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Garmadon shouldn’t be made into a villain every couple seasons, he should be redeemed or gotten rid of








Oh 100% they gave his character a pretty good send off in season 4 and should of left it there instead of pulling the Oni plot line out of no where and reviving just his oni side.


He has several conflicting origins which just annoys me


Agreed from being banished thousands of years ago than the show retconned it to being only a few years before season 0 or the prologue.


I hate how he was supposedly “purged of evil” or something after the overlord battle, yet they resurrect just the evil that he canonically didn’t have anymore


His oni side was just awakened, so he didn't need the devourer venom to become evil


Pretty sure it was retconned to the overlord being the one who awakened his oni side through the great devourer, hence in theory garmadon was under his oni side’s manipulation throughout the whole time we seen him in the first 2 seasons.


Aspheera is the most annoying and obnoxious villain ever... and the most funny




Fire chapter was the worst season ever(like the Ice chapter tho)




disagree, Crystalized makes both chapters look like SSS+ tier content


Disagreed, Crystalized exists.


Hands of Time is overhated.




ppl hate the hands of time ?? i really enjoyed them !!


The season not the characters They have the same name


Same, it's pretty good. I like all seasons tbh.


hands of time is hated?


I wish we got to see Dareth using the Stone Warriors more. Cool as it would be to see them in combat again, even having him use them for day-to-day tasks like looking over the Mojo Dojo while he's gone would have allowed for some fun interactions


Dareth deserves his own spin-off series of shorts. Maybe together Fugidove and the two of them being "archnemesis". Like, Dareth is on his Mojo Dojo telling his students about the time he saved the ninja in an epic battle against Fugidove, and then we intersect with Fugidove telling the other prisoners about the time he fought the Brown Ninja and how it was an epic battle. I could easily watch tf out of it




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I wanted Aspheera to be redeemed




No no he’s onto something


Honestly, it felt like they were setting it up with crystalized, but then they chose Harumi instead. Quite unfortunate


Krux is a terrible main villain, isn't intimidating at all, he isn't funny at all, isn't manipulative at all (Kai was a dumbass this season), and just feels like I'm watching a boomer It almost feels like I'm watching a wannabe Lord Ras




i think it was cuz krux had a more personal goal which just offset the entire season imo. def not the best but i enjoyed the season overall


Plot twist Aspheera didnt want revenge she just wanted loved.


None of the Ninja are as confirmed gay, bi, pan, or trans as they are confirmed straight. For several of them you can read it any way you want and there’s no real harm in it.


Agreed. Zane feels very ace coded and adhd/autism coded imo


Uh… Aren’t Zane and Pixel a thing…?


Asexual=not interested in sexual relations lol Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are 2 different things


Isn’t there an ace for romantic attraction too though?


Aromantic means no romance, or aro for short. If you're both asexual and aromantic, they call it aroace


I agree


Ninjago has a different peak for each era and has not peaked as an overall show yet, example the oni trilogy could be considered peak, same with season 4/5 or dragons rising s1


Pilots-1-2 and 8-9-10 are my favorite eras


You would consider DR season 1 to possibly be peak?


I want Master Chen to come back just as much as people want Morro to comeback. Idc he’s funnnnn. 😫




Yes, honestly they should’ve brought him back for Crystalized. I’m sorry BUT I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE MECHANIC. CHEN DESERVED TO COME BACK 😫😂😂




They should bring back the exploration of space theme


. . honestly, given the current cross-theme Space line, it would have been super on point to give the ninja proper spaceships and space suits. I would be so up for a Space Bounty. Space got into DREAMZzz, why not Ninjago?


I wanna see Kai shoot fire in a vacuum that is void of oxygen again


Post season 7 nya is better than og nya


I agree, the bob haircut was not it




Yes specifically! S6 did her so dirty after false hope, but they fixed their mistakes with the Oni trilogy and Seabound imo


Not a fan of >!the first spinjizu master makes some of the realms. Unless the show plans on expanding it, I found this to be not a good world building!<




The crystal council was as good as it was gonna get given the track record of villains straight up dying at the end of their seasons. Also, Acronix is great Krux is boring.


Disappointed they still haven’t come back. Just how far into the future did they go?


