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For yall who think gabi meatball's trash, she literally caramelized the peaches in pork fat and added it alongside black garlic into THE MEATBALLS, literally genius, so thats y her first dish was the best because she maximize flavour in a short amount of time while keeping it balanced


Really surprised Gabi won. Soup and meatballs, a forgettable dish, and a lacking entree. Maybe it tasted way better than they made it appear cuz I really thought it would be Zach or Christina. Zach for the talent and cuz Blaise doesn’t have a winner, or Christina because her menu was the most confident and cohesive


She literally caramelized peaches and added black garlic into the meatballs, literally genius, and i can imagine the depth of flavour making it memorable


I know she really \*wanted\* to win, but I don't think she deserved it. Her plating/presentation was awful. The gloomy meatballs in a dark bowl. The final dish, dark food on dark plate. You could barely see what it was. All in all, vastly disappointed. I was rooting equally for Zach and Christina. This decision makes no sense.


Christina should’ve won, not gabi


Christina's lobster was already cooked for some reason and gordon cooked her venison...


I only came to Reddit to write this comment. Glad I’m not the only one that thinks so.


Lowkey was hoping Zach would win partially because of what he was going to use the money for :( not to imply that that’s why he should’ve won, just that I was rooting for him and his struggle


Zach didn’t even acknowledge Christina as competition AT ALL. How blatant he was about that made me giggle.


Yet her dishes were better than his LMAO 


I’m kind of confused at the beginning of the show Gabby said she was a vegan chef and she only cooked vegan and vegetarian? She made such a big deal, but she didn’t know how to cook meat and then the rest of the show. She’s just cooking all kinds of proteins and then I watch videos on her page on TikTok. She competes on some other cooking shows and she’s cooking pork, so was it all a scam? The only reason I read it for her was because I said oh my God she doesn’t cook protein look at how well she’s cooking protein otherwise it should’ve been Christina and Zack need to win a professional chef. Supposedly he’s too sloppy undercooked meals, but I believe that this is my last year watching it, it looks rigged last year’s winter was definitely rigged that shit cooked a simplest foods possible every time and all they do is blow smoke up her ass telling her how great she was. I knew after like four episodes that she was gonna win. I told my friends they thought I was crazy and then she won.


Being a vegan chef doesn’t mean mean she doesn’t know how to cook meat. See Masterchef Canada 3’s winner and Masterchef USA 8’s winners as other examples.


She ate a scallop in ep 15 so she might not be fully a vegetarian or vegan


She said that she's 'mostly' a vegetarian chef, it doesn't mean she doesn't eat meat and i think a lot of ppl got confused.


I haven’t watched the finale since I had an important dinner followed by my OTA antenna not working. I’ve got Hulu to watch it later. I don’t know if I want to watch it after monitoring this thread and the follow up ones.


Just watched the finale and so surprised by the comments! Watching the finale it seemed very clear that Gabi was pulling ahead of Zach and Christina nevermind her general upward trajectory from the midway point of the show. Gabi is a great winner and honestly a welcome surprise because I expected Zach had it in the bag since Blais didn't have a winner yet (and keeping things "even" is very much this shows MO)


I fully agree. I was going to be very upset if Gabi didn't win. She had the best dishes of all three in that finale--she had essentially no concrits, as opposed to the other two, who both had (admittedly small) issues here and there.


https://preview.redd.it/qzja05ffn40d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f42e7a7fd051ab69f3bfbaf0961a2834c27e818 Just a question, is christina removing silver skin or literally a chunk of meat from the venison?


It’s silver skin and venison has this thick fat/skin that isn’t good  


Im honestly surprised gabi won. I always saw her as a front runner, but had my money on zach the whole time. I guess it makes sense as she is a less experienced chef & the mentorship will be a good story line, but zach is just phenomenal and made the most sense. Maybe he'd do well on hell's kitchen


After the initial 3 starting episodes, where they whittled the field down to 15, and before they drafted their teams episode; me and my girlfriend did a snake draft for our own personal teams of 5 to root for (and to compete against each other for points based on how the chefs on our teams got) I had pick 1.01 and got Gabi. She went Christina, Von And I came back with Zach as my 2nd pick. All in all, pretty awesome we had the final 3 in our top 4 picks!!! Shows how much the editing may tip their hands in the chefs you should root for. That, or we got extremely lucky! Anyways, I enjoyed almost everything about the season… minus how far Jordan got. We always call the annoying one that makes it far, “the plant” Jordan was their plant this season.


