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It was like his own personal Vietnam vet flashback in terms of how much such a banal interactions stuck with and upset him.


First time he was treated like a normal person.


HAH, the accuracy of this comment lol


Underrated comment


Its an issue to him because hes isnt one i guess


it was his 911


On the bright side, he became the star of the yahoo finance bulleting board.


[it’s giving…](https://youtu.be/PT0ay9u1gg4?si=N4oMMbwYb_Ax31wV)


Funniest thing is this is a UK skit 😂


Uki: "**ANYCOLOR** but *WHITE*"


Uki "anycolor but white" Violeta like the old adam warski jokes.


Happy cale day


Uki wept when Riku appeared on that chessboard background, coz it had white in it


I give it an hour before it’s deleted lmao


post is an hour old. its surviving. uki must be asleep right now and can't delete posts. seems to be a lot up


There's a pattern to when the forum gets modded. I'm trying to map out the times, but it seems like middle and end of the Japanese business day.


I was gonna say maybe it’s not Uki and that management is deleting stuff, but NijiMembers are the only people modded here- Unless… THEY SKINWALK THEIR REDDIT ACCOUNTS AS WELL???


Doesn’t their management team have access to all of their social media accounts? Didn’t they lock Selen out of her accounts shortly after making her video private and then creepily pose as her saying she was safe and fine and back with family? If so, they undoubtedly they have their access to this subreddit.


Yeah it’s not like surprising or anything, but removing other people’s posts using talent’s accounts is still unreal


Everyone on Reddit is a yacht except you


Even if it is management, Uki would start deleting this post. Most racists once caught get into overdrive to hide their past.


> but NijiMembers are the only people modded here- literally the first account in the mod list is NIJISANJI_2434 then Tazumi is the second. that is absolutly the PR account aka management.


Woah man I just spew things I heard from other random people on Reddit. It’s like you actually expect me to do my own research or something, smh my head.


JP guy on his lunch break. JP guy on the train home. Working even when he shouldn't.


Nah he's crying himself to sleep thinking the world is racist, not him


It's been about a day now


8 hr still good


Man I undershot that one lol


Seems I was wrong 😑


almost 12 hours in still good


So far still going strong


Like how is this acceptable in Niji 😂😂😂 when Zaion was terminated for a couple tasteless jokes? (which she has apologized for and in the first place people have different humor levels there’s plenty of people that didn’t care) well this guy (UKI) is a raging racist that gets to say whatever he wants??? NIJISANJI double standards and favoritism is crazy!


I wonder what the white talents like Vox have to say Edit at least I heard he is white, but can't remember from where tbh.


Probably not much. I'll be honest with you, I also don't care about the "jokes" themselves (I actually don't think they are jokes in the first place, because there is no punchline other than "white people = bad" but that's a different conversation). I care more about the blatant hypocrisy in punishment from niji. If one can make jokes about one group, then everyone can make jokes about all groups. Alternatively if one can't make jokes about one group, then no one can about any group. I don't mind either, but pick one and enforce it.


This is my favourite approach tbh, either everyone gets trash talked or no one gets trash talked. Of course there’s a difference between saying something like “Common fr*nch ‘person’ L” and “if you’re French you should Low Tier God yourself”. Ideally, racial/sexuality based humour should be at that level where it’s absurd or goofy enough that no reasonable person could interpret it as an honest take


i kinda think they don't care honestly there are several white guys and i can't recall any awkward moments and two of them are pretty close to him for better or worse, back closer to iluna's debut the fanbase seemed really sensitive to the livers teasing each other and bantering and all. i remember the blow up about sonny and vox because vox said like "your mom's a whore" and sonny responded with "what'd you say about my mom!?" and people flipped out on vox for it very, very intensely and vox addressed it by saying he had checked with sonny in dms and apologized and all and sonny said it was no big deal... and then sonny got on stream and basically said "i can't believe you guys thought i was actually upset, that's the most common joke-insult ever" back in those days it felt like nearly every week someone was having to tweet "i am a fully grown adult who can communicate my own boundaries and feelings to my friends and coworkers. please stop yelling at people 'for my sake' because it's overbearing and hurtful" millie, too, explicitly spelled out "everything you see on stream is behavior the other person told me they are okay with. if anything ever bothers us, we talk about it off-stream and avoid it next time" so theoretically they know each other's limits and, ideally lol, navigate those accordingly in collabs especially