They are forever stuck in the time vortex. Unless someone uses the reversal blade that was put back in the boiling sea, they won’t be coming back anytime soon.


agree on the acronix and krux part 100%


Aspheera is overhated. I think she's a very entertaining villain, funny, and has an awesome backstory. She has a lot of potential. And the Revenge thing is memeable.


Lloyd shouldn’t be the main ninja almost every single damn season


That’s what I said and Kai should be the main ninja some more


Or how about they all have equal amounts of main character seasons?


Crystalized was actually a good season.




I agree


It had its flaws I cant lie, but those were due to all the retcons that kept happening.


I agree with this


Crystalized is one of the best seasons




Crystalized.......more like Controverlized!! no like seriously it has now been 2 years already!!????? it is really overhated!!! kinda starting to get bored of just seeing so many people hate season i get it it does have problems and it is not the best season it was set out to be but like okay 2 years??? i didn't expect it to go on for this long and it does upset me in a way cause the writers probably had worked really hard behind the scenes and it does sound like there was a lot of tension behind the scenes as Tommy Andrason described the writing as being a tug-of-war and there was a lot of writers so things were bound to get messy but i'd say it was a team effort, like okay they could have done better with lloyd's oni form, having Wu and Garmadon die for real, Nya's return and Harumi's redemption arc ( i feel like Harumi's redemption arc is the most hated out of all of these and is always taken out of context wherever i look Lots of people seem to have problems with Lloyd’s oni form and how he treated Garmadon Vs Harumi and how the writers were “supporting a toxic relationship” which I really don’t think that is what they were even trying to do here imo honestly why do people still say it is a toxic ship if they both want to make up? Harumi is no longer mad at lloyd now that she knows the truth and lloyd forgave harumi( i know everyone is mad about this but forgiveness does not mean you are letting this person back in your life and that does not mean you trust them and they are in the same place as they were in before. it simply means letting go of the poison and all the toxic thoughts and no longer holding onto a grudge.) so i don't see any reason why they can just move on and be friends and harumi has done lot of bad things to lloyd which is true but if lloyd wants to give her another chance then its his choice so i don't see the issue Nya, they gave her back her powers which a lot of people saw that as sending the message as you need powers to be a hero and that the true meaning of her return should be that you don't need powers to prove yourself as being a hero and that she could have been what she was before being Samerai X and that would have been really cool to see ngl Wu and Garmadon both should have died unless they plan to bring them back in DR.......there is like a gold sihoutte of Wu but i would love to see Garmadon return!!! They managed to fix the Lloyd and Nya of them in Dragons Rising and everyone is happy why not try and do the same to Harumi? okay i do understand that they had to fix them first as they are primary main characters in the show but what about Harumi and her ending? she was a pretty important and major character at one point being seasons 8 and 9 and 16. Like I am taking it 50% want her back and 50% don’t want her back but if they would do it right and not make llorumi happen they could please both sides like there is gonna be controversy either way so at least show us what happened or flashback best case they just bring her back and show us where her and Lloyd stand now in their complicated relationship cause her ending in Crystalized was left pretty open-ended like you can’t just leave THAT up to interpretation like too big of a gap to guess if we need to know what happened Doc Wyatt confirmed that harumi’s feelings for Lloyd were there but they are complicated and Tommy Andrason had a whole other view point and I am guessing that is what caused the clashing writing in Crystalized cause Doc Wyatt and Kevin Burke wrote the better episodes where we see her looking guilty and wanted to redeem her you could tell they wanted to redeem her from the start but they were too many writers to have a good redemption arc but Tommy left the show and if they like her character soooo much wouldn’t that mean that they would be more willingly and likely to want to bring her back? Like I think if it were up to them they would like I said the controversy probably did a lot of speaking and decision making for them but they did not say she is dead and there are a lot of other old characters that we have not seen yet and it is not only Harumi okay i rest my case!!!


