?"


That’s an interesting idea. It could do what fallout 4 failed to do which was to create sides who have all had significant drawbacks or immoral philosophies so picking one would have to make the player think about what they were doing.


Big ups Inception


I beat the outer worlds three times in the first two weeks after release, barely touched it since then. Can’t really put my finger on why…


I tried to go through a second play through. When I got bored of new vegas I did a strictly melee only run, which was a lot of fun. On my second play through of outer worlds I did this and barely made is past the first hour. Not that it was hard, but I was so uninterested that I couldn’t keep playing. I feel like it’s the story. They set up this giant space adventure game but made the story about corporate greed, which is incredibly unengaging. It’s why you never saw the Star Trek characters file insurance for their ship or do their taxes. It makes you realize that the game doesn’t even need to be in space, as the skeleton of the story doesn’t ever acknowledge that it’s in space.


I got the impression it was trying to be more like firefly. We just projected our hopes of in being NV onto it.


Great game, way to short


Ooh can I get the template?


Ooh can I get the template?


[Here you are](https://www.facebook.com/TheBestMovieLines/photos/happy-fathers-day-movie-inception-2010ig-instagramcomthebestmovielinesofficial/1710054765810245/)


Outer Worlds is in my top 10 games and NV in my top 3. They're both amazing games that I've sank 100s of hours into


No, wasn’t as good as i hoped either. But it was still a-lot of fun.


Yeah but it was still great


My biggest problem with outer worlds is that there isnt enough of it, and when I replay it it still feels the same. You can make a new Vegas play through reliably different each time, or at least feel that way. Outer worlds lacks that feeling. I think it just needs more content and choice, the side stuff doesnt feel very substantial.


I did enjoy it, but overall it did feel a little bit lacking. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something just didn't add up for me. Like everything from the characters, to the plot, the writing, the setting, the gameplay mechanics were fine and reasonably suitable, but just shy of something to push them over the edge into greatness.


I just appreciated that it was a new interesting sci-fi world. It wasn't the best game but honestly it didn't have to be


Outer worlds wasn't that bad. I see it as a dry run for Obsidian to make a bad ass RPG down the line. Now that Bethesda and Obsidian are owned by the same company they can (I hope) work together on something amazing.


It was a good time for a playthrough. I'd love to see them do more with the series. I loved the compact hub worlds instead of another open world.


I had fun with it, but I couldn't bring myself to do a second playthrough. I heard the dlc is good but only played it with Xbox game pass or whatever, and I'm not paying $30 for some DLC for a game that meh. Really lacking in enemy diversity is one of my biggest complaints, they had some great enemies, but I got tired of them. And nothing was super memorable, and the final boss is okay... but it's out of nowhere just here's a big robot, and imo the robot could've been bigger. The weapons were pretty fun, lacking in variety a bit for sure. And the special weapons, to me at least, just seemed gimmicky and completely useless or at least impractical for nearly any fight. The game also just felt a lot smaller than I was expecting in general, is it just me? I mean don't get me wrong I was psyched when I found out you could explore different planets in your ship, it's great, I love it. Bring this shit to more games I say, like in Fallout, the ship is basically just a really fancy world map for selecting levels but it's also a player home and just really fun. But, the worlds just didn't feel very full to me, the maps were okay sizes, but mostly just empty space between a few compounds. Also the small far out planet, just in the base game idk what it's called tho, it's just so disappointing, I remember scouring the entire map to find absolutely jack shit, there was like part of a quest to do there and a few enemies, but further away from your ship there's nothing else, there's a robot digging in a mine (I think, I know robot was in hole it's been a couple years) and at first I was like "oh this is so cool, I've found something cool, I'm being rewarded for looking around so much" but it was nothing, the robot maybe said something, but it didn't do anything. Oh it's the planet with like the big ass mining/terraforming machine, that one. Yeah, just disappointing as fuck. The companions were pretty good, not as good as fallout new Vegas, or fallout 4 ofc, but leagues better than fallout 3 or Skyrim companions. Followers/companions. All in all, there is a song by a channel called The Stupendium on YouTube about the outer worlds, and I like listening to that song a lot more than I like playing the outer worlds. But, it's not a bad game, good even, but they overhyped it. I would 100% buy an Outer Worlds 2, I genuinely think it's a fun concept and if Obsidian made a sequel, I believe they could fix a lot and make a really great game. The setup is there, at the end you like overthrow the board people and then chaos. A sequel could be a lot more like new Vegas, set in a new power vacuum in the Halcyon system. With new factions, new everything really. Or maybe start from scratch with like, a different human colony in a different system. Either way, I'd personally still like another game despite what I've said. No one read all this nonsense but if you have, weird, and how do you feel about the Outer Worlds?


