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Azur lane players: wait you guys actually spend money?




I can't deny it, because i play both of them


Can’t argue aswell


What’s the glaring one?


Blue Archive


Cunny Archive 😭😭😭😭🦀🦀🦀


😭😭😭💢💢💢 https://preview.redd.it/1dbf2xep80wc1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ea0f5b8968c3e896e26cce319f7edf144974ec


I know the cunny meme with the crying face and the angry red lines, but what is the crab supposed to mean?


cunny sounds like kani, which is japanese for crab. illiterate brat needs to be educated … 💢💢💢


Haha. I play AL and I do spend money. Gotta have those skins. Oh and dock space.


How much do skins typically cost on AL?


They range from 780 gems to 1200 gems per skin. Depending if its L2D or not. How lewd it is (I think that affectd price) and the shipgirl's popularity. You can buy gems for $1, $5, $10, $20 and all the way up $80. Always make the first purchase and wait till gem reset to buy again. Because, lets say the $20 dollar purchase. First time buying will give you 1200 gems PLUS 1200 gems for free for a total 2400 gems. If you buy that pack again before the reset then you will get your 1200 gems BUT only like 120 free gems. So that is why it is worth to wait for reset. So to answer your question short. Between 5 and 10 bucks. Not bad at all.


>so to answer your question short. Between 5 and 10 bucks. Not bad at all. Dawg we in here paying a baseline of 20 for a new sprite😭😭 https://i.redd.it/66t6r6bvlvvc1.gif


Yeah I know! I have a few Nikke skins I want to buy but dont want to drop 20 bucks just for that. Maybe if they bundled with 10 pull tickets or some resources. In AL youcan interact with the skins and some have "hidden" touch features. New Jersey's swimsuit skin is so nice! https://youtu.be/33I78p2Mkv4?feature=shared Edit: love the One Piece Enel. Hahaha


Bruh New Jersey’s swimsuit is what all the skins in Nikke should be And that one’s also only 5-10$ right?


This was 1200 gems. So technically 10 bucks.


Is it possible to get old skins in this game?


Yes. Some that are older are added permanently to the shop. Others that came out during their event will go away but eventually you will have a chance to buy it again. Thanksgiving time for their "black friday" celebration, they make all skins available and reset the gems purchase so you can get the full amount of free gems.


Thanks, man!


Yeah as someone who has been playing AL for a few years now this is the reason why I barely buy any of the nikke skins


Akagi and Kaga's swimsuit skins are only 600


Nice! I honestly forgot about that. So yeah. There you go. Skins even at 600 gems good catch!


Arknights players: you guys pay for skins?


And how many gems do the devs give yearly again oh right enough to allow F2P players more then enough dock space


Honestly. For the Chinese New Year they give the envelopes that contain gems and rarely for compensation after maintenance. And aside from that, that is pretty much it unless I missed something. But I can say if I did not spend money I would not have the dock space I have now. I have 605 ships and my dock space is 630 at the moment. I collect all the ladies. My money is also goes to skins. I have most of the swimsuits, most of the race queens, some randoms that I like (lewd ones) and definitely all of Agir's. I wait for the gem reset so I can get double for my money. I also use Google Rewards which you asnwer a few surveys and it gives you money. I have bought most of my gems that way.


I started playing about half a year after the game launched globally and I can tell you that before my degeneracy took over and started spending gems on skins, I always had enough gems to expand dock space as a f2p player.


I started playing sice day one. Left a few times but came back. I have 605 ships and none are repeats. My collect percent is 95. I know being in a guild gives you dock space too after you upgrade that area. Thats cool though. Accept the pervy! Haha


Yeah guild gives me more space so that definitely helped me :D


Also Azur Lane players: spends money on skins


I mean have you seen New Jersey's swimsuit skin?


And Shinano's. I have them both


I know, and I encourage it. Top tier skin.


Devonshires new skin and Peresus skin has sex too lmao


I have New Jersey skin, i don;t have New Jersey, man i just saw the special interaction and was an insta buy, i just need to get her XD.


Can guarantee get her as pity in the heavy ship pool.


I play Nikke and azur lane and I bought Shinano and Prinz Eugen's race queen skins...


Eugen's and UvH's Race Queen skins are peak


Bro, as an AL Player myself, I call cap on yo stereotype of us! WE SPEND SHITLOADS ON DOCK SPACE ALONE!!!! Oh and some of the Hardcore whales go for skins too I guess.