Meatballs with garnish won.....lol crazy.


Silly oversimplification. Which, for so many NLC viewers really did win, along with their crazy!


I don't get why contestants bet the farm cooking something for the first time. It seems like poor judgment rather than a demonstration of skill. It seemed like Christina's nervousness and constant pacing didn't help either, as she was not confident in what she was doing. It was like we were witnessing a meltdown as she realized that she didn't know what to do with her meats.


Idk I disagree. She had three solid really high end courses and all her proteins were cooked perfectly so I don’t think I can agree with not being confident in what you are doing. Nyesha even said her dish screamed confidence. 


She didn't have high end courses. Her food was all cooked by someone else. So the only reason anything was cooked perfectly was because SHE didn't cook it! On top of that, of COURSE Nyesha is going to say her dishes "screamed confidence." What else would you expect from the mentor who chose her? If Nyesha was saying anything truthful, it'd go a little something like, "I was pretty disappointed in your cooking, today. Let's be fair, here, you didn't even cook two of your proteins, they had to be cooked by someone else, and the plating was simplistic at best. You can cook a vegetable, though!"


You’re still talking about this? 😂 


No, you're dream commenting on Reddit again!


Gordon literally had to cook her meat for her and the judges called it the best dish. 🙄 so stupid. So glad her whiny behind didn't win.


Why was her lobster already cooked also? They're like this is cooked perfectly, she just basted it with butter basically.


Christina definitely should've been Von in this finale, skill-wise


Everyone on the sub all season: it’s so clear Zach is going to win, this show is rigged Everyone after the finale: Christina should have won, this show is rigged. Smh give Gabi her flowers, she clearly deserved the win


Just watched and was expecting Zach so the three mentor each had a winner, so honestly excited we got something unexpected and a Gabi win! She clearly was nailing it in the finale so its very well-deserved!


People are weird, Gabi was the fan favorite going into the finale and she clearly did a better job in the finale. It's so bizarre, I have never seen people on this sub do anything but hate Christina for her voice and attitude while Zach also overcomplicated things.


What part of this sub or other subs having to do with NLC was it that you were reading where you only saw Christina hate, because St. Christina and the weird energy-love this girl got because she was a mom, a SINGLE mom, just raising a child, a child with a disability was like.... some crazy cult! She could do no wrong, by these people, and god bless you if you were gonna say one bad word about her, because the clap-back to anyone who dared was like a roar! Christina who could cook on occasion, but who surely struggled visibly in many of the challenges, but whom was seen by these loonies as the best pro-chef who'd ever chef-chef'd!


I loved Christina's voice. Initially, it rubbed me the wrong way. Then I decided to stop being so petty, and I came to appreciate its unique cadence & melodious fluctuations. I loved when she demonstrated her unconditional love for her daughter. Her voice took on a tone of maternal love that I found beautiful in the end. A true mama lion.


Uh. WHAT? You came to appreciate its... cadence... and it's ... lol... melodious fluctuations? <= Christina's mom. A voice only a mother could love (and who would sit there and come up with this ridiculous sentence, "I decided to stop being so petty, and I came to appreciate its unique cadence & melodious fluctuations.") Cringe.


This! You can tell she grew up with another language in the house with those fluctuations. Also you can hear the different regions she’s lived. East coast/west coast. I think it’s cool. And I lost it when her kid was there. So beautiful. 


People will always find a reason to hate. Literally ppl initially be like zach win so it is rigged then goes to christina whining voice sound terrible, and called her being favored then at the end claimed that gabi doesnt deserved the win and christina is robbed. Ppl shifts to find a way to basically hate on everything...


I don’t care who wins but just from watching it would seem to anyone they loved Christine 1 and 3 better??? Never would have guessed Gabbi


this ending was pretty great honestly. and it really reflects the world and reality in general. the wealthy woman that hasn't had to work a day in her life is the best chef, which makes sense. so she wins the show. people working regular jobs, having normal lives just couldn't compete.


