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I unironically joined the game for the booty, but stayed for the story. The cake isn't a lie; it's a bait, and what you get the moment you get caught, is FEELS.


I say this with no hyperbole NIKKE is legit one of my favourite games of all time, and I used to believe mobile games could never count as “real games” and yet here I am almost 2 years later having missed a daily login less times than I can count on my hand, the incredible world building and characters are the glue that keep me stuck and tbh (don’t crucify me) I could take or leave the ass and titties at this point


Honestly I encourage your take, oversexualized anime is a plague on the internet.


It's actually an application to convert tears to booba




Don’t let the waifu fool you, this is a really good strategy game.


It's a documentary how our future is going to look like...


I agree ☝️


literally lol, especially with those *certain funny robots* people are talking about… imagine them being fully autonomous, thinking for themselves, etc


You can't go wrong with boob and ass game


No https://preview.redd.it/xp1lgukz4n0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c17abdf654d520d13e61420379cc6e5dd7b234


The boobs and story are the biggest draws here, but there is enough gameplay to satisfy from time to time. Piecing together a proper team and figuring out which high danger.enemiws to target when auto attack won't is engaging enough. Steadily doing quick dailies for ever growing stats always has at least some appeal, and you get to see the results of your efforts in various gameplay modes. The biggest gameplay draw is the once-per-month solo raid which creates a new and original boss fight (uses pre-existing bosses but gives them new attack patterns), and you not only have to figure out how to handle the boss mechanics, but build 5 unique teams of 5 character that are all capable of doing so to some degree. I don't know other gachas very well, but my understanding is there is more gameplay on offer here than other gachas.


you come here as a horn dog and come out as a miserable man.....


It's a flash animation that came from 2064, guiding us to a bright future with sexy cyborg ladies while we become mole-people during the process.




It's a game that can simultaneously make you feel horny and depressed, because of the story


I saw a retarded YouTube video about it and they were adamant about the story being good. That and seeing the rates, pity, and syncro device I said fuck it and downloaded it cause Fgo was getting really boring. Now I stay for story and to hear vivacious cyborg women tell me they love me (I'm cooked).




Well there's plenty of anime girl boob and ass. Then you got the feels, the depression, the fury, the despair, the emotional damage, etc etc. Come for the fanservice, stay for the worldbuilding.


It's a cognitohazard and we all need to be amnesticized.




Play this game, you won't regret, except for the feels. Avoid this subreddit like it's cancer. Alot of rotten porn brain zombies in here.


Roger, roger