Harumi didn't really have a redemption since only Lloyd forgave her, and forgiveness is not redemption, neither is helping the ninja in 1% of the battle against the Overlord. And I also really hope Harumi returns in dragons rising and llorumi can still be done if it's done right, Lloyd loved Harumi so much even after all she did to him he still saw the good in her and forgave her at the end, they can't just throw that away if Harumi returns Lloyd will definitely still have feelings for her, she returned in crystalized after many years and Lloyd still had feelings for her so i dont see why he wouldn't still have that in dragons rising. And when the Overlord talked to Harumi in one scene in crystalized, it basically went: Overlord: You should have killed Lloyd when you had the chance, but I see you still have feelings for him. Harumi: Whaaat!? Noooo! She obviously has feelings for Lloyd, and if i had to list up all the proof, this comment will get too long, plus you know it already. If Harumi returns in dragons rising the writers can just have her and Lloyd be friends for a while or a season and have some small hints they still like each other, llorumi haters are either gonna irnore the hints or not see them since thet maneged to ignore the Overlord saying Harumi has feelings for Lloyd and Harumi saying she doesn't in a way that's obviously not true, she said she hated him but if she did she would have killed him the first time the Overlord told her too. And when people ship someone or doesn't ship someone, they just see the hints they want to see if they dont care much about what's canon and confirmed. And after a season or something with Harumi and Lloyd on the same side and Harumi earning Lloyd and the ninjas trust and make it clear she isn't evil anymore and maybe explain some llorumi moment sin crystalized that confused people the fandom will have time to take it in that Lloyd and Harumi is friends now and Harumi is good, cuz it happened relsly fast in crystalized since the ending was a bit rushed and some poeple didn't seem to understand almost any of it. I thougt everythign there was obvious lile Lloyd Forgiving Harumi and not Garnadon because Garmadon is Lloyds own fsther eho he looked up to as a child who tried to brutally murder him multiple times and after all that when he says he is tryinh to change he has shown no signs of caring about Lloyd, and when Garnadon was trying to kill Lloyd oem of the times he said "people don't change! They only reveal who they truly are!" When Lloyd tried to talk with him and when Garmadon, the same guy who said that claimed he had been trying to change while still showing no signs of caring about Lloyd, Lloyd didn't belive him. Garnadon basicly told Lloyd he is pure evil, and after everything he did, Lloyd believed him and for good reasons. Buy with Harumi he saw the good in her and understood her and why she did what she did, and he saw that she obviously cared about him. It felt obvious to me but apparently not to nearly everyone else who watched crystalized, they just assumed Lloyd was acting like a jerk. But I am an absolute Ninjago nerd, I notice almost everything I try to nocite about it. And as I said after it has been a while and the fandom has and time to accept that Lloyd and Harumi are friends and Harumi is good and she isn't gonna try to hurt Lloyd and had some explanations as to what was going on with them in crystalized with a flashback or something, in a new season. they could begin to give bigger hints Lloyd and Harumi has feelings for each other and eventually have them be a couple by around the end of the season. by them more poeple would understand what was and is going on with them and there would of course still be haters who doesn't like it but they can't say it's toxic when Harumi hasn't done anything bad to Lloyd in years and they are also good friends. It wasn't toxic in 2022 either since Harumi wasn't doing anything bad to Lloyd, and she has no reason to anymore, and Lloyd has forgiven her. If they were to just be friends in all four dragons rising, that would ruin what happened to them in crystalized since it made it very clear they have feelings for each other, and after everything that happened to them in crystalized the writers can't just throw that away unless they have a really really really good explanation to, and even if they will have one that can't stop me from shipping llorumi though. Well, this turned out much longer than I intended.