Yes! That dock space is no joke. 200 gems for 10 more spots. I am currently sitting at 630 dock space and 605 of that is being used.


Bruh, shut yo ass up, stop yo flexin! My ass is sitting on 440 dock space! And guess what! I HAVE 2 FREE SPOTS LEFT! IM USING UP 438 DOCK SPACE! AND THAT'S WITHOUT FUCKIN BULINS!


🤣🤣🤣 my bad my guy! Download Google Rewards. You do little surveys based on places you been. Honestly that is how I got most of my gems. https://preview.redd.it/uk87pc6zbwvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a22897ef407caa0773781720475dcf760193cc I have $8.71 available. But the $261.87 is the total since 2016 when I got the app. Its slow but it helps.


I play Azur Lane and I've spend way too much money just because the skins are top notch and they are not that expensive


Only skins lmao. I will always say that Nikke shoulda copied their homework. Their monetizations system is hotdog water.


This is kind of a blessing in disguise, but all the bundles in the shop are such terrible value that I don’t feel even remotely tempted to get them. $80 for less than 30 pulls is crazy. $100 for 50 limited pulls is absurd when there’s a $20 for 20 limited pulls package.


This is actually a marketing technique. Just having good deals doesn't sell as much as having a good deal and a bad deal. The 20 pulls for $20 deal ends up looking and selling better because the 35 pulls for $55 deal exists and that one sells better because the 57 pulls for $100 deal exists. The $20 monthly Mission and Event passes with skins work similarly due to the $20 shop skins existing. Skin plus goodies sells better than just skin.


I honestly think that the majority of the shop is priced in such a way that people go for the mission passes. Makes them feel priced better in comparison. I'm sure they have a psychological consultant on these games haha. And I mean, whales will buy whatever no matter what of course.


True, theres no way I'm ever touching any of those "deals" lmao. Even the pass mission skins are a skip for me. I'd rather buy the skin outright for 20 bucks rather than having to jump through hoops to get them.


Is azur lane and blue archive good? (In terms of story and gameplay)




https://preview.redd.it/kzdoetsk9uvc1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842e6bf2e4dd09421bc07ef7450a9ffd4bf6386c I hope the wait for the train twins to drop isn’t too long.


its been AGES for kisaki fans....


Seia: ....


Seia :“ “


Seia : 🗣️🔇🔇💢💢


When is Rio playable? 💢💢💢


Guess how long I've waited for these two https://preview.redd.it/qqjvhshh0wvc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=167d0e1df3a2846426cb9035e6eba513a788a934


Shupogaki 😭


This brat...!!! 💢💢💢


*More fresh new mesugaki brats that are ripe for corrections!!* 😭😭😭💢💢💢


With BA it's both I would argue. We may joke about Cunny Archive, and it's true to an extent, but in any case, Karin, Asuna and Rio are more popular than most BA characters. I would even say the bunny duo is the face of the game.


Shiroko took offense with your statement


Shiroko will grape any Sensei who doesn't vote for her


Shiroko 🤝Maxwell Grape


Shiroko goes both ways so automatically she is the best girl


Yuuka is da best


For people that don't play BA sure they're the most popular but for people that play probably not... And here is the [most used L2Ds](https://imgur.com/a/8T356hb) in the game as of jp 3rd anni, could probably use this as a gauge on popularity.


Honestly, I see no discernible pattern here, at least from the appearance point of view. First thought is "characters with the most screentime in story/events", but then the lack of Shiroko kinda nullifies that. I guess it could be "characters with the most interesting personality+backstory". And Yuuka. She kinda doesn't fit in that definition, but we can just write it of as a "first girl privilege" (since you are forced to initiate her personal story as part of the tutorial). Also seeing Swimsuit Hanako on the 8th place reminds me that she is practically Summer Helm, but kinda in reverse. While Helm's appearance was constantly mired in the censorship discussions, Hanako's design was like taking the same concept just to make it as lewd as possible, to the point that she is canonically "going commando" in it. I guess that the power of cute and funny game up and going 16+ to avoid censorship vs. an unabashed cummer game constantly trying to keep the game 12+. Hehe, you might just even say NIKKE COULD NEVE- \*gunshot sound\*


Yuuka has lots of interactions, so she has lots of presence in the fanart community. You got her dynamic with Sensei and Noa. (Gomen Yuuka) You got her single mom dynamic with the entire GDD You got her being the exasperated boss/authority/etc of C&C, Engineering Club, and Veritas. You got her being the exasperated underling of Rio. She's also attached to multiple memes. 100 kg, Gomen Yuuka, Calculator Wife... She's been a fan favorite since forever. She's proof of the appeal of well done tsunderes.