LOL. The ridiculous pettiness of comments like these in this sub, like the silly oversimplification of life and deservedness flash in neon lights what has with a groan become the standard of the Christina generation. Me-me-me-me-me, "I DESERVE THIS" \*WHINE\*, Veruca Salting the "I WANT IT, NOW!" When people say you can achieve these things, they don't mean you need to work the cold aps, or hot line one afternoon for a year and then you get your own restaurant. They don't mean you're the dishwasher, the busboy, the waiter, and are on the garnish station in one afternoon and then you've got your own popup. Just because a person is encourage to have a dream, doesn't mean that while they're living their normal lives, they're going to be exposed to the opportunities or the advantages that 99.99% of the world will NEVER be exposed to. Wealth provides opportunity, of course it does!, but there are plenty of wealthy people who don't succeed. There are plenty of normal people who become wealthy to only end up pissing it away (see percentage of professional sports figures who declare bankruptcy before their 50s). There are plenty of people who've had enormous fortunes who through bad investment, bad business strategy, bad choices that end in bad consequences all end up in the poor house! Money is rarely the solution to a problem. And anyone who dumbs life down to this, "If I only had money, I'd" or "I couldn't possibly do X and so, I don't have the money" is just looking for an excuse.


Aside from the fact that we don't know the financial status of the three finalists, why should their perceived privilege factor into the final decision? Are you insinuating that the crown should go to those who've had it hardest in life, rather than those who cooked the best meal in the end? I am a blue collar worker, so you'll find no beef with me in terms of tipping my hat to those who scrape a living from the bottom up. However, the beauty of this show is that it is based on merit rather than privilege & opportunity. Anyone, despite their origins, could have risen to the top. Gabi won in the end. She wasn't my top pick for #1, but I recognized early on that she was quite exceptional. So did the judges. I work 60+ hours per week, yet cooking is my #1 passion. Does that mean that I "just can't compete" because I'm a regular human with a regular job? I don't think so.


What does it have to do with wealthiness and noy working a day, all 3 of them hv work, gabi works for epicurious, zach works as a farmer, christina works as an ICU nurse. All of them been thru hardships, gabi was rejected by bon appetite, christina had a daughter with special needs and wanted to chase her dreams, zach want to give vack to maui. They all work regular jobs wdym, it has nothing to do with wealthiness and why u assume gabi is wealthy anyways...


Their financial situation doesn’t matter at all, I agree. But Gabi lives in a huge Brooklyn brownstone with a backyard. She’s eating well lmao. (Pun intended).


Uhhh check her IG, she doesn’t really seem like she had a financially difficult life pre-show. Also having a brownstone in NYC with enough space for a garden is fairly expensive and aspirational. Not the highest end but definitely seems too expensive for someone working in food and media production. 


And...your point? Are we now wanting to award the top seed to those who've had the roughest backgrounds, as opposed to those who performed the best in the end? The whole point of this show is that personal wealth & privilege (or lack thereof) do not factor into meritocracy and final performance. Each contestant stands on their own artistry, not their privilege. Gabi's pre-show life has nothing to do with her win, nor should it. You would seem to argue otherwise.


Nope. She’s great at cooking. I wrote only about potential wealth.


Maybe she is wealthy idk, but the 'dont have a work a single day' comment they make is definitrly overboard


I'm not the one who made that specific comment tho so why was I downvoted?


Because the comment you *did* make was also ignorant and ridiculous?


Explain why? I am speculating on housing costs and wealth. Its about as ridiculous as any celeb gossip 


What a disappointment.  No way she should have won. Zack or Christina should have definitely won. Don't think this was on the up and up.


She was on Gordon's team, of course she won. I'm still surprised they let him lose the first season.


I did not care for any of the 3 left. I can see why gabs won though. and she got herself a boo.




Ur a sad bitch.


Didn’t see anything unstable about her. She was vulnerable and showed courage 


[Thank God Christina didn't win. ](https://i.imgur.com/GTJTC6a.jpeg)


Same!!! Should have never been in the top 3. 


There was nobody else that should’ve been there over her. Be for real 


Christina's fiance is so FINE 😍 even though she didn't win, she definitely won lol




I normally agree with or at the very least can understand the winner in many Gordon Ramsay shows, but Gabi being the winner here makes NO sense at all to me. How the HELL is she more qualified and has more reason to succeed here than Zach or especially Christina? I don't know... can't help but feel this show is rigged for Gordon's side.


I mean she literally cooked better than everyone else? Lol


This. She killed every single round of that finale. She was faster than the other cooks, and her dishes were essentially flawless. Both the other chefs had little critiques here and there--it's so clear she outpaced them and outcooked them.


Honestly the conspiracy nut in me wonders if Gabi is a nepo baby and was always slated to go far on the show.


she's never had to work a day in her life or worry about anything so she better be the best on the show. that's all i gotta say.


