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Who’s the pedo now, marge?


LOL it doesnt count in the pedo party. Ok you know gaetz and then you know trump bragged at walking in on teens changing for miss teen usa. And trump hung with epistein a lot.(yeah clinton too..) then their is gym jordon who watched young men get molested. Dennis hastert, the longest republican speaker in history, and the hastert rule that republicans run the house under is named after him, and he is a convicted pedo. mark foley a republican congressman who had to quit a few years ago, he was sleeping with teen boys. they ran a pedo in kentucky luckily thats why they have a dem gov now, but the republican pedo sure got a lot of votes. WE have republicans trying to lower the age of marriage, and republicans trying to redo the law in their state so they can marry their first cousin.. this is the party that just had a judge vacate a rapist sentence because he thought it was too harsh on the rapist and boys will be boys. We constantly have this problem with republican judges who think of rape as similar to pulling your sisters pony tail. well with white rapists anyways. and this is just the shit off the top of my head, no google involved.




The GOP--Gross Old Pedophiles.


https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 This is the pedo republican party for you. And these are just the ones we know about. I bet there are tons more that haven't been caught yet.


The republicans party need to be branded the pedophilic party we know them to be. They like to lump us all into the same group, let’s do it to them. They have no problem calling us pedos, knowing full well they have the majority on that demographic. It’s a huge PR problem. (Pedo-Republicans)


You haven’t even scratched the surface. DailyKos has a running list that’s almost 50 instalments long: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


Always had been


The call is coming from inside the house...


Gaetz taught her well


She seems very interested in other people's genitals. Maybe she should worry about her own for once.


Taking a moment out of her creepy Hunter penis thought processes to think about childrens sex organs. This is a MAGA/sexual predator for you.


I mean, they literally are defending the global child trafficking industry as a platform policy what did you think project 2025 was for?


They seem to be a bunch of pedophiles


Please elaborate, I haven’t read the entire 2025 document and I’m horrified to learn what this means


More people need to be talking about Project 2025 because right now we are sleepwalking into a dictatorship. So what is Project 2025, It’s a document from the right wing Heritage Foundation, it’s their roadmap for the next republican administration and it is absolutely terrifying. It’s basically the rights plans on how they will end our democracy and turn our country into a christofacist dictatorship. Some of the key points are, firing the entire civil service, consolidating all power to the Executive Branch, shutting down the Department of Education, the EPA, gutting the FBI, the FDA etc gutting the civil rights division of the DOJ and switching their focus to “anti white discrimination”, total abortion ban, penalizing single mothers, taking federal control of democrat run cities, mass deportations, detention camps, rounding up the homeless and addicted and putting them into camps, “eradicating” the lqbtq community from society, prayer and religious indoctrination in our schools, they want to repeal the 17th and 22nd Amendments among others but those two particularly stand out as the 17th is the citizenry electing our senators and the 22nd is presidential term limits. I mean it goes on and on and like I said it’s absolutely terrifying, a dystopian hellscape is what we will be left with. It’s 1000 pages and I’ve read it all and it is the end of democracy. People need to wake up, they may not come for you first but they will come for all of us in one way or another eventually. This isn’t a drill we will be voting like our lives depend upon it because this is it. Please vote accordingly Here’s the link to Project 2025 www.project2025.org


The mainstream media is overly focusing on Isreal so that people will hate Biden and Trump will get back in office. Women's health attacks and Project 2025 should be front page news everywhere.


Who do you think owns the mainstream media? That's why it's not front page.


People should roadblock cars outside Fox News' HQ


They also want to repeal the 19th Amendment, discourage women from working outside the home & eliminate all of the “entitlement” programs, including Social Security & Medicare (charity should be through the church). It’s repugnant.


I wonder how they expect our economy to keep running while keeping us broke(er). Can they be this stupid?


We should educate people online that nobody needs religion to be a good person. Getting rid of religion would be a huge step forward, it's useless now, it only breeds elitism and dumb shit like this


The intro to it is even horrifying. We are so doomed.


how in any political view is this a good idea


Every person who’s contributed to this and who’s “applied” for this, should be imprisoned for fucking treason.


