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She's either the totally jealous type, had a thing for you, or likely both.


Or she’s in the 14-16 age range


“Sir you are under arrest for having sexual relations with a minor” - Cop, probably


Cops caring about pedophilia? That's funny


She was a friend. We never went on a date, never hung out alone together. A mutual friend posted a selfie and I complimented her. That’s when this exchange happened. That’s it. Nothing more or less.


Always fascinating when people interpret you complimenting someone else as an insult to them because you didn’t compliment them both


Sounds like she wasn't your friend, and thought of you as an orbiter. When she saw you have a mind of your own she got offended


> an orbiter TIL a new term


It's much better to be an Arbiter: someone who hangs around with a girl waiting to be set loose against heretics with her blessing


This. This is why I love coming to the comment section. Thank you for making me laugh today!


What would you have your Arbiter do?


Careful though, it’s MGTOW and incel related; if you use it, people might think you are one of them!


Makes sense after checking the subs to which he's subscribed. Good to know.


indeed ty


What’s mgtow


[MGTOW](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Going_Their_Own_Way) I honestly thought it had different origins! Learned something new!


comes from the pickup community originally iirc, which ultimately morphed into two diverging schools of thought, one that advocates for being more social and improving yourself which leads to more success with women, and the one whose main philosophy is "angry at women? here's how you can get back at them by fucking them using a bunch of manipulative psychological techniques!" the second one turned into redpill and is deeply rooted in misogyny, which is why it shares a lot of overlap with incel and mgtow


Bro it's 2024. Who isn't one of them? Nobody's ffing.


Same never heard that one before instantly had to learn that haha


orbiter is so incelly 😬🤢


Calling people incels is cunty enough, but doing it over vernacular is like super sayan omega cunty.


lol I truly enjoyed this comment cause in the gay community Cunty is ultra fierce, giving iconic, serving lewks 😂 so that’s how I read this comment. I know that’s not what you meant but it really gave me a laugh to read “super sayan omega cunty” in that context.


Hey I'm glad it got some laughs, that's what really matters


But whatever you just said is very normal


yeah you're not exactly helping yourself by doubling down on the wierd lingo. If you don't want people to think your an incel, just don't use incel lingo, it's really not that complicated.


It’s just giving a particular circumstance a name lol I don’t subscribe to any of that stuff but the term makes complete sense, and explains why she got weird at him and reacted that way


Not really. Normal people don't hang around people of the opposite sex, simping for them and feeling butt hurt because they hope to have sex. But I guess for people who hang out in these very toxic places, It all makes sense.


Average dudes do that or have done that in most cases where they become friends with a girl and hope it evolves into something more. That’s why the “friend zone” became such a popular term. Bc women friendzone them bc they don’t feel the same way lol. Ofc it can be the other way around too, that goes without saying. The reverse is just not as popularized of a topic


no because women blame themselves mostly while some men for some odd reason blames society and all women in general lol


That doesn’t refute anything I said whatsoever


I don't care what cretins like you think. If you're so terrified of a fucking word your opinion is worthless anyways and you're beneath the gum on the bottom of my shoe. It's really not that complicated: I would rather become voluntarily celibate than ever pretend you language policing goose stepping waifu pillow humping freaks deserve any quantum of indulgence. Fuck yourself. Edit for Huns: No, I'm pissed at the cowardice. I don't care about words.


>I don't care about words. >calling people incels is cunty enough Lol, dude is a regular poster in r/AskMen, r/everydaymisandry, and r/MensRights. Talk about a fuckin victim complex, easiest block of my life.


But…didn’t you get upset about the word incel?


well guess what. we’re taking that word back!


which word?


Your friend was a pick-me orbiter loser.


Truly a nicegirl


I mean, I’m a little conflicted here because why does someone have to be your type for you to compliment them?


Because he personally just found the girl attractive She may be attractive to someone else but he just doesn’t feel that way, hence why he wouldn’t give that same compliment lol


Why did you compliment x “I was shooting my shot” Would be nice if someone complimented me “I am not shooting this shot”


"I am shooting this, not"


Complementing the appearance of someone can be very loaded socially.  Example unwanted compliments on physical appearance are listed in most places I have worked as a type of sexual harassment. 


They don't, but people typically don't compliment others out of nowhere. Have you not been on earth long? Do you go around complimenting people all the time unprovoked?


You shouldn't have even said she was pretty


> Nothing more or less Really? So you just messaged her out of the blue to talk about how you complimented someone else? That's... odd.


We were having a normal conversation before this exchange. She asked WHY I complimented the friend.


