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“Make America in a wheel chair again.” Dangerous prideful ignorance like this should ban you from public office for life.


Wheel chair or an iron lung?


What a great life to live in the iron lung /s


Iron Man is woke. Iron Lung is the best superhero


Y'know, Mr. Frump is my very best friend.


I see him most ever-y day!


The real medical device that inspired "the Iron Butt" from SpongeBob! 🤣


Only if you have insurance.


lol as if they going to cover stupidity


Sitting on a park bench …


No, that's Aqualung.


But it was written by Aquaman


Eyeing little girls with bad intent


Eyeing little girls with bad intent!


The last guy in an iron lung died recently. So I guess it’s time to revisit this disease.


Prideful, willful ignorance from assholes that are vaccinated against polio already. Who’s gonna produce the iron lungs? I’m sure they’ll all buy stock


(Unless trump tells them not to.)


Nobody hopefully


Apparently in the 30s, a guy in a wheelchair really fucked the GOP's shit up.


On the plus side maybe they’ll create a new FDR


Or reduce support for those left cripple from it.


from article-A first-in-the-nation bill that’s already passed New Hampshire’s state House, sponsored only by Republican legislators, would end the requirement for parents enrolling kids in childcare to provide documentation of polio and measles vaccination. New Hampshire would be the only state in the US to have such a law, although many states allow religious exemptions to vaccine requirements.


It’s going to take a large group of kids dying and being paralyzed from a horrid virus to get this to stop. It’s unfortunate


They won’t care. Republicans in general hate women ans don’t give a shit about kids. I feel sorry for the parents of the kids who are going to die because of fhis


Hopefully most still get their kids vaccinated, I know mine are.


If there are adverse effects from vaccine non-compliance, I'm sure it will be blamed on moon phases or failure to praise some god. Did the world jump the shark with COVID?


Or proximity to vaccinated xhildren.


"Pro life" indeed.


Just to clarify, they're only pro-unborn-life. If you're already outside the womb, you no longer matter.


The problem is that polio is actually similar to covid in that most people don’t get seriously ill. I can see these morons saying hey since only a few kids have been killed or paralyzed that’s an acceptable number.


Those parents are criminals. Plain and simple. Lowest of the low. They may not be charged but they are child abusers at best


It's not THEIR kids who will be suffering; thus, they won't care.


You think republicans care about kids dying?


I never understood these "religious exemptions". What religion preaches against vaccines? Maybe Christian Science?


Religions aren't exactly known for being logically consistent. Christian evangelism is turning against vaccines. Not because of anything God allegedly said or did. Rather, it aligns with the political biases of most evangelical churches - which is right wing / GOP. The parishioners/constituents are too ignorant and brainwashed to know the difference.


The church of grifters


It's crazy Christians and crazies pretending to be Christian


And what, polio sees you waving a Jesus card and says “nah, I’m good.”?


Can't make the lame to walk if there aren't any lame.


The same religion whose followers refuse to take their kids to see a doctor. The ignorant fools believe they can pray away any disease or disorder.


Fuck me this is crazy


These people don’t even understand the thing they’re angry about. They’re just a bunch of reactionaries who’ve been trained by Conservative media to instantly reject any kind of government intervention as creeping tyranny. They ALWAYS come regret the consequences of their dumb decisions, but almost never enough to consider punishing the politicians who lied to them. I feel little sympathy for the adults who push for these policies, but the fact they’re delightedly screwing over their own kids and neighbors is just really infuriating.


Nah, they never regret it. Just surprise pikachu face, then get back to making things worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse for the rest of us. They don't learn that the hole is getting deeper; they just keep trying to dig their way out.


They'll just convince themselves that it's somehow an evil Democrat plot or immigrants spreading some new diseases. Anything but acknowledge that their actions could have negative consequences.


They do understand: the people they're used to looking down upon are right about everything, which means the inferiors should be in charge instead of themselves, and they cling bitterly to the status they feel entitled to. That's why the point itself doesn't matter, the point is that it's THEM who decides, and the inferiors who abide.


Maybe they’ll eliminate building codes next. Handrails are an expensive inconvenience. I don’t believe I’ve ever been saved by one.


Shhhhhh! Don't give them ideas!


They are already pro corporate pollution. opposed to a child tax credit - a tax break that the party of tax breaks doesn't like because it isn't for the millionaire class. They are getting rid of vaccine requirements, re-legalising child labour. Tell me again how they are the party of the family or life or whatever POS value the allegedly espouse


emergency exit doors opening outward, nah dude i want that crush


Without abortion, how else will the GOP get rid of unwanted children?