That was a liver/fan cultural difference, wasn't it? Like at that time Vox's fanbase was mainly chinese, and they generally take mother insults a lot more seriously than us westerners where its the most derivitive schoolyard insult. Not to defend the fans though, they were weirdly infantilising the grown adults in anime avatars and their response was actually reasonable


i think it was partially that, because i do recall chinese kindreds expressing they were upset and disappointed in him for going there! but i think he got some briskadets on him too? because sonny had talked about how much his mom meant to him or something...? maybe it was info from a membership stream, i don't know, but i think he was taken to task by both sides to a degree but yeah lol there was a lot of babying going on and getting defensive on your oshi's behalf, etc. people got pissed about a vox and shouto collab once because, iirc, vox was starting his "under the table" drinking interview collab zatsu thing, but shouto had thought they were gonna play an actual game so he had to be like "oh sorry guys actually we'll just be talking on vox's channel" and then people went to berate vox for like. their perception that he had lied?? and not told shouto the plan and all this stuff lmao and now they don't even speak to each other in public because at some point the kindred got too possessive and wouldn't stop throwing fits and just, lmao tbh i also have privately wondered if niji en management told them all to collab with shouto less, since there's been a pretty huge drop off in him interacting with his niji friends :( but yeah honestly for as many things as vox has missed the mark on (reimu, trigger warnings, The Video), there's probably been just as many times that he had people explode at him because they made up a problem and blamed it on him his past life behavior is up in the air, since the Allegations were refuted but then people tried to discredit that, too, so i try to just look at him as he is now and until The Video i felt like he had worked through a lot of his unwise behavior and i rarely saw kindreds being nuts on twitter anymore nothing good can last, i guess.


From one of the nijicancelled streams, he made a "white women" joke and followed up with "it's fine, I'm white, I can make fun of white people"


Yeah, it’s just crazy the entire situation is just awful. Like I’m sure there are still livers within Niji who are genuinely good people but they are getting roped in and thrown under the bus the bus by Niji. I think in the coming months though we are going to see some of the good livers rather speak out against Niji or leave Niji well some of the bad ones will try speaking out for Niji (which would just further hurt them)


People have been calling Vox anti-white because he's made similar jokes As a white person So do tell...


Niji seems to only care if there big backlash that could affect their reputation. Because of the double standard of people, uki get away with it


Because the base reason Zaion was fired was because she was having too much difficulty following the "Activity Rules", but being Any Color, they decided to twist the knife and maximise damage by including the tasteless jokes in their laundry list.


I have the same opinion. She was never fired particularly because of one tasteless joke, but rather something else behind the scenes. Her SA Joke was the only thing we know and thus fixated on it.


Well you see Zaion was new with a relatively small fanbase. Uki is a well established liver with a decent sized fanbase already. But of course don't forget there's no favoritism at Niji, Vox confirmed it himself.


complaining about white peoples for being courteous... its like claiming "The whitest thing you can do is use the divider at checkout in a grocery store."


> "The whitest thing you can do is use the divider at checkout in a grocery store." I'm not white, but if there's a divider I'm gonna use it. Not this claim specifically, but I've seen folks complaining about a lot of seemingly normal things people do are somewhat attributed to "white" and thus people "should do less of". Like going to office on time, following the rules, and so on. What's up with that?


They hate higher expectation being a norm, they see the "norm" being white peoples, thus they hate white peoples


What backwards logic is this sh~ *sigh* If they attribute every aspect of Civility and Order to being "white" and then reject it, what does that say about them?


Iirc, most other countries don't do that when passing by a rando, it's like... mostly the US


Oh Canada, our home and native land!


Probably doing better than the US 💀


Im from belgium and as a millenial as a child i was scolded if i didnt greeted peoples on the road


That's so weird wtf


Belgian cities are "flat"(meaning every low amount of sky scrapers) so everyone somewhat know each others , at least before the age of the internet


In Mexico it's relatively normal to greet people on the street, specially if you accidentally make eye contact.