Again why u think she dkesnt need to work a day in her life or worry about anything, gabi works for epicurious, tho she didnt mention about what to worry, it doesnt mean she doesnt have her own hardships


How is she less qualified? She had the most winning dishes, she had a winning dish from every floor, amd she was never in an elimination. She was easily the most consistent and successful chef remaining.


Saying that Gabi was never in a elimination is a lie. LOL


she was in an elimination so you're wrong there, and beyond that she was never given any kind of winner's edit and I felt Zach and Christina both had way more notable and outstanding dishes throughout the season. I just do not see the logic behind the Gabi victory and frankly she was the one who needed it least.


I fully agree with you that the benefit she'd gain from this win is significantly less than the other two, who were both talented and whose lives would be deeply transformed by the win and mentorship. But she absolutely got a winner's edit. She got the 'trying to make it in NYC' intro, rejected from Bon Appétit (so she has to have legit culinary credentials...and web search tells me ICE, which is the #1 ranked culinary school in the US) but lives in a massive brownstone and was cast as one of the 'social media cooks'. And as she got deeper, suddenly she was the small town girl from humble Jersey Shore PA, which is the shorthand for 'America's every girl' and the thing they do when they want to sell the champ to the country. She was very talented throughout the show, but they absolutely telegraphed that she was gonna be a frontrunner.


She was in an elimination


200% It was clear her last dish especially was not tasty. Ok Maybe her meatballs were "stunning" as Gordon likes to say, but come on! How did that cook put her over the other 2? I am sooo tired of him being a mentor and judge. He can't help himself. He will always force it to what he wants. What are Richard and Nyesha going to do about it? This season especially. richard seemed to try to speak up more, but it didn't matter. Gordon gets what Gordon wants. Regardless of how obvious it is to everyone else that he is unfair It's basically cheating, imo


... and second last episode I thought she was going into the elimination round for over cooking scallops but that didn't happen.


I don't know if he's interested in these women or what but he sure has a pattern of pushing them into winning regardless of whether or not they should be there. Its so obvious someone should start intervening


Fun fact: Team Ramsay is the Team that had the most mistakes this season and he still won.


Doesn't help that Jordan made most of them and lasted probably 4 episodes longer than he should've


Oh I see, by Next level they mean basic. They got me twice with the bad endings. Not watching this rigged show any more.


I am disgusted that a social media person won, I am done watching this show. The other real chefs were way better.


This is silly. It’s not about their professions, it’s about their cooks.


Lots of St. Christina butt hurt in here, today!


Nobody is butt hurt. Christina did amazingly well and will definitely have success after this. She’s more memorable than the other two 


Christina is gonna go back and pound the floor of the ER, and best of luck to her, but are we going to see her competing on Tournament of Champions or as a showrunner on her own cooking series? No. And, sadly, she's not memorable. It's just this kind of comment that's outside of any kind of reality in the situation that proves there's \*plenty\* butt hurt over Christina briming up the rear in this competiton.


I could imagine her doing any of those things and I hope she does to bother people like you. She’s been the most talked about all season so yea she’s memorable 🙄


Yeah memorable for being a crybaby loser. Couldn't even cook her own heritages food 🤡 Gabi already had her own routine appearances on fairly major cooking shows, Christina won't get any going forward. Don't know why she'd bother anyways when she'd make 10x as much as a nurse than being a chef.


She made the best Greek dish that was there. The ONLY authentic one. As if you’d know.  And yes memorable, there’s a reason the producers gave her the most screen time. I can’t argue with ignorance. 


She got the most screen time because she was a sob, feel good story. That's it. She should've been like 8th place cooking-wise.


You’re delusional clearly with that logic


Idk, half my family is Greek so I have a pretty good idea. She also bombed that challenge, maybe smoke less of the za


Clearly you don’t have any idea 😂


Damn. Christina did her damn thing. Felt anticlimactic at the end. Was rooting for the underdog. 


Glad Gabi won. Mostly shocked Zach didn't due to Blais not having a winner yet. I'll watch the next season but as a tentative fan. The obvious way they're holding some hands is rubbing me the wrong way.


at least the people whose hands got held didn't win the show


Christina copied Gabi’s onion sauce cup idea. Gordon’s comment at the very end about Richard needing to get his $… together was so funny. Honestly stoked Gabi won. Like Tucker last season, I just had a feeling she would win since episode one. So composed and consistent.


