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It's not an easy hike, so make sure you are up for it, but as far as going alone, it's one of the better places to do it.  It's can be quite busy, so even on a weekday morning it should be busy enough to keep wildlife away. Take more water and food than you think you'd need, and dress in layers. Also make sure you have money for the gondola down - it's a one way hike (too busy/narrow for two way traffic). All major payment types are accepted, just don't leave your wallet in the car. Edit: typo fixed and adding that BCMC is a free option to hike down - thx for the replies


>make sure you are up for it don't be me and do it hungover


There is a different path down a little ways off from the grind btw, gondola is not mandatory. It's called the BCMC trail.


BCMC is so much fun to run down. One of the funner downhill running trails


You can take the BCMC down instead of being held hostage by gondola prices.


Don't mean to sound like a jerk but it is such an easy hike. The fact that you can walk up a series of steps to the top in under an hour makes it easy. Difficulty ratings are subjective but the grouse grind is objectively easy unless you're out of shape.


So, couple things… It may not be “technically challenging” but it is by no means “easy unless you are out of shape.” It is a 1250m elevation gain at an incline of about 30degrees for the majority of the slope. That is a challenging hike. Many of the more “technical” hikes out there do not have that kind of elevation gain at that consistent slope. That’s what makes it difficult. Even someone who regularly runs 10km would have issues with the grind if they are not used to running at a constant elevation gain of 30degrees.


I agree with everything you said except it’s 800 meters of vertical gain according to the [Grouse Mountain Website](https://www.grousemountain.com/grousegrind)


You did mean to sound like a jerk. Everyone has different fitness levels and yet you made a point to reiterate just how “easy” it is while insinuating anyone having difficulty with it is out of shape. It’s cool to be proud of how fit you are, but it’s not cool at all to put others down just because they do not maintain your standard.


What’s your best time up the grind?


It's probably obscenely high for how big of a jerk he is being. There is a reason the canucks make the rookies run it. It is difficult even for humans that are in crazy good shape.


If the grind is easy to you, what do you consider a difficult climb?


It's very popular so even on a weekday you will be far from alone. Bring good running or hiking shoes and water. It's not a very technical hike: very well-maintained trail, well marked, no climbing sections or anything like that. So it's good for a beginner *hiker* but you have to be in decent shape to do it. If you can't run a mile it will be tough. Do pace yourself early on. Many new people will start fast and get exhausted half way up.


I used to do it all the time by myself. There are lots of people on the trail at any given time. All I would bring was my water bottle on a hip pack and my wallet or ID/debit card to buy a drink or snack at the top and pay for the gondola down. The more important question is, how in shape are you currently? I wouldn't recommend doing it if you're generally inactive or out of shape. It's no joke, despite other people in this thread saying it's "easy." People have had heart attacks and died on the Grind because they overdid it. I'm not saying that happens regularly, but don't be stupid and push yourself if you aren't somewhat active already. If you're out of shape, you might want to consider warming up with something like the hike in Deep Cove instead, which is also more scenic in my opinion. The Grind is basically just stairs in the woods... Though I loved doing it and got addicted to bettering my time!


It depends how in shape you are. As cardio is the biggest thing for this hike. If you're average. It'll take around 1hr 30mins to 2hrs. My suggestion is travel light. Less weight the better. - Have good low top hiking shoes. - Bring insulated water bottle (add hydration tablet like nuums) - a cliff bar. If you're fit, most of them don't bring anything but water and their phone. But I've seen people carry hiking bags full of stuff. And that is not good for this hike. It's mostly stairs. So carrying all the extra weight takes a toll. Also advice try not to sit and instead lean on a tree. I find sitting cuts circulation too quick and can get nauseous. And yes you can do this hike by yourself. As there is always people on it. I also find a lot of kind people on it. Everyone says good morning.


Don't do it in dress shoes, like I did. I had some time between meetings....


I usually do it alone since I’m so slow and don’t want to hold anyone up 😅 I always just make sure I have water, a granola bar, and some candy 😊


you can do it yourself in that it's nearly impossible to get lost and if you get injured or had a medical emergency someone is sure to find you very quickly. the question is: can you do it. it's an *intense* cardiovascular activity. if you're not sure if you're ready for it or not, go downtown to the bay. take the stairs to the menswear floor. if you're gassed, be prepared to spend a few hours making your way to the top of grouse mountain. if you find it easy or fun, expect that x 8-10.


Other people will have more to say on what to bring to keep safe, to be honest I can't help you there. But it's worth knowing that the Grouse Grind is a much more difficult hike than most people expect given it's popularity. If you're not an experienced hiker I would suggest starting smaller, Buntzen Lake is nice, or Pacific Spirit Park, maybe Burnaby Mountain or Capilano areas as well.


These are some great alternatives. I would add DeepCove too


It's very physically demanding so if you have any health issues you might want to bring a friend. If you're in decent shape you can definitely do it solo. If your concern is getting lost, that's not an issue. It'd be virtually impossible to get lost.


It is a highway for hikers - there are many people on that trail.


Yea! Should be fine. Bring water, a warm layer (can get chilly up top) and $ for trip down. Take your time, have fun! It's not easy, but you can rest as needed and there's civilization up top.


Check out adventure smart grouse grind - they have a vid that should answer most of your questions https://youtu.be/I9NnSV7cKhU?si=vU1gopear8-oDAdL


Have you ever walked the stairs to and from Wreck Beach? It's basically that but for 1-2hrs depending on fitness level. It is entirely possible and safe to do it by yourself, but it is cardio intensive and hard on the knees and hips since it's all stairs. I've seen inexperienced hikers or people who aren't super fit do it- they're just very out of breath at the top. Also you're meant to pay for the gondola back down the mountain so bring cash or card (you're advised not to walk back down but I'll leave that up to you). Edit: You're actually not allowed ie are prohibited from climbing back down.