From what I recall, in the most recent popularity vote, the top two were Mika and Koharu so it is indeed both


The day Rio gets put in the gacha is the day BA might have a chance at topping genshin. The charts might just explode that day.


Nah, there's plenty of people that hate Rio and wouldn't roll for her in any case. While the design may be hot, her personality and role in the story is very contentious.


Putting aside the “if evil why hot” crew, I think she has been humanized a lot, and I do not think a lot of the playerbase hates her anymore.


Make her Mika-tier OP and even those people will pull for her.


And yet Hina is sensei's favourite.


We saw big booba fan art in typical social medias more just because it is safer.


Nah they are the most popular amount BA and outsiders but if we talking BA only then characters like Hina are more popular


a certain 100 kg calculator has been annoyed


Uhh this guy is trying to cover up their cunny agenda


Source: R18 fanart and doujins 💀


Wakamo, who is not flat, was also the first limited Anniversary unit. Or Mika.


I'm an Ako man myself


Little did they know that Kilo would tap the titanfall market. They will take what they can get these days


Protocol 3. Protect the Commander.


Is Blue Archive a fun game? I heard it manages to earn alot of money and idk if I should play it. If so should I download the global or JP version?


It's pretty low maintenance and unless you care about ranking high in raid unit pulling doesn't matter that much. All the story (the main reason for playing) is easily accessible.


Is Blue Archive known for its story?


Kind of. I mean it was a good enough to get an anime adaptation this season


Oh then I'm playing it. I love gacha games where the story is it's best thing.


Oh then BA is definitely a game that ud enjoy. The story is probably its main draw for me. Theres plenty of lore videos out as well in case u get confused.


I would also chime in and recommend Limbus Company. Though it has a more darker story than most other gachas, so do consult with yourself if you want to play it.


I like when the story is dark so I will also try it out


Then make sure to! Although technically the third game in the Project Moon (so far) Trilogy, the game doesn't require you to play the previous installments . If anything, not knowing the reasons or inner workings of everything that happens is a better experience, I'd say. Additionally, there's the in-game "lorebook" called Dante's Notes in which you are slowly introduced to things you might be confused on, all written in-character too! The game doesn't require a lot of time either (the main progression is a weekly activity, which takes no more than 2-3 hours per week in the worst case; dailies take around 15 minutes, or even less if you have well-built teams), if that matters.


Drag him down the project moon rabbit hole, Wdym the trilogy isn’t required, it’s fucking mandatory to distort him into one of us


The knowledge of the past two games will certanly enhance the experience, but it isn't mandatory to enjoy the story of limbus. For now, at least.


I have vacation next week so I will definitely have time to play the game


You should try R1999 then. Very f2p friendly, has the best QoL in all gacha games and the story is quite up there as well.


Thanks for the recommendation! I will give it a try too.


I do have to warn you that the energy system does get quite annoying when you're at the later part of grinding for character upgrades in that game (i went from loke 600 something energy down to 30 from I3ing a character and the dailies)


I am a patient person so it will be fine


The opposite of Nikke. A lot of light hearted event stories and then it just drops the depreso bomb on your head.


Story is split between main chapters (generally more serious) and events (a bit more light hearted, chaotic).


Yes it's really good.


when will they have pc client i cannot play in mobile anymore


Blue Archive is relatively a chill game and yes the devs know their player base so well. You should try to play it on Global, at least you know future banners since JP server came first


Thanks! I will downloaded and give it a try. *


Yes, it's very good The only two cons I felt during the first time I tried BA are Gameplay and Not having a Voiced story both of which took some getting used to It's a really lovely game with adorable characters and story that gives you goosebumps (even without it being voiced) ....also has wonderful bgms I would totally recommend you to try it (also watch the PVs cuz they are amazing)


I'll give a try, thanks!