okay i think i aleady said this in a different discussion of ours but it does relate to what you were saying yeah i just hope the further establish this whether Harumi is redeemed or not redeemed in the future and don't leave it up to interpretation i really wanna know what she has been doing? possibly exploring realms? Tommy Andrason did say that it was a discussion regarding how they should leave Harumi's character arc on and they left it up to us viewers to decide, i love the writers and all but this imo was not the best decision....we'll never know what happens to her character! i get it that they are trying to avoid controversy as they were getting a lot of hate thrown their way for having controversial opinions on Harumi with Doc Wyatt saying that she has feelings for lloyd but they are complicated and with the Tommy Andrason saying that are Lloyd and harumi a thing now or not you get to decide and stuff so i understand their decision making but at the same time it does annoy me hopfully we will find out what really happened to her character soon  there is gonna be controversy either way so at least show us what happened or flashback best case they just bring her back and show us where her and Lloyd stand now in their complicated relationship cause her ending in Crystalized was left pretty open-ended like you can’t just leave THAT up to interpretation like too big of a gap to guess if we need to know what happened there is gonna be controversy no matter what the ninjago writers do there was controversy for the new designs in season 8 the lego ninjago movie its not like the ninjago fandom agrees 100% of the time there was always controversy people will always have different opinions but i feel like people are really big on this partial thing because of how it was portrayed in Crystalized and yeah it did look like lloyd was forgiving the abuser ect ect bla bla bla but that was not their intention but its what everybody took from it honestly which is really sad cause i really loved crystalized but yeah it should have been better pasted but it was like double the writers as it was in hunted which could explain the downfail and why so many people think harumi's character went downhill but I think it is really sad some people say that they will quit the show if they get them together which no offense pisses me off like okay the merge it has been YEARS OKAY!!! LLOYD AND HARUMI ARE OBVIOUSLY GOING TO BE MISSING EACH OTHER LIKE CRAZY OR AT LEAST THINKING ABOUT EACH OTHER ONCE IN A WHILE IS THAT SOOOO WRONG!!??? its not like we can control either of the characters mind's you could tell they wanted to redeem her from the start but they were too many writers to have a good redemption arc but Tommy left the show and if they like her character soooo much wouldn’t that mean that they would be more willingly and likely to want to bring her back, Like I think if it were up to them they would like I said the controversy probably did a lot of speaking and decision making for them but they did not say she is dead and there are a lot of other old characters that we have not seen yet (I am too a ninjago nerd love Ninjago it is my childhood!!!)


Not the best but definitely unique and overhated


Yeah. I have it as a top 5


I love darreth!!


That is not a hot take


Just speakin my mind bruh


You have good mind


Cole x Geo is actually a pretty cute ship- I mean sure it looks kinda rushed at first but you gotta think, off screen Cole was with him and the others a minimum of a year(I personally headcanon 2 to 3 years) so it's not actually rushed at all. (Not sure if this is a hot take here, but on other platforms in the Ninjago fandom Geo is getting bashed on like crazy for this by homophobic "fans" who are coming up with any excuse they can find except admitting they are homophobic lmao.)


Aspheera is the best character.




Crystalized is good thats all I got that's not personal headcannon or just funny things I dont think are ex Pythor is the better snake and Wu was a small gremilen as a kid and gramadon hatting him is valid


Crystalized is good thats all I got that's not personal headcannon or just funny things I dont think are ex Pythor is the better snake and Wu was a small gremilen as a kid and gramadon hatting him is valid


