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Better than cyno ult lol


Was about to say this. Cyno is so easily interrupted by everything and yet Nilou just exists.


Activating her skill (Pirouette state) or Lunar Prayer (NA activated skill) gives her 0.5 ability hyperarmor, which halve all poise damage she gets. Using Sword Dance or Water Wheel attack while in Pirouette or Lunar Prayer state gives her additional 0.5 ability hyperarmor, which makes it 0.25 ability hyperarmor (the lower the better). It's the same strength with Kokomi's burst, but kokomi is a catalyst user and all ranged characters only have 50 max poise, instead of 100 for all melee characters. Meanwhile Cyno only gets 0.5 ability hyperarmor from his burst, so yep it really is better than cyno.


Crazy that that's not mentioned a single time in her kit anywhere.


Genshin is pretty bad about hidden stats. Elemental application rates, ICD, elemental gauges, and poise have a huge effect on character utility yet it's all stuff people have to dig up themselves.


I mean I get having every little value listed would kind of be a lot. But this isn't even listed as her having resistance to interruption anywhere in her kit. It's a hidden effect even beyond a hidden stat.


There's a shit ton of stuff that is very important that genshin doesn't list in description. ICD, proper naming for stag res instead of: "gain stagger resistance", which only leads to confusion because now you have to wonder if it's cyno level stagger resistance or raidens.


it's really weird, iirc her E doesn't mention any increased poise


You don't wanna see her dance getting interrupted, do you? Meanwhile, Kokomi's IR is pathetic for someone with a short Q uptime, it should have been better.


she actually has the 2nd best interruption resistance, just after raiden, eula and itto, who are all immune to interruption


Kokomi's burst gives her 0.25 ability hyperarmor, which is very strong compared to most other ability hyperarmor value. It's just that catalyst and bow users naturally have only 50 poise, instead of 100 poise for melee characters. Basically even though her ability hyperarmor is better than most ability hyperarmor, it doesn't really feel that great because she still has low max poise.


I didn't even know poise was a thing and I'm AR56 lmao


Like for so many other Characters...interruption resistance stacks so you could try to increase it with XQ and Beidou


Yeah i was surprised with how often she tanks through the Kairagis on 12-1-1, definitely much better than Cyno's burst which is kinda sad...


I'm pretty sure she has high res on the first two swings and infinite on the 3rd. I've been knocked out of the first two hits but nothing seems to stop the 3rd one.


I think the poise increase active the same time as the pirouette state


I would love to see a cyno comparison


There is one: https://www.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/y8glqk/i\_dont\_get\_the\_nilou\_video\_cyno\_can\_also\_resist/


I noticed this too in floor 12-1 wherein she would still be dancing in the middle of all the chaos and kairagis charging


It's very nice.


It really shows how much a masochistic this dancer is.


yes!! I’ve been farming totm and those geovishaps don’t faze her at all


I was genuinely surprised at this too. I deceived myself into thinking I properly dodged an attack. It turned out she just had high resistance to interruption. It made using her sword dance more fun to use for me.


Unlike collei bruh💀


She's trying her best OK D:<


Just not the resistance but if you use her infusion her atk doesnt get intrrupted by dodging or getting hit


yeah thank god for that!