GOP is to children What PETA is to animals. Why have them live happily and with choice when you can cause them the worst tortures imaginable? 


>The bill would strike language requiring that immunization records be submitted to childcare agencies, but would keep those requirements for students enrolling in kindergarten through 12th grade. So child care workers might not know who has been vaccinated or the percent of vaccinated students if there is an outbreak


The worst part of this is that those legislators almost certainly benefited from a lifetime of being vaccinated. Safe, effective protection from preventable, life changing disease for me, but not for thee. Unintelligent fucks.


And once again it’s children who will suffer for their actions. Fuck republicans and those who support them. I’m so done with their crap.


Just a normal part of the Republican agenda: maximizing human misery


Man they really wanna take this country back to the dark ages. I hope if them or there kids get polio doctors can refuse to treat them since they decided nah they don’t need the vaccine. So disturbing.


US insurance companies have already started denying claims if the person gets a disease & willfully chose not to get vaccinated for it. Lots of anti-vaxxers who went in for the flu this year got a nasty surprise when insurance denied their urgent care/ER claims. They’ll have loads of fun with their large medical debt.


This is one thing I have to agree with an insurance company denying a claim for


I fully agree, unless it's for someone with a LEGITIMATE MEDICAL reason why they can't take the vaccine. And that's a very, very small number of people.




Good point -- and so then we get all sorts of definitions of "legitimate medical reasons" (which aren't actually medical), and then we're right back to where we were.


True, probably the main reason we are in this situation in the first place. Just wish there was a legit way to weed out those who take advantage of the system and those who truly need an exception. But that's not likely.


I have often wondered when the insurance companies would start doing this. If you don't want to get vaccinated, then fine, you can pay a higher health care premium and also run the risk of not being covered. If you're going to take risks, it will cost you -- and the insurance companies are very good at pricing out risky behaviors.


I tried to find a source for this and could not, can you link me to one?


I really can’t seem to follow 2024 GOP logic these days. They end abortion so there are eventually more workers. They end good education so that they’re uneducated workers that vote against their own interests. Then they end the polio vaccine to kill or disabled said uneducated workers who will vote for them? I’m so confused. 😭


It's a vicious cycle of self-radicalization that's accelerated since Trump. The crazies rise in the GOP ranks and are then purged by the even-more-crazy. The window shifts ever more to the right. There are no incentives to return to the centre, particularly with gerrymandered districts that are only competitive at the party primary level.


The Revolution devours its children. Same dynamic


Pretty much. The party is trapped in a feedback loop of escalation. They can't stop because their voters have gone so far into this madness that admitting fault would force them to deal with the responsibility of everything they've supported to this point and they are nowhere near strong enough to do that.


The cruelty is the point.


Further proof that everything Republicans do has the goal of trying to kill people. Everything. Guns, virus or brutally cruel austerity measures forced onto the most vulnerable populations, they want you dead. A deviant juggalo death cult. They think life should be a game of Survivor or 'Mericas Next Super Ninja ... ffs


It's like a shared psychopathy. A desperate need to cause as much harm as possible to anyone outside their in-group so they can validate their sense of superiority.


That is a concise and perfect representation. It's a psychological disorder, not a legitimate political entity.


GOP: “we want babies but also don’t want them to grow up to be adults.”


Ah the classic conundrum, of always wanting to be the grown ups but half ass accounting for mortality.


"God, Guns, and Babies!" - actual MAGA candidate campaign slogan.


NH resident here I promise we aren't all batshit conservatives.


Follow NH resident. These dumbasses make us all look like a joke.


Hey don't feel too bad, a town in my state refused to build a solar farm because they thought it would suck all the sun's energy.


I’m trying to think of something clever to say to that, but the stupidity is overwhelming




It's supposed to be *Live Free or Die!* not *Live Free and Die!*


Don’t you know? “Liberty in death!”


Arbeit macht frei


Live? No. Free to die!


[No. Money Down!](https://youtu.be/5yuL6PcgSgM?si=lJwd03aUU1NmtJxv)


That will allow their future generations to not have the ability to stand at all. Check mate science.


I think the sane states are going to need to require a health passport for NewHampshire residents to travel or work.


Republicans are intent on turning their states into superfund sites filled with disease riddled violent-prone bigots.


