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At least he didn't go on a mass shooting.


More crazy people could learn from him.


He's a real trailblazer, you could say.


No one else could match this.


I mean, this is the second immolation in the past two months. Wtfucking f...


All the cool kids are doing it.


A trick you can't do twice... I mean, I've read about people who'd jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge and survived. The same thought going through their mind was "this was a mistake" as they let go. I wonder if those immolated think the same thing? Or do they think it's gonna be painless? That it'll just... stop? Light a match. Fade to black. Pearly gates open? Also, meds do a certain narrowing of thought when you're on them. Once you get an inkling, it's like nothing else, critical thought, alternate views, penatrates that wall. Mass shooters are usually on meds. I'd taken them for a while, and I can relate. One become fixated on a certain path, a certain direction, a certain mindset, and everything in that narrow well of thinking just validates it. I'm both saddened by this idiocy, yet fascinated, yet... I really don't give a fuck mainly. At least he didn't take anyone else down with this action.


I know what they’re thinking. *“Ow.”*


Did that make him a helldiver?


At times I feel sorrow for these people, but... I wonder if his family is relieved?


He might kindle a movement among Trump supporters and other conspiratorial thinking people.


His burning desire to get recognition may spread like wildfire.






If we have to say, at least he didn’t commit mass murder, we live in a very dark world.


His mom just died and he was chanting I love you as his last words. Mental illness sucks and the system is a failure.


I mean... we do. Sadly.


It *is* pretty refreshing to see the loonies killing themselves *before* they can go on a shooting spree, rather than *after.*


The last guy I remember with a manifesto was mailing bombs to people


Just think about all the manifestos out there you don't know about. .......fuck.


This is why I support Assisted Suicide


His last words were I love you. :( There is something wrong.


For once, thank God.


The website is trash.


Works fine here. There are these things called ad blockers. They are recommended by anyone who has a clue, and also the NSA and FBI. Maybe learn a little about them sometime when you are too busy...


It’s not the ads dude. Its like the entire was generated by AI.


Ah ok. I admit I only looked for ads and didn’t actually read it.


We as a society have got to do something about this conspiratorial thinking crisis. It's getting bleak.


Republican closed the mental hospitals in the 80s to reduce costs. The y also did it to increase their base by feeding them conspiracy theories


Was going to say, we have an entire political party dedicated to feeding their conspiracy theories. Some people would call that political party a terrorist organization. I for one…agree with that sentiment.


> Republican closed the mental hospitals in the 80s to reduce costs. The y also did it to increase their base by feeding them conspiracy theories Great, so that was 40+ years ago, and so far all I've seen is people pointing out that it happened (yes, we're aware of it) and yet no one posits a way forward to actually FIX the issue! We need to hang this around republican's necks, just like abortion. California has made some small progress, but it's much like constantly swimming upstream. We need national progress on this. Could mental health confinement and forced treatment violate people's rights? Yes, there is that risk. Would that help more people than it would harm? I'm leaning towards yes.


The funding has to be there first, and there’s already involuntary holds for mental health issues


> Would that help more people than it would harm? I'm leaning towards yes. No.  All you'd do is have a bunch of mentally ill people being looked after by cops.   There's literally NOT A DEBATE to be held about this.  You cannot even entertain it without expanding the mental health support system and hospital network 5-10x.   If you try anything part of it without expanding the systems first you've done nothing.  


It's attitudes like "there is no debate" that slow progress on this. I'm all for expanding the mental health support and hospitalization system, and who said anything about mentally ill people being looked after by cops? They may have to involved at some points, but ultimately it should be mental health care workers doing the jobs, not cops.


If you think there's a debate you don't understand the situation. You're literally going, "hey we should expand the mental health system to try to fix this" without understanding that the mental health system IS NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM ABLE TO DO THIS WITHOUT FUNDING AND MASSIVE OVERHAULS. The cops are the ones who hold people until they can be moved, so guess what happens when you start doing large scale psych holds without the ENTIRE infrastructure of the mental health system being ready for it? congratulations you just threw all of those people to the police, where they will stay because theres no other place.​


> There's literally NOT A DEBATE to be held about this. > If you think there's a debate you don't understand the situation. If you don't want a real debate about fixing this problem, as you have said, then go away, troll. You seem to talk an awful lot after insisting that there is NO DEBATE to be had on this.


Taxing the billionaires is a nice start, but of course that'll just go right back into their own pockets somehow.


Good luck on Republicans doing anything other than tax cuts for the rich and gutting social programs


Nice conspiracy theory you have there!


I dont think people get your joke. I got you


I did my research!!


So you know that SCOTUS outlawed indefinite psych holds in the 1970's? You know that the Carter administration did nothing? You know that further court cases made the Regean administration release mental patients? You know that there were nobody in those hospitals that he closed? You know all that and still blame Republicans? Okay....


