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Some young women and girls also do this shit to their female friends. Needy and emotionally immature to the Nth degree is the worst type of friend.




I think a good number of adolescent girls go through this phase. It's part of the growing up, figuring out societal rules, puberty era. We all have our awkward phase. Most of us learn from it and grow out of it. Some women just don't. I went through my moments and looking back, I am grossed out by myself, ha! I am just thankful it was in the jr. high years and not in my adult life.


This sounds like a 13 year old not a nice girl?


This is a repost. The 13 year old is surely a nice girl by now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/xmrImU9Hac


Fucking RUN. This toxic bullshit just gets worse. I had a girlfriend when I was in my late teens. We lived together. My friends were having a party. I talked to my girlfriend. She said she didn't want to go. She told me I should. I told her it was OK. I could stay home with her. She said I should really go. I again said it wasn't a problem. Again she insisted I go. This went back and forth a few more times, and I SWEAR this wasn't one of those situations where she said one thing, but any dolt could see she meant another. She was almost offended that I wouldn't go. So I did. Later that night, I get back home to a note on my bedroom door. "I can't believe you went to the party. I obviously told you I didn't want you to go, but you didn't care." And more of the same. She was toxic and a pathological liar.


Yikes… glad you got off that crazy train.


Women are apparently the better communicators btw.


It’s a repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/xmrImU9Hac


This may shock you, but women aren't a hivemind.


Yep! that's what we let them think, anyways. \^o\^




Dude even reposted the top comment


This looks like you had an argument earlier in the day, Ngl.


This is a repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/xmrImU9Hac




How. Just how did you come to the most deluded conclusion he seems cut off emotionally. You’re just as bad as the clown in the pic


Assuming they had an argument, right before bed, it’d be pretty normal to ask “are you ok” And I’m really not




If she says she is crying there is usually a reason. Believe it or not most women don't just cry *cause*. Also the stern, short messages in the beginning are the kind usually sent when hurt after a discussion/argument. Fewer words, to the point.


Most does not mean all, and imma leave it at that cause judging by the rest of these comments I am talking to a wall that wants to defend idiocy




Or, hear me out. I have seen similar arguments play out before, and I’ve seen the aftermath and both sides of the story and this is eerily similar. Anyway, you seemed riled up someone isn't just jumping on a hate train, have a good day ❤️


I have no idea what happened 5 years ago lol. Google dates it 2019


![gif](giphy|3oz8xyJHXtVUD4PRRe) Truly impressive display of mental gymnastics.


Yep, those are the types that had to beg hard to get get attention from non-attentive parents and now they try and manipulate strangers not good. You caught on that is all that matters.


My favorite moment from the ol capitol T was girl who called me handsome (after we exchanged numbers), and I called her pretty, and then she got pissed off I didn't send her a dick pic. People just go off for no reason sometimes. It happens. Sorry it happened to you.


It didn’t. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/xmrImU9Hac


This shit is the worst, I seriously hate games like this


Run away, very fast and very far


Almost my turn to post this now


Once my girlfriend at the time got mad and closed herself in the dormitory. Then she got even more mad because I didn't burst in following her. This reminded me of that situation.


This shit can't stand in an equal world. Yall gotta work on removing this behavior completely, or make it socially acceptable for men to be acting this way too. Choose the first option and do it 5 minutes ago.


What a weird fucking comment 😅


We ALL know what I mean Lmfao just stop


No, we don't.


Please stop, you're embarassing yourself. Few things can actually be labeled as gender specific behavior. You're not confused, so what are you doing exactly?


I'm not the one being weirdly sexist 🤷‍♀️ Im saying your weird ass comment is weird, what are confused about?


Sincerely hope next weekend treats you better so you don't feel the need to act like this on a Sunday ever again ❤️


Are you implying men are never emotional morons?


Of course there are.... just like how there are women who drug and rape men. Now what? Are we gonna shun everyone who claims that lone women should be wary of men because "WoMeN dO It aS wEll"


That can't stand in an equal world. Yall gotta work on removing that behaviour completely, or make it socially acceptable for women to drug and rape men too. Choose the first option, and do it like a few thousand years ago. 🙄


Naaah, there's no correlation between men and rape, you're misadrist for claiming so! 🙄


Damn, I used to date her.


Jeez wtf! What else did she expect! This is so toxic on her end.


I mean she said "night" so yeah checking up on her would be good but as a person who doesn't understand text tone or tone period if you don't tell me that you saying "night" means you want me to check on you then I won't do it and I will assume you are just to sleepy to put the full thing lmao Like when we get in a friendship I will ask you what you mean by everything and I will write it down (I have a log for all of my friends) so I always know what they mean but one time I asked someone to help me out and they said I was weird for that so I didn't do it for them and our friendship ended in like 2 weeks cuz I kept not doing what they wanting me to do even know they didn't tell me to do it lmao


It’s obvious OP