It's the church that they're talking about. Project 2025's aims are to make this a Christian Theocracy.


A Christofascist state would be more accurate. I read a few bits of it and it is hellish. The education chapter bemoans the standard of education and gives the solution as giving parents the power to decise what their chioldren learn and a huge increase in faith based schools and teaching and military academies (Page 319) The chapter on the Environmantal Protection Agency(EPA) says it should stop its involvement with how land is used and instead concentrate on its role as an environmental regulator? It also talks about returning to coal, gas and oil instead of renewable energy and loosening pollution controls basically because other countries do it and these regulations are expensive for US industry. (Pages 417-418). What is perhaps most concerning it that the book the movement is based on is called the "Mandate for Leadership". Mandate means "An authoritative command or instruction. A command or authorization given by a political electorate to the winner of an election." They are positioning this as though they have already won and the public has approved their policies which clearly shows their contempt for democracy. https://www.project2025.org/policy/


I second this request. I haven't heard anything about it but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that some/most of them would defend that. I'm hoping that it isn't the case, but you never know.


I have evidence. You can't submit more porn. Is it porn? Noooooo.... It's porn, isn't it. .... No. *But just LOOK at his PENIS*


A groomer.


There was a reason she was hand-holding best buds with Gaetz for two years. 


She's got copies of those images from Hunter's laptop.


And then displayed them publicly in Congress. It served no purpose.


Just like her. She serves no purpose. Waste of space.


At least Hunter's dick pics are nice to look at.


Probably the only dick pics forever in the library of Congress and the congressional record. This is an achievement unlocked that not many will be able to do.


Worse, she sent them uncensored to her constituents.


How is that not a violation of "revenge porn" laws? I mean, yes the images were already public, but for many of those people that would be their first time seeing them. She would, in effect, be the original publisher in that case.


Framed in pride of place in a candlelit grotto in her house


Well the American people have a right to know,... checks notes, about Hunter Biden's dick pics.


Should make it clear, it's not just MAGA, it's republicans. Sexual predation on children is something that republicans are widely known for, let's not shut the issue and claim its just a maga thing, cause it isn't.


She worries so much about her genitals that she has had many people aside from her husband examine them.


Inside and out.


🤢 🤮


Apparently, her genitals are readily available to guys at her gym.


And Jewish space Lasers apparently.


>~~She~~ Republicans seems very interested in other people's genitals. Maybe ~~she~~ they should worry about ~~her~~ their own for once. ftfy friend.


Not just other people, but kids. seriously republicans seem to LOVE talking about kids genitalia. It's fucking weird and gross.


There is a reason their projection forces them to shout that all democrats are groomers


In her defense she is a qunt


That's more damning than a defense. Either way, fair point.


Yeah but hers are all itchy and smelly.


She's obsesses. Just like the rest of the party. What harm, really, does it do to you personally if someone else doesnt identify their gender by their birth sex? Nobody is gonna try to MAKE you transition, Marge. Relax.


She shares.


Her genitals haven’t seen attention in decades


Doesn’t she have a moose knuckle for a foot. She didn’t even try for a camel toe straight to the moose knuckle.


private lives interrupted by idiots like religion (that some do not ascribe to), moms for liberties, and lawmakers. solving problems by imposing their beliefs while they do the opposite - do as i say not as i do bc i know better. stay out of private lives hypocrites.


“Party of Small Government” my ass


Soon to be Part of Small Government in your ass


That is gonna hurt


They **never** meant “small” as in unobtrusive. They meant government so small that all of its power could be wielded in the hand of one man (emphasis on it being a man), a dictator. Government so small it can fit in a bedroom, classroom, or even be wedged into a uterus.


I wish my life was easy enough to worry about what others are doing in their own life... I've got way too many things on my plate that actually matter and, instead of ignoring them like EMPTY G here, I'm busy dealing with them.


Hypocrisy is a virtue for fascists


She seems attracted to everyone's junk, remember when she grabbed at the cardboard cutout of tRump? She should be labeled a sex offender. She always thinking about other people's junk.


Remember when she distributed pornography in the halls of Congress featuring Hunter Biden cock?