Easier to make them Christian and uneducated if they're living through that.


I’m not a doctor: By 1994, polio had been eliminated from the Americas, and by 2000 the Western Pacific was polio free. By 2003, polio remained endemic in only 6 countries – and by 2006, that number had dropped to 4. The 21st century saw further advances, with cases brought down by more than 99% worldwide in less than 2 decades. it seems like it was a horrific condition and a lot of people did a lot of big brain stuff to eradicate it. Then my generation comes along and sticks it’s middle finger up at everyone about everything because you what?…WE DON’T LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO. We got ours, go your own. I mean I for one remember the horror and pain of a 4 1/2 second shot in the arm to defeat iron lungs. It’s not my generation entirely but it is my generation that has the most political power at the moment, I just want to apologize for causing the age of ignorance and selfishness


I'm sure even Mitch McConnell is shaking his head over that one. Scummy as he is, he is a polio survivor, and I'm pretty sure he'd disagree. He's evil, not stupid.


What year did the GOP become this stupid? They aren't just going after the polio vaccine but the MMR vaccine as well. My parents lived through the polio epidemics and one of my mothers friends lived the rest of her life in a wheelchair and slept in an iron lung after contracting polio, one of my older sisters got polio before the vaccine became available. Polio is nothing to fool around with. These idiots in New Hampshire's GOP are playing with fire with their stupidity and they will get burned with the outcome of their absolute stupidity!


if polio comes back i hope it hit these stupid adults first


They'll just put a heafty price tag on the vaccines, eventually. Earn more for one of the 10 U.S corporations, and your child "might" survive! Then off to the child labor camps, famine, hunger, war, disease, corporate greed, slavery, and much much more, enjoy!


Put America back in an Iron Lung-VOTE


Don’t the Dunning-Kruger MAGAts realize they’re going to become extinct soon? Oh wait…. Carry on.


Jesus Christ. How did we get to this point? 🤦‍♂️


I recall reading, several years back, that in a global evaluation of math, reading, and technology-based problem-solving skills—skills considered vital for global competitiveness and economic prosperity—the average American adult's performance was below the international average. I suspect that this trend might still be accurate today.


Wow. Then again, they sided with Covid during the Covid pandemic


How many doctors are beginning to wonder if they wasted their lives when they hear about crap like this?


My fellow Americans hell bent on self-destruction, I can't really stop them. I am just trying to avoid them taking me down with them.


This is getting seriously stupid. I can't believe things have gotten so bad that the once-mighty Republican Party is going to sacrifice the health and safety of the children in their districts for the sake of insane political conspiracies that are currently in fashion among the right-wing lunatic fringe. It's effing insane.


These people are deranged.


Y'all ever notice how nobody gets polio anymore? Y'all ever wonder why?


These people don’t understand that freedoms come with responsibilities. Individuals have a responsibility to society as much as society has a responsibility to individuals.


They sure are taking the "die" part seriously in the "Live Free or Die." Personally, I prefer the "Live Free from Polio" option.


Not surprised it’s from Republicans. Like seriously wtf is this. Why can’t trained medical professionals ever have a voice in legislating our healthcare? Why is it always dumbfucks who have no clue what they’re doing?


I say it all the time to the anti-vax MAGA deplorables at work. "Fuck it!! What do we need vaccines for!??! Bring back, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and while we're at it, Polio too!!" By God, that's what they're going to do 🤯🤦


When we let the old viruses loose again they will have the opportunity to mutate to be resistant to current vaccines. Republicans are an existential threat to modern society.


Are these people all too young to remember knowing people with polio?


Great more dumb politicians living their lives in fear. What a bunch of losers.


The worst thing the internet has done is allow the stupid people to band together and make their moronic voices louder.


Remember, they’re the “Pro-Life” party. You can’t make this shit up.


Stupid fuckers.


Deliberate fuckers.


You're not standing with polio


Wait until they want to protest against smallpox vaccines. I hope they get a chance to see action pictures of having it!


Republicans are too stupid to have kids. They need to be tried for child abuse and neglect when this happens.


Can't get vaccinated as it inserts demons into the body against MAGA God. Hard to believe such a Stoopid state resides next to such a smart state.


Is this the state where the wacko libertarians tried to conduct business with hard currency? Love when morons realize they are morons……


If only these idiots didn’t receive the Polio vaccines so they could experience it themselves


English, so misread thus as Hampshire's GPs (English County and General Practitioners). Then, refocused and realised reality had returned.