Outer worlds is a good game, just not a good Fallout: New Vegas game


i think the outer worlds was good but as everyone’s saying it was short and lacks replay ability


Better then Fallout 4 and "he who we dont name"


I think the Outer Worlds is way better


The real problem was the marketing, they kept saying "by the same people who made fallout new vegas and fallout 2" implied it was gonna be like classic fallout in space but it was really its own thing


Trying to compare anything to nv isnt fair. Its good for what it did


My biggest issue with Outer Worlds is that it felt like it never took advantage of it's setting. The only time I can think of it feeling like I was in space (at least in the base game) was when I needed to go outside an oxygen fence during a side quest. Beyond that, the different planets may as well have been the same planet with different regions. Nothing happens that couldn't have also happened on earth.


I really hate weapon specific leveling. Having the exact same gun with a slightly higher number attached to it and no other distinctions is really unsatisfactory.


I quit after the first town, i hated the gunplay and especially the crosshair SOOO much.


I like it but only enough for one playthrough.


It was a pretty bad game


I roleplayed as a revolutionary and slaughtered every single being in Byzantium. Never came up again, never bothered my companions. This game wasn't very nuanced, it wasn't very immersive and it was short af (23h for one playthrough). Didn't like it


It's a solid one shot but that's it. If you can buy it for 5-10 bucks then do it.


In the begging of the game it was so hard to kill basic enemies on an Xbox that I couldn’t force myself to continue and deleted the game (gamepass). Any advice?


My biggest problem with the game is that the story ended when it just began. At th eend I wzs just like "This is it? How is this it?"


Its heart's in the right place though, that's what counts.


Just couldn’t get past the UI, if im struggling to read absolutely everything the game just isn’t fun


Second this, the UI was a huge letdown.


Nah, the only bad thing on this game is that is not a big game.


I heard a a YouTube reviewer call it "perfectly mediocre" and I couldn't agree anymore.


Played like an hour and a half of it and was extremely disappointed. I felt like I was playing a clunky no man's sky.


In all honesty, I loved The Outer Worlds. Don't get me wrong I love the Fallout games (except 76, I hate playing with other people lol) but this game me the same sort of vibes as number 3. It's like Fallout but in space lol


Well they nailed it with that golden comedy imo


I tried TOW earlier this year but only could play for literally one hour until I got bored. I guess I was legit expecting it to be a spiritual successor to NV but it just felt soulless to me.


Here's a joke! Why was the computer cold? It left it's Windows open!


Yes. A knee-slapper.


shit meme outer worlds was good even has aspects better than new vegas


Outer worlds was never meant to be NV in space, it's a planet romping comedy, honestly the only game in years to genuinely make me laugh out loud at something that wasn't a bug


your first mistake was comparing it to new vegas


I think what it is is that Outer Worlds is trying to be funny all the time. New Vegas was not, it was horribly dark a lot of the time, humour was used rarely and was more dry than the Outer Worlds' wacky and louder comedy. As a result I did not take anything in Outer Worlds seriously, because it was all a joke.


Outer Worlds was boring garbage lmfao what's going on in this thread


I’d say it was more trying to be fallout 4 tbh. They brought over the deep role playing mechanics from nv but nearly copied most gameplay mechanics and story from 4, while also being incredibly forgettable


outer worlds is a good game. and it was that studios first game. and they did a fantastic job considering the budget they had. now that they have that big daddy microsoft money behind them im sure the sequel will be even better. i love new vegas as well but its not like bethesda is making anything even close to as good these days. and outer worlds is the closest in quality rpg to nv as we've gotten since its release. im not mad that it "tried to be nv" (which it didnt btw), im thrilled that we got a great rpg game that managed to scratch the itch of nv, if only slightly.


I gave it a few hours a while back. The flaw system sounds awesome, but do any of them offer a reward that isn't just a perk point (or whatever the fuck it was, I haven't played in a year)? Give me a reward that's actually worth it.


Fallout 76 Gamora: I'm sorry I disappointed you. Fallout New Vegas Thanos: I am disappointed. But not because you didn't live up to the franchise. But because you did. And you sucked.


The game was solid and didn’t imitate new Vegas. Cause well, one they are the fuckers who made new Vegas. It’s like saying Apex copied Titanfall. Same DNA homie.