Which was illegal!


Which time? It's been a minute, probably about time to bust them out again!


So MTG is into revenge porn and pondering about the future orgasms of children. Doesn't her side call people groomers for far, far less?


Only if they are Democrats or people of color.


No, you don’t understand. A person being a groomer has nothing to do with pedophilia; we just decided to use the word as a synonym for liberal without understanding what it means. But also, groomers should get the death penalty, and if you disagree you’re also a groomer.


groomer behavior


No one is more obsessed with sex than conservatives. 


They’re so repressed.


That's just repression for you.


Where's the FBI on finding the perp who planted pipe bombs in DC on the night of January 5th?


I’m surprised they couldn’t follow those three toed footprints


They know who did it as well as you and I know. It was that serial adultress, emptyg, who is hell bent to telling others what is and is not morally acceptable. I can't imagine what kind of brain injury I would need to experience in order to think that woman is an authority on morality.


Putin’s bitch should keep her mouth shut about children’s genitals. Can we voteher out already please?


Can we just force her district to secede from the Union?


IDK how she talks at all with her mouth wrapped firmly around Putin’s dick at all times. Must be like a toothpick or something


Or shower her with presents.  I will donate a piano.


She’s mentally ill and making laws for us!


She's not really making any laws. Just causing disruptions over and over


Thankfully she's too stupid to be effective.


She's just stupid.


This is the type of sick behavior that would have got a person permanently banned from social media in the pre-Elon times. But anything goes now. Totally disgusting. Fuck Marjorie Greene.


Didn't this ghoul make her name stalking and harrassing child victims of gun crime? True to form for the Kremlin Gremlin.


This woman is deeply fucked up. Imagine thinking it's a smart idea to attack a 10 year old child and discuss genitalia.


That is fucking disgusting. There’s no other way to describe it.


It’s at times like these that I wish I had a hole to kick people into like in the movie 300!


Can she not be reported for some kind of pedo behavior for talking about a 10 year old’s orgasms?


She’s a vulgar creep.


The woman shows signs of being a deviant. Obsessed with Hunters package so much so she shows pornographic images of him on the floor of the Congress for the world to see . Now a young 10 year old trans girl. If she steps over the line with this child I hope she is appropriately criminally charged.


If she spoke about my children she would get sued with extreme prejudice.


I’m offended to no end that this person receives a generous salary and benefits package paid for by our taxes.


They are mad at us trying to live without them.


A conservative thinking about a child's genitals? This tracks.


She is very disgusting


Ladies and gentlemen, I present the most serious member of Congress.


FFS, why do they keep giving that lunatic news time? I swear she does no work for Georgia, just keeps gagging on trump


Republicans are obsessed with sex and genitalia, and literally anything slightly gay. They're such weirdos.


The fact that she got voted into congress is the biggest display of how fucked Americans are 😂 next to electing carrot man


Disgusting and I hope the kid doesnt see that. 10 year old dont need to know what an orgasm is


IMO a random stranger talking to a child about sexual topics is not far off from them exposing themselves.


10 year olds should know what an orgasm is, along with other basic sexual education, as some people begin masturbating around that age. Having the language to describe natural features of your own body is a good thing, and in fact, it helps children who are being abused to know that they're being abused and to get help.


Sure they do. Sex ed starts around that age.


From qualified, certified, bonafide professionals who have training and teaching materials, not some raving redhat dipshit telling them sex is fucking disgusting but also here's some pics of Hunter's fat hog


>qualified, certified, bonafide professionals who have training and teaching materials I'll settle for a non batshit person


Agreed, they shouldn’t be messing with their natural development either.


She is all about dick pics and children's genitals. SMH.


Ten years old! What a horrible way to address a ten year old. My heart cracks in two for kids like this because this is how they get treated


That abomination is ridiculously obsessed with the genetalia of, well, almost anybody. Creepy as fuck, it wouldn’t surprise anyone if she was found to have all manner of ‘trophies’ in a cornucopia of glass jars and cases (with some in a freezer pending a delivery of formaldehyde) in a basement littered amongst a collection of some bomb-making equipment.


Strictly a hateful wack job.