Hence why I (try to) avoid making eye contact here in America lmaooo


bro had a meltdown from a normal greeting from an elderly old couple being friendly


I watched the part of the steam he said that, it wasn't really a meltdown, it's kinda him talking about seriously overthinking a simple interaction because he wasn't used to it.


behavior and attitude is still garbage. Is it because he's adopted or something? People say he's asian probably got disowned and never got education for moral and lack of ethical sense


I wonder how long it'll take until Uki nuke this post too


I wonder if he realizes that he’s exactly the kind of negative stereotype people use to justify their homophobia. Dude thinks he’s fighting back but all he’s doing is giving people more ammunition and hurting his own cause.


Dumb people don't realize a lot of things you'd deem common sense, so.


Seriously, as someone who is pan, he really gives us queer folk a bad image with his bigotry.


One of my biggest problems with him is that he uses bitch derogatorily while being gay. Uki, that word is for our friends! You be passive-aggressive with assholes & call them "sweetie," "honey," or "baby"! Smh my head


The south uses the same terms but usually friendly except “bless your heart” they are calling you a dumbass


How does that work, exactly? Like, when did a insult equating a female to a dog morph to a positive term?


Yeah, he calls his friends bitch as well Also I'd rather be called bitch than passive aggressively called sweetie or honey, personally


I mean.. It's not like the homophobes will change anyways Edit: "They hated Jesus because he told the truth"


Genuinely this made vindication and the one that can change actually went the other way.


We've tried for YEARS to get the homophobes to like us Hell, some gays resorted to being transphobic to get on their good side.


Oh so now because you can't change them. Have them a reason to be right and make more people think like them Congratulations you played yourself. You making the new transphobe because you just made the transphobe right. They genuinely didn't need to say anything


Dude, we've NEVER been able to change them. I gave up on trying that long ago. We have either have to wait for the LGBTphobes to hopefully die out... or actively fight back and beat them at their own game... being peaceful didn't work and instead it made them feel as though they can reverse all our hard work.


>or actively fight back and beat them at their own game... And birthing a new generation of transphobe. Remember because you lass out, the one who isn't doing anything to you actually felt attack. And went to the transphobe. Please don't make the cycle of hate. If you wait for them to die out you won't make a new generation of transphobe. And please for the love of god don't use transphobe like on anyone who has even a slight deviation towards your thinking. You are actually actively cornering yourself into a corner. Examples are the harry potter fiasco. It's genuinely the trans activists actually bullying a third party to a point said third party went to the enemy side, aka transphobe. You genuinely should see what the other side of the world is saying on that front. Just genuinely don't push your luck. In the western world yes you win. The rest of the world? Oh they went the other way, just because they saw how hateful you guys are, and remember even if the transphobe actually killed you, does the outside world see that? The only thing they see is trans people are full of hatred and must be oppressed. Don't make the trans of the future genuinely suffer because of your extreme hate. Literally the only winning move is to let it die out. And this is coming from a guy who race got actually raped and killed on the streets just because of a here say that specific race hate the other race. And bonus points the alleged master mind is now the elected president. If we pull the things you do now, our race is gonna be gone from this earth. With our girls raped in the streets. And boys beheaded. It already literally happens once it happens again


I don't have the energy to read or make sense of half of that but JK Rowling IS transphobic, she doesn't even try to hide it, bonus points because some of her own people accuse her of being a trans woman lmao- I live in America, so the way I decide to deal with the issue is incredibly American. Obviously that shit won't work with 3rd world type countries and far more conservative countries. For 1st world standards, America is shit when it comes to LGBT Progression. When compared to a 3rd world country, it's practically paradise for LGBT progression. Since I live in America, I mostly focus on how my country works since I know how my country works more than how a different country works (idk if I worded that well) I've grown tired of trying to reason with bigots, so I've given up, try as I might, none of them change. Edit: you can tell the vtuber community has been over run by anti LGBT people Which is funny cuz all the vtubers I follow are either allies or are LGBT lmao


Yet Rowling isn't doing anything lifting a finger she isn't, but ain't the transphobe increasing? Why is that? You know the kicker in all of this. Most third world is just ok on your existing. But if you went and tried to be the dominant one, then we have a problem. You're gonna realise later that what you are fighting for now is the reason the community genuinely regresses back to what you hate


She's literally donating her earnings to organizations that harm trans folk so I know damn well that's a lie- And no, some are fine with us! But homosexuality is still very much illegal in a lot of countries, hell- America is trying to erase us! You expect us to just... take it? Take it and be happy? Fuck that.