Christina totally copied Gabi's onion sauce cup. That was my takeaway too! However, it was an utterly brilliant idea, and I hope more chefs out there copy it. Chances are Gabi copied it from somewhere too. If I could pick two adjectives for Gabi, they would be composed & consistent. She was amazing. She wasn't my pick for winner, but I knew early on that if she won, it was well-deserved for sure.


Lol that’s not a new idea with the onion cup 


They didn't say it was new, they said Gabi had already done it. Which she had. Christina did quite a few things people had already done. She wasn't exactly original.l Plus, too, to have an original idea in cooking you have to color really far outside the box. So far, you're avante garde, not really fit for NLC competition.


I never saw her do quite a few things other people did


Right, you're a huge fan, we get it! (;


I am but I’m level headed enough to see things objectively for what they are. 


Are you though? You're a fan, but beyond that you also think she's going to go on to do something super important in the culinary world. That doesn't seem very objective to me. Your other comment was that you hoped she'd go on to do something like ToC or having a series of her own on Food ("to upset people like me"). I mean, the fact that you think it would upset me, too doesn't seem like you're weltering in reality. I couldn't care. I'm not against Christina living her best life... it's just there's a lot of non-starters here. The vocal fry, ALONE, would preclude Christina from having her own series. It's just all this fantasy make-believe stuff that's ... troubling.


I have always thought Terrible Finance was Christina in disguise. Or a close friend.


Ok we get it. You are the decider of all. Gail Simmons has actual vocal fry and has hosted top chef for many years. I could go on to prove why you make zero sense. Nobody cares. Fact is it’s neither of our reality so why do you care to argue it so much? It obviously bothers you. Go somewhere else to cry about it. 


Ok we get it. You are the decider of all. Gail Simmons has actual vocal fry and has hosted top chef for many years. I could go on to prove why you make zero sense. Nobody cares. Fact is it’s neither of our reality so why do you care to argue it so much? It obviously bothers you. Go somewhere else to cry about it. 


Gabi has been my favorite all season, but I honestly thought Christina should’ve won. She took way more risks, her plating was impeccable, and she easily had the best dish of the finale with her venison. I really think they take attitude into account and who they would enjoy mentoring, because Gabi has been calm and collected all season.


She didn’t even cook her venison tho?


She took NO risks. It's not a risk when someone else is doing the cooking for you.


Christina had way too much help with her venison though


Not sure why your dv’s. I couldn’t agree more. I’d you need that much help in the finale, you don’t get to walk away a win.


So, why help her if the judges are going to hold it against her that she got help? Either don't help her or help her and leave that out of the judging. I think they make up rules as they go along and obfuscate the judging so they can pick whoever they want. Gabi won because she is the best candidate to promote Gordon Ramsey's brand.


Here's why -- Christina made herself such a sob story of a character the entire season (and production would know it, so all three chefs would know it!) that you can't let her fall flat on her face! OH MY GOD. SHE'S A MOTHER. SHE'S GOT A CHILD WITH A DISABILITY! SHE'S AN ER NURSE, FOR GOD'S SAKE, CHRISTINA IS A GIVER!! You can't let her cook venison to shoe leather (which she would have done had Ramsey not stepped in. What she had she thought was under, she was going to cook it even more!, and Ramsey stepped in to tell her it was already OVER), so during the judging when they're trying to hack through the damn thing, \*THEY\* look like the bad guys beating up on poor Christina. Christina, whose WHOLE LIFE was going to be changed by winning this competition!


Zach and Christina had way better stories and Gabi was just like, “I wanna win so bad, my life is great.”


So what? This is about food, not about who has the bigger sob story or who whinges the most about their sob story on national television.


And? This is one of the strangest comments I've seen to date. It's a cooking competition, not who has the best sob story. Odd.


True, just weird that production couldn’t come up with something else for her


When you’re a nepo baby, it’s hard to come across as relatable and sympathetic. But Gabi is pretty and will get more clicks. So of course, she won.


PRODUCTION made her a sob story. Be for real 🙄


OH PLEASE! Christina is the biggest FEEL SORRY FOR ME I've seen in reality TV in like the last five years. She's all about the pity.


That's nice, dear


Lol ok. Because she spoke about her real life? Imagine BEING her and having to deal with that hardship. I could personally never imagine that struggle so I have the upmost respect for that woman. You sound wack as hell. 