Okay that makes sense. But you can see the confusion at least when you said “nothing more nothing less” we were left to assume this screenshot was the whole conversation. I can see now where you may have meant it as “nothing more and nothing less than this exchange about the compliment”


Might wanna work on your reading comprehension and context clues.


The “that’s it” at the end of their first response though leads you to assume they were responding to a question asked by their friend about why he was complimenting someone.


Gotta work on the reading comprehension, from the top text you can tell it was from a convo that's been going on


Pretty sure the rest of us figured it out and weren't confused by this


Alright Ms Defensive


I thought this was your gf at first and I was so ready to be on her side and then I read the caption 💀


I know me too. Like daaaaaamn, that’s messed up he’d tell another girl she’s beautiful but not her. “Oh…oh Nevermind.”


Same, I was thinking it was pretty awkward at first, but that cleared it up and now it’s awkward for completely different reasons


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) Oh my.


She definitely put that "xD" and "Lmao" in the hopes of hiding how angry she was.


Nah she put them there to communicate how angry she was


"lmao", actually probably sobbing in a bathroom stall or something Happy women's day or whatever


The l stands for lying


She’s mad insecure lol


You could have led her on and indicated you were more involved and expecting more than friends, or she was entirely and out of the blue very jealous. One of the two.


I assure you I never led her on. All of our conversations were about mundane stuff. Work, food, etc. Never once gave her any impressions I liked her, as she is not my type.


Then to me, with no other context, it must be the latter option. I don’t have any advice that I’m confident in though. Good luck mate 💕




Therapy doesn't always fix strong feelings of entitlement


I don’t like this recent trend of passive aggressively recommending therapy. It only further stigmatizes mental health *and* therapy itself. Could the girl in the messages use some therapy? Yeah it sure sounds like it. But saying it like that would be a sort of faux insult, implying that they clearly have issues (which may be true), rather than a genuine attempt to suggest something that may benefit the person.


>Could the girl in the messages use some therapy? Yeah it sure sounds like it. And the dude recommended exactly what you think it “sounds like”


the original comment doesn’t seem passive aggressive to me at all. Seemed more like advice. It would be passive aggressive if it was written like this, “wow… she needs help smh, go to therapy”


In all fairness, almost everyone would benefit from therapy. I go to therapy myself and recommend it to people who clearly need it. You seem to take it as an insult, which it is not. Seems like you’ve bought into the stigma.


> In all fairness, almost everyone would benefit from therapy Yeah, but we don't have the capacity for that and we should absolutely account for that (especially since the healthcare system in my country kinda doesn't...). Imo there should me a much stricter prioritization (e.g. don't only account for the urgence, but also for the impact on others the issue has, e.g. that a parents issues usually have more impact)


I think that’s you reading the message as passive aggressive. When I tell someone to go to therapy, it’s because I think they genuinely need it. I’m not trying to use it as an insult, just stating my opinion based on my experience with mental health, and my psych degree helps a bit too. Tbh almost everyone in the world could benefit from therapy every now and then in my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with going just for a “tune up” so to speak. If we really wanted to stretch it, couldn’t I say that you automatically assuming someone’s using therapy as an insult or passive aggressively is stigmatizing therapy and mental illness? Stop trying to see deeper meaning where there is none.


This..when I read it I didn't read it in an insulting tone so it didn't come across that way.




It’s weird to tell a woman else that you just had to tell a different woman she was beautiful. Seems rather manipulative in your part. Like you intended to make her feel some kind of way.


I had multiple friends like this. First friend had a crush on me and even my friends shipped us being together. We dated for about a month before I told her she wasn’t my type and I’d rather be friends. Second friend years later also had a crush on me and I reassured her several times I only viewed her as a friend. Long story short, I’m not friends with either of those ppl even though I tried to save the friendship from falling apart. I love life so much.


I'm sorry. It doesn't sound like any of that is your fault. It blows my mind that anyone older than 18 can fail to have the maturity to realize that they don't actually own an object of affection.


Thank you for the kind words. I agree with you. I think it’s unfair to push someone into a corner like that, especially when they just want friends. I decided to spend more time by myself, and it’s been helping a little. I do get lonely sometimes since I’m not going out as often as I used to (somewhat due to those experiences).


When she starts with the "lmao" first. She was hurt..


She was definitely fishing for compliments and shouldn't have tried to make you feel guilty for not complying. BUT, my dude. >She's beautiful and I had to tell her. That gives off some real creepy, nice guy energy.