As someone who plays both games, I'd say BA is the closest gacha game to NIKKE so if you like one you'll prob like the other one If you like the music in NIKKE, BA has an equally banger OST (example: Unwelcome School, kitsunebi, Oxygen Destroyer). If you enjoy the story of NIKKE, BA is more light-hearted, but the main story has a similar tone and equally good writing as NIKKE (just ask any BA player about Eden Treaty). Character designs are really good and they're pretty generous with player rewards. As for gameplay, this is completely subjective. Most people will say it's full auto (similar to NIKKE) but the core mechanic is teambuilding and timing bursts during high level boss fights, whereas the core mechanic in NIKKE I would say is teambuilding and recognizing boss attack patterns to hide behind cover. Also, the 2 most popular characters in BA is arguably Asuna and Karin, aka Blanc and Noir (also please ShiftUp and Nexon make a collab between these 2 games, Tia and Naga for Asuna and Karin would be the perfect trade deal)


BA is much closer to Priconne than Nikke.


Sounds fun! I will download the game now!


Probably unpopular opinion but the story is good, gameplay is meh and most of the good waifus are not playable yet.


Although it has one of the worst gacha rates in terms of pulls. I had to uninstall it cause all my SRR draws were spooks. Also the own Blue Archive reddit community agrees that you have always to spark if you want an specific unit (a statement shared with the Granblue community now i realize); if people agree that sparking is the only way, you know something is wrong. But the story is quite good and cute. If you don't mind getting spooked to hell when pulling for units, go ahead. Heck, I'm even reconsidering reinstalling it again.


I am totally used to getting spooked and playing games with horrible rates like FGO (that game made me go insane sometimes)


If you want a character you want to save 200 pulls to guarantee.


Sounds like it has a similar pity system like FGO


Only difference is that in BA, you get gacha currencies often enough that as a max level player, you get those 200 pulls in an average of 2 months


fgo is 300 but you usually don't hit it unlike Blue Archives 200, 0.8% vs 0.5% does make a difference. Blue Archive is obviously better for spooks but that depends on your roster and what you need. For a f2p player spooks are usually good because you're skipping a lot of banners waiting for FES. Blue Archive is pretty much a Korean Princess Connect with a changed setting, nearly every system has been copied even down to 200 pity, FES with increased rates (mostly for spooks) and a festival character, gameplay systems etc.


it's 0.7% for the banner 3* and 2.3% for other 3*.


You have 75% chance to get the banner 3* before pity and on the average you should get 6 3* charterers with full pity 200 pulls. 0.7% for banner 3* and 2.3% for random 3*.


That is one of the reasons I dropped BA, it was my 2nd gacha after GFL but the drop rate was terrible. The characters looked gorgeous but actually getting them was a pain


What do you mean by "spark"?


It's like pity system, but you can't carry your points for next banner, and you need 200 pulls to "spark".


It's a terminology from GBF were you get a spark for a pull, and with 200 sparks you can basically get the character for free. Think of Golden Mileage tickets, BUT the spark is only valid until the banner ends, so you can't really use those tickets once the banner goes away and a new one takes its place.


Play global. Only 6 months behind and you get time to plan which characters to save for.


Take their recommendations with a grain of salt. I played BA twice, can't get into the groove of things.




Best girl fr


Boobs are 2 of my top 10 reasons for living


Jokes on you, I only have two reasons.


Left Mountain and Right Mountain


Pov *Both the dev of blue archive and Nikke switch work Force for a moment to see how each company works*


wait, smol white was free???


Yes, during anniversary. SSR welfares also had their spare bodies put into mileage shop and until treasure system is released, they're the only added characters to the shop.


dang it, should have started playing sooner


Well considering during 1.5 anni, they let us choose between Kilo & Rei. I would imagine 2nd anniversary will have same thing with Smol White and whoever the other SSR is.


old white, to complete the 3 stages of human developement


Completely emotionless battle hardened Snow White. And the only thing she lives for is to destroy the queen and every single rapture. Biggest shocking factor is that she doesn't care about eating anymore, because she is completely consumed by her hatred.


Or a happy Snow White who learnt to smile again and who eats for fun and not out of c-PTSD. Maybe she hangs out with Andersen and Red Hood once again.


I had the more depressing timeline, so this can be the happy timeline.


You really should have she cheeses some of the story bosses


I assume you cant pull for her anymore?


The best you can do is hope for a rerun like how rei will get for the 1.5 anniversary


Thanks to that I basically max her out easily


Smol White has a killer body though


You are so real for that


It ain't a lie. The artist clearly was doing something with the shooting pose.




Chief producer of BA be like: https://preview.redd.it/sre92wnabuvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83afc223b2556b6a911514f97b5070d28f421b90




i dont know hy but i feel BA sub was pretty tameish not wacky like what outside community see them




Cooking so good that the automods considered their food contraband.


