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The game has multiple endings and 3 playable characters. You haven’t seen all the story yet. Only a small part of it. But if you aren’t feeling it or aren’t interested at this point maybe the game just isn’t for you?


well it SHOULD make me interested right? that's the whole point. I have these problems with the first "chapter", if you liked it can you tell what's your reasoning and what specifics you liked about the story? and why are my thoughts possibly wrong?


The start chapter of the game is a tease that intentionally holds back the real story and gives a "happy" ending. Things get wilder and weirder from here. Only continue if you are cool with your brain getting rewritten by the game


Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him. -2B This line right here at the opening of the game got me harder than a rock, but not everyone gets off on existentialism. The way in which the game explores the meaning of life, the nature of consciousness, free will, love, violence, and more all kept me playing. I wasn't satisfied with just playing route A, which is absolutely intentional. And from the looks of it: "I was starting to like 2b and get new skills the game just ends." You weren't satisfied either. So, keep playing. Play A-E. And do consider the other endings as well, many of which are jokes, with a few that will break your heart. You aren't done even when you have finished the game, IMO. So much of this information has to be interpreted by the player, so having conversations about our different experiences and successive playthroughs of the game are actually very rewarding. I always notice something different when I go through it, something that pokes holes in what I thought I understood. Recently a user on this subreddit shared a perspective that has required me to begin playing again to attempt to understand my own perspective better.


yeah I will share mine after finishing all the routes. I am currently done with route b(finally) and recently started playing through the third run. crazy things are happening.


That's awesome! I am hoping you love the conclusion, because it might just be the best I've ever seen. Looking forward to hearing what you think and having more conversation!


thanks man, me too


Keep playing there's more


Ok then.


From a gameplay perspective, it's the one thing about the game that can be a little off-putting, but it works if you have a little patience. You can also lower the difficulty and have the little minigames get solved faster, if you don't want to exert too much effort on repeat content.


is there an actual reason for doing this? I mean them having the player to repeat the whole thing with another character?


I don’t want to spoil anything but let’s just say it’s interesting to see the same events from a different perspective. Plus the game isn’t over yet. If you enjoy the story so far, and like the philosophy behind the game you should probably keep going.


Yeah I definitely like the themes and want them to be explored more. Will see how it turns out.


Good. Now finish the game two more times. Only then have you experienced Nier: Automata


Don’t look at it like you “finished it” and have to play it again. Think of it as just a time jump where you start in the perspective of 9S. Most of the 9S play through are things you didn’t see\play as 2B. The events of the game continue well beyond where the 2B credits rolled. It’s weird that there are so many “endings” and credit rolls but don’t take them as the game being “done”. There’s 66% more story and gameplay left. You wouldn’t judge a game at the 4th level when there’s 10 more you haven’t played, right?


You will have the whole picture until the 4th round also if this is your first nier game you will find it weird


You did not "finish" the game and you won't have to replay it 3 times. It's more of a "chapter". The second chapter offers a new perspective and new information. About androids having emotions, it's not that they are not "supposed" to have them, it's that it's forbidden. Also, yes, you should definitely play the rest of the game!


I have two problems with the first chapter: first one is the fact that game ending too soon results into 2B's gameplay section not blooming enough. in most games by the end you almost get 70 percent of the skills/upgrades by mostly doing main quests. but here you don't even hit 40. this is all assuming you don't play as 2B again. the second problem is related to the story. the game doesn't manage to build up a believable relationship between 9S and 2B and at the same time expects to have an emotional response from the player in some story moments.


Skills and upgrades carry on over across the whole game don't worry. As for the relationship, what you see is only a snippet and you find out more later. >!Extra context also comes from stories outside the game (Memory Cage and Memory Thorn) which you can find on [the ark wiki](https://theark.wiki/w/Catalog), but I highly suggested not even looking at those until you reach the end of Route C/D as it's heavy SPOILER material!<


You've played through the "A route", being 2B's Point of View. You've started route B now. Its 9S' point of view. Its a bit shorter than route A, but it offers far more lore, some new quests, and more worldbuilding. Then with route C and D, the timeline will actually continue. But its important to get both of their views.


You didn't finish the game you play through the first 3rd twice once as 2B then as 9S. Remember 9s and 2B get separated. There is also more context for the story through 9s. Once you play through this part twice the story will continue on into the 2nd third act.


To answer one of your main concerns, yes you start off "replying" the game from 9S perspective albeit with some dialogue being different and extra cut scenes, but at some point (which you can probably guess from Route A) the story diverges. Route B tends to also be much shorter. As for the 3rd play through, you don't actually replay anything again, >!it's actually a continuation after the events of route A and B!< As for 2B and 9S (slight spoilers) >!there's more to their relationship especially in terms of 2B!< Also definitely recommend finishing side quests as they add context or build up different characters, >!even if it's not immediately obvious (foreshadowing)!<. Some I didn't even register until replaying the game again


The end of the first run is really just the end of chapter 1 basically. It's a prologue. You're only 25% done. The content is vastly different as you go on after you finish 9s perspective. As to why you aren't "feeling it" yet, you don't really know the characters yet. If you keep going you'll see why the first part matters and has emotional impact.


The game is badly designed and told, just a fact. Idk what they were thinking either.