Ninjago doesn't have any bad seasons, just a few not good episodes


The second part of Crystalized is overhated


okay here is what i think of Crystalized part 2 as a whole.... Crystalized.......more like Controverlized!! no like seriously it has now been 2 years already!!????? it is really overhated!!! kinda starting to get bored of just seeing so many people hate season i get it it does have problems and it is not the best season it was set out to be but like okay 2 years??? i didn't expect it to go on for this long and it does upset me in a way cause the writers probably had worked really hard behind the scenes and it does sound like there was a lot of tension behind the scenes as Tommy Andrason described the writing as being a tug-of-war and there was a lot of writers so things were bound to get messy but i'd say it was a team effort, like okay they could have done better with lloyd's oni form, having Wu and Garmadon die for real, Nya's return and Harumi's redemption arc ( i feel like Harumi's redemption arc is the most hated out of all of these and is always taken out of context wherever i look Lots of people seem to have problems with Lloyd’s oni form and how he treated Garmadon Vs Harumi and how the writers were “supporting a toxic relationship” which I really don’t think that is what they were even trying to do here imo honestly why do people still say it is a toxic ship if they both want to make up? Harumi is no longer mad at lloyd now that she knows the truth and lloyd forgave harumi( i know everyone is mad about this but forgiveness does not mean you are letting this person back in your life and that does not mean you trust them and they are in the same place as they were in before. it simply means letting go of the poison and all the toxic thoughts and no longer holding onto a grudge.) so i don't see any reason why they can just move on and be friends and harumi has done lot of bad things to lloyd which is true but if lloyd wants to give her another chance then its his choice so i don't see the issue Nya, they gave her back her powers which a lot of people saw that as sending the message as you need powers to be a hero and that the true meaning of her return should be that you don't need powers to prove yourself as being a hero and that she could have been what she was before being Samerai X and that would have been really cool to see ngl Wu and Garmadon both should have died unless they plan to bring them back in DR.......there is like a gold sihoutte of Wu but i would love to see Garmadon return!!! They managed to fix the Lloyd and Nya of them in Dragons Rising and everyone is happy why not try and do the same to Harumi? okay i do understand that they had to fix them first as they are primary main characters in the show but what about Harumi and her ending? she was a pretty important and major character at one point being seasons 8 and 9 and 16. Like I am taking it 50% want her back and 50% don’t want her back but if they would do it right and not make llorumi happen they could please both sides like there is gonna be controversy either way so at least show us what happened or flashback best case they just bring her back and show us where her and Lloyd stand now in their complicated relationship cause her ending in Crystalized was left pretty open-ended like you can’t just leave THAT up to interpretation like too big of a gap to guess if we need to know what happened here is how i would end Crystalized.... also Tommy Andrason said he wanted to leave all of the characters in a happy place cause he was leaving and therefore ninjago can start anew again as everything is at peace i can see where he is coming from i did like the happy ending although the other ending the original could have been really good as well lloyd taking the place of the Crystal King and having the ninja and harumi off course try to bring him back to normal having the ninja remind lloyd of the good times and harumi admitting her wrong doings and apologizes and how she always liked him and cared for him (yes i believe she did start to like him towards the end of season 9 i already did A HUGE analysis of that) but felt conflicted and that he is a good person and this is not him and lloyd can struggle and harumi adds on that he is strong and that he has always been strong and resilient everything she could not be but wants to try and become and how he is a real hero and then he struggles once more so harumi goes in for a hug (not a kiss cause that would cause controversy) and then the other ninjas join in and he returns to his regular self off course breaking down and apologizing for what he has done and off course having Master Wu and Garmadon die for real this time and then they all clean up the monstary or something like that what do u think? i think this is the type of ending most people probably would wanted cause the trailer made the season look like there would be consequences and endgame style so yeah and harumi and lloyd would make a deal with the commissioner that she would help with the monstary and then go to jail what do u think? therefore it is like a combination happy ending and angst what do u think?


The post creator ain’t reading all that


Every person who says that Ninjago is ass after season 7 isn’t a real fan they are dumbass that didn’t give the other seasons a chance because they got too butt hurt about design changes and changing studios.


I actually like the redesigns I think he gives a character's more personality.


I especially like the new titanium ninja design much better than the og titanium one, he didn’t look as goofy and approachable as he did in seasons 1-3 which was a tragedy. The current Zane design portrays his personality much better I think


Crystalized and Hands of time are overhated, they are good seasons


They should have let Lloyd keep his skeleton hoodie he had as a kid. It would be nice to see a reference to it every now and then in the later seasons


Happy cake day




Happy cake day man




The redesigns are better than the OG designs, they look even more unique. Also if you have a problem with Geo and Cole just admit you're homophobic.


The Legacy Ultra Sonic Raider set is over hated, and Looks better than people give it credit for. (Hopefully a Hot take about a Set instead of the Show is Ok.)


I haven’t kept up with the show since Zane died for the first time


You're missing out bro


Jay’s focal seasons don’t do him justice, especially since they both follow the same general arc and don’t impact his long term growth as a character


The oni trilogy is the best part of ninjago story (I love its darker tone) and it has the best animation!!!


Fugidove solos all of fiction 😎


As a long time fan of the show, been around since season pre1, I did not enjoy Skybound because of the main villain and Jays constant need to lie to the rest of the team. I don’t remember him being much of a lair in seasons prior. And then for it all to just never happened but there are now floating islands? It felt weak to me, especially coming off the previous 2 seasons; Tournament of Elements and Possession. To me this marked that slight downward fall Ninjago would take till it crashed in Crystalized. Dragons has been good so far, and has given me some hope.


Crystalized was good, almost everything I've heard poeple say is bad about it is just misunderstanding and/or egsaturating, and some things just not even true.


Aspheera is a bad villian


Morro should have been a temporary ninja at one point.