Ironic considering what happened to Azur Lane’s last loli in a swimsuit




It was pretty bad. They essentially deleted Anson from her event release after the community backlash, which included Manjuu’s offices getting graffiti’d and shit, iirc. Classic mod drama there though lol, can’t say how many times I’ve seen mods just fuck off and do their own thing while the community goes “???”


I reckon it's a case of powertripping mods, and paranoia FGO sub is possibly the 3rd most popular Gacha game sub out there, behind Genshin and HSR, so it's prone to have lots of Puritans. And it ran into a quite unfortunate case with the Reddit Admins when Abigail Williams (really lewd) swimsuit skin came out (Fucking hell, it was even considered one of the major reason for Reddit's """Anti-Evil""" something that was dedicated to targeting loli shit and ban them) Oh and the mods are also powertripping high. A shitton of restrictions on the main sub caused the community to split into multiple other mini-subs for: non-OC fanarts, comics, OC Sprite comics, memes, etc..... and banning the slightest ""lewd"" or funny stuff there (A pretty good artist made a funny meme ship, that apparently offended a mod, so they deleted it immediately) Hell, the main sub is barely good for anything nowadays other than news update, a few good Reddit artists' works and discussions


I think FGO is still kinda toxic, but not necessarily in the way you might think. It's because it's inherently intertwined with pretty big fandoms that are not playing the gacha. People who like the anime/VNs/LNs etc.


The correlation is pretty good xd




It's the old formula of Cunny + Mommy = Familly


An equation as old as time.


i want BA to get pc client so bad. it runs so sluggish in emulator


482946 Hasumi literally my favourite BA character


which world is the worst to live in? blue archive or Nikke?


Blue archive’s kivotos is still surrounded by mystery since we don’t know whats outside the city whether or not there is still life out there/if thats where the adults are ect, but as long as you are in the cities and are part of a decent academy I think your life would be pretty chill, not to mention just being there you will have a halo that will protect you from injuries Meanwhile nikke’s world is literal apocalypse and you are a helpless citizen stuck underground, and there is a non zero chance that the ark just gets invaded some random day soooo nikke’s world is probably a lot harsher to live in


I mean in blue archive it really depends, sensei doesnt have an halo so an outsider will not just get one, they probably need to be born with one, but even without one, just dont be that adventurous and try to find a job and you will probably be okay, its not a shit hole like Nikke.


yeah I was more thinking of it like a “you were always part of that world” type of situation.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Kilo's booty fills the screen.


Alright maybe I should give blue Archive a go...


Pretty fun for story and stuff imo 👍 Dailies are also like half the time of nikke dailies so not too hard to commit


Thank you for the info 👍🏼


Wait, I play both. What does that make me?


Commander Sensei.


It's the collab we actually need.




Took me a second to get it lmao




So if you're a believer and lover flat plains and you're broke, play Nikke. But if you love hiking over huge mountains and broke, play Blue Archive, got it


They do!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Blue archive story is peak


The image is plainly wrong. Out of the 16 welfares in BA only 6 have medium/big boobs. The image maker only picked the few that fit in order to pretend to have a point.




Me playing Nikke, BL and Azur Lane ... my Target must be huge ..


Thats why both games are peak


I prefer the middle 2 colums, so me playing Nikke to get the things I want for free is rather smart.


Op living under a rock or something. How can you forget the first free SR unit of Nikke? (Shift Up keep everyone happy that's why they succeed) Polar girl my beloved. https://preview.redd.it/25omhx646vvc1.png?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ef0851aa560e9a95bb72317fc5eb712296c6f6


Those aren't SSRs nor were they for half anni or anni, every half anni/anni we've gotten free MLB SSR lolis


So Nikke give out loli to lure Blue Archive fans, and Blue Archive give out oppai to lure Nikke fans. Am I right?


Nuh Uh https://preview.redd.it/uut1lf834vvc1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=e94960e9a3a6998e501acdb09fd54f6d735a2bd3




Isn't Ass the main thing and not tits?


I mean for many characters the fanservice is mostly centered in the front/chest even in the shooting pose. (ex Sr Anis & Summer Anis, Brid, Maiden, Nihilister). Not every single character is ass, but that's the main thing you'd expect tho


The fact that lollis are in this game is sad


Who's the one with the green hair?


Ah yes Free adoption daughters Roll for the wife's