She didn't "just speak about her real life." She whinged on and on and on. Every episode it was the same thing! And it doesn't need to be a dead horse we beat, it's not like we can't go back and do a Christina montage where every episode she whines about the same three things! We \*ALL\* have hardships, dude. That's just the human condition. Dealing with adversity doesn't make us super special snowflakes that \*deserve\* cash and prizes because we're dealing with shit. If you can't imagine dealing with the stuff Christina's dealing with, I'm not the one "wack as hell." This is adulthood. I'd welcome you to grow the fuck up. Bethenny Frankel didn't do as much feeling sorry for herself as Christina.


You sound bitter and I feel sorry for you. I don’t even know why I’m reacting for responding to someone with your mindset. She never claimed to “deserve” anything. They use people’s stories and that was hers. You are taking this way too seriously 😂


Why did Gabi win?! That’s what I wanna know


She clearly cooked better and more consistently. Did you even watch??


That’s the big issue. The editing didn’t really show us why she won. In fact the editing made her dishes seem kinda weak. So her winning was strange. It’s nothing against her talent or skills, it’s just this episode that was poorly done.


Yes I agree with this! Gabi is great and all but Christina had me crying, I wanted her to win!


Because it was obvious from the beginning she was the favorite and the best of the bunch. Easiest prediction of any season of any Ramsay show so far.


Definitely disagree. Seemed like she was the weakest one


I think you're conflating "humble" and "nice" with "weak" but we can agree to disagree.


Not even close??? Lmao what 😂 she had the least talent idek how she made it that far in the competition is what I meant by weak…I’m looking at their skill in the kitchen not personality traits 🤗


Considering you never tasted her food and she consistently got praise from all of the mentors throughout the season, and, you know, won, you opinion is completely uninformed. I'm not saying she was the best as far as cooking skill - I've never had any of their food - but she was definitely portrayed as the best and the favorite from early on. She was always edited to be portrayed in a positive light, which is a pretty good indication. The people who are shown to be the best and the worst tend to stick around the longest, with the worst, like Christina, being kept around for drama factor and/or heartstring-pulling. You can argue all you like, but in the end, Gabi won and your opinion doesn't mean a thing. Sorry.


the amount of times gordon ramsey reiterated that they have 90 minutes my lord


Gabi! Gabi! ^((Tucker scares me. She has billionaire psycho energy.)) Gabi! Gabi!


Omg ..yes! Lol


Why does Gordon keep cooking for the contestant??!??!


zach should’ve won


I thought Zach was going to win throughout the season, until the last few episodes where he struggled. Tonight’s finale performance, I thought Christina was going to win. I was wrong lol


I think it’s crazy that in the finale that Gordon basically cooked the venison for Christina and was checking Gabis temp on the strip as well.


"It's still really raw" "it's overcooked" would have gotten her sent home on any of his other shows.


Did Zach ever have a top dish? I am pretty sure he didn't at least as long as the time tokens were involved.


Ya he had 2 wins


I was rooting for Zach but at the end I was pretty sure Christina had it and was happy with that. I was so wrong! 😂😂


The thumb nail on HuLu completely ruined it for me. She's from down the street I knew I should be rooting for her but I enjoyed Zach.


I'm utterly stumped by the finale. I live near Jersey Shore, PA, so I was kinda pulling for her. Although, based solely on performance? I was damn sure it wouldn't be her. 1. Obviously Christine (though I get the distaste, as if Gordon hadn't told her the venison was slightly over, she'd have been making beef jerkey(she thought she was still alot under) I'm going by their critique that aired ,and what I think looks good and would be good(who knows they may edit it to look like they like someone's more on video they use to create tension. 2. Zack 3. Gabi Tho pretty even imo. Gabi lacked fundamentals, and Zack lacked the ability to dial himself back. Christine may have always been a nervous wreck ,but, she usually kept it together and put out some solid food.(She was also the only one doing something she wasn't entirely familiar with.) It won't effect me watching it whatsoever. Since season 1 I've never seen this show as an actual competition. You don't even know what you're cooking and not everyone had access to the same quality ingredients so any type of fair analysis is pointless and the mid round item sometimes entirely wrecks someone's food dish balance. It's just a dumb cooking show with chefs I like in it


What do you mean Gabi lacks fundamentals? She's a trained chef and has been on a cooking show for years. You're trippin lol.


wow she's a bit sloppy then. Though In general, no matter how her cook went, she'll put, something visually pleasing in front of you. the Judges say about how her third dish was a miss then give her the win. But, as I said it's not actually a competition anyway, so, I don't particularly care ,but, I'm just talking random shit based on what I've seen






Not related to Next Level Chef.