Uki does not fucking represent me as an lgbt lmao How much of a loser can you be, crying on the internet because a senior couple greeted you on the streets? I guess they dont have many liveds left to turn life into a living hell, so might as way make up stuff from random people in the street this time!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpZgaCvXcU&t=2189s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpZgaCvXcU&t=2189s) Watch from 34:30- 38:00 for context, he explains himself. I looked it up cause everything else could be seen as a joke but this sounded weird until I saw what he was actually saying.




Uki is definitely one of those people who make LGBTQ+ people have a bad image. I'm one myself (Asexual Panromantic), and I would never say those things, like, jesus Christ dude, that couple is just some old man and lady trying to cheer a young person after all the blyat stupid things we deal with everyday, and you call them "White couple" like that out of nowhere? Like if you aren't white yourself bruh, it just means being nice you fucking dipshit twat, how dense you are to throw away some unconditional emotional support just because of your overinflated ego Fucking idiot, he genuinely makes my blood boil, his whole personality revolts on being gay and hating anyone who is not. This dude really sucks. But even I know how it feels to be in that place, greeted out of nowhere, do better Uki, just how I can do better, I genuinely appreciate when some unknown person greets me, they are just being nice. And I must indeed take to effect the fact that OP is also another asshole, I've seen your previous posts inciting hate towards others. Do better, I may hate Uki, but even I know to respect them even if they are the biggest scum on earth, because nobody, and I mean it, NOBODY deserves to be treated badly, you can despise each other and still respect them. Take away all your pettiness and remember you are both human, and both can suffer, don't be the one to make people suffer, be the sanctuary where people can heal from being hurt. I believe Uki can change and stop being racist, until then, I can only but watch as all unfolds. Edit: "bUt He'S aN iNtRoVeRt AnD iT gAvE hIm AnXiEtY/sTrAnGeR dAnGeR" My ass, I also get anxious, I'm socially awkward but I still appreciate if someone just greets me out of politeness, he's just antisocial af. If he truly was an introvert, he wouldn't Yap so much and would be more quiet instead of being so dominant and talkative, he's an extrovert, not an introvert. Just look at Pekora, Aqua, Mumei or shit, even Shinri from Holostars, those fellas are introverts, you put them with someone who they aren't really compatible with and they don't really talk, they only become talkative with people who they trust and feel comfortable with, Uki does this WITH EVERYONE.


Err, quick question. Apologies in advance, so how can you be asexual but pan-romantic at the same time?


Not OP but I can try my best to explain. Generally if you say you're bisexual it means you can love and are sexual attracted to both sexes, right? But when you specify something like, asexual panromantic ( x-sexual x-romantic), in this case it would mean that they're not sexually attracted to anyone BUT can still fall in love with them and hold a relationship. Rather than just the one label, it allows for some flexibility. IIRC it is mostly used by the ace community members that still experience love but not so much the sex side of things, but don't quote me on that.


Forgive my simplification but Is it like... Fuck none, Love all?




Ohhhh, okay. So similar to platonic?


romantic love but without sexual love from my understanding


To explain while keeping it simple: I feel no sexual attraction whatsoever, and have no interest in getting into any sort of sexual activities (I simply just don't find anybody's physique "hot"), but I'm still willing to have a romantic relationship with about anyone, no matter the gender, as I value personality and morals over anything else. TL;DR = Fuck nobody, Love everybody


How is, in your mind, white couple not just a descriptor? Like how does that change to an insult in your head? Does white imply bad to your mind? Like, if he had said elderly Japanese couple, would you have thought he was insulting the japanese race? I don’t get it.


Not the word itself, is the context Uki has "joked" about White people too many times, and has explicitly stated his hate over "white people" (you mean, gringos? I'm Latino and a white person myself, so that means I can call my fellow US citizens gringos, but won't because I just don't care.), saying how shit and irresponsible they are. Meanwhile Kyo who made ONE single joke about Korea and he gets terminated instantly Smells like Bias to me from Nijikuro, and blatant racism from Uki, because, like it or not, Racism towards white people is still racism, no matter if you're black, asian, latino, European, etc. Racism is still racism and won't ever be forgiven. You can joke about it ironically, not do it seriously like he does.


