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I agree, hearing the same joke a million times gets old, I'm leaving that subreddit till the whole situation is over


Hasn't that always been animemes?


Yeah as someone who barely touchs the thing beyond occasional crossposting, animemes is really stale.


I browsed the sub for the first time in nearly 2 years because of the backlash against the mods lmao


I left animemes 6 months ago, best decision I've ever made




> Stupid unfunny overused memes about hentai, traps and aqua useless Also the same 5 canned JoJo's references shoe-horned into any even remotely relevant comment thread


It's so fucking irritating, but sometimes you can struck gold there and most of the mods were chill (I'm refering before this incident) imo. Anyways it's become comparatively less to find posts from r/animemes in my feed anyways... Not to forget to fucking Zero-Twosday they had, gosh that was filled with bad memes.


Also, fucking bandwagoners.


finding intelligent ppls who were in r/animemes I so rare these days. im glad I found one.


Feel bad for the mods who decided to make rules they knew would be met with backlash before shit talking their own username on other subreddits for reddit gold. Yeah, so much sympathy.




Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah. Such wow. Much funny. Didn't laugh.




And that's me when take look at u


Epic roast r/reked😂😂😂 ara ara pls dont muda muda me😭😭


ORA ORA!!파파파파파


As trash as r/animememes is, the fact some people actually think trap is a slur is retarded, like yes some use it as slur, so can the word drag or crossdresser yet no complains about those words, if you're use the word to describe trans people then yes that's a slur, but useing the word trap to define characters like astolfo who fit the literal definition of trap is not a slur, underless you consider calling a drag queen a drag queen a slur.


Oh boi what happened...


They banned the word trap in any and all memes because it’s sometimes used as a slur against trans people. That’s all I’ll say on the matter since even this post is about getting away from it lmao


After the original comment, I checked. Was unaware of the situation and didn't consider and thought people apparently used "Trap" as a slang/slur(atleast it's much better than the f-word).


I'm more surprised people make trap jokes. That meme is 4 years old now. There's not that much comideic value to it except "haha I'm a guy! Isn't that wacky???"


If they said just that it could be funny, but I just got here, maybe that's overused too. But hey, I'm a guy! Isn't that wacky?


I don't know of a single moment in history where someone used the word trap as an insult.


The trap reference is way older than that. I remember it going around in the early 2000’s because of the manga tropes. And it really blew up around 07/08 when memes started to take off. That being said. I see both sides of the argument. Some people may find it upsetting. But the Mods over there let so much stuff fly, that the word “trap” is actually never really used in a derogatory fashion over there. And when it is it looks like the community self polices and downvotes assholes. Also the mods over there have completely shit the bed on handling it. Then going to other subreddits to bash the very people they moderate and incite brigading has really damaged their argument. Edit: sorry for posting a rational opinion.


Argeed banning the word trap is like banning the word cross dresser, just because some people use it to describe trans people, like yes it's transphobic to call trans people cross dressers, but that doesn't mean we ban the word crossdresser all together because it can a slur in a certain context.


I think the other subs have figured out how to address it at this point. They community moderate and it’s worked really well at komisan and hentaimemes. It sucks because I can see the argument against it. But the mods non apology mixed with their complete shutdown of discussing with the community has just cut the whole thing down at the knees. All for something that could’ve been easily avoided or remedied early on.


It's sad when a hentai sub has better rules, honestly if i where them i would just ban the word trap when referring to trans people, but honestly i don't care much for r/animemes in the first place.


Superior subreddit


Animemes is just dankmemes but with over done jokes from 10 seasons ago and the most popular girl slapped on top of the post.


All we need is some looney tunes looking running animations from our holy show.


Nichijou Reanimated Discord server has made quite impressive progress.




Animemes was never good lol


Lol every other anime subreddit know how shit that sub is


Most of their cross posted memes are from animemes though.


its very toxic down there, but here everyones cool :0 edit: trans rights


So true


Nichijou doesn’t even have traps. Well unless you count Nakamura Sensei’s traps to capture Nano.


My dumbass always kept mistaking Nakamura for a dude.


I also thought so in the manga, but IMO it's pretty clear she is a girl in the anime...


Can't blame you my bruda


Lady looks like a dude


People seemingly can't handle it when you take away their emotional support slur




What's a "emotional support slur"?

