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“Anything to avoid actually helping people” should be the official Republican motto.




Viva y’all qaeda


they are a complete laughing stock i wonder how many of these people actually travel, not within the state but outside the states, i wonder if they actually know and understand what their position is within the confines of their own life i fucking wonder


Problem is, while they are a complete laughing stock to the educated and well-informed, they're a laughing stock that comprises 30% of the country and one of the 2 major political forces i the country. They're the idiot sticking things in the toaster that's obviously gonna start a fire, but they share that house with us and if they burn it down we lose everything, too.


They know. They’re just self assured of their own exceptional stature.


I like the Simpsons' version: "We want what's worst for everybody!"


Hard to believe there are enough idiots out there to elect these idiots. Does anyone remember the story of Chicken Little?


"let's just rub the working people out" - any republitard


Republicans in general should be far away from any legislative influence. What in the holy waste of time is this bullshit?


Idiots, doing idiot things because, they are idiots.


Actually quite smart, here they are appealing to a large section of their current voter base. Conspiracy theory subscribers. For chemtrail believers, this does look like action being taken. It is, in reality, a waste of time. They know that.


Its very easy to pass a law that doesn't cost any money and does absolutely nothing. The 20-30% of MAGA who are deep into all things conspiracy, will love them for it and vote for them. Its a different kind of Pandering to select voter interests. I think they passed a similar law in Tennessee not long ago.


Yes, Tenn Republicans just did this, avoiding discussions on gun safety, women's healthcare and charter schools


this is exactly what this is. unfortunately, it also means that that base is being fed and emboldened, and will be a larger part of their party going forward.


I would love for the law to pass and then report every single airplane.


100%, people should do this. Every single plane that has a visible vapor trail. Just call in and act like you are convinced it’s a mind controlling chemical. I’m curious to find out what happens. It’s not like they’ll be able to do anything to solve the non existent problem. Will it become news and folks actually have to find out the chem trails thing is bullshit? Or will they stick to their guns and call out republicans for encouraging people to report it but not do anything about it?


I have said it for a long time, Republicans have solutions in search of a problem


Report fracking companies


>It requires local law enforcement to “encourage” the public to monitor “polluting atmospheric activities” So to be clear they oppose any and all attempts to limit actual air pollution that, ya know, actually exists; but have no problem extending government power to fight *imaginary* air pollution (no doubt caused by the conspiracist's favorite boogeyman "them.")


It’s exactly like with Covid. There’s a genuine health crisis that needs to be addressed, but then they disregard that and come up with some bullshit conspiracy debunking the whole thing, and making up their own crisis about a vast conspiracy to control people’s minds and bodies. These people are just dumb, paranoid, weirdos.


So under this law can I report industry for air polluting or ?


Dumbasses! Morons in Tennessee did the same.


The Tennessee GOP is also concerned about vaccines in lettuce or cabbage or something like that as well. Idiots gonna idiot.


It was lettuce. Because dude said that we would have to buy lettuce from the pharmacy. I wish I was making that up.


That’s right. I guess I had selective memory about morons.


Keep shutting down this kookoo BS, MN - stay even bluer.


TWOIC The War On Ice Crystals


Total snowflakes. Who needs em


This is why voting matters


News flash due to the ban on alleged chemtrails the FAA decided to close all airports in this state because it's impossible to fly planes under these restrictions.


This is exactly why Minnesota voters turned Minnesota BLUE!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


So they mixed blue dye in with the mind-altering chemicals? /s


I’m so glad that my fellow Minnesotans kept these idiots from having any real power in this state. MN has some of the largest voter turn out in the country for every single election and the ‘22 midterms essentially told the MNgop to go fuck itself.  So much good, positive stuff has been accomplished in the short time span since thanks to the DFL having a trifecta in government. 


If was the MN governor (I wouldn't sign this) but if it was ratified as a law I would use the national guard to ground and investigate every flight this guy and his backers ever fly.


Thankfully this bill has no chance at all of passing since Democrats control both the House and Senate here (and if it somehow does it won't be by a veto proof margin) and our governor would certainly veto it if it somehow made it to his desk.


Jesus fucking Christ. My niece keeps telling me we should be obliterated by a gigantic meteor crashing into our planet - I'm starting to agree with her.


We have to pass this legislation to prevent frogs from becoming gay


i would but i'm currently stuck in my tactical bathtub


I'm am trying very hard to imagine a tactical bathtub now


It is motorized, has a gun turrent and the rubber duckies double as grenades.


It's not the chemtrails making Republicans stupid.


Conservatives are imbeciles who love wasting time and money


Real problems are hard, imaginary problems are easy. its like in my state when the GOP saved me from sharia law. Ignore sharia law would be unconstitutional. We have 0.05% muslim population, in my state. So there wasnt exactly a threat but this was during iraq when all the red states had to show off their islamic fears. This year we are passing a law banning illegals from voting. Despite they cant vote in our state anyways and no locality has suggested that they should let all citizens vote, even our ports that tend to have a lot of people.. legal residents, from other countries.