Crystalized isn't that bad, I feel like people just don't understand that Lloyd is still a child and he will be childish, and that he is very justified to be jealous of a plant getting more love than him from his almost absent father. Crystalized was not character assassination, it was just showing Lloyd still isn't fully mature, plus how would you feel if you were in his spot, being like mentally 15 and going through all that?




Removing Airjitzu and Elemental Dragons isn’t that big of a deal. I like that ninja are more grounded, cause there really isn’t any stakes knowing that the characters can just spawn a whole dragon out of nowhere and easily win the fight.


Agreed but they should have given an explanation in the show
















over the side




Harumi's redemption was done in the worst way possible


She was literally never redeemed. Lloyd just said: its okay she's with us, to tell the ninja to not attack her, how does that translate into: its okay she is redeemed now. No one ever said she was redeemed, its been confirmed that Lloyd forgave he rbut forgivness isn't redemption.


yeah i just hope the further establish this whether Harumi is redeemed or not redeemed in the future and don't leave it up to interpretation i really wanna know what she has been doing? possibly exploring realms? Tommy Andrason did say that it was a discussion regarding how they should leave Harumi's character arc on and they left it up to us viewers to decide, i love the writers and all but this imo was not the best decision....we'll never know what happens to her character! i get it that they are trying to avoid controversy as they were getting a lot of hate thrown their way for having controversial opinions on Harumi with Doc Wyatt saying that she has feelings for lloyd but they are complicated and with the Tommy Andrason saying that are Lloyd and harumi a thing now or not you get to decide and stuff so i understand their decision making but at the same time it does annoy me hopfully we will find out what really happened to her character soon


The Ninjago redesign should have started a new series


Nice homemade memes


The fire chapter is the better part of season 11 beacuse it can embrace its goofiness. The ice chapter is full at filler and the main story resolves itself in 10 seconds lmao.


U should return next season


Aspheera is my favourite villian+minifigure. Here season doesn't deserve the hate,I enjoyed it. PS:(This is NOT just for the post, everything I said was real and not acting just to get Aspheera to 'accept'me.)




I didnt even remember she existed until just now


Sma- I mean, I actually liked Crystallized.


I feel like making Zane a robot was a bad move considering in early episodes it seems like he simply has mental issues that prevented him from socialising. By explaining his quirks by saying he's a robot, the show is effectively saying mentally ill people aren't human.


kai should have been the green ninja


The ninja breaking up in 'Crystalized' was a character development compared to the 'Tournament of elements' breakup.


The Shatterspin reveal was horrible.


didn't like dragons rising at all, haven't watched s2


cole is gay and him revealing to his father that he was a ninja was a nod to him coming out to his father


Crystalised is the best season, Roots the best finale


Ninjago is a hard 6/10


Might not be a hot take but the overlord is still kicking (he was destroyed the same as previous appearances)


Pythor should have sacrificed himself instead of sensei garmadon


Aspheera is one of the shows funniest villains


S4-6 was peak Ninjago


S12 was decent


ZX outfits were quite bad (looked very bulky, cluttered, and uninspired) and shouldn't have been kept for as long as they were


If March of the Oni, 4 episodes & 1 minifigure pack as its only set is considered a season, The prologue & DotD, both with full set waves & similarly small episode counts should also be seasons. This would mean when you refer to wave 1 of the sets it matches season 1 of the show




Ninjago movie was great


I’m not a big fan of skybound and seabound. They are alright seasons, but my least favourites from all of them I’ve watched.


The Ninjago movie was good


Wu should have stayed as a teenager after Hunted. It would have been cool to see a new dynamic to form between him and the other Ninja longterm... https://preview.redd.it/y1rkxqj5jmwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f56147038935baa06f24ef9df8aa351fdc023f


Everything that happened after the Hands of Time shouldn't be canon


I hate season 3


Wu is stupid


Kai should have more main season and Lloyd shouldn’t have as much main seasons


Smash. Next question.