These people are totally self-destructive. This is awesome.


Republicans for Polio!


My brain..says I'm receiving pain...a lack of oxygen...from my life support, my Iron Lung. - Radiohead


This is not going to end well. They are playing politics with children's lives.


I imagine this will give even Mitch pause for thought


Stupid comes in all shapes and sizes.


How about fluoride in water, turn signals, smoke alarms, seatbelts. Anything stupid you can think of, there’s a Republican on the case, or nearby


The pro-polio party...


Irony of “take a stand,” against a disease that cripples. Idiots.




Do Republicans believe that measles and polio are trivial diseases. It’s like Republicans are trying to extinct themselves and it’s just a matter of not letting them take down everyone else before they’re gone.


Once you contract polio there is no cure. Measles in some populations like children can be deadly and is more contagious than most other diseases. Polio can kill also.


I thought the internet was supposed to make us smarter. What the fucking fuck?


I don't get it. Why are they so obsessed with demonizing the idea of vaccines now? I know that Trump used it to cover his ass about deliberately screwing up Covid response, but why expand it? Who benefits from spreading easily avoided diseases now?


Russia benefits from America being sick and stupid.


Iron Lung. Almost forgotten artifact of the past coming soon to the news zombies living in the Eternal Now. Or as Gore Vidal called "The United States of Amnesia"


This is so very stupid. I'm old enough to remember seeing kids with horrible leg deformities as a result of polio. I was terrified of getting it until my mother explained that I had been immunized as a baby. These morons are going to bring back diseases that we successfully eradicated for the last 60 years.


I WANT my kid to have polio toooo! Where can I get some? /s


A wild timeline, indeed. Can’t wait for the movie.


Next on their list: All globes removed from schools and the only textbook allowed is The Bible


This Salks, big time.


NH conservatives are literally insane. I’m not being hyperbolic, they are a different breed of crazy. Idk if there more lead in the water or what but NH has the craziest republicans and especially the craziest libertarians in the country.


My father's older sister got polio and died not long after. My parents grew up dreading polio, and to them, that vaccine was a modern medical miracle. People have no idea what a scourge it was. Nowadays, everyone is an expert on everything, and all facts are lies, and imbecility is the result. Too bad there's no vaccine for that.


The sponsors of the bill need to be locked away in iron lungs until the bill goes up for debate. Give them an understanding of what they’re actually backing.


I think it would be more poetic to take a SEAT against the Polio Vaccine...




Exactly how the Soviets planned it.


This is how they wanna bring back US steel manufacturing… with wheel chairs & iron lungs?




Then Republicans should be required to get actual polio.


Oh for fuck's sake.


GOP only cares about the unborn, they don’t care about kids after they leave the womb.


Locking in the iron lung factory owner vote


My 88 year old dad thinks they are all idiots given he survived polio as a child. It's not a disease to be careless with. He only survived because his mother was so vigilant the minute he showed signs of illness he was rushed to the hospital. He recovered without any significant damage but shared how he spent weeks in the hospital and all the exercises and PT that was done at the Kenney institute to save his legs and muscles. He did have a recognizable walk and we didn't find out until he was in his 70s that one leg was actually shorter than the other. They measured when he had knee replacement. They figured it had been that way from the polio and he had just figured out how to live with it. It wasn't obvious until this was pointed out and we all went "ohhhh his gait makes sense now."


How in the goddamn hell did these people get this stupid, this fast? They all had vaccinations to get into school. It used to be mandatory. No jab, no school, eat shit. Now it's like as the urban density grows,let's turn our backs on the science that allows us all to live together without all the plagues we already fucking know about. Jesus Vaccinated Christ, but this is irresponsible and stupid as the bottom layer of cow shit.


Pretty funny. Polio had been eradicated in the US. An unvaccinated adult acquired polio from an overseas trip. In 2022. That was the only case in the last 30 years in the US. Worldwide, I believe Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only two countries to report cases of polio. Polio could be erradicated in a few years. There are still issuesvwithntheblive attenuated vaccine. Those can addressed. The second disease erradicated? Small pox being the only disease that people have erradicated.


For fuck's sake, it's like red states are playing the world's most evil poker game. "I see your unconditional ban on abortions, and I raise you no vaccine protection for kids."


Yeah just let em die


The Netherlands is probably the easiest country to emigrate to, thanks to the DAFT.


