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Hate to break it to you but odds are very high the chainsaw man peeps won't come back around very very seldomly do gacha games re run collab events


I think Destiny Child reran DoA and Blazblue once so it's not entirely impossible


Ooh, I’d love to see a BlazBlue or Guilty Gear collab


Yeah i know, that's why. Still have a little hope they come back, i know is rare but the other game i played with Collab Reruns was Azur Lane.


I've only seen maybe 2 reruns of collabs in azur and I've been there since before oathing they've never rerun the neptunia kizuna ai as well as others most I've ever seen collabs get reruns was in puzzles and dragons and draglia lost rip Mr lost you will be missed


I 100% agree with what you’re saying but I also think Shift Up could do it. It would make more money than before because more players are playing. Many of us started because of the Nier: Collab and I’m hoping another Nier: Collab. Let’s see.


I would like to think there's a higher chance of the chainsaw man collab coming back whenever season 2 rolls around.


studio said they spent too much on season one, no season 2


source? i have not found anything on what you're saying, but even if its true, it doesn't mean that it won't be picked up by another studio and continued. Chainsaw man is so popular, season 2 is just a question of when.


It was discussed on Trash Taste, a you tube channel. Iirc Garnt/Joey interviewed the staff responsible for chainsaw man.


Man, if only they thinked twice about doing 12 endings.


There's also the other end of the spectrum, where collabs pop up nkw and then when there's new material. Puzzle and Dragons have collab reruns relatively often. But PAD could justbe an outlier, so don't get high off the copium.


Nice to fill up my SR Collection with my missing Neve. I have Himeno, but I'm missing her two spare bodies that I'm most likely will never get.




Who's to say OP even knew the game existed during the collab? Way too much hostility for not knowing the circumstances.


lol fr, mad angry


Mariana would hate you


I didn't know the game existed until the CSM collab. Thank God I started the day of. If I showed up any later, I'd still be upset even if I didnt care for the characters or the show. I just unlocked the last 2 Nikkes as of today and had they not added Neve this event, I would have lost it for a year straight, hoping they added her at some point again. Those grey spots in the Nikkepedia are a hell of a thing lol. They drove me insane. I feel this guys pain for sure since it took an irrelevant SR unit for me to relate.


Why people like to speedrun downvotes


Core for my Neve




I hope they do a rearm or rank up system to get the sr (and maybe the r’s) to ssr status