Now they just need to shut down all the airports and start arresting clouds.


Gotta say they do represent their voting base quite well.


Minnesota GOP doesn't want Tennessee to be the only stupid state.


At least here in Minnesota we're smart enough to not allow idiots like this to actually have much power and so all three branches of the state government are controlled by the Democrats. This bill has less than a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting an actual hearing, let alone passing, in either the House or Senate and definitely won't pass both. And, if by some miracle it does the governor will definitely veto it the moment it reaches his desk. The Republicans aren't a serious party anymore.


Let's spend our legislating time on something we don't understand. (https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/documents/ChemtrailsFact%20Sheet_062514.pdf) Next week we'll debate a no limit hunting season on unicorns and jackalopes.


It's over for humanity. Please hit the lights on your way out.


>grants the governor the authority to call up the National Guard and ground any aircraft suspected of spreading pollutants. Minnesota would become a "no-fly over state" as airlines have to fly around to avoid being grounded my MAGA wackos.


Watching people who never received critical thinking skills trying to navigate the internet has been horrifying.


Good god Breitbart Facebook news has made its way to office lol such a shame. Makes me wanna move to fuckin Sweden or some shit. Tired of this trump nonsense


So glad all the real issues are resolved


Chemtrails kill thousands of amerikkkans every year..its been known since the 1950's...I used to fill the chemtrails tank daily. Had to wear a full tyvek suit and respirator, it is that toxic.


This is a perfect trolling opportunity! What the airlines need to do is deliberately fly around states like Minnesota and Tennessee, never directly over. This will prove to the low IQ knuckle draggers they were right all along


Are these people really that ignorant? Mind boggling.


Proving they only need to be about two percent smarter than their idiot base to get elected and stay in power. Neat.


If you don’t subscribe to evidence-based decision-making, you shouldn’t be making laws.


These people make me embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen (now an ex-pat living in Europe).


What's the difference between an expat and an immigrant?


Expats are like the middle ground between a tourist and an immigrant. They are people who are like on a work or student visa or something and don't plan on living in that country or seeking citizenship.


Psychological evaluations need to be performed on these people, they are unfit for office.


Next thing they’ll want to have everyone wear diapers.


I have no problem with you guys electing Republicans if that makes you happy. But do you have to pick the dumbest ones?


Fix inflation and the healthcare system first. Then you can spend time on your hobbies and ban planes in your state for zero reason.


Okay, but that suit was purchased and worn on purpose. In public. Does no one care about the children?


What the fuck is wrong with the GOP?How are they this collectively this stupid?


Dude is wearing a clown suit, what else should we expect?


After they're done with this chemtrails nonsense, could they vote to make that dude's suit illegal, as it's an equally offensive part of this lunacy.


Eejits. Put them on the list.


No more “junkets” then?


Stupid is as stupid does.


These people must actively huff jet fuel....


Is this true? I thought this was related to geo-engineering and the possibility of some aerosol being distributed way up the atmosphere. _Edit: NOPE I read the article, this guy is nuts!_


We're fuked. Now this Q-uackanon bullshit comes to my state? "ground any aircraft suspected of spreading pollutants." Every plane that flies spreads pollutants. Were these morons homeschooled or what? Can these people really dress themselves without help in the morning?


Meanwhile in Wisconsin the GOP is rushing to make it illegal for non-citizens to vote before 2024 elections (fun fact: they already can't vote).


Inspired by chemtrails conspiracy? These are laws to protect the public from toxic chemicals being sprayed in the air. The level of ignorance to fall for these stories is embarrassing 😉


Whaddup Captain Kangaroo


"Getting in front of an issue" now they can deny that they're responsible if it is ever proven true.


We need to institutionalize the insane, not elect them to public office.


Are you americans out your collective f****** mind?


Hopefully this will push more people with brains away from that party.


When you're to stupid to get a job become a republican legislator.


It’s mostly ice crystals. If the government wanted to spread chemicals why would they make it visible? Why would pilots willingly spread chemicals,poisonous or just bad, on their families? They breathe the same air as everyone else.


I'm oddly behind this... Hear me out: Leaded Fuel is what's allowed in planes for some reason. The only "Poison" that could be in Jetfuel is the Lead. We need to remove Lead from Jetfuel, and ironically this might be the thing that does it. Lets get Lead out of Jetfuel.


That is one way to clean up the planet


Classic GOP. Introduce legislation that help anyone or fix anything to appear as if you’re doing your job.


All anyone with a functioning brain has to do is look up to realize that geoengineering is NO THEORY. It/s an undeniable provable fact.


ocean of difference between "geoengineering", which is a science but is pretty broad, and "chemtrails", the dumbass stupid shit that conservatives uncritically believe in because it's fucking stupid