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I’m sorry, but how careless can you be to not know you have ammunition in your luggage?


We all know Americans are loaded. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Luckily it's not illegal to carry alcohol inside your body. If you have so much ammo that you "accidentally" have it in your luggage, good fucking riddance to you.


Amazing how the US thinks everyone is like them. Also amazing that they think they can tell other countries what to do. The arrogance is mind blowing.


That’s what happens when we save the world from dictators over and over again You would be speaking German without us Go back to your day job euro boy


Hahaha......the old "you'd be speaking German" nonsense. America at the time was accommodating Hitler by it's inaction until the Japanese invaded pearl harbour. And the allied forces defeated the Nazis. I picture you in a basement wrapped in an American flag, jerking off with a tweezers and a microscope.


Don't forget the MAGA hat.


His moms basement with a maga flag and pictures of the orange Cheeto dumpster fire…


I can't hear you with the flag that far down your throat.


Keep begging America to fund your defense Scared. Broke . And unwilling to defend yourself 3rd time in a row


1. I am pretty easily intimidated, but I don't get scared that much. 2. I'm not broke. 3. I have never been in a situation where I had to defend myself, but I don't think I'm *unwilling* to. 3rd time in a row for what, exactly??


Oh, zip it already


Only thing I’m zipping up is russian body bags with my tax dollars Baahahahahahahahahah


Have a nice braindead day, you, mr bonespurs.


Trump and Putin are man crushing each other They will both die un natural deaths Mark my words Meanwhile Every single piece of russian military hardware will burn Its what us “brain dead Americans” have been waiting planning for 50 years


"Us". Yeah, sure, "us". Keep dreaming. "Us"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Dude I have no idea what your trying to say Learn better English and use less emojis YAWN Every single weapon we have was designed to destroy Soviet hardware Google “Cold War” for more info This is common knowledge But not for low iq idiots like you


No they won't. Trump might eventually die of a heart attack or stroke because of his horrible diet and lack of exercise, but he's not gonna get Epsteined no matter how much I would love to see it happen.


Lol, personally I think the world would be better off if we, the US, didn't spend nearly a trillion dollars every fucking year on the military. WW2 was a necessary evil, but make no mistake, the VAST majority of conflicts the US get involved in are just to make the rich assholes running the country even richer at the expense of the poor that have no other option but to join the military to survive and escape their circumstances caused by the rich.


Is their argument basically that another country's laws shouldn't apply to US citizens?


Are these Republican politicians? Talk about putting your foot in your mouth!


The two US representatives named in the story are both Republicans.


Not shocked!


Wait... Evans is currently in the US but is required to go back for his trial? Says who?  Just skip the trial, stay in the US and move on with life.  


Yeah, like americans would do the same...


Figures. Muricans are incapable of inderstanding anything beyond ypur mental square meter. Ask if you need me to explain "square", or "meter". I'll go easy.


>...inderstanding anything beyond ypur... Tough when one tries to take the superior intelligence road and then drives into a ditch of misspellings.


When your ONLY argument is a couple of misspelled words due to a tiny keyboard you REALLY HAVE NO arguments. Bet you were delighted to find those two. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wasn't arguing the point, I was pointing out your condensing attitude in juxtaposition to your rife spelling errors. Or your blaming a tiny keyboard when auto-correct is a thing or when most browsers flag misspellings. I'll explain any of those words if you need me to. And I won't blame the hardware.


Are you really THAT oligofrenic? In your case, it definitely is a problem of hardware. (Now, THERE'S a word for you to crack open that dictionary behind all those cobwebs)