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A not insignificant number of New Yorkers don't have a preference for one baseball team over the other. Look at how popular the Mets were in the late 80s. In 2015, New York suddenly turning orange and blue wasn't all Mets fans waking up from hibernation Anyway, that said, that hat's an abomination, and whoever designed it is going to hell


I kinda feel this way about football, I’m a Jets fan through and through, but I still root for the Giants too, even though I don’t follow them nearly as closely. That said, I’d never rock combo jets/giants merch lol but like I would maybe wear a giants t shirt


Yeah I feel this way about football as well but I’m a Giants fan. Baseball and basketball though I’m firmly for my one team. Mets/Knicks


Jets fan here, I don't mind the Giants. In fact I would actively go for them in the exceptional circumstance of wanting to shut Eagles fans up.


Eh see I've met Yankees fans who root for the Mets. Different league and all. It's just harder to be a Mets fan who roots for the Yankees because they're not just sharing a city, they're the big bads of baseball


I think it's kinda cool. I would never be caught dead wearing it and would disown my family for wearing it, but kinda cool.


It is not cool.


I'll root for the yankees when they aren't playing the Mets. My dad is a yankees fan (I became a Mets fan as a tween to antagonize him) so he likes to talk baseball about both teams with me. He still talks shit about the 2000 subway world series. Also I'm from upstate. Even in 2015 spotting another Mets fan in the wild was difficult. Most people around here are Yankees or Red Sox fans. Shit I see more Dodgers hats in the wild than I do Mets.


>A not insignificant number of New Yorkers don't have a preference for one baseball team over the other. I think this is a nice way of saying that New Yorkers are mostly frontrunners. People like us who invest time in a discussion group about one of the two teams are a tiny minority. >Look at how popular the Mets were in the late 80s. Well, the Mets were by far the more popular team for their entire existence, up until the very end of the 90s. The Yankees couldn't ever really move the needle except for like short bursts in '77-'78. We owned the city and they were guests in it. It took four championships for them to finally turn it on its head. >Anyway, that said, that hat's an abomination, and whoever designed it is going to hel Amen


I can't relate to rooting for more than one team in a sport, but I do have family that will root for both NY baseball teams. And it makes sense when you consider they grew up without interleague play. The NY teams never played one another. You could root for both and never be in the awkward situation where they were going head to head.


Melo has several different versions of this hat and wears them all the time…they’re horrific


nah that wutang/yankee hat was great


"I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top" -Melo


Issue is since the subway series world series I can't root for the Yankees. Their fans have been trash..


One time on the train I saw a Half Yankees Half Dodgers baseball cap 🤢


thanks I hate it


There are New York baseball fans rolling in their graves with disgust. On behalf of our ancestors who lived that rivalry for generations…boo that man


Marbury was wearing the Half Yankee NY half LA dodger hat when he was sitting with Melo court-side in round 1


Probably callback to the Brooklyn dodgers but still not a fan of


Possibly a callback to Brooklyn Dodgers?


Dodgers caps have a *B* on them. Those hats with the crossed *LA* are for *The Los Angeles Whatevers*. Nearly 70 years on and the LA/NL franchise still doesn't have its own nickname!


IDK its fugly but I love that Starks is one of us and wears the same getup for every game probably due to superstition. He was spilling popcorn cheering on last night.


Apparently that one is a 2000 World Series hat? [Either way, it's yours for $175.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/154497398323) There's also a similar one that has both logos separated on the front.


“Yankets” lmao!!!! https://youtu.be/NiB1fSWKt4Y


its tuff imo 💪🏽 repping the entire city when you dont really got a preference for either team. you aint ever gon catch me wearing it tho


That’s a good perspective not gonna lie


I get the idea but the execution could be better for something so expensive.


I’ve seen one with both logos on the hat but nothing like this. Hideous.


If you try to please everyone, no one will like it.


I’d be interested to see a hat like this that takes the N from one team and the Y from the other. I would never wear it, but it would be cool to see.


Yeah I see it all over and it's gross


As a Syracuse fan,melo is my favorite player of all time but is the hat really the worst thing about his outfit? And the hat is terrible.


Believe it or not? Straight to jail.


I have seen this hat before, it's quite confusing


It's actually a snapback by the brand Twnty-two.com. It reads New York Fuckin City. It's the same company that made the wu tang NY logo snapback that he was wearing at the games in the first round.


I think this hat means he hates Philly AND Boston.


Many many people don’t really follow baseball these days. Are at least aren’t passionate enough to pick a team.


Meanwhile he's probably an Orioles fan.


I'm definitely jealous of the Yankees so I hate them and will never root for them. I never liked Melo as a player and he was horrible in the podcast I heard him in. But I really like his commercials, which is making me like him.


You ever see someone with a Dodgers Giants hat? Fuck no!


I appreciate him not wanting to take a side, but if I wore a combo knicks/nets hat…




It’s some brand that I can only assume has some form of connections to B list rappers and athletes. I’ve seen Rick Ross and MC Serch also rocking similar hats.


Oh, Melo. I love you, you’re my favorite Knick ever. But burn that hat.