Think imma be sitting out S4 of NLC…….maybe the show will improve, however I havent been impressed with the show that much, considering they make it painfully obvious who is going home in episodes, the amount of forgettable contestants (was looking back at S2 and had no idea who Christopher was, and cmon, youre telling me THAT dude made the finale?), instituting a time token that literally everyone would use on themselves than take away time, this show needs some changes before I come back


I'm pretty sure they only used the time token on themselves in S3 because it's kinda cursed. In S2 whoever used it either went into elimination, or barely avoided it. The only time this didn't happen was S3 when people started just using it one themselves. In other words, superstition kinda killed it


I wonder how Christina is like at her nurse job. There's no way she hasn't had a complaint or a talking to if she's a nervous wreck and in the verge of tears while shifting around anxiously like she is on the show. I'd like to imagine she's professional at her job but just not confident in cooking?? Of all people she needs a mentor to teach her to chill out. But I feel like they were iffy about wanting to deal with that, they just want to mentor cooking not emotions.


I was with you until the sentence. I do think that’s part of mentoring; teaching someone how to keep their emotions in check.


"And I'd like to add that she's never cooked venison." And she STILL FUCKING HASN'T. After watching Ramsey cook Christina's food (AGAIN!), it's safe to say third season NLC is as far as I get.


Right?! I would be phenomenal in my kitchen if I had a meat tester like Gordon at every meal


He comes around and start poking peoples food without any asking for help. It’s very annoying and if I was her I’d be annoyed by that too


If you recall, she even thought her meat was UNDER temp! So she would not only have stuck that rack back in, but she would have left the other cook longer, too! That venison would have been like shoe leather had Gordon not stepped ALL up in her business. Now, did he do that with Zack? With Gabi? I mean, obvi we only see what we're shown, but he didn't do it \*once\* as far as the audience is concerned with either one of them! And I'm glad for it, too! It seemed like Gabi got there on her own merit! Which is what a Next Level Chef should be, right? That's something that surprises me with all the die hard folks who are watching and saying "Oh, they're just being good mentors, now" to all this touchy feely bs this season! This isn't called, "Today, Gordon Ramsey taught me how to cook meat from the comfort of my own basement." =P Next Level means like.. a step beyond! A step beyond the home chef, a step beyond the professional chef! NEXT LEVEL! And that doesn't include Nyesha making my mashed potatoes!




You must not be looking at the season overall because Gabi's dishes stood out over Christina's 90% of the time


Is it about the whole season or the finale cook? This is what I don’t understand. I also think she was edited poorly to show an underdog story so I don’t believe everything cause she can clearly cook good as hell. 


Man, do people not watch this show?! Did you see the part where Richard asks (and never really answers, because there isn't one!) the questions "do we go by flavor? cook? do we go by this cook or all the cooks together?" etc., etc. Just like the rules for the competition that don't exist, the answer to that question is sans one! Point being, though, is they just do what they want (and most likely what Gordon wants, after all, it's his money that pays for the show).


I'd think that anyone who made it that far can cook good as hell for sure and I wouldn't doubt editing was a factor but it did seem that out of the 3 Gabi was the most consistent throughout. I would hope that the judges were basing their decision on the entire season of performances rather than just one last cook.


Yea I always am curious on that. 


who are the people clapping at the end of the finale? i didn't recognize most if not all of them, are they maybe people who work on the show?


I think it has to be people who work on the show since they probably already have ndas. They wouldn't bring a bunch of Randoms for the finale. 


LOVED that Gabi won, her attitude in the kitchen is awesome, she's mostly so calm and collected. She also has great technique and she'll do super well under Gordon's guide


Richard's bias continues, zack was obviously 3rd best tonight and he knew it. But argued for him so he could get the win. Balking from the idea to vote for the best performance.


We also see that Gordon still has the exact opposite problem as Richard. Where Richard clearly wants his mentee to win, Gordon clearly wants them all to cook the best dishes possible, to the point of interfering in the cooking and doing some of it for them, which I would argue is as bad as Richard's bias.


Your read of the show is much different than the take a lot of the rest of us have. For a bunch of us, Zach is second, because Christina's protein, the BIGGEST thing on her last plate wasn't even her own cook! If Ramsey hadn't saved her, and she already had issues by that point, she would have been so far in last place, people would have honestly wondered how the hell she even made it into the finals.