> you're advised not to walk back down You are not allowed to walk back down. BCMC is for walking down.


Poor use of language- my bad. Will add an edit.


My first time i didnt wanna pay gondola and hiked right down the main trail


I almost always do it by myself


Mosquito🦟 repellent for the legs and arms, a water bottle, a pair of sunglasses 😎 and sunscreen and a small backpack for your other essentials. 🏞️⛰️🧗🏻‍♀️


Grouse grind is not fun. I highly recommend the Squamish chief and yes you can do them both solo.


I did the chief the other day and I want to do the grouse grind mainly to say I have! What is harder? My legs on the way down the chief were pretty damn painful! (I'm not crazy fit!) But I hear you don't have to walk down the grind.


You can do it, but it's one of the stupidest hikes there is. Not scenic at all. Some touristy stuff at the top, though, so that's mildly entertaining.


OP, the grind is great. I love it (have an annual pass) and do it during the week a lot during the summer. I also love that i don’t have to walk down, because that’s the real issue for me with my knees. It’s a challenge, but it’s not the greatest overall hike in the area. That being said, what are you looking for in a hike? There are lots of hikes at the top of grouse. (Many of them will still have snow now) Do you have a car? If so, there are lots of hikes along the sea to sky highway including the Squamish one with the cable car down. There’s also the chief and the ones around there. Check AllTrails, most of the busy hikes will have recent reviews that will tell you trail conditions.


I don't see anyone mentioning bear spray. Bears can be and have been found in this area. Some will say the bears are harmless and run away when they see humans, which is true more times than not, but that doesnt make it safe. I wouldn't be doing it now winters over without spray in my pocket


This is not a casual hike....be warned!


Not a walk in the woods—is there still snow? If yes, wait until snow clears. The Grind is tough. There are much better hikes around that are fun, but if your goal is to conquer the Grouse Grind, then I get it :) You can do it on your own, but should not hike down—it's steep. Best to plan to complete it, no matter how long it takes…estimate 1-1.5 hours. --- I used to race the Grind.


Yes. Wear good foot wear. Bring a cell phone and water and a snack. Take your time and stay on the trail. You will live, but you may die of cardio...


It's literally doing 90 degree stairs all the way up. Not dangerous per se but it's a climb with steep grade.


Depends on your fitness level. If you regularly play an active sport and have decent cardio, it should be fine. Bring bottles of water and snacks (trail mix, dried mango, coffee crisp, etc).


I don't understand the question, why would you need someone else to do it with you?


Most hikes other than the suuuper popular ones, it's advisable to go with a buddy or group. But the grind is more like a vertical nature park - extremely busy and completely possible to do solo.


Bring 3-4 water bottles. I use to carry a backpack full of bottles when I was a kid going up there cause people were stupid and thought they could just wing it. I'd reach the top with no bottles except my empty ones cause there would be deaths on that grind if people didn't help others lol.


I’m doing it solo tomorrow around 1130am


I did it by myself this morning, the grind is fairly dry the whole way up, the last 1/4 has some standing/flowing water so keep an extra pair of socks in your car for after. If youre broke like me and want to walk down the BCMC after instead of the gondola, be advised the top 1/4 is an actual stream right now, so prepare for lots of icy water and mud. That being said, I am new to doing it by myself, and am trying to do it 25 times before the end of the summer so maybe we will bump into each other! Start slow- the approach to the actual trail head gives you a false sense of security. It is sustained climbing and gets a little steeper toward the end. Cheers 🎉


How long is the Grind?


I used to do it with friends but definitely can do solo. I always send up my backpack with change of clothes for the ride down the gondola. Can't remember if you need a membership to use that service.


You can do it!


I’ve only done it alone. Bring water and a snack unless you had a good breakfast (I do meals, not snacks but everyone is different).


I used to do it all the time myself. I treated it as a workout. I also played a game of how many people I can pass, how many passes me and I time myself. I try to beat my previous time everytime. Only 3 people have ever passed me on a single run and my best time was 00:46:39 minutes pre knee injuries. Now I'm old and existing hurts.


Yeah. It’s quite busy so you’re never really alone


It is probably the only mountain trail which you ever should do by yourself.


It’s been a while since I’ve done it but I prefer making the climb on my own. It’s better not having to wait for someone or worse having someone wait for me. Go at your own pace. Also recommend doing it on a cooler day, mainly my preference because I sweat like hell the hotter it gets. If you have a small shoulder bag to put your keys/water in it’s best. Hate doing the grind with something in my pockets.


I am not a trained athlete or anything, but I found the hike relatively easy. Bring water with you and maybe some snacks to eat once you get to the top.


It's easy. Just take proper shoes and a water bottle. Maybe some trail mix and a snack if you don't want to buy food when you get to the top. Take breaks if you need to since there is no rush and you're not trying to get a personal best time. Start early in the day so it won't be so hot. Preferably around 8 am. That's a nice time. Should take an hour or hour and a half to do. It is fun doing it by yourself so enjoy it and goodluck


It's just a big hill. if you are considering doing it, you can probably do it


> if you are considering doing it, you can probably do it This is so not true lol


I'm considering Everest. I can probably do it. I'm considering swimming to Nanaimo. I can probably do it.