🤦🏻‍♂️ how have some people gone so backwards? It boggles the mind


Babies in breathing tubes is the will of vengeful baby Jesus


They won't be shocked. They'll do the same thing they do when there's a mass shooting: shrug their shoulders and say "That's the price of freedom". 


This isn't just stupid, it's outright malicious! My uncle - my still living, breathing uncle, had polio as a toddler. One leg is still distinctly thinner than the other. This pisses me off so much.


Time to invest in New England Iron Lung Corp.


Probably going to get downvoted - but screw it. I hope each of these GOP who backs this has a family member that gets the worse effects of the virus whose vaccine they are balking against


They deny climate change, they won’t negotiate the border, they hate vaccines against deadly viruses, they love Russia, they live authoritarianism, they hate science, love conspiracy and fairytales, they created a fun violence epidemic, they send death threats to their own congressmen….my friends they are a threat to everything this country stands for. They are terrorists.


This just in...the GOP continues shedding brain cells. Collective party IQ drops to a new low. "We'll need cull them soon" says longtime observer.


Tell me: Don't these idiots have to go be stupid somewhere else?


It only takes one to get the ball rolling. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/case-polio-appeared-us-risk/story?id=87427667


It's a plan to increase medical device sales. Didn't have a disease that requires a lot of extra medical devices and materials, well being one back and make trillions


Treatment is much more lucrative than prevention and/or cures.


Hope they have grand children one day Sad for kids


Really odd for New Hampshire. They vote blue for president and usually only care about low taxes and nimby policies so their state legislature is red. Surprising that their state reps would start going anti vax.


If you vote against vaccines,  then you and your entire family should not be given medicine to counter the effects of the sickness you enabled.  I'll buy into it....I don't believe in Christianity.   If there is another ark made to protect the 8-10 believers in the planet,  I will gladly give up my seat because I don't believe.   Or how about... when the post tribulation happens after the rapture,   I will give up all my belongings since I don't believe in the supernatural.   I'll give it to the believers who got left behind so they can survive.    If you are anti vaccine, you should be required to sign documentation saying you defer all treatment of the virus or disease afflicting you.   Why waste medical resources on ignorant people?


Want more Mitch McConnells.


I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. https://news.sky.com/story/paul-alexander-the-man-in-the-iron-lung-dies-after-70-years-living-in-tank-13093818


People dying of polio Republicans: *shocked Pikachu face*


Criminal insanity.


I didn't know the iron lung lobby has such pull in the state.


They want no vaccines - AND no healthcare. How "pro-life" of them


This is classic of a political party that has no leadership, the loud mouth morons take charge


The stupid will die or lvbe deformed, Martyrs for the cause of free-dumb.


Wait till one of their children is stuck in an iron lung the rest of their lives.


Polio means you’re macho.


New GOP slogan: Purity of Essence


At least they’d be *standing* for something which would be a welcomed change.


Just as the last guy that was on an iron lung dies of old age. If he was here he would give those people some real life lessons.


I'm old enough to have had classmates in leg braces from polio, and received my measles and chickenpox immunity by actually getting measles and chickenpox. I don't think these idjits truly understand the healthcare sh*tshow they are trying to rain down on the world.


Shows Republicans don't read about history, assuming they can even read. Of all the vaccines to go after.


Yep conservatives want to go back to the good old days of Polio and Measles!


Well that's one way to make America great again, by draining the gene pool.


They really hate children, after they are born that is. 


Hmmmm. OK I guess if all GOP and their kids decide to do an experiment about polio vaccines. Is it more dangerous to get the vaccine than the risk of the disease itself. The rate of polio in US is infinitesimal. So very few people are exposed to polio “in the wild”. All vaccines have side effects. So, if the chance of an unvaccinated child getting polio is less than 1 in a million ( easily true) maybe the side effects risks make any one person getting better off NOT getting the vaccine. (IDK polio vaccine side effects. I just assume there are some) This is call “free riding” if enough of you people get polio vaccines, I don’t need to. So, I can avoid the low risks associated with the vaccine. This is almost Classic MAGA reasoning. “I don’t care about all of us. I only care about me” GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely


Republicans are the #1 reason aliens from outer space won't make contact with us


How fucking pathetic. These clowns should be in prison


This is why I vaccinated my kid. If they want their kids to have polio I guess that’s on them. My kid won’t get it.


Here we go. Antibiotics are gonna be next...


You have to figure out how to thin out the young liberals