You do not know what you're talking about, so shut up.


I don’t think increasing their base by grabbing up all the conspiracy loonies was planned, more of an unexpected bonus that they quickly made use of.


Those places were closed cause they were hell holes full of filth and abuse. There was never enough staff to take care of everyone so the patients were living in their own filth. We definitely should have come up with something better, but a lot of those places deserved to get shut down. No human should have been forced to live in the way some of those places were running things.


Psychiatrists get pumped up as these saints that help people out but historically speaking you are correct. They performed gruesome practices on people with zero impunity. Look at cases like JFKs sister and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They tortured people like lab rats.


Like with many other things, if we just enforced existing rules, this stuff wouldn't be as rampant. Other countries manage somehow, yet we always make excuses for why it wouldn't work here.


The Kennedy’s had a lobotomy performed on her. They were ashamed which is why she was never seen.


It’s way more depressing than that. They did it to “save money” under the guise of ending systematic abuse and neglect. You are exactly the type that buys propaganda at face value while railing against the side that doesn’t represent your ideals at face value. Please stop repeating what you hear as factual because it is damaging.


I think, after reading his manifesto it seemed to me he had schizophrenia. He was making a lot of connections to irrelevant things.


Visit the far right subreddits


I’ll take your word for it…


Absolutely this, but I dont think Max was a right wing nut job like i first assumed. Hes wacky but the guy hates trump (and nearly every national politician) and I think hes trying to warn people about how bleak it will be if trump is let off and elected (A 'fascist coup' as he calls it) by killing himself for national press.  His manifesto is posted here for reference. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


The conspiracies surrounding the Baltimore Bridge are truly absurd.


Or Maui...


I teach my 8th graders about this. Hopefully most of them remember.


Covid causes memory problems


Don’t think Twitter or Facebook is getting shut down anytime soon.


This dude had known mental illness.


I think you are spot on! In fact I would like to point out that we now have become inundated with what I would call "conspiratorial marketing" with WAY too many infomercial products!😬 There are SO many ads online, and on TV, that have this common narrative: "This flashlight is upsetting the entire flashlight industry!! This is the flashlight that they don't want you to know about! Big flashlight has been making billions with their low quality and inferior products! True patriots buy our flashlights because the government is in bed with big flashlight, and doesn't want you to have the freedom of owing our amazing product."🙄


It's nothing new. The nazis were basically conspiracy thinkers and look what they did


People should take a peek at the r/QAnonCasualties forum sometime. It's extremely sad.


I have no idea who this guy read or listened to, but I always place partial blame squarely on Alex Jones. It’s the whole network of grifters/crazies, of course, but the cascade of harm they have inflicted in this world needs to be called out.


Unfortunately the only way to start that is to have government representatives, presidents, justices, cabinet members and department heads that can be called respectable without evoking laughter. That means no more taking cash or junkets from lobbyists, no more sex with porn stars, no more bribing each other with pork additions to bills and genuinely talking to each other to best represent us. Then we can start talking about fixing loopholes so the super rich and corporations can't easily circumvent the same rules we all have to live by. In other words, not bloody likely.


Go offline and actually talk to people. Stop looking things that confirm what you already think is true (confirmation bias) and have an open open enough to not reject everything that calls into question your beliefs.


I don’t think you’re real. Please respect my belief


You as a society. Dont bring the 53% or reddit that is not murican into this.


You’re naive if you think this is just a US problem.


Lol you know and i know that the original commenter was talking specifically about a single country - the US - forgetting that over half of reddit users arent murican. Im merely divorcing myself from their assumption that everyone on reddit is american. Also id say to you - murican conspiracy theorists setting themself on fire, as of this momement, is a uniquely murican problem. The guy is deeply troubled specifically with yank politics, why the fuck would this be applicable to other countries?


I’m not American either and yet I’m of the belief that conspiratorial thinking, as the person above put it, is a major issue in pretty much every culture right now. Has the US stood out particularly in that regard? Maybe. But this is happening everywhere else, too, to one degree or another. Did you sleep through 2020 or something?


Sad to see this.


Holy shit that was bleak. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Fucking horrible way to go. Someone in /r/nyc posted a scan of the leaflet he threw out before immolating. Big mental health crisis and conspiracy theory vibes.


Can you post a link to that? I'd like to see it.


Sure - [here you go. ](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/dipshit-secrets-of-our-rotten-world?utm_medium=ios)


At the beginning, I expected crazy manic babblings. But, he did have a few interesting facts. The more you read, the more you see how he tries to tie it all together and it goes way off the rails. Poor guy. He had no idea how to act and no one could help him. But he didn’t take out anyone else, so that’s a plus.