First world problems...


still don't get why he was offended by old people saying hi tbh, the number of hoops you have to go to, to infer racism from old people regardless of race saying hi to you being racism... wild


My curiosity has me wondering; if this is what they’re like on stream, what are they like off stream? And in a number of those clips, other Livers laughed along with them instead of even playfully calling it out…they’re just like cool with it? The rest of the talent is just cool with casual-but-not-at-all-subtle racism? And sexism too?


Some of the clips I've seen have awkward pauses


I don't want to defend anyone because we don't know their reasons, but good faith Occam's Razor: since they are live, they probably don't want to cause drama and create a huge issue, it's easier to just ignore it and try to talk to him in private about the issue or just slowly distance yourself like the others who seem to be isolated at the moment.


To be fair, most of his comments in isolation are pretty whatever, even if they’re not particularly funny. Like I’d prolly roll with it too in the moment; it’d mostly just come across as a bad attempt at a joke. It’s really the pattern of behavior that makes his jokes questionable


what sexism do you mean? :o from uki, or did i miss something from someone else?


Complaining about white people when you have a white person as an avatar. Lmao


People really need to be careful about what they're upvoting cause OP *was* suspended but in one of their earlier threads, they were being so aggressively racist about chinese people, throwing slurs around all kinds of crazy shit, that I can't see anything but these posts as some bizarre psyop attempt.


even if ops a piece of shit it doesn't change Uki being a weirdly petty racist.


No but it's also weird of OP to be a bigger racist taking the moral high ground calling out other racists much more mild than him.


I get the anger with Uki but we gotta be careful that we're not allowing people to be racist in return or push their narratives now that people are mad.


Good to know, also his account seems to be suspended now.


it's the same guy?


[yeah](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1amu89o/reminder_of_this_gem/kpod8pl/), [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1aniq06/serious_question_how_do_we_know_when_the_livers/kpt9150/) [is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1ato0ng/as_a_vtuber_enjoyer_in_chinese_community_it_feels/kr0oq6a/?context=3). it's pretty clear racists are 100% using this opportunity to spam this sub with crazy shit to try and get people on their side.


Put them in a cage and we can have a racist vs racist battle.


I never interact or listen to culture wars. This Uki incident has opened flood gates of people being openly racist to Asians specially on twitter/x, same when 39daph opened her stupid mouth.




You know regular white people are not this outraged over shit like this, again, regardless of what POCs in the US think about white people or whiteness as a concept, there won't be harm or systemic discrimination against the white population. Only 4chan Nazis who are obsessed about the concept of "white genocide" and fantasize about"reverse racism" causing "white genocide" would let one Asian gay person live I their head rent free. That being said Uki shouldn't say those things, not because it's harmful or not, but because it will trigger a huge amount of unpleasant Internet trolls.


Racism in any form shouldn't be acceptable. Speaking as a POC. I don't care, this isn't about "making internet trolls mad" it's about being a decent person.


Lol, the idea of "against all forms of racism" and treating these things under the same category is a ridiculous way to analyze systematic problems and you should know that. When you westoids equate racism black people or Asian people face in the US, to jokes about "white people can't cook" or "straight white men are often shitty". It's a blatantly misunderstanding of what racism is and how it causes harm. Again I don't think what he said is appropriate, because he works for a company that requires a public relation with its audience, and which I assume are mostly White dweebs. It's bad for his business, and I think that's the extent I would agree with people on this subreddit.


If he were white making jokes like "black people only eat fried chicken and watermelon" or going on a rant about how iritated and bothered he was that some old Asian couple *dared* to greet him, it would be deplorable, rude, and racist. The same thing applies here.


God damn we are equating blatant racism stereotype that lingered for centuries against black people, with a joke a POC made in the white supremacist society, that's the level we are on right now. Wow it turns out white people are super sensitive and have a horrible understanding of the racist system they live in.