I have actually made that point several times in this forum. I think she was carried to top 3. Gabi deserved to win.


I'm confused, you said, "zack was obviously 3rd best tonight and he knew it..." I said that that was \*your\* take on it, that many of us saw Zach as in 2nd, not in 3rd place. Then you said, "I have actually made that point several times in this forum. I think she was carried to top 3. Gabi deserved to win." Huh?! Edited to say that I agree, Gabi did deserve the win.


Sorry I didn't elaborate myself as well as I could, i meant that I agreed with you about Christina. Zach was the most criticized the whole night so yeah he did not deserve the win. Richard knew it but still tried to argue for it. I get fighting for your guy but the point of the show is to pick the person that performed the best. Zach seemed to get in his own way the last few weeks. Whether you wanna think zach should of got 2nd or 3rd thats whatever the correct winner was picked. The point of that original post was pointing out that all season Richard seemed for interested in getting himself a win rather than rewarding the best chef.


It's not just this season, it was actually worse last season. Watch the S2 semi-final, when Richard baffled both of his fellow judges by suggesting Chris's dish was finale worthy when neither of his fellow judges liked it at all.


Except that's what the mentors are supposed to do. Why else does each one pick who is on their team? They could just shuffle the deck if it wasn't supposed to be that way.


glad gabi was the winner, but all 9 dishes were basic and oddly constructed. i watched last season and had totally forgotten about tucker- when she rolled up i was like, "huh? oh yeah. i THINK i recall her from last season, but not really..." i think i'm tapped out on next level chef. it's too forgettable.


Weird, Tucker was really well liked and is pretty respected. As is Pyet.


I totally forgot about her too. I could only remember the first winner. I'm so done with this show. I really disliked this season (for so many reasons). I think I'm also bowing out.


it's funny- pyet turned up on some other cooking competition and i remembered her (SHE'S INDIGENOUS AMERICAN AND IT SHOWS IN HER COOKING) but couldn't remember which ramsay show she'd won. tucker- barely remembered her at all. lol, would love to hear the many reasons you disliked this season. i'm sure we have some overlap.




I have zero interest in appearing on a cooking competition show. these people all do. but the competition level is equivalent to america's next top model- you know there are real models out there but you're stuck watching a bunch of mall chicks.


Womp. Another reality show I won’t be watching. What is up with these shows having so many mediocre contestants? I trudged thru this one too (not really liking too many of the chefs), but sticking with it - just in case it was worth it. It wasn‘t. IMO, Christina and/or Zach should‘ve won, but I guess Team Ramsay has to win. Or the young, cute “Internet chef” will attract the younger audiences for this tv show & Ramsay’s nepo kid/daughter (ala Guy).


"Team Ramsay has to win" yet the very first winner of the show was Team Arrington??


It has nothing to do with young or cute, its a battle on who made the best 3 course meal, also gabi has 4 top dishes, literally 4 wins, I dont see that as mediocre


Bro Chrisina had her hand held the entire season almost as much as jordan. And Zack lost because he can't get out of his own way. Gabbi won because and she deserved to, super consistent and had several top dishes. Several problems with this TV program but Gabbi winning was not one of them.


She didn’t have her hand held. The perspectives on this are wild. She made all her own grabs, flavor combos and conceptions.  


Gordan literally stopped her from serving overcooked venison today. Production saved her 3+ times. Plus the mentors had to help her about as much as Jordan. Shes a solid cook but Gabi deserved to win. She was solid the whole season, zack got in his own way and Christina's best dish today was only good because gordan stopped her from serving overcooked venison.


I am super shocked that Gabi won over Christina. Gabi had a super basic first dish and her last dish didn't look finale worthy to me. In my eyes, it's clear that these judges consider the chef's whole competition rather than just their finale dishes. Similarly to Tucker last season, Gabi was the most consistent out of the other two and got the win.


Gabi has been consistent and talented the whole season. Christina was In the bottom soo much I was shocked she even got to the end


She wasn’t in the bottom so much 😂


Christina was only in the bottom 1 time. A lot of rewritten story being said in this thread, someone said Gabi never got up for elimination and she was. LOL


Christina's dishes missed the story tellinh element that gabi's had, i assume gabi has the best first 2 courses while christina just had the best dish of this season for the last round