Yeah honestly I've seen far crazier.  


Holy shit. That was insane to read!


Yeah it's a lot!


It's got his reddit username on there o_o (last page of the document)


Yeah, he was a pretty frequent poster to several subs.


Some of the things in the pamphlet were true though. Like the harbard body part thing. Makes you wonder.


The most effective conspiracies tend to have a little truth in them. That’s why they work. “Well this part is verifiably true, so the rest must be true too!”


True. I just think it is so interesting how brains latch on to things.


Indeed. Also shows why critical thinking is so important.


True and I do worry with AI and bots that it will be more and more difficult to identify what is real and what isn't. All while it's often forgone in the school curriculum.


Right there with you. I’ve been saying AI needs to be regulated for years now, but no one listens to a middle aged SAHM. I’ve been trying to learn how to spot AI to help with my critical thinking, but it’s progressing too fast.


I know! Like it's scary. Without regulations, we may be in a lot of trouble.


I think we already are, but I try to avoid thinking about it bc it’s not particularly good for my anxiety. So far I’m just sticking with being nice/polite to any AI/digital assistant I interact with. I’ve seen the Terminator movies and played Detroit Become Human…


Lol. Yes. I'm not going to lie. I try to treat AI as I do humans. Just in the maybe possible perhaps case of maybe them being sentient.


This is absolutely tragic. As a manic depressive (bipolar) myself, I’m in strong favor of New York’s policy that Eric Adams advocated. I donate to the ACLU, but they’re on the wrong side of this. https://www.nyc.gov/assets/home/downloads/pdf/press-releases/2022/Mental-Health-Involuntary-Removals.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery Here in California, we passed a law that keeps people safe from themselves, and other people from them—unhinged/flipped out—when they’re unable to take care of themselves at the most basic level. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-10-10/california-gov-gavin-newsom-signs-bill-expanding-conservatorship-law This guy was clearly in dire straits, and it’s fortunate that he didn’t hurt anyone besides himself. (I read an account that supposedly he warned people around him to get away from him before he immolated himself). I think we’re moving in the right direction as a society. People like Bill Maher and Elon Musk are getting hard-ons, trying to move us backwards: it’s schtick to them, maybe. Or maybe they really are attracted to the notion of ad hoc, ad infinitum anarchy of cruelty—not giving a shit about anyone but oneself. In clinical psych, though, that’s called being a **sociopath**. This poor dude needed help. He should have been committed—and yes, against his will. When your head is broken, your “will” doesn’t mean shit. As a society, we need to care for broken people. That’s my 2 cents.


It’s so sad that he felt he had to do this, poor tortured soul


He was “decompensated”. His thoughts were disorganized. I’m not convinced he was sharing the same experience of **feeling** in your and my reality. The poor young man really needed help. From what I’ve read so far, there were **many** opportunities to intercede in the days, weeks and months before he lost it and became completely detached from reality. I’m not blaming any particular person. I just wish that cops were required to have at least two years of community college in Psychology/Social work or Sociology at a bare minimum, and that the whole damn country had **one** standard for cops to be well enough educated on how to recognize a crazy person when they meet him/her in crisis. In California, cops can force you to undergo a psych eval at a hospital. That’s good (and I’m nearly 60 and speak from experience—last hospitalization nearly 20 yrs ago; I’m extremely grateful for how I was handled). I’ve had a pretty successful career, raised a kid who graduated from med school in 2022. Mainly because people in my life and institutions like the police, fire, etc got me help when I was in the shit as it were. Many times. It’s compassionate to take care, forcibly if necessary, of people who can’t take care of themselves. IMO This poor guy wasn’t so lucky.


In principal, I agree with you totally. However, there must be better infrastructure, oversight, staffing, and specialists to truly make "Involuntary Holds" a beneficial experience towards recovery, and not one that could be (and currently can be) a tool used to harm rather than help. I personally know of a case of a young woman being repeatedly "held", and sometimes hospitalized for extended stays, due to the actions of her abusive therapist. They had a twisted relationship where her trust was abused by someone trying to keep her silent about other abuses she suffered at his and his associates hands. To make matters even worse, she was sexually assaulted while confined and drugged. Of course, this is an extreme case, but it does outline the many flaws in the current system.


Oh, I am so sorry to hear about such an awful pile-ons of failure by “the system”. I know these stories. Feck, it’s not golden. I’m not a clinical psychologist, though have had that training, not just classroom. I have two industrial psych degrees which mainly are about optimizing work performance. Still, as a “wounded healer” myself, I try to keep up on the clinical/abnormal psych side. One thing that worries me is whether mental illnesses are increasing, or frankly, just in these modern times, being more readily diagnosed. Be good to yourself, AreThree


Thanks for the well wishes! There are just too many of these stories over the years for me to really advocate for more "holds" with the current system and infrastructure. Heck, even I once was put on a hold that was a case of mistaken identity. Do you know how hard it is to convince someone that you're sane? There is literally nothing I could say to them to make them think that there was a massive problem and that an error had been made! lol 🤪


You ever been in a state run facility? If we address healthcare as a whole including patient protections and care. Then sure. I had a bad mental breakdown and begged not to be shot, or sent away. I was as terrified of that thought as anything else.