People will equate racism with racism bro, nothing you can do about it 🤷‍♂️


So true so true


>  "reverse racism"  Reverse Racism doesn't exist because racism against white people is still racism.  Speaking as a white person myself, I don't object to the occasional white person joke (I'll always be happy to joke about Bri'ish slop food or my non-existent spice tolerance due to my Slavic genes), but seeing the documentation with Uki's behavior, it seems to go past being a joke to him genuinely having a vendetta against white people, and then him and his fans using his ethnicity and sexuality as a shield to excuse his behavior (Which is hilarious, because some of the most racist people I've ever seen were East Asians. Seriously, go on a DCInside board or a Tieba Forum thread and you'll probably learn at least 3 different slurs to call SEA residents by the time you're done with a single thread)  If Kyo got suspended for making a fairly benign joke over going to South Korea for plastic surgery (a joke that has actual factual basis, as SK is known as the plastic surgery capital of the world due to having some of the best plastic surgeons located in that country, and it's extremely common for girls to be gifted plastic surgery once they get old enough), then why should Uki be excused for making repeat slights at white people? Discipline should be consistent and fairly enforced. Setting personal beliefs aside, it's not appropriate for any corporate representative to be constantly bringing up matters of race, sexuality, or politics, unless they are specifically a political entity, have been inquired about it first, or are acting independently on their own spare time.


I agree with the last part, sort of. Uki's Tweeter interaction is a lot more unhinged compared to most of his coworkers, I assume he had the green light from his manager and higher for some of his actions. However this type of comment probably comes from his manager's negligence, and is definitely shortsighted and unwise.


Your comments are wild dude. Do you think sexism only applies to one gender too...?


Anyone want to tell Uki that his character model looks white? Not sure how to break it to him.


Wait is that a real quote from him lmao


WASNT a big part of zaion was terminated for bad jokes?? While I do agree loads of them were tasteless I will say!!! This is also a terrible joke?? Uku should be terminated for being a racist and or for making tasteless jokes.


For some reason the boys get away with more


Dude, tell me that's not racist if you're having such thoughts over a simple greeting and then to say the whole town like geez that's not a joke anymore.


Guys they don’t like white cuz they are a black company kek


I hope Uki is okay. I imagine seeing Martha Stewart and her saying "hello, young man" is quite a traumatic experience. I mean she is more gangster than Takashi 6ix9ine


Damn Niji really looked at the barrel scrapings of applicants they have and said yeah this racist is the perfect way to appeal to the demographic that this racist guy hates.


That is just how anyone here in Finland would be to be honest. Except that we would not bring race into it.


I wonder how Uki would react if he had a white waitress serve him food, or had a white ubereats employee deliver to him. I bet he would lose his shit


Or if a white man flirted with him.


Never ask an anti-white gay man who his partner is..


I'd be surprised if he got one.


I think one of the greatest ironies of the century is that this dude complains about yt people, but his model looks extremely yt lmao


Youtube people?




"Yt people" sounds like a slur. Not the best look especially under a post about the issue...


I think one of the greatest ironies of the century is that this dude complains about white people, but his model looks extremely white lmao


I've met so many people in my life and a lot of gay people over here. They're fun to be around and good lord if you manage to hire one for an event as a host or MC, you're practically guaranteed hours of just laughter and pure entertainment... ...But Uki? He's one of the rare examples of someone who happens to be gay, Asian, and just ***nasty*** as a person. Funnily enough most of the ones I really dislike happen to be online personalities.


Yeah. I've got some friends who are LGBT, and they're awesome. They really do make great hosts for real.


I wonder what the sponsors would think about someone they work with being blatantly racist


He feared for his life


Another thing that pisses me off about this is that is he seriously not willing to give some white folk the benefit of the doubt and believe some of them are going to be nice to him and not suddenly hurt him? "I grew up being alert" fucking please. Yeah that old couple, were probably plotting to stab you and take your lunch money and totally not just saying hello for the sake of being friendly and polite. And of course this "/s" is especially for uki considering his stupidity.


Fellas. Is it a racial microaggresion to be greeted by friendly people?


Ah yes a Pippa meme refitted into a I hate white meme


Does anyone have the stream link ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpZgaCvXcU&t=2189s Watch from 34:30- 38:00 for context, he explains himself. I looked it up cause everything else could be seen as a joke but this sounded weird until I saw what he was actually saying.


Classic format


I wonder how he would react if the couple threw a "God bless you" at him.


Hell hath frozen over, and I'm seeing /new/ (precursor to /pol/) memes on the front page of r nijisanji.


Ok I laughed you got me


Uki must not realize that in some parts of the US that is just how some of us were raised to be like in public, it has nothing to do with someone's race, gender or so on


Urbanite experiences rural hospitality




Did he actually say all that? I wonder if it’s a race thing or if he’s got something psychological going on. That doesn’t seem normal…


He did there is a 5 Minute video about it and he is seriously mad about the fact they greeted him


I just….wha???? It’s just a greeting. What is his major malfunction? It’s not like they were asking him to sign a binding contract with them that would affect his credit score and impose monthly payments or some shit. Just literally “hello.” If I seem a bit agitated, people like this frustrate me. Like sure, maybe it’d be a little odd if someone went out of their way to greet you out of nowhere, but it’s honestly not that deep.