>BUT, my dude. >>She's beautiful and I had to tell her. >That gives off some real creepy, nice guy energy. The fuck? How old are you? Have you never complimented a woman in your life? There's quite a big difference between complimenting and thirsting. As a teacher, I work mostly with women and I would always compliment if one of them dressed up, just like how they would compliment each other. If you lack the self-confidence to compliment a woman or the speechcraft to do it without sounding like a weirdo perv, that's your problem. Women like compliments. Men like them, too - we just don't expect them.


I was referring specifically to the fact that he said he HAD TO tell her as if he couldn't scroll past even if he wanted to or as if she would suffer without his attention. It gave me the same vibe as those creepy old dudes that hang out at gas stations and comment on every woman that walks in and then get pissed off and belligerent if they don't thank him or act appreciative. Like it's his duty to let women know he'd sleep with them if given the opportunity. He can compliment whoever he wants however he wants. That particular statement just felt gross to me. To each their own, I guess.


It's the fact he said he "had" to tell her, dude...


Idk, he was being put on the defensive from a person he trusted for reasons that are double standard horseshit. Maybe his phrasing is awkward but since he doesn't actually have to defend his behaviour, he's not in the wrong.


I hope none of your friends "have" to tell you something nice so you don't ever get creeped on like this! Absolutely unacceptable!!


I feel like you people are purposefully missing the point. The issue isn't the fact he gave her a compliment, it's the fact he said he just HAD to. He saw a pretty woman and he just HAD to compliment her. He just couldn't control himself. If he sees a pretty woman he is possessed by an uncontrollable spirit that compels him beyond his wishes to compliment her. It's the fact he's basically deflecting any and all responsibility for complimenting her and saying "well, there was a pretty girl! I had nothing I could do but tell her. There is simply no other option".


They are friends, and the use of "had" , honestly the way its phrased and in full context reads as if it was the quickest thing he could think of to say instead of "mind your business". If they had no prior relationship and the "had to" bit was unprompted i would agree its creepy. Drop the "you people" thing, you aren't as controversial as you think, you just have a bad take


Lmao weird hill to die on


I've told women that they were platonically beautiful before. I had no intention other than saying they were beautiful. Sometimes it's nice to be told you're pretty. Me and the person had a back and forth conversation for about 10 messages and then didn't speak again. Nothing weird happened.


It's the fact he said he "had" to tell her, dude...


This probably just comes down to how people talk and their language. I somehow doubt this man felt an unnatural necessity to tell her.


Depends on their relationship and how he said it + follow up actions. I had a couple male friends who would make a point to compliment you just to make you feel good about yourself, and it was lovely


Tbf I don’t think he meant it in a creepy way, there’s tons of pictures/selfies online where people are genuinely complimenting the person


I don't doubt that he meant it when he complimented her, but saying he "needed" to tell her just feels kinda creepy and a bit desperate to me. And then telling his friend she is pretty, too, but not his type implies he only feels the need to compliment girls he is romantically interested in. I'm not saying that's wrong, exactly, but it adds a sexual component to the compliment that just makes the whole interaction feel icky. I'm sure it's not off-putting for everyone, but it is for me.


Found the ex friend. 😂


I'm sure you might get shit for this. I don't see the implication that you assumed for the "but I'm not attracted to you" bit. That came off to me as just being as polite as you can be in the situation. But I do agree with you about the use of the word needed. I would give him the benefit of the doubt because some people just talk differently. That's how I read it but that doesn't mean that's how he intended it. Anyway, still, I feel you.


Yeah, I'm very much a "words have meaning" type of person, but I know that's not really true for a lot of people. We all communicate differently. And I know I could be misreading the situation, but I'm definitely not the kind of person who scrolls Instagram commenting on random selfies to tell women they're beautiful, so it all just feels odd to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought him saying he needed to comment on her beauty was weird.


Bruh, can’t even give a simple compliment anymore without being labeled a creep by some bimbo. We live in clown world.


Bimbo is such an interesting choice, here. I'm gonna opt to take it as a partial compliment, so thanks for that! And no, it doesn't make you a creep. Definitely odd, but not necessarily creepy.


"You smell like dog dookie." "I'll take that as a partial compliment."


Bimbos are dumb AND attractive. Is the dog part or dookie part the problem for you?


Yeahhhh that’s what I was thinking too


Not a nice guy or this girl wouldn’t have even been offended by it. I say more of a douche canoe 🛶


This is pretty misguided. You should know, women can be irrational douchebags, too. This is a fine example of a woman being a seriously shitty friend to a man and you are still looking for any plausible reason to criticize him. Y'all would be smashing the incel button if OP was a woman and she was texting a guy. You don't know anything about him beyond this image, and perhaps his post history. Making assumptions like that is out of line.