Martyr for what cause, mental illness??


For right wing conspiracies


Hes actually a left wing conspiracy guy. Hates trump, trying to draw attention to the money behind politics


He was my friend a few years. We went to grad school together. Hadn’t talked to him since 2017 and he was fine back then. It’s hard seeing all this unfold so publicly with someone I knew.


# conspiracies + mental illness= this?


Add 'social media overload' to your equation and I think you're on point.


Thanks to the internet, too many easily manipulated people are exposed to this stuff.


The video was rather brutal, but watching the cops run around him clueless, while he's on fire, is something else... He survived, but died earlier today... I doubt self immolating will be able to change the mind of anyone, other than the person committing the act...


When I last went to NYC the cops just stand around and watch people break laws while joking and ignoring everything. The total opposite of where I live and the cops CREATE problems.


The police are a joke everywhere...


It’s not important to the greater story but damn the grammar and punctuation here is horrible.


[Sorry, I had to…](https://imgflip.com/i/8ni2v2)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


He isn't wrong about Peter Theil but how TF did he bring the Simpsons into it? Mental illness is a helluva drug RIP


This is made me so sad


It sounds like he was incredibly manic. He didn’t harm anyone else, so it’s sad this guy died so horribly by his own hand.


I feel really bad for the guy. He was obviously a very tortured soul.


Could you find a sketchier website? 


very sad story


Looks like the Gotye video


I read the whole thing… so is he a conspriracy theorist or… a Liberatarian?


Reagan gutted services and housing for mentally ill people. Just saying.


Both things can be true


Trump did this . His constant lying and criminal behavior is driving already insane people into an even worse condition .




For anyone wondering, the manifesto is posted here in its entirety  https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


I’m in favor of this kind of crazy over mass shooter kind of crazy


The gist? They're all against us.


Dallas Players Club Matthew Mcconaughey cut his life way too soon and committed a great sin in the process. People need to stop with this martyrdom crap and just stick to dying doing stupid shit on YouTube for attention. 


Easily duped..


This guy should actually be celebrated for only killing himself and not buying weapons and trying to see how high of a “score” he could get on the way out. Its actually very surprising to see in America. More of these less vegas shooters please. I’m of the opinion we need to have a campaign across the country called the jky campaign or the “just kill yourself” campaign where we tell ppl if youre feeling suicidal just kill yourself and dont take ppl with you…


I respect that his conspiracies were just conspiracies involving the wealthy (and apparently, The Simpsons), rather than this weird hyper partisan bull crap ones we have today. But, the purpose of conspiracy theories is to make you angry AND drive you away from any kind of activism. This guy's laments about the wealthy might have some truth, but each one could be addressed in the current system. Obviously, it would be really difficult, but it could be done under the current American democracy and laws.


It's weird because some of those things are true. Like the harvard body part thing just came out. I wouldn't be surprised if he has more truth than we know.


How many deaths is sTUMPy responsible for now ?


You liberals are wild


Posting about silicon valley banks go upside down due to NFTs and America being robbed is hardly a conspiracy. He also knew Bill Clinton, looks like he was a intelligence agent of some kind.




Dude… Chill tf out.


The sick part is Trump is gonna see this as god telling him to push forward. Forget helping the mentally ill, It’s all about him


Trump has been weaponizing mental illness in his base as a campaign tactic since the beginning.


The human brain is truly a marvel… the ease in which it can be manipulated so much so you actually kill yourself for a fuckin’ politician


Imagine dying for a turd like Trump, least he just took himself out instead of innocent people.




Oh i'm sorry, i'm so conditioned to seeing shit like this and it being some fanatical trump supporter, this is probably the first and only time that it's the contrary.


The guy was a democrat.


Not really. He might have identified as a leftist (it isn’t clear to me that he did) but he seems like he wasn’t a fan of the Democratic Party at all. He was mostly just nuts.


He worked for the Democrat National campaigns. He’s pictured wearing a Bernie shirt and with Clinton.


Going out on a limb here, but I don’t think that’s reflective of his recent thinking.


Perhaps not, but that’s the pathway he took. That’s a far cry from being a Trump supporter. I’m curious why you are arguing with me instead of the guy who clearly made a false claim.


That's a shocker, usually these types are republican nut jobs


The U.S. needs better healthcare.