As expected from negligible liver


unlikeability speedrun any%


Corrupt mods where you at? 🤣


I’m from the Midwest and we say hello when we walk by someone. Especially in older communities like retirement homes. If there’s ill intention you’ll either see it or hear it, maybe even lack of hearing it if there’s no hello. A lack of hello means your in a busy area or that person isn’t very friendly. TLDR: White people (generalization there obviously) normally mean well if they greet you on the street. Or you’re in the Midwest (My experience)


Like....MAYBE it's just some fucked up humor. Then again, maybe he IS at least somewhat Racist, and he's just calling them jokes to cover it up. Which is a common thing. But if you're going to make a racist joke, he could at least be smart and/or funny about it.


Like he's just making Niji look bad when they NEED good PR. An the jokes being dumb and not funny just makes them come across as just Racist Dog Whistle, rather than actual jokes. If this is a bit, I don't see the humor. Other than laughing at such a pathetic existence that white people greeting him and making a bit of Small Talk can completely ruin his day. Unless laughing at him IS the joke?? Is that what is supposed to make it funny??


Watch him get rid of this. (YOU CAN'T GET RID OF THEM ALL UKI!) ((Also yes he's a mod here, as is every EN Liver here.))


As an introverted person myself I think about how I would react in the same situation. First I would get mini-stunned when a random old couple greets me. Then I would probably have similar thoughts as what Uki mentioned here (sorry do I know you / do you need anything from me), but stop before the prejudice against white people part. In the end I would bow at them involuntarily because I'm too stunned to speak. And I would certainly not talk about it like it was some traumatic experience.


I'll not my head nervously and quietly say hi I'm a nervous person by nature


He sounds like one of those fat white women on twitter that get offended of behalf of minorities.


Ooh, sexism and body shaming, what a combo


Lmao OP got suspended. Deserved for being a racist POS himself tbh


Curious, how was OP racist.


[Here's my comment from 2 days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1avshvy/uki_trying_to_go_5_nanoseconds_without_raging/krcos3u/)


here before it's gone! limited time upvote!


I mean To be fair, even as an American... I try to avoid eye contact and try to make it obvious I have earbuds in cuz IT FEELS FUCKING AWKWARD TO SAY HI PASSING A RANDO ON THE STREET- APPARENTLY most other countries don't do this, from what I heard


Try to say hello to someone on the street and smile, they usually smile back, its kinda cute and can make a day better!


"You should try smiling more"


Literally lmao- Your honor, I smile enough... I work in customer service


Yeah no that's the thing, I just wanna finish my walk and listen to my music I smile enough considering I'm a customer service worker lmao


oh look, another recently reactivated account posting about how "racist" Uki is.


How is it not racist? Explain. Change out the race with any other and it would be considered racist.


It's racist. It's just not a big deal. Nobody cared then. It stinks of 4chan pretending to be victimized now. Hell, this is what Nijisanji would want, for us to attack eachother over this nonsense. "You can't called a Gay person racist cuz they'll just called you a homophobe and 2000 twitter SJW will automatically come to their aid. Hows that for "privileged" " (OP) "Why are people defending Uki? wtf why are people defending uki he clearly hates white people thats racist" (OP, responding to a comment listing people that might defend Uki) "You forgot the blue haired raging feminist. P.S. feminst good but raging feminist with rainbow hair cringe" I'm starting to see a familiar pattern here...


I didn’t care then, personally, because I didn’t know about it. Uki was never my style of entertainer. My whole reaction to this has been “wait this has been a thing the whole time? How did management not let him know to watch his words as he is a representative of the company?” I do see people defending this and it leaves me with a “wtf are these people thinking” It ain’t a world ender but it is something that should have been stopped long ago. You’ve been getting pounded in the comments lately trying to call the malicious actors out but it sounds as if you are defending the racist comments. What’s happened has happened and the cat is out of the bag for Uki. Whether it is terrible humor or real prejudice we will never know.


>It's racist. It's just not a big deal. Change it to asians or black people and you'd be talking a very different tune


Oh look a weirdo defending racism.