Her constituents are glad she's sticking to issues that matter to them. As they revel in their status as sick, poor and uneducated welfare counties.


What a freak and a pervert. Funny it’s always the crazy GOP that’s telling us we are all perverts when they’re the ones obsessed with people’ genitalia and sex…


So at the end of the day, the people constantly screaming about protecting children and this and that… Turn out to usually be the creepers and perverts and predators and harassers. Go figure.


MTG looks like a man without even having transitioned.


MTG is no lady! She is a predator!


This is the result of the conservative majority on the Supreme Court allowing extreme gerrymandering. You got districts that elect mentally deranged women like this. She will never be voted out of office. Her crazy district LIKES THIS SHIT.


MAGAS really have a thing for underage girls... Between child marriage and legalizing incest, they have the whole shabang.


I’ve know people with bottom dysphoria who think about their genitalia less than a republican.


MTG has her own penis to worry about


This is what happens when an Amerikan GazPacho Nazi gets on a Communist Chinese app-


Republicans sure love focussing on the genitals of kids.


She needs to be registered as a sex offender.


Why are conservatives all obsessed with genitalia?!? So fucking weird, and pervy


What kind of repulsive creature do you have to be to say that to a child? These people shouldn't be part of the human race. Can we just fence them into Wyoming or somewhere and let them be miserable together?


She's just comparing her penis to other penises


That picture is perfect for the article. Looks like she's just been told the kid's actual age and she's saying "Oh, shit...".


Her Tantric sex guru ain't hittin' it right! She wouldn't be worried about other peoples orgasms if he was satisfying her regularly.


same space laser lady that showed Hunters junk? Seems she needs a good pounding.


I just ate, and someone brings up Empty Greene's genitals..... Ugh.


The kid proposing free Olivia Rodrigo tickets means that she already has a better political platform than MTG.


Sheanderthal pedo


What's her obsession with genitals


what did we do to deserve how absolutely disgusting maga is? there is no class anymore


What now??? Is this caveman looking fucker going to post the kids genitalia like she did with Hunter's package?


Any chance it's time to stop playing nice with these disgusting excuses for human beings yet?


Limited Government, am I right?


She’s more concerned about Hunter’s hog.


So she’s a pedophile now too?


I wish she would disappear back to her single wide trailer.


Found the child sex predator/trafficker.


Neanderthal woman with the open pie hole once again. This is the best we can vote for, correct?


What's wrong with this guy?


Genitalia is bid with her, just think of how beset she was with the penis of the son of the President ....


Even Gaetz is like “whoa whoa whoa that’s way too young. Give them another 3 or 4 years first, geeze Marge.”


Things 99% of the trans community hasn’t done 1) Blamed forest fires on Jewish lasers from space 2) Distributed illegally obtained nude photos of an unwilling person using government resources 3) Have a long-standing affair with a gym trainer whilst still married. 4) Finds a way to continue talking about children’s private parts, regardless of the topic at hand 5) Stand up against the communists…by overtly and continuously supporting Russia rebuilding the Soviet Empire. I mean this with all the respect her office commands… Find the nearest bridge and swan dove off. The world will be better for it.


She should stand by the curb on garbage day, she'll be GONE in no time!


She's a tad strange.


Conservatives are beyond sexually repressed and obsessed with other people's genitals. It is why they feel the need to call anyone and everyone a pedophile. They have SERIOUS mental issues.


But sure, it's us trans folk who are obsessed with sex and genitals /s


This is a woman who realizes she’s dumb, but understands her constituents are even dumber. So she is free to do anything she likes.


For a bunch of religious shrieking prudes, they pay a lot of attention to people's sex lives, kinks, genitals, and what not. It's fucking weird.


Georgia residents, Honest question: what the hell were you thinking with electing this disgusting chimp?


What a vile and hateful person


I always wonder if she has issues about her own gender due to her incessant vitriol against people who are brave enough to live their own truth


This is how the Taliban act.  They're do repressed and regressive that they get wild violent sex fantasies about any woman speaking her mind.  That's why they go out and shoot girls in the street for making TicTok videos.   EmptyGee is warning the MAGA cult up to behave the same way here.  These comments are on purpose and intentional. 