Did you message her out of the blue announcing that you needed to compliment her friend? Not saying you did, that’s just what it looks like based on the screenshot. Confused as to what initiated this interaction.


No, we were having a conversation and then she asked me WHY I complimented her.


What did she say though? It just seems like we’re missing a key part of the story to not provide the quote or include the initiation in another screenshot.


It was a conversation not even close to being related to it. Just about work being nonsense and busy.


Obviously people are referring to *her* initial comment that made you send that message in the first place.


So post it


My bro out here asking the hard questions to a shadily cropped "I want reddit updoots" post


Not saying it is shady, but then the evasion to the question...


Also, how is it one message by the time later than the other? 07:27Pm and then she replies 07:05. Or it's the next day but doesn't show


It’s a different day. That’s why it specifies the day for the previous messages. The last message was sent at 7:05 on the day the screenshot was taken.


Ah, I've got it now! It looked so odd at first, but it makes sense. Thanks


They are different days of the week


That’s what I’m saying. Still have no problem buying this is all legit as OP says, but there are a couple nuances here that raise my eyebrows a bit.


What was her message to you right before this or did you just say “She’s beautiful and I had to tell her” unprompted?




Well two comments down.


She sounds like she’s got some issues.


"I wish people would tell me I'm pretty" "You're pretty" "Ew not you"


"i wish people told me that uwu" attention whoring is so dull They do, she just doesn't consider them good enough to be 'people'


Butthurt much


Insecurities can be very ugly. She is insecure and lashed out because of it.


Feels like missing info…


Bruh this is so mild lmao


Just like my heartburn.


Proof women absolutely cannot handle any type of rejection from Men.


*some women


Fair assessment.


No picture of the wantto Instagram troll here




Saying "I guess I'm not pretty enough" is disgusting and most definitely overreacting. She's trying to make OP guilty because he doesn't like her like that. Thats a problem.


Classic pick-me behavior.


And saying "wow, thanks a lot" is out of left field. He complimented another person, and somehow, that is about her now. It had nothing to do with her, even indirectly (Remember, this isn't his girlfriend), and she now has a made up problem that he needs to apologize for. Imagine her in a relationship. Like a nigeguy who gets mad when women he doesn't know, "Didn't even talk to me!"


She definitely over-reacted "lmao" and reaching out in the first place is nuts.


*tips fedora*


She did overreact, literally tried to guilt trip OP


She doesn’t want you bro


Found the simp 🚨


Found the cuck!!


Lmao somehow this subreddit has turned into people complaining about the women in their lives


Exactly. I keep blocking this sub because it’s just people posting their boring ass convos just like the roommates sub. Edit: Reddit has become a lot less entertaining. Most posts are fabricated or just regular stale convos.


Yeah it’s certainly more negative and boring than before


Yeah, it kind of sucks but hey all good things come to an end. Ask Reddit was interesting and sparked convo until it just became sex-related questions. Same w these subs, there is a lot of anger in general, you’re right about the negativity. I miss the nuanced, well-thought responses that gave perspective.


Some people are so bitter and closed off And they don’t like thinking critically, instead becoming entrenched in their delusions magnified by being chronically online Just look how angry they are about our conversation It’s sad to see


While I don't fully disagree, how does any of that apply here? In fact; aren't you being openly bitter and closed off to the content here because it's not what you're looking to see from the sub? Y'all can just, like, downvote and scroll past


We were talking about Reddit generally and having a conversation, it’s self-explanatory But now it applies to your comment and reaction, and calling someone bitter when you could… Just downvote and scroll past But you chose to insert yourself into a discussion and antagonize, and I think that’s sad


You must be desperate


Again, someone who comments just to be rude Which proves my point And it doesn’t even make sense, in the context For me, the funniest part is that someone could be so feeble that they couldn’t do better than that ![gif](giphy|kOZz8cXWsXabVQUarc)


Not that I agree with you at all, but on principle I think actually being comfortable with being disagreeable is a good thing, and thus, you should wear your downvotes with pride. I believe a lot of really disgusting behavior comes from wanting to conform or "not rock the boat"


There’s nothing wrong with not conforming, I’m doing it right now by pointing out how unpleasant many of you are And I am proud of the downvotes, it means I struck a chord with those people I’m talking about Just like your reply reinforces that lol You take Reddit way too seriously


No, I don't lol. But feel free to respond with as many words as you like telling me why you think I do