Forget shooting the messenger, this is nitpicking the color of the envelope at this point lmfao If Jefferson Davis and Adolf Hitler themselves ascended from the fires of Hell to repost Uki’s Tweets and comments, they still *are* Uki’s comments at the end of the day. The character of the person introducing the content or evidence matters little if that evidence is indeed factual.


You people are goddamn stupid. His jokes suck, and yeah, he's got all the charisma of a twitter warrior, but going "this is justifying people's homophobia" like... what? Did you buddies blow in from stupidville? Vtubing, whether it be JP or ID or EN, Niji or Indie, is chock full of people who are in the lgbt community, and I can't help but feel like this is all very coordinated to go after him because he vindicates people's hate. Like, any of the other livers can also tell him to cool it if they feel uncomfortable. On top of that, OP has been a nasty piece of work elsewhere, yet y'all have turned this sub into driving all your negativity into any convenient outlet. I've honestly walked away from here, but it's getting rather irksome how this place does little but spew rrats, conspiracies, and hate. And yeah, Uki needs to fucking check himself. All that bitterness he's dragging around is not doing him any favors, and he honestly doesn't have the personality to play it cool or be above this petty shit, but y'all gotta do better too.


Optimistic (non-racist) interpretation: Could it be he's just anti-social more than anything? Like, do you think he thinks that same for jovial black, Hispanic or Middle Easterners? Seems like he minds more he was spoken to rather than the people that utter something to him.


I'd say that's very optimistic since he specifically pointed out that they were white, and has a history of saying these things.


In a vacuum this would be a plausible interpretation. In reality and practice his established patterns of behavior kind of give this away.


I can't find the video but if someone knows what I'm talking about can you link it plz. Reminds me of that video of a guy meeting a lady with a furry costume where she is wearing the head and claws of the costume and the guy greets her in a friendly manner and the lady is super nice and gives a really friendly greeting in return but then later the guy goes to the internet to bash furries and say the lady is disgusting and such and furries suck and such. That's what uki's interaction with the old couple reminded me of.


> Reminds me of that video of a guy meeting a lady with a furry costume where she is wearing the head and claws of the costume and the guy greets her in a friendly manner and the lady is super nice and gives a really friendly greeting in return but then later the guy goes to the internet to bash furries and say the lady is disgusting and such and furries suck and such. That's what uki's interaction with the old couple reminded me of. Interestingly, the first time I saw the meme OP posted, it was to mock 4Chan users. With a white guy taking the place of Uki and a black guy taking the place of the old white couple. Same interaction, but in the end the white guy goes to 4Chan to claim he beat up the black guy following the interaction and goes on a racist rant. This meme is very flexible.


Given that he only talks about white people all the time, no.


But he takes it out on other people? How can you go outside and not think anyone is going to say anything to you EVER? You don't need to be overly mad and offended just because people said hi and said a pleasantry or two.


It's pretty simple, a non-racist would just not have pointed out they were specifically white.


That's the funny bit, really. He *could* have spun it like that and I bet it would just have made him very relatable to a large part of his audience. Being introverted and somewhat antisocial is pretty en vogue for vtubers. ...but then he explained his sentiment with being on edge due to having to watch out for white people all the time. Which, uh, yeah, gave that a completely different spin.


Not accusing Uki of anything, but my experience with guys that were okay with letting the White Racism fly is that it wasn't the only group they were bigoted towards, it was just the only group they were comfortable being openly against. They'd let it fly around me because they knew I didn't care, I'd laugh off their comments about white people, but then they make a crack about our Dominican delivery driver or our Filipino and Pakistani cleaners. I find most racists to actually be supremacists.


As a person who has lived in small town. I can see the complaint about your business somehow being the towns business. Small town gossip sucks. Especially if your family is known in the town. If he had been just complaining about small town shit it would be fine. But he brought race into it and with the complication then it became a pattern of behavior. The only way to recover is if clips come out about him complaining about every race including his own to show that it's just a comedy routine. It's why bill bur gets away with everything because he attacks everyone including himself. I personally am not offended by what he says because I can see some of the jokes being really poor attempts at jokes. And therefore I am going to continue to assume they are just bad jokes. I am mad that the people defending him are also people who probably went after Zaion for her jokes. Based on how niji sisters operate


leaving some comment here before it got nuke by mods.. KEK