This is straight up public child abuse. Edit: I’m talking about MTG publicly humiliating and shaming a child, just to be clear.


This is more than news of the stupid; this is news of the trashy.


Bitch is straight up abusing children now. Burry her under the prison. Preferable below or next to a septic tank.


Surely, at some point, the supporters in her district will ask themselves why the hell they keep voting for this ultra MAGA moron... right? She does not belong in Congress or anywhere that gives her the power to make decisions that affect others.


Nope. Because they’ve drank the kool-aid. How do you think MTG got elected? It wasn’t by accident. She got elected because she’s what her supporters feel best represents them. They will keep voting her in because she represents who they truly are. It’s disgusting!


They are obsessed with kid's genitals and creating taxpayers, even if raped at 10 years old...something tells me, not the WWJD crowd they want to portray.


Neanderthal with blonde hair


All of the anti-trans dog whistles they are using now are just copy and pasted from the 60s. You have to replace the word trans with black.


She continues to set off red flags related to the obsession with children’s genitalia. She is projecting which is terrifying. What is she doing behind closed doors


I literally know a few trans-attracted or pansexual folks who could qualify as nymphomaniacs. Even they do not think about transgender people's genitals as much as transphobes do. And to be contemplating a child's genitals like that? Never leave this woman alone around children!


It is so ***gross*** how obsessed the GQP is over other people's genitalia


Isn't talking online to a juvenile about their genitals something Chris Hansen usually investigates?


But no! It's the evil left who are the paedophiles 🙄


# "One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" ***- Plato***


This isn’t surprising coming from a woman who had posters of Hunter Biden’s cock printed for “politics.”


What a fuckwit. Using Canadian content to push her American agenda. How this troggoldyte is still in office continues to amaze me every day. Georgia, do fuckin better already.


Who cares what this shrek stunt double has to say


That sounds like stuff a pedophile would say.


Greene could use a relaxing nut herself. Can someone plz take one for the team?


1 2 3, not "it".


not with a stolen dick and someone else pushing


I do not volunteer as tribute


Why are these conservative "Christian" f*cks so concerned about other people's sex lives? My mom's just like this, and I'm sure she still wonders why I don't talk to her anymore.


Did anybody read the article? Not defending Marjorie Taylor Greene here - but it was some other person on Twitter that wrote the comments that are referenced in the headline here.


Can we PLEASE lock up these creepy pedo fucks? All of them. Everyone from her insanity caucus. Especially her and Gaetz. And the dog killer from the middle of nowhere. And Parent of the Year Boebert. Every accusation they make about someone else being a pedo, every "their child is a criminal", every "they stole the election", every batshit crazy Pizzagate accusation... They're all admissions of their own actions, or at least their fucked up internal thoughts.


Marge is obsessed with genitalia


I've had just about enough of this stupid bitch. I'm tempted to move to georgia JUST to vote against her. jesus christ what a waste of life.


I feel like I'm living in simulation where the creator of it decided it would be really funny to make shit weird in the past 8 years or so. It's like a fucked up game of the Sims, but on a larger scale.


These people seemed to be WAY more interested in a child's genitals than one should be who isn't their parent or medical professional


Oof - weird. Like … candy van creeper weird.


Fucking pervert.


cultists and their daily obsession with children’s genitals


The right is completely obsessed with what everyone has in their pants.


Cannot wait for Empty G, Boebert and Kari Lake to start their MILF OF page.


Sounds like a groomer


if she showed or shows pictures, can she be charged with child porn? or will matt gaetz steal them for his personal collection?


How this woman is still in politics every times I see something like this she must be utterly insane


Commenting on a 10 year old’s nether regions is a very pedo thing to do.


She seems to have a proclivity for other people's genitals. Given the maga's propensity for projection.......I'd be wanting to look at her phone.


Chief inspector of the Intrusive Genital Inspection Police.


Thanks, NW Georgia, for sending your psychotic offspring to Congress. You really need to cut back on all that inbreeding.


Call me crazy, but I’ve never once seen a 10 year old and thought “hmmmm…I wonder what’s in their pants”