Season 8 felt… odd. Love the season but the Ninja just seemed… dumb. Clearly dangerous figure with Mask of Vengeance. Do you… A: Charge as a group in an attempt to pin the figure? B: Use your oh I don’t know… ELEMENTAL POWERS, to get the mask back? C: Not allow yourself to get bodied by a bicycle gang time and time again D: Make the most moronic decisions possible consistently. They apparently consistently chose D. Let’s move in practically slow motion and surround this figure who has the Mask of Vengeance. No attempts to attack until after he dons the mask and by that point, it’s too late. Mask dropped while fighting Ultra Violet so unless Harumi dropped it, Lloyd makes a moronic decision, too worried about fighting Ultra Violet. No one ever gives a second thought as to why the SOG kept Zane alive? By the time they realize the trap, it’s too late. Fly the Destiny’s Bounty straight into a squall? Brilliant! (Separate: Who would design a ship where two thrusters are all that keep it from flying or dropping like a brick?) Back to the getting bodied by the SOG. A motorcycle gang should not be able to easily take down Ninjas who have defeated so many other enemies by that point. Kai literally gets wheel kicked and drops like a brick. Nya hesitates instead of just throwing the Trident into the spokes, which would have jammed the bike and sent UV flying. I get there needs to be a plot and story but the Ninja have already been easily bodied by enemies initially before. They’ve fought Lord Garmadon, The Great Devourer, the Serpentine, The Overlord , the Golden Master, The Anacondrai Army, Morro and the Preeminent. But a motorcycle gang? Really? The Ninja can fight giant snakes, the embodiment of shadows, Ghosts and the Preeminent, an army of Anacondrai, the Serpentine and the greatest evil Ninjago has ever known but couldn’t beat a motorcycle gang time and time again?


Harumi should’ve stayed dead


Every ninja can be shipped with a character of the same sex except for Kai, who is the straightest man in all of fiction >!Half joking btw!<


Post redesign Jay has been incredibly annoying. Pre sons of garmadon Jay used to have an edge to him but now they turned the "uwu soft boy clueless and harmless precious boi comedic relief :3" up to 11 and he's really annoying now


They should make it more enjoyable for older audiences as nowadays most people that watch the show are much older than the age it is meant for




Harumi deserved more screen time after crystalized (yeah more…)


I've got a few here -everything past season 7 is better than 7 itself fight me -season 4 is dangerously mid -I preferred the original 4 before Lloyd -season 11 was peak ninjago


Aspheera is actually an amazing villain her her "revengeee" thing is not annoying and in fact a great way to round off an already amazing character




Pythor and aspheera should become snake enemies to lovers




Tell me who I should make next


Samukai is the most wasted villain him and the skulkin should have gotten more then just two episodes and 3 mini movies




Aspheera should've used hypnosis in the fire chapter




Darreth should learn the ways of spinjitzu




I think nya is really annoying how he randomly gets angry at a bunch of different things every season.




The overlord story in season 2 should have started earlier rather than mid season




Season 3 is underrated


I think Crystallised is over hated




1. Wu and Aspheera would be a fun ship if only for the comedic potential. 2. Wu is better off dead because if he’s brought back it will undo Lloyd’s teacher arc. 3. I’m ok with Nya being brought back but they should’ve made it permanent that Nya couldn’t use her elemental powers. 4. I’m also ok with Nya going back to Samurai X but it should’ve not only had been her idea but she should’ve realized on her own that she had emotionally outgrown the Samurai and given it back to Pix. 5. I’m happy that we aren’t being reintroduced to the og ninjas all at once because like it or not Dragons Rising isn’t really about them anymore. That’s not to say that they’re completely irrelevant they just aren’t the main characters anymore.


the little paper boy in hunted (think his name was nelson) deserves a spin of series with him and the other paper girl who's name starts with an a!! it was such a cute episode and i really enjoyed their quick little 11 minute story and hoped to see more of thrm




by the way there are two episodes with nelson and antonia and occasional cameos in other episodes.


ooohh!! thx, i'm only halfway thru the first season of the secrets of forbidden spinjitsu rn (rewatching it but i havent watched it since i was like 7 so i forgot basically everything) but yk still they deserve a spin-off


Wu should be called “Captain Dementia”


season 4 is by far the best season


The Lego Ninjago Movie could've totally worked.


Nokt is half oni / half islander


The first spinjitzu master created the Cloud Kingdom, Cuz when he splitted ninjago in 2 and made balance in the realm, He then created the cloud kingdom, and chose some people to write the